...the game's flaws...
Wait- WHAT? This has those?
Ok, yeah. I didn't mean for this to be a flame war. I'll admit I never expected it to be a very popular idea.
In my defence:
From what I've seen- which are just his videos, website, and games- I suspect Yahtzee could get into Dwarf Fortress. Even if he doesn't review it (he will occasionally use his internet podium to spout off on other topics), he will probably mention it. A few thousand more visitors to DF, and out of them one in a hundred will like the game and keep playing it, and thus one in ten of those will donate, and thus that's twenty or thirty more dollars a month for Toady One, and by proxy, more game for us players. Comma, comma, comma.
I'll admit freely that there's a good chance that he will be outraged with indignation at how horrible the game is and at it's obnoxious community. But if he says even a single word about it, let alone give a scathing review of it, he will only "get the word out" for us. Someone is going to watch the video, try to find out what he was so hate-ie about, and end up liking the game anyway. The worst thing he could do is not mention it at all, and well, all we lost is is the cost of the stamps for the e-mails.