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Author Topic: Migrursut: What Comes After The World Ends? [Epilogue] (A Community Fort)  (Read 378839 times)


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2790 on: August 20, 2012, 07:46:52 am »

Beards are the true reason I play DF. :( One day the world will invent real ways for me to have such a beard.

Also, I posted that before I knew about the computer up in flames thing. Whoops!

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2791 on: September 13, 2012, 07:14:19 pm »

The Events of the 20th of Granite, 1080

"Please Rice, don't go.  Please!"

Her pleas tugged at his heart strings.  He shut his eyes, breathing deeply, getting himself calmed down before he deigned to speak.

"Love, you know I have to.  I need to just see what's going on top-side.  It's important."
"We're down here now," she said.  "And we're safe.  For good.  You promised we'd wait this out.  You promised."

Rice turned to her then, feeling the heat on his cheeks as his own words came back to haunt him.  Of course he had said that!  He'd meant it, damn it, he'd meant it all.  But you don't just stop caring about your home, or your friends... with the family that's grown up around such a small knit community. 

He locked his gaze with her.  He willed himself to granite as he saw a tear spill down her cheek, as he watched her arms clutch tighter around their newest, little Thob, not even a week old.

"It will only be for a minute, Lucy.  I promise I'll be right back down.  Just a moment."


The trio of beasts descended from the sky, and the dwarfs below spiraled outwards, shrieking and tumbling.  They had seen horrors, yes, but never anything like these lanky, gnarled monstrosities, their smashed nose and tusked faces the only thing that showed them once as Goblin.  The workers - those that were still outside the domes - dashed into the fortress and behind it's walls.  Though, what good would it do, with one tower still down?  What could would it do against beasts that could fly?

Towersacks and Luke stalked towards the bridge, the firsts on the scene, their weapons at the ready.  But the beast made no movement towards them.  Instead it smiled, and extended both hands outwards, grotesque fingers beckoning.  When it spoke, it's voice seemed unearthly, as if it was speaking through the voice of many others, as if it's voice wasn't even its own.

"Come come brave little Godman, come come and spend a moment talking with us?"

Towersacks glanced briefly over her shoulder, and reluctantly took a step to the side as Maester Kuli strode forward, his robes sending swirls through the dirt.  His face was stony, the knuckles on his left hand bone white as they gripped the hilt of a sword at his hip.  Rice watched this from the roof of the church, his mouth slack, chills running down his spine.

"How noble, how proud!" the beast cooed.  "Such little things out here in the sands, holding against the world.  You're fierce, yes, but you know that already.  Great Lord Olsmo, drunkard, fool, king, master, he comes with a single offer.  Shall you like to hear it?"

The silence was palpable.  The air so charged with tension it could have been cut.  Beads of sweat dripped into Luke's eyes, but he dared not lift a hand to them.  He blinked instead, trying to stop the stinging.

The beast only shrugged at the silence.  "He offers you to... join us?  Yes.  Of course.  Of course!  And why not, you are all that keeps us from marching west, you have proved your mettle.  We could take you, yes, your silly little domes?  Your damaged walls?  Your soft bodies... we could have you now, if we wished.  But you have proved yourself to the Great Lord himself, he would be honored to accept you, smallest of stature, simplest of minds, hardy little bodies of meat and bone.  It will be painless, our joining.  And it will be glorious, our mission for him."  With a smile, the beast dropped to it's knees.  The rocks underneath splintered and hissed, cracks spider-webbing out around it.

"Your answer, littlest Dwarf?"

In response, there was a faint whistling, and a dull groan from the beast on its knees.  A bolt, carved from bleached bone, jutted from the creatures sternum.  Hideous noises, choking gurgling gasps, spilled from it as long fingers traced the shaft of the bolt. 

"I did it," Crispin said, her voice carrying from the walls.  "I hit the damned thing!"
"HA!  Of course you did little one.  You've listened to me.  Prepare another.  Hit the eye, I'll give you a coin and buy you a steak."

Kuli closed the distance, and gently placed his right hand on the shaft of the bolt.  It took him a moment to speak, to gather himself, and slowly he wrapped his fingers around the bolt. 

