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Author Topic: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}  (Read 1566 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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After the most recent orders from the top of the mountain, dwarves were becoming restless.  The mining draft was a constant fear for most families as nobody wanted to lose a son or husband to go work in the adamantine mines only to be lost to the fell inhabitants of the glowing pits that guarded the mines.

The King, kindly put, was mad.  Not so kindly, he was a nutcase who wished nothing more than to expand his wealth, no matter the cost, the lives of his miners or the lives of his strongest warriors.  No dwarf had any idea why someone would be willing to sacrifice so many lives to such evil creatures as those in the glowing pits, but many rumors began to circulate.  The King was in cahoots with the demons, setting them free and taking their treasure as payment.  The King was a shape shifting demon bent on destroying dwarf-kind.  Whatever the Mad King's cause was, 7 dwarves decided they had had enough of this.

"I don't understand at all.  Why would any dwarf, king or not, send hundreds of his own kin to their deaths.  He's mined out so many mountains, you would have to think the King's throne room would be completely made of adamantine.  Dumat was a lowly farmer who had lost most of his brothers to the draft.  He had only come to the meeting because he wanted to avoid the demon pits he knew would be in his future.  He was considered a very cautious dwarf, though he was outspoken against many of the traditions his dwarven forefathers had put down, stone loving, metal loving, magma loving, those sorts of things.  He had very little preference for stone, and wasn't opposed to leaving his small room under the Mountainhome.

"Aye, 'tis true.  The king is mad, and we all wish rid of him.  Little we can do though, his guards patrol his quarters like worms on a corpse."  Endok was a, how shall I put this...  dull woman.  She wasn't renowned for her intelligence, though her instincts often saved her life while she fished the dark rivers under the mountain home.  She had a strong figure and could easily kill both of the men in the room, even without the help of the other three women.  She had little reason for being here other than she wanted some change in her scenery.  And maybe she was sick of fending off olmmen. 

"Oh, rubbish Endok.  We can do all sorts of things.  We could gather ourselves some kobold hides, sneak into the kings lair and hold him ransom.  That'd certainly make him change his mind about the draft."  Zuglar.  Her imagination had almost gotten her killed many times as a child, as pretending to have wine with crocodiles and such didn't end well most of the time. 

"Oh, rubbish yourself Zuglar.  You always come up with silly plans.  We just need to get out of this hole.  Find someplace else.  Away from the rest of the dwarves, to make our own mountainhome." Atir was the dwarf who saved Zuglar most of the time after her silly forays into bar tending for river creatures.  He loved helping others and many people thought he would be the most willing to lead an expedition away from the mountain home of the Umbral Ring.  They were right.  Fate though had different plans.

The iron door that the dwarves had hoped would keep them concealed or at least keep their discussion away from the eavesdropping rirestriths creaked open and spooked every dwarf in the room from his seat.  The door creaked open and an eye peeked in. 

Captain Uristtost knew he had come to the right place.  Six dwarves sitting around a marble table.  This was where he needed to be.  Time to make an appearance.
Wish a rush of dank air, the door flew open, nearly off it's hinges, and revealed an armor clad dwarf.  On his back was his spear and his shield.  He was a veteran of many mine 'reclaim' groups, even though all that was reclaimed was demon bones, ash, and adamantine.  Captain Uristtost had grown weary of the fighting though, and decided he would be better suited defending merchants, and so for a decade his name became associated with safe travel instead of bloodshed and death.  Still not enough of a repentance for him, he decided that, using knowledge he had gathered from many of his rirestrith friends, he would attend this meeting and lead these dwarves to a new home, and if everything went well, maybe settle there himself.

Uristtost's was a face that every dwarf in the mountain knew.  His long black beard and bald scalp were his defining features.  Even still, Uristtost was taken aback by the odd looks he was accosted with.

“Who invited a military officer?” exclaimed Tun, much to the surprise of the rest of the dwarves at the table.  Tun was quiet, reserved and quiet.  So quiet, no dwarf could really say much of her, except of her beauty.

“Well, my deary, I invited myself.  I wish you all no harm.  I would like to join you,” announced Uristtost.

