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Author Topic: Face Palm moments you had in Dwarf Fortress  (Read 2142386 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8460 on: April 10, 2014, 06:38:30 am »

Was going to embark in a taiga, on a volcano with 2 small peaks adjacent, with an aquifer and sand + tetrahedrite visible on the surface, right next to a goblin fortress, I'm talking literally the next tile over, and with a second dark fortress in the same 16x16 area...

But while I was swapping tilesets with LNP, it apparently set INITIAL_SAVE to YES, so I would've had to use my "I'm just going to have a look" embark (kudos to them for classic dwarven parking on the rim, though), or an abandoned wagon reclaim. The tileset-swapping had also undone some of my raw mods, so I ended up deleting the world. The Fun I could've had...

And then I realized I could have grabbed the worldgen parameters+seed and remade the world with the raw mods and all. *facepalm*

Are civ site locations/the history in general always identical with the same seed? Or do the battle outcomes etc. vary, and thus possibly other stuff too?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8461 on: April 10, 2014, 07:11:13 pm »

I tried to build a drowning chamber that drains back into the sea in an area where the sea freezes in winter.

I ended up flooding the lower part of the beach

Cerol Lenslens

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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8462 on: April 10, 2014, 07:26:41 pm »

So I finally gave up on my previous fort due to it crashing. Something involving having memory problems with stealthed goblins or something, I suspect.

Time to start a new fort!

Hey, this spot looks nice! Temperate climate, a freshwater lake for emergency water, some mountains for stone, some forests for wood...

A section of the cavern has collapsed? That sounds ominous. Well, lets go back up to the map... Is that ice? Guess winter lasts late here. Oh dammit! The dwarves parked their wagon on the lake, three squares away from a small peninsula that is the only path up the forbidding cliff next to them! Okay, so I'll have to demolish the wagon and set up stockpiles. I can do this. I'll just set it up while paused, and hope my dwarves can get enough done before the Spring thaw hits.

All right, that should work! Now, *unpause!*

Ha ha, you of course know exactly where this is going...

.001 seconds later, three founders are dead, (two started on land, and two were decent swimmers.) my pick and axe are underwater, as are all my supplies and building materials, all the vegetation is on the other side of the lake where no dwarves can reach it, and there is absolutely no way I can think of to salvage this situation.

Oh, what a difference three squares makes!
"I've got a plan, hear me out on this one... I want to almost murder you."
"Boy, sure wish as Queen of the entire realm I had somebody to help me out with this. Advisor, tutor, anyone who knows what the hell they're looking at really.

Alas, the life of a Queen is a lonely one. Do the things with the whatsit."


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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8463 on: April 10, 2014, 08:41:41 pm »

I was having trouble with my pitting operations.  My cage traps have been enormously successful, often causing two or three squads to halt short of my gates during a siege.  Except... nobody was taking the filled cages to my stockpile so that I could pit them.  Check stockpile configuration: Fine.  Check cage surplus: Fine.  Bang on configs, throw up hands and come back after the next siege to repeat... for about 4 sieges this goes on, filled cages standing on top of primed cage traps, creating mini-quantum stockpiles of caged foes...

Later I found out, if you assign wheelbarrows to a stockpile, only as many dwarves will carry goods to/from it as you have wheelbarrows assigned.  And my pit-stockpile had 1 wheelbarrow assigned.  *facepalm*  Somewhere, a single dwarf had been moving cages, so slowly I hadn't even noticed.


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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8464 on: April 10, 2014, 11:48:35 pm »

Learning the basics of modding on a fort-in-progress. Spent about 45 minutes trying to figure out why the bullets would just pass right through their target Changed everything I could think of, including giving them identical parameters to a normal crossbow bolt. Watched one of my test dwarves run up to his target after running out of ammo, where his rifle butts "passed right through".

Turns out I forgot to define what material the bullets and rifles were made of. So they technically didn't exist. *facepalm*


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8465 on: April 11, 2014, 02:36:21 am »

So I finally gave up on my previous fort due to it crashing. Something involving having memory problems with stealthed goblins or something, I suspect.

