Pure awesome.
I've seen better.
11 week story cut as short as I can:
(After-typing-note, oh god, needs a spoiler tag)
Our bestest ever GM decided to run the most epic game he could think of in the most epic way possible with the most epic storyline giving out epic amounts of EXP. You can see where this is going.
He ran Scion (the RPG where "you're the son/daughter of a god!" game). He ran Scion
Hero to God in 11 weeks. Scion: Hero has
a whole source book that can be used to run a 2 year campaign before the party gets enough exp saved up to advance to Demigod (followed by another source book and 2 years before reach God, which has
yet another sourcebook).
This game had the best NPC ever, known only as The Bird. The Bird was Dan's familiar. Dan, being the strait arrow player playing a Strait Arrow PC the bird was the most fowl-mouthed, drunken, drugg'd, sleeping-around character ever. His moral character was so twisted The Bird's arrow tied itself in knots. He once made a portal (to Ireland) in a puddle of hobo urine. He was once found eating a steak with a fork and a knife (The Bird, by the way, is a non-anthropomorphic raven)
Jim also created a pantheon for Christianity (made it work too!), of which I'll describe little, but just know that it exists because it's important later, though it's not canon.
Andrew's character was assumed to be the son of God (er, one of the god-aspects that forms the Christian pantheon). Everyone else was all from different pantheons, Joe from the Loa (voodoo gods, Joe's character was specifically the son of Baron Samedi), Dave from the Egypians, etc.
Things finally start coming to a head, the Titans (the game took the idea from the Greek's idea of Titan and expanded it) are destroying the world (all the player's fault for being gods and not following the rules n' such, yay plot!) and so the players visit the Fates (those three witches with 1 eye who weave the lifethreads and stuff). For their admittance and the help that they get from the fates (how to rewrite this really bad "oath of godhood" thing that really just bones them: can't interfere in mortal affairs at all? no, I don't agree!) each PC has to sacrifice something.
The price is high. Dan gave up his knowledge. This catgirl NPC (who'd previously broken several gease) lost her memory of everything since she joined the group (notable, because the group fixed at least one personality problem she had). One PC who was very violent had to give up his unthinking rage (notable because he was a barbarian-ish guy--he could still get angry and get all his bonuses, but he needed to have a reason).
Andrew gave up his secret.
AH HA! I'm the son of Loki, the trickster god! Oh, by the way, here's Loki himself. Loki pops out, kills the fates, and starts the apocalypse.
By the way, the entire universe was destroyed in the final battle. A lot of Ultimate Manifestations came out and duked it out against other Ultimate Manifestations. At one point I think Dave managed to write God (i.e. the Christian diety that thought of himself as the creator) out of existence (God was a Titan, by rights, but also held the position of god, Dave wrote into the rules set down by God himself that "No titan may be a god" because he could do that, though I never did figure out when this happened in the series of events--I was only around for about half of every session).
Then two UM clash and destroy the universe, but all is not lost.
Dan's Ultimate Manipulation unfolds (he handed Jim a slip of paper at the beginning of the session). It reads, "If my friends destroy the universe, I want to be the first one back when it restarts."
Someone else uses the UM of The Way ("I am immune to the need to travel, I just go places") and takes the rest of the PCs to "a safe place" along with a good portion of NPCs, or something, and then takes them back to the restarted universe (arriving after Dan of course).
Dan claims himself the creator, the PCs take the oath of Godhood--in its rewritten form--defeat the titans, etc. etc. the PCs form their own pantheon and have a portion of the heavens (the place that gods reside, I forget what Scion called it) set aside for them (and the description of that place was pretty cool).
Quick and dirty recap that misses most of the epicness:
Basically one of the PCs betrays the party, initiates the appocalypse, they destroy the Universe, one PC had the foresight to
prepare for such an event and became the Creator. The game ended with the PCs forming their own pantheon.