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Author Topic: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game  (Read 52101 times)

Mulch Diggums

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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #210 on: September 07, 2008, 11:39:26 pm »

I practice martial arts
ooooo! Swamp wiskey! Yeah!!


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #211 on: September 09, 2008, 06:28:01 pm »


I throw the cylinder as hard as I can into the other room: the one we started in.
(4) It flys into the room! Good waste of a turn..

I possess the body of the dead evil rabbit.
(6) You become a evil rabbit!!

I cast Protection from Magic- Superb on myself.
(2) You dont.. I was gona epic fail you lol, your so damn over powered.. why havent you killed everyone yet?

I attempt to possess my corpse. I don't care if it doesn't mean I'm alive again, I just want to be able to do something  :-\
(AutoSucced) Im nice therefor you are a zombie and dont die, though itll be really fun when your just a torso and head and trying to bite people.. you cant win but youll be fun to write turns for. You may only stay alive long as you be a real zombie and try to kill everyone and eat there brains.. when you eat a brain from something recently killed Ill give you some bonus.. Goodluck

I try to bind myself to the blades of chaos in order to strengthen them.
(3) You bind yourself and trapped in there.. (+1 to attacking with them, so that makes +1)

I contemplate existence.
(4) Your ethereal what kinda powers you want haha?

I try to become a mighty wizard!
(6) You become a sith, you can weild the force..

I practice martial arts
(2) You stand there.. you try to do a kick but fail.

MOST BORING TURN EVER!! other then there is now a zombie haha

Player list.
1. Ryo - ZOMBIE
2. Rickvoid - Ethereal.
3. Gaulgath - Ethereal.
4. Dwarfaholic - Tuxedo. Fire Resistant. Powers - Telekenisis (+1 Dodge), Mind control, 66% Immune to Physical Damage.
5. Mulch Diggums - Naked. Blades of Chaos (+2 to attacking with them).
6. Tokay - Binded to BoC. Pissed off Gods (-3 to summoning)
7. Silu - Energy Resistant Tuxedo and Top Hat. Chains attached to wrist. Powers - Force (+1 to dodge)
8. Boksi - Binded energy form to a suit. Powers - Warping (+1 dodge), Energy Manipulation. Insane (-1 to thinking).
9. PTTG - Naked. Holding, Exceptional Cup of Tea.
10. Asheron - Ethereal.

NPC list.
Evil Rabbit

Mulch's Kitten killed Tuv. (Turn Three)
Mulch's Kitten killed Tokay. (Turn Four)
Asheron killed Mulch's Kitten. (Turn Four)
Kitten killed Gaulgath. (Turn Four)
Panther killed Itself. (Turn Four)
Tuv transforms into PTTG. (Turn Five)
Mulch Killed Asherson. (Turn Six)
Dwarfholic killed Kitten. (Turn Six)
Mulch Killed Tokay's Ant. (Turn Seven)
Boksi Killed Ryo. (Turn Nine)
Silu Killed Silu's MiniRabbit. (Turn Eleven)
Dwarfaholic Killed Rickvoid. (Turn Eleven)
Asheron Killed EvilRabbit. (Turn Eleven)
« Last Edit: September 09, 2008, 06:35:18 pm by Immortal »


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #212 on: September 09, 2008, 06:35:42 pm »

Summoning the forces of Elemental Awsome, I explode into reality with no idea whatsoever as to what has transpired beforehand.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #213 on: September 09, 2008, 11:41:03 pm »

I kill Asheron Silu. Dang you Asheron for stealing my 6. Silu for trying to become as powerful as I am.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2008, 01:42:32 am by Dwarfaholic »

Mulch Diggums

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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #214 on: September 09, 2008, 11:53:18 pm »

Asheron is dead :P. I pull all the loose items in the room tords me, in an attempt to have them form some realy nice possible mech armor.
ooooo! Swamp wiskey! Yeah!!


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #215 on: September 10, 2008, 12:10:06 am »

I attempt to force choke Dwarfaholic.
I'm the lunatic of God's creation.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #216 on: September 10, 2008, 05:38:06 am »

I fly towards Mulch's throat and behead him.
That's how dead I am.

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #217 on: September 10, 2008, 08:58:41 am »

I attempt to visualize the subconscious forces of the very cosmos, the gestalt entity of sentience itself. Shifting through the enormous ocean of thoughts, of emotions and calculations alike, I carefully spread my mind outward, testing my limits and abilities. With this, I attempt to become capable of reading the minds of others.



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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #218 on: September 10, 2008, 03:55:09 pm »

I eat Asheron's soul in an attempt to become more powerful.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #219 on: September 11, 2008, 11:16:57 am »

I try to tear the top off of Boksi's head.



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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #220 on: September 11, 2008, 01:58:30 pm »

I try to make the BoC attack Silu.


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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #221 on: September 11, 2008, 08:39:55 pm »

Okay guys im busy this weekend its my first judo tourney! wish meh luck boys! anyways youll get a turn update on sunday casue its a over night thing. Cya boys on the flip side! :P

Mulch Diggums

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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #222 on: September 11, 2008, 09:53:07 pm »

>:D knock them dead immortal! No, seriously. kill them. I have fifty dollars on this. D:< dont lose
ooooo! Swamp wiskey! Yeah!!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #223 on: September 12, 2008, 09:17:34 am »

Finish them!