Time to start a new fort!

Hey, this spot looks nice! Temperate climate, a freshwater lake for emergency water, some mountains for stone, some forests for wood...

A section of the cavern has collapsed? That sounds ominous. Well, lets go back up to the map... Is that ice? Guess winter lasts late here. Oh dammit! The dwarves parked their wagon on the lake, three squares away from a small peninsula that is the only path up the forbidding cliff next to them! Okay, so I'll have to demolish the wagon and set up stockpiles. I can do this. I'll just set it up while paused, and hope my dwarves can get enough done before the Spring thaw hits.

All right, that should work! Now, *unpause!*

Ha ha, you of course know exactly where this is going...

.001 seconds later, three founders are dead, (two started on land, and two were decent swimmers.) my pick and axe are underwater, as are all my supplies and building materials, all the vegetation is on the other side of the lake where no dwarves can reach it, and there is absolutely no way I can think of to salvage this situation.

Oh, what a difference three squares makes!

Are you using Masterwork? There's an issue with the newest version not disabling digging invaders properly which can lead to crashing. It's easy to fix by removing/disabling all the digginginvader stuff in the dfhack setup.

I've had similar situations where my dwarves embark on ice, leading to a  scramble to get everything important to safety before it thaws. Sometimes it works, though it tends to lead to at least one dwarf drowning.

Cerol Lenslens

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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8466 on: April 11, 2014, 01:25:57 pm »

Are you using Masterwork? There's an issue with the newest version not disabling digging invaders properly which can lead to crashing. It's easy to fix by removing/disabling all the digginginvader stuff in the dfhack setup.

Nope, this is just Vanilla DF.

I ended up reclaiming that fort. The new group put their wagon right at the top of the slope, which was nice. Looking around the map, I noticed that the rivers feeding into the lake were still frozen, but didn't think anything of it until I noticed my fisherdwarf was hunting for vermin. He'd managed to run over the ice onto a tiny triangular piece of land, start fishing, and the ice thawed behind him. I had to erect an emergency bridge to rescue him.

Furthermore, I've lost two more dwarves to insta-thaw drowning since then: Because the lake thaws instantly when Spring hits, I get absolutely no warning that I can use to pull my dwarves into burrows to get them off the ice. This fort's going to be interesting...
"I've got a plan, hear me out on this one... I want to almost murder you."
"Boy, sure wish as Queen of the entire realm I had somebody to help me out with this. Advisor, tutor, anyone who knows what the hell they're looking at really.

Alas, the life of a Queen is a lonely one. Do the things with the whatsit."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8467 on: April 12, 2014, 12:13:21 am »

I heard about taming Giant Cave Spiders, so I tried doing it without refreshing my knowledge from the wikia. It ended with a GCS rampaging through my dinning hall. At the time I thought it would actually be tamed when I released it from the cage. Apparently spiders are not grateful creatures.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8468 on: April 12, 2014, 01:44:49 am »

I've got one face palm moment from my recent adventurer.

So,I started a brand adventurer, killed a few things mostly biting off their legs and stuff, until night came. And since I knew Bogeymen at this point would murder me, I surrounded myself with 8 campfires.

I couldn't wait the night out since they were just sitting and waiting, so I decided to throw my stuff to the ground so I could train while waiting... until...

You are melting!

Oh crap...

One adventurer well done come this way!
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8469 on: April 12, 2014, 05:04:34 am »

I've got one face palm moment from my recent adventurer.

So,I started a brand adventurer, killed a few things mostly biting off their legs and stuff, until night came. And since I knew Bogeymen at this point would murder me, I surrounded myself with 8 campfires.

I couldn't wait the night out since they were just sitting and waiting, so I decided to throw my stuff to the ground so I could train while waiting... until...

You are melting!

Oh crap...

