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Author Topic: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.  (Read 26464 times)


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #90 on: May 16, 2008, 08:29:00 am »

Nice reading, keep it up!
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #91 on: May 16, 2008, 10:22:00 am »

Kira opened her eyes. Her head felt as it had exploded. Where was she?
She looked around her while she struggled to get up. She did not know what was worse; the stench or the pain.
She seemed to have pain everywhere, as if a rolling mill had run over her. She didn't seem to have broken anything, though.
As she looked around, she started to remember where she was. And more importantly, why she was laying in a field of corpses.
The smell of rotting flesh, dried flesh and soaked ashes drove into her nose, almost forcing her back down.
She covered her nose with her hands. Othono smelled even worse then normal.
Kira had not forgotten the battle; the brutality of the slaugther still filled her mind.
Kira remembered how she had been fighting against the undead. Many of them felt the power of her quarterstaff, and most of them would not be able to tell the tale any further.
Then, she suddenly noticed she lost her quarterstaff.
Quickly, she looked around.

An elf's weapon was crafted once he or she gained maturity. It was made from a branch from her foster tree, and after a special ceremony, was blessed and handed over. Her quarterstaff had been her loyal companion for years.
Although it had seen little violent combat, since the elves prefer peace above all, the many sparring matches she fought with it increased the band she had with it.

But their was more chance she was going to see the end of the world.  
Which, ironically, she did saw.
She remembered the enormous wave, covering the entire battlefield, sweeping and killing. Whatever happened, it seems she had loads of luck.
Kira could only imagine what that necromancer had done to the world. The ground was still soaken. Which meant she wasn't unconscious for long.

She began to limp towards the marshes around Othono. She would have to escape before those creatures would start looting.
But then, she stopped. With awe, she looked up.

Two large flying creatures were battling it out around the tower of Othono.
One of them she recognized as the undead archangel of Othono, Ramkal. She had seen him cut up a multitude of men, before he mysteriously vanished from the battlefield.
Suddenly, the other creature roared out; Ramkal had apparently dealt a blow.
Ramkal tried to make use of the opportunity to throw the other beast to the ground, but the other one managed to recover remarkably fast and succesfully countered Ramkal's attack.
Ramkal, stunned, could only watch as the other creature blew the retreat.

Kira continued limping towards the marshes. If she could reach them, she would certainly not be discovered by the servants of Othono.
After a struggle of minutes against the pain, she finally arrived.
She fell down to the ground and wheeped. She felt warm tears drip along her cheeks.
She had failed.
For now, the necromancer would go unpunished...
She looked up to the sky. Softly, she whispered; "Sorry, father. I could not avenge you."
The stars shone brightly. Even near Othono, their beautiful shine never seazed to amaze.
It is said that the only thing the elves are not bored of yet, was the heaven.
Now, she could understand why.
Exhausted, she fell to sleep.

[ May 17, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #92 on: May 17, 2008, 02:58:00 pm »

Originally posted by Asheron:
<STRONG>  their beautiful shine still seazed to amaze.


Sorry for the correction, but this one I think I should point out, else the whole meaning is opposite:
It should be:
their beautiful shine NEVER CEASED to amaze

to cease =  terminar / renunciar a / no seguir

So 'never cease' would be 'siempre seguir'
I think.
Correct me if I'm wrong, I'm Dutch.

For the rest, this thread is made of AWESOME

[ May 17, 2008: Message edited by: martinuzz ]

Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #93 on: May 17, 2008, 03:54:00 pm »

Ah, a typo. Thanks for pointing that out.
By the way, I'm Dutch to  :D. Well, Flemish, but that doesn't matter.

Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #94 on: May 17, 2008, 04:36:00 pm »

Kira had slept amazingly well, even if it was only because of her complete exhaustion. She woke up when the sun was already high in the sky. She must have slept for over twelve hours.

As she calmly stayed down to listen to the sound of nature, she realized just how much this battle had determined the future of this world. Or did it determine more? Something in her said this was something a lot bigger then her world. She tried to ban these thoughts from her mind, and looked around.

Even after being washed up by a gigantic wave, the swamps still harboured life. Something which, strangely enough, reassured her. As if it would matter.
Slightly invigorated by this, she got up.
Most of her pain was gone, although she still felt as battered as yesterday.
Since her muscles were in no state to do anything which required effort, she decided to skip her usual morning exercises and instead, she started to walk through the swamps, away from Othono, to the east. To her home.