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Dodge - A Crazy Forum Game
« Reply #224 on: September 14, 2008, 10:59:20 am »

TURN THIRTEEN! someone win already.. on and on a plus side I won 1/4 fights lol, good for my first comp, competive is much harder then training at the dojo, My first win was a reversal, the second fight I fought this shorter and heavier guy who def used his size to his advantage, I couldnt get my dam arm onto his back, lil porker. Third fight was kasperov the russian who had a ex secret police sensi.. last fight was amazingly bad reffing and gave my fight away, haha my sensi was pisseed! I uterly lost 1, 1 close one, 1 lose to bad reffing, and a win.


I kill Asheron Silu. Dang you Asheron for stealing my 6. Silu for trying to become as powerful as I am.
(6) You use your teleknetic powers to throw every non held down inanimate object towards Silu.
(3+1=4) Dodge for Silu. He uses his force powers to make the objects change trojectory and fly around him.

I pull all the loose items in the room tords me, in an attempt to have them form some realy nice possible mech armor.
(Autofail) You dont have any kind of teleknetic power..

I attempt to force choke Dwarfaholic.
(5) You channel the force perfectly with your immense anger at Dwarfaholic.
(1) Dodge for Dwarfaholic. He opens himself up to the dark side of the force.
(2) Dodge for neck damamge. You neck is broken, which means you died. DWARFHOLIC IS ETHEREAL!!

I fly towards Mulch's throat and behead him.
That's how dead I am.
(5) You jump off a wall straight at Mulchs throat in a attempt to behead him.
(6) Mulchs dodge of throat. Mulch drops to the ground in lightning speed tossing the blades into the air and slicing the rabbit in two! Asherson is now ethereal again.

I attempt to visualize the subconscious forces of the very cosmos, the gestalt entity of sentience itself. Shifting through the enormous ocean of thoughts, of emotions and calculations alike, I carefully spread my mind outward, testing my limits and abilities. With this, I attempt to become capable of reading the minds of others.
(2) You try to but you dont, your just not smart enough.. to bad.

I eat Asheron's soul in an attempt to become more powerful.
(6) You take a deep ethereal breath and suck in anything ethereal possible!
(5) Dodge of gaulgath. He holds onto a ethereal railing..
(1) Dodge of Asheron. You jump down Rickvoids throat.. Your outa the game.. sorry.
Rickvoid is now partial materialized!

I try to tear the top off of Boksi's head.
(4) In a quick burst of movement you dive at Boksi's head.
(2) Dodge of Boksi. You try to get out of the way but dont succed.
(3) Dodge of Boksi's head. Your neck is streched very badly. SUPER HEAVY BLEEDING (-1 to survival roll)

I try to make the BoC attack Silu.
(5) They do as you wish, though still attached to mulch. They fly out of his hands and towards Silu's heart.
(1+1=2) You try to use your force power to make them stop but they dont react. They slam into your chest.
(2) Dodge for Silu's insides. Your insides get cut to shit! You are dead! SILU IS ETHEREAL!

TWO PEOPLE LEFT IN THE RUNNING FOR THE WIN!! Also you guys forgot to open the cylinder with the green goo..

Player list.
1. Ryo - ZOMBIE
2. Rickvoid - Partialy Materialized.
3. Gaulgath - Ethereal.
4. Dwarfaholic - Ethereal.
5. Mulch Diggums - Naked. Blades of Chaos (+2 to attacking with them).
6. Tokay - Binded to BoC. Pissed off Gods (-3 to summoning)
7. Silu - Ethereal.
8. Boksi - Binded energy form to a suit. Powers - Warping (+1 dodge), Energy Manipulation. Super Heavy Bleeding (-1 to next survival roll)
9. PTTG - Naked. Holding, Exceptional Cup of Tea.

NPC list.
Evil Rabbit

Mulch's Kitten killed Tuv. (Turn Three)
Mulch's Kitten killed Tokay. (Turn Four)
Asheron killed Mulch's Kitten. (Turn Four)
Kitten killed Gaulgath. (Turn Four)
Panther killed Itself. (Turn Four)
Tuv transforms into PTTG. (Turn Five)
Mulch Killed Asherson. (Turn Six)
Dwarfholic killed Kitten. (Turn Six)
Mulch Killed Tokay's Ant. (Turn Seven)
Boksi Killed Ryo. (Turn Nine)
Silu Killed Silu's MiniRabbit. (Turn Eleven)
Dwarfaholic Killed Rickvoid. (Turn Eleven)
Asheron Killed EvilRabbit. (Turn Eleven)
Silu Killed Dwarfholic. (Turn Thirteen)
Tokay Killed Silu. (Turn Thirteen)
Rickvoid Destroyed Asheron. (Turn Thirteen)
« Last Edit: September 14, 2008, 02:31:50 pm by Immortal »
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