One adventurer well done come this way!
Are campfires even hot enough to burn dwarves in adjacent tiles? Might've lit a brush fire by mistake.
Reading his name would trigger it. Thinking of him would trigger it. No other circumstances would trigger it- it was strictly related to the concept of Bill Clinton entering the conscious mind.

THE xTROLL FUR SOCKx RUSE WAS A........... DISTACTION        the carp HAVE the wagon

A wizard has turned you into a wagon. This was inevitable (Y/y)?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8470 on: April 12, 2014, 07:54:52 am »

I've got one face palm moment from my recent adventurer.

So,I started a brand adventurer, killed a few things mostly biting off their legs and stuff, until night came. And since I knew Bogeymen at this point would murder me, I surrounded myself with 8 campfires.

I couldn't wait the night out since they were just sitting and waiting, so I decided to throw my stuff to the ground so I could train while waiting... until...

You are melting!

Oh crap...

One adventurer well done come this way!
Are campfires even hot enough to burn dwarves in adjacent tiles? Might've lit a brush fire by mistake.

I'm not sure. I might've burned a tree or something... I don't remember now. It was weird...

I so hoped I would melt off the fat and survive it... but well, Armok decided otherwise.
"Ha-ha-halt in the name of the Obeisant Vegetation!  Okay, Princess, you can speak to the Necromancer now."
"A-anou, Necromancer-san, could...  C-Could I have your autograph?"
If you imagine an 8-bit Hinata with elf ears, it gets even more ridiculous ^_^


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8471 on: April 12, 2014, 02:08:18 pm »

A migrant wave arrived along with a pet bunny.

It is gigantic and muscular.

This is a masterful engraving of a bunny. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quailty.


I got two artifacts: a gold corkscrew named The Glittery Air (fairies! Pixies! Wood sprites! Stupid elven collaborators...) and Pantherdrowns the Dank Chances, a siltstone figurine. Of dorfs. Founding the site. Which includes The Glittery Air.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2014, 05:51:40 pm by Tawarochir »
I don't use Bay12 much anymore. PM me if you need to get in touch with me and I'll send you my Discord handle.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8472 on: April 14, 2014, 02:56:33 am »

Decided to do a no-guide attempt at creating a surface dwarf settlement.  Just rely on everything I've learned in the past and hope that I remember it right.

It started off well enough, I guess.  Nobody's died or gotten injured, though one dwarf got unhappy.  I only took one battle axe with me, though, which you'll see was a bad decision soon.

Woodcutter was cutting wood, and I was using Therapist to enable a lot of different jobs so I could get things done without idlers.

At one point, a bunch of rhesus-something birds (the name slips my mind, like names tend to do with me) raided my camp as I was building around the dismantled wagon and took off with a few things.  Annoying, but I didn't notice anything important.

Cut to a few immigrations later, and a fey mood child demanding rock blocks (which I have been steadily producing) and wood (which I don't HAVE) and I'm stumped as to why no one will go out and cut wood.  So I check my stocks...

The copper battle axe that I started with is no longer there.  I have no more logs, so I can't make charcoal to make coke, which means I can't operate the forge, which means that I can't get any wood.

The only thing I can think of is the woodcutter set the axe down and a bird stole it.

Which means we're going to have a berserk child and angry parents.

Sigh.  Perhaps I should just go ahead and make that coffin....


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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8473 on: April 14, 2014, 03:58:38 am »

If you can get wood by dismantling something then you can produce a wooden trainingsaxe.
The Woondcutter can work with that as well.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Face Palm moments you had
« Reply #8474 on: April 14, 2014, 04:48:32 am »

At one point, a bunch of rhesus-something birds (the name slips my mind, like names tend to do with me)...
If they were rhesus macaques, those are monkeys not birds. (*Face Palm* or whatever.)
Reading his name would trigger it. Thinking of him would trigger it. No other circumstances would trigger it- it was strictly related to the concept of Bill Clinton entering the conscious mind.

THE xTROLL FUR SOCKx RUSE WAS A........... DISTACTION        the carp HAVE the wagon

A wizard has turned you into a wagon. This was inevitable (Y/y)?
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