As she glanced back, she noticed the sea had moved up all the way onto here.
The waters of the Roasted Blueness had now moved here, not a kilometer away from Othono.
That necromancer had planned it perfectly; he must have calculated the impact of the meteor and how far the wave it caused would go.
As she continued on, she began to ask herself the most futile of questions to evade the more important ones that she could not answer.
"Whoever named the sea 'The Roasted Blueness' anyway." she thought in herself.
As if it was made out of boiling water.

After hours of walking, she reached the outskirts of Othono's eastern swamps.
"Goodbye, cursed place. May we never meet again."

But as she setted up camp later that day to rest, she could no longer evade the questions haunting her mind; what happened to Thimeth? What happened to her father? What happened to the world?
She did not want to think about the answers. She did not want to think what could have happened to Thimeth. Was he another mindless slave to the necromancer now? Or has he survived, and does he shares a similar fate like hers?
Or worse.  
Both of them had failed their people. Both of them were the losers, disgraced and scarred by the defeat. But maybe, Thimeth had no people left to return back to. Maybe, his home was destroyed. His family, if he has one. His loved ones.
She shivered at that thought.
If she could only know what was happening.
But how would she? A sign?
Only children believe in signs. In how in the most desperate times, something incredible happens and saves everything. This was not a fairy tale.
There was no hero to save them. There was no hope good would vanquish evil.
Was there really no hope?

With a troubled mind, she sat infront of her campfire.
Something in her said her place was not home.
She might share the name of her nation and she might have the blood of it's founder, that did not mean she belonged there.
From since she was a child, she had the feeling she was not who peopled wanted her to be. She was not of the nobility, and certainly not a royalty.
She was NOT the princess of the Treeshade nation.
Thimeth words haunted her mind.

"Elves are the most arrogant races of all!"

She remembered how insulted she was when he said that. But maybe, just maybe, he was right.
For generations, the elves had isolated themselves. They had refused any help from outsiders, believing that mortal races would just mess up anything the elves tried to establish.
While humans and dwarfs had their faults, the elves seemed to not realize theirs was their lack off them, ironically.
The elven empires which once dominated the Eternal Universe crumbled away as stagnation tore through them, and now, they continue to shrink.
The lands that once harboured the greatest elven cities were taken by nomadic humans and transformed into a prosperous kingdom.
Lacking leadership and goal, the northern elven empire fell apart in tribes, who quarrelled with the jealousy of dwarfs and greed of humans.
Only the Southern Nations of the elves remained.
But for how long?

[ May 17, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]

[ May 17, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]

[ May 26, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #95 on: May 17, 2008, 06:20:00 pm »

Ah.. So you only live in Barcelona maar ge zijt nen Belske? Ik nen Brabander, bijna gelijk nie?

Spain is a nice place to be.
I LOOOVEE siësta

Ah.. the pace of living there.
Work some, eat some, rest some, work some more, not too much at a time..
Should go there too sometime soon

Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #96 on: May 18, 2008, 11:03:00 am »

Kira broke up camp the next day after a good night's rest.
She seemed to have restored remarkably. Not enough to defend herself, yet, but atleast enough to fasten her pace.
But as she was about to resume her travels, her questions returned.
Something in her urged to go north, to see what happened to the human empires.
But what about her homeland? Could she abandon them?
Puzzled, she stood there, thinking.
Then, she was reminded of yet more words of Thimeth.
Do what you think is right.

Cliché that it might be, it was a statement that lasted time.
Something had already decided. Yes. Whatever her duties were back home, a greater cause arised to the north.
Her people did not need help.
She would go to the human empires, even if that meant she had to go through hell and back again!
She raised her head and looked to the north.
The hills and rivers of Southwest Thorn stretched out as far as the eyes could see.
With renewed courage and a goal, she started her journey, and with each footstep she took the north, she was even more certain this was the right thing to do.
It would take weeks to get to the closest human city, and months before she got anywhere of importance.
But she would do it, if only to get answers.

[ May 18, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #97 on: May 23, 2008, 05:20:00 pm »

21th of Granite, the village of Edgehammer.