"I didn't ask them to do this, you know.  I would have sent you off without injury.  But I suppose that in the end... this barbary would have been necessary.  Tell your Great Lord Olsmo that we respectfully decline.  I do not renounce this fortress, or those that live in it."

With slow motions he lifted the bolt up.  Squealing, the beast came to a shake stand, moving with the Maester's hands.  Once on his feet, Kuli let go.  And with a twirl of his robes, he turned and stalked towards the fortress.


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2792 on: September 14, 2012, 07:30:39 am »

To. . . . much. . . awesome. . . .going. . . .to. . . explode!!
Give a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day.  Light a man on fire and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.
The great Dwarfen Philosopher Urist McConfused said it best:  "Light a kitten on fire and it will run screaming into the booze stockpile and catch the whole fort up.  I know, we tested it in twelve different forts and it always happened."


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2793 on: September 14, 2012, 01:01:43 pm »

Damn. Awesome scene, HF!
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2794 on: September 17, 2012, 10:59:21 pm »

It makes me smile when I come back on the forums and see an update from you HF


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2795 on: September 21, 2012, 06:25:56 am »

If only I had 2 pitchforks I could make him work faster...

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2796 on: September 27, 2012, 04:40:32 pm »

It makes me smile when I come back on the forums and see an update from you HF

I think you're one of the longest-term readers, and I can't tell you how thankful I am for it.  For all you guys, it's really encouraging!

There's a slim chance that I'll have something prepped on Sunday but the game is giving me a ton of fits and, guess what?  Stravitch and a bunch of friends are coming to stay at my place for a few days so I can finally punch him in the chops for pushing me!  He's not going to let me do anything productive.


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2797 on: September 28, 2012, 02:05:08 pm »

Wow, this is still going?! Gonna read from the start since I can;t remember much of where I was before, looks like I gotta lot of reading to do.
And, they came. My fingers tingled, my nose twitched and my toes tickled... they came around the corner, over my bridge... Into my courtyard... Onto my trade depot...

Then everything near it exploded in a cloud of blood.


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2798 on: September 28, 2012, 02:05:59 pm »

Stravitch, you are not allowed to stop HF from playing DF while you're there!
Civilization Forge Mod v2.80: Adding in new races, equipment, animals, plants, metals, etc. Now with Alchemy and Libraries! Variety to spice up DF! (For DF 0.34.10)
Come play Mafia with us!
"Let us maintain our chill composure." - Toady One


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2799 on: September 30, 2012, 11:57:54 am »

I hope you guys had an enjoyable weekend! And personally I think it's ok to take a couple of breaks every once in awhile. It helps to recharge!

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2800 on: October 03, 2012, 07:58:56 pm »

Stravitch, you are not allowed to stop HF from playing DF while you're there!

The best laid plans of mice, and men...

Stravitch, and some of the company, had a real hand in distracting me both during and after the trip.  With that said, I'm planning something special for this weekend when I have the time to be able to sit down and really focus for a few hours at a time.  Just turn off the net, let DF roll, and get things done. 

Also, yell at Rice for encouraging me to take breaks :)

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2801 on: October 06, 2012, 05:21:46 pm »

The Events of the 24th of Granite, 1080
Part 1

"I thought the elves were dead, 'side from our squatters."  Dojango asked.  He chewed around a stalk of ratweed, working it methodically into pulp.

"The elves are all dead," Cokho said slowly.  "For thousands of miles, far as I'm told."
"Then what is coming up the road?"

Dojango shaded his eyes with the flat of his hand, taking a long look at the small procession leading its way up the stone road. They trundled up the path, stooped elves leading malnourished camels by simple ropes.  Their heads were kept downwards, their feet barely lifting off the stones with each shuffle.  They seemed trapped in time, in a dream, just going through motions.

"They look like marionettes, Co-.. Cokho?"

But the hauler had vanished.  His brows knitting, Dojango turned back to the road, a curious feeling welling up from his gut.  One of the camels snorted, and bucked, tugging hard on its reigns.  The Elf leading it didn't pull back - no, instead, it seemed to get jerked, the body going limp, yanked backwards.  And then he saw it skitter, the elf as loose as cloth, scrambling sideways through the sand like a spider, the camel shrieking and striking with its fore-hoofs.

The Elf in the back seemed to sink into itself, the body seeming to dissolve at the middle, great gouts of