All six sitting dwarves' mouths dropped.  A captain, no, a legendary stalwart of the dwarven military, was willing to join the group.  Every dwarf's allegiance in the room, except Atir's, suddenly shifted to their new found leader.

“Then it must be agreed.  We set off for northern forests in three days.”  The last of the six at the table, Dodok, a humble pick maker, announced the final decision of the group.  Before the sudden arrival of Uristtost, much of the matter about where the dwarves would be going to settle had already been decided.  So few of the dwarves liked their culture's customs it was decided they would fore go much underground construction in lieu of much less permanent, above ground homes.  To get a good enough start on the wood cutting, they had decided they would need to arrive by early spring, a mere two months into the future.

Alrighty, this will be set up similarly to Ulogeshud, only new dwarves are descendants of the original seven.  I'll be using companion a lot, so if some events seem unreasonable, that's why, though there will be very little save-scumming.  You die, I fit it into the story, and we move on.  Kids that will be up for grabs should be appearing in the next few posts.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2008, 10:10:51 pm by Taritus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2008, 08:04:52 pm »

Well I'll request a Dwarf
Proffesion: Metalsmith or axedwarf (just depending on your preference

Ty and great intro writing  ;D


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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2008, 09:27:28 pm »

Thanks.  I thought it seemed rather boring as I was writing it, but I was trying to describe the characters without the cliche of just posting screen caps of their bios straight from DF.


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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2008, 10:23:15 pm »

Well, here's the next update.  Really just more intro.  Sorry.  Still thinking how I want to set up the fort.

The dwarves departed under the cover of night, hoping that they're wagon wouldn't be noticed as their pack beasts dragged it along the rough mountain road.  The women rode in the wagon with the supplies and slept for the night.  The men, however, sat at the edge of the wagon and forced the camel and muskox forward, forcing themselves to stay awake so they could keep on course.

The entire time Atir kept a watchful eye on the captain.  He didn't like him, nor did he like his beard.

The trip was long and grueling, but yet the dwarves never complained.  They knew wherever they were going would be a much better place to raise a family, whoever that family may end up being.  The trip sparked some romance between Atir and Zuglar, yet still all four ladies bickered over who would end up with Uristtost.  Things like these furthered Atir's disdain toward the captain, yet Atir refused to develop a grudge against someone he would probably spend the rest of his life around.

“Atir, I know.  You don't like your little lady talking about me the way she does.  Neither do I.  I don't want to stand in the way of your love.  Would you like me to say something to her so you don't have to?”  The Captain really was a kind hearted man.  His life was tough and he greatly wished to change his past by helping the future.  “She's a bit too dainty for me any ways.”

“Captain, thank you.  I know I've been rather stand offish with you lately.  I do get jealous.  I really love her,” whispered Atir, hoping nobody would hear.

“Aye lad, most of us know.  No need to whisper.  Hell, once we get things settled down, I'd be perfectly willing to marry you both.  I may as well make use of the kings gifts.”

“Oh, but I don't think that's necessary.  We're a free people now.  The old traditions hold no sway over us now.”

“But what of the gods?  Her and I, we both revere Stettad Ralorsram.  It would be good for us if he were to see a wedding in his honor.  He may spread his blessings of wealth upon you, unless he already has, young Atir.  Has he?”

“In what way would I be wealthy captain?  I'm a poor engineer from the lowest class in the old society.  How does that constitute wealthy?”

“Ho ho, my boy, wealth isn't always measured in how much gold you have.  Most people don't really understand how wealthy they are.  You have a beautiful lover, a group of friends who would stand by you no matter what, and you have a new life, away from the tyrant of the Mad King.  You are a very wealthy man indeed.”

“I guess I am, Captain Uristtost.  Thank you for your wisdom.”

“Oh, you ought to start calling me by my first name, we're  friends now.”

“Well, alright then, Unib.”  Alright then indeed.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #4 on: November 30, 2008, 01:34:30 pm »

*sigh*  No replies yet?

“We're here.  At last, some place to start growing something good to eat instead of all those silly biscuits,” exclaimed Dumat.

“Not so fast.  We need to get everything unpacked first.  Atir will need to start digging into the hill over there anyways before you can start planting, unless your plump helmets like the light,” returned Unib.

“I guess you're right...”

And so, the first settlers of Irbom, the New Home, arrived.  The first few constructions would involve everyone, as building a dorm for the seven dwarves and their animals took priority over everything.  Fishing and farming could be stalled, if only momentarily, so haste was needed.  Keeping away from the gibbons would only be an added bonus.

After a long month three months of construction, the settlers dozed off into their long dwarven slumbers.  They awoke to a terrible sight.  Elephants.  A giant tiger too, but elephants were the more pressing threat.  The legend of Boatmurdered originated somewhere in a kingdom far to the west of where the Umbral Ring resided, though the tale had traveled distances.  The elephants were demons in their own like, different from those of the pits, yet just as deadly.  Their appearance frightened the settlers into working faster in an attempt to wall their new home off from the deadly beasts of the jungle.  The predators' numbers almost matched those of the settlers, but their size made them far stronger.

Atir began to mine a much larger area, attempting to gather more stone for the construction of a wall.  His efforts payed off greatly for the group, allowing them to complete the wall even before any elephant neared their settlement. 

The farms were mined out immediately after the original hassle with the elephants and work on setting up stockpiles began.  Within a week most things had been moved to the caves where their stockpiles were to be.

Summer came and went, and after the elephants were first sighted they quickly retreated into the depths of the jungle.  Autumn came, and with it, like the summer came the elephants again, though more surprises awaited the dwarves at Irbom.

Well, that's the current situation.  The more surprised will be revealed shortly.  Wonder if I'll get some more attention with some screen caps...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #5 on: November 30, 2008, 01:46:33 pm »

The main reason no one posted is *gasp* everything til that last post was filler. Filler is ucky, ucky stuff.
I picked up the stone and carved my name into the wind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2008, 01:53:33 pm »

Eh, good point.  Still kinda needed it for a background on what all is goin' on with the fortress and why it exists.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2008, 03:50:12 pm »

This sounds like an interesting tale. I'll take a dwarf



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2008, 04:23:23 am »

The main reason no one posted is *gasp* everything til that last post was filler. Filler is ucky, ucky stuff.
That's not FILLER. It's solid backstory and character introduction, which is kind of important for the storytelling side of the ... story, yeah. Anyway, it looks promising so far far! :)

I'll request a dwarf, if you don't mind: Garrak, a hunter / woodcutter (either or both).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2008, 04:36:23 am »

The main reason no one posted is *gasp* everything til that last post was filler. Filler is ucky, ucky stuff.
The main reason no one posted is *gasp* everything til that last post was filler. Filler is ucky, ucky stuff.
The main reason no one posted is *gasp* everything til that last post was filler. Filler is ucky, ucky stuff.
That's not FILLER. It's solid backstory and character introduction, which is kind of important for the storytelling side of the ... story, yeah. Anyway, it looks promising so far far! :)

seconded  ;D


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2008, 11:24:58 am »

Oh, hey, Flintus, you're also going to be an adult right off the bat, no growing up.  I'll tell you you're thanks to Dwarf Companio, but exactly what beyond that you'll have to wait for the next update to find out.

Balor Kartain

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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2008, 01:44:27 pm »

I wouldent mind taking a dwarf as well, Doesnt matter what his profession is right now, but I would like the dwarf groomed into a weapons master (training each weapon to legendary)
Name him Kartain


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2008, 02:35:50 pm »

Alrighty!  Got the update done.  Kinda iffy about it.  Flint, since he was 'claimed' via Dwarf Companion from a caravan, lacks a deity, any relations, and was a girl.  So he's wearing a dress.  But he had an axe, and that was all that mattered.

A caravan.  Not just any caravan.  A dwarven caravan.  They were a small merchant company that was, at the time they arrived at Irbom, trying to find new places to get some of their products from, mainly leathers and webs, but during their return trip to their trading outpost stumbled upon this dwarven group, just setting up a town of their own.

Atir approached their leader, a dwarf who wished to not give his name, especially after hearing what the party was doing so far away from the Umbral Ring.  Being a traitor was terrible, but helping a traitor wasn't much better and so he decided it was best he not give out too much information.

The traders brought much of what the small group of seven needed, some metal bars, plump helmets, the like, though without a trade depot, no exchanges were made.  Even though, Irbom still gained something.

Flint, as he wished to be called, Adilkastar was a dwarf who never really felt at home in a mountain, and so he took up guarding caravans.  He had heard stories of Captain Uristtost and revered him as a god.  Flint never grew up around a strongly religious group of dwarves, and so Uristtost was his patron deity.  When he came to Irbom with his caravan he was ecstatic about getting to meet the great captain.

The caravan leader decided that since they were on an already explored and uninhabited stretch of their trip, they would allow Flint to go, though since he was leaving he would only be able to take what he carried, his axe.

“Welcome, my fellow warrior,” exclaimed Unib when Flint annouced he would be staying with them.  “We are greatly pleased you have decided to join us, your presence is a grand one indeed.  Our numbers are small, and we need as much help as we can to keep ourselves out of the great, gray skinned beasts mouths.”
“Thank you, Captain,” replied Flint.

“Oh, no need.  It is us who should be thanking you.  In addition, I am Unib to you.”

“Yes Captain Unib.”

“None of the 'Captain' stuff either!”

Flint was immediately sent to work gathering wood, as it was more precious than anything to the new fortress.  Beds would be needed, and tables and chairs too.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2008, 02:39:57 pm by Taritus »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Irbom, To Start Anew (Community Fortress) {WARNING:HIDDEN FUN STUFF}
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2008, 09:32:47 pm »

Boom.  Another update.  Expect fewer updates now that Thanksgiving break is over and I'm heading back to school tomorrow.  Also, you'll notice a reference to Taenite in this update.  It's a mineral that only comes from relatively high-nickel meteors and I decided that I may as well mod it in, along with the cliched meteor steel.  Also, I modded Fire Imps to be trainable, so whenever I do strike the volcano, I'm going to try and nab me a few of them.  Elephants better watch themselves.

With the homes completed, except for Flint's, who had opted for an underground dwelling, Atir began work on some new stockpiles, namely for trade goods for the caravan.  After a short while he struck what seemed like a rock in what should be soft soil.

“Oh, what have we here?” he wondered.  He called Dodok over to examine the lump of ore he had stumbled upon.

“Taenite.  I've only read about the stuff.  Never knew we would strike some here, but we must be near what was an impact crater.  Taenite's a nickel-iron alloy, and I've heard that if you make steel with it, it will have some interesting properties,” Dodok recalled.  While she lived in the Undermountain, she had been apprenticed to one of the best smiths in the entire Umbral Ring and had access to all of his library, which was filled with books on metals and their uses, properties and the like.

“So, you're saying there may be more of it?”

“Doubtful, but we may find some every so often.  Don't expect to get much out of it though.  It takes a lot of effort to make it into steel, even more effort to make it right,” Dodok cautioned, hoping she wouldn't be forced to make any weapons out of it.  She hated war and that was all she believed weapons were good for.

Flint loved animals, simply put.  The four dogs the settlers had brought along were very playful and loved him too. 

During the winter, when some Tigermen had appeared on the edge of Irbom's territory, Endok and Tun had become worried.  They worked outside the walls catching fish and hostile beasts in the area were not welcome.  Endok could fight like any of the men, except maybe Captain Uristtost, but somethings were just above her, so she commisioned Tun to try and convince the new guy, Flint, or whatever he was called, to try and train some of those dogs he loved so much.

“Flint?”  Tun called.

“Oh stop licking me, I know you love me. I'm over hear! ” Flint called from the underside of a dog pile.

Tun raced over to the pile of dogs and a dwarf and waited for Flint to stand up.

“Flint, Endok and I would like to ask you a favor.  We don't feel too safe with those tiger men on the edges of our territory so...”

“You want a big, strong dwarf like me to come out and guard you two ladies don't you,” Flint said, trying to seem cool for the beautiful Tun.

“No, it's not that.  We'd like you to train some of those dogs to defend us if anything comes near,” Tun corrected, kicking Flint's self esteem down a notch.

“Oh.  I guess I could.  I'll see what I can do about setting up a little training routine for the dogs, Tun,” Flint replied, trying to not sound down trodden.

“Thanks,” Tun said, a bright smile lighting up her face.  She dashed off, presumably back to the river to tell Endok the good news.