It was a day like any day in Edgehammer.
The small cottages and farms dotted over the hills Thorn still bristled full life, unaware of what raged outside of their village.
For generations, farmers had inhabited the fertile lands of Thorn and settled themselves in small communities. Isolated from the outside world, these communities rarely cared about outsiders.
But with humanity falling before the undead, these communities did all they could to help prepare for whatever would come from the cursed west.
The roads around Edgehammer were as old as the first farmers and were left for the herbs to grow over. Apart from the occassional merchant who came along to buy their crops, nobody ever visited Edgehammer.
One of the farmers was resting near the water pump on the hill after a hard morning. The weather was soft, but nontheless unforgiving. If his plants did not get the necessary attention, they would certainly die.
He was about to stand up when he noticed something strange.
He saw a woman walking down the road in the distance. From here, he could not clearly see, but her metal spear shone bright enough in the sun to get his attention.
He did not trust this. He had heard of nearby human cities who had allied with Othono and many more rumors about those same men plundering.
The woman was slowly making progress towards Edgehammer. It was a wonder she could make out the roads from the grass.
Slowly, he turned around and began to walk towards the village leader's house.


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #98 on: May 25, 2008, 11:26:00 am »

Glad to see the story continue! Any chance for more updates in the weekdays?
(Not trying to push you   ;) )
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #99 on: May 26, 2008, 01:34:00 pm »

This story will be going on for months. It's just that with the exams coming up AND my rp game on the nonsense forums, my attention is quite spreaded ( and my rpg programming project isn't helping either ).
Anyway, I'll try to add something in ATLEAST every three days. The story has just begun   :D.
( I think there will be 10 chapters, not counting in the extras I have in mind if my fingers aren't to numb by that time )

EDIT: Ah, the old their/there typo.

[ May 26, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #100 on: May 26, 2008, 02:30:00 pm »

Sounds cool.
Good luck on your exams!
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #101 on: May 28, 2008, 08:15:00 am »

---Y- Progress on the trade route report -Y---
By Hok Sukuthratpin
Date; 23th of Granite, 15:08.
4th Level track A1.

Progress on the tracks have been briefly stopped to ensure the safety of our miners. At coordinates (55,120), our miners breached a small cave system.
To ensure safety of both material and personel, professional military help was requested. On this moment, three acolytes, each armed with a crossbow and the standard equipment, are creating a safety zone. Request permission to continue work.

Note; Dari has been admissioned more bolts under command of the team leader.
Detract twenty-five harpy bolts from the stockpiles.

4 picks, bronze. 1 broken ( I request one from the reserve stockpiles )
34 food and rations, good for 45 shifts. ( I request additional rations to be put aside if the need for them arises )
Three standard crossbowmen outfits ( one dwarven sized, two human sized ).


Dari and his men returned after a succesful trip. They brought troglodytes bones with them, which will be added soonly in the upper craftsmen stockpile.
Different bruises and scratches has been reported to Black Guardian Captain.
All three of them are dismissed for a few hours.


Cave system is seperated from tracks thanks to the swift action of our masons.

Simple, yet effective.

( Othono's coat of arms is stamped under the report. )

[ May 28, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.


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Re: Othono, A Tale of the Dead, story/(community) fortress.
« Reply #102 on: May 31, 2008, 01:15:00 pm »

25th of Granite, 1052.
The Roasted Blueness.

The crew of the Silver Pearl had sailed the seas for as long as they could remember. Even in times as filled with termoil as now, they setted out everyday to catch the most rare and exotic of fish.
But still, everyone could feel how today was different.
Nevertheless, the Silver Pearl sailed across the waves as majestic as she always did, ignoring the sea who was trying to drag her into the deepness.
The sailors, on their turn, ignored their feeling and once again lead the Silver Pearl across the waves.
After the hours passed, the sailors turned the Silver Pearl to the mainland, satisfied with a day well endured.
But the wind once again gained in strength, the waves rose higher then before and the sky darkened.
The crew, who had been in so many storms, had never seen one so ferocious as this one. The water was no longer a transparant, precious liquid; it became a thick, smelly liquid. The wind was no longer a friend who pushed them forwards, it became a monster who wanted to shred their sails. The smell of salt no longer comforted them; it stinged them.
The storm battered the Silver Pearl and not even the most experienced of sailors could turn away the unescapable faith of her and her crew.
As the Silver Pearl capsised, it moaned in anguish. Above her, the heaven litted up with infernal fire.
The last thing the crew of the Silver Pearl saw was the grinning face of demons before the water of the Roasted Blueness consumed them.

[ May 31, 2008: Message edited by: Asheron ]


Quote from: Toady One
Did you just post a bunch of vegi-dicks on my board?  I've been trying to combat forum devolution a bit, and that involves fewer vegi-dicks!
Quote from: Yahtzee
Yes, random is funny, isn't it? Sometimes I set up a random number generator when I need a good laugh.
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