After many hours of fun and weregecko hunting my adventurer met his end. I was swimming happily through a small river scaring hippos and milkfish left and right when suddenly i started drowning. Not knowing the cause i panicked, and tried to get out of the river on the north side. Somehow i couldn't, so i headed for the other side. I still couldn't get out. Then i headed back north, and i did a few laps before i finally found out that i was under a bridge(#1). Sadly i was already dead then.
After this i went to sleep, and woke up with a cool fortress idea, so i embarked and started playing. Everything was fun, and in the second wave a high master armorsmith came to the fort, so i was happy. Then with the second spring came Urist Whatshisname a weregecko child. As a firm believer of Murphy's law, I instantly zoomed to my precious armormaker. He was fine, drinking from a keg in the still.
Relieved, i unpaused the game. The weregecko child was attacking Urist McWaxWorker, so all was fine.
Fast-forwarding a year, the third spring had a similar surprise. Umci ChanneledForest the Coastal Danger has come, and where is my Armorer? Right next to her. Damn I knew it.
I couldn't do anything to save him, but pray. Umci mauled her, tore off one of her leg, broke his arms, then left.
As i was sitting there, watching my CMD carrying my dieing armormaker to the hospital, i had a strange feeling. Somehow Umci the weregecko was familiar to me. Then I remembered. She was the night creature my late adventurer was heading for. And her lair was across the continent(#2).
Cutting short the story, McArmorsmith was patched up, then turned into a were gecko, her clothes teleported outside of her room, she got miserable, then after six therapy sessions with Expedition Leader she went berserk, and her life ended with a pick to the brain...
After this everyone became unhappy. My Expedition Leader got shouted at so many times she went melancholy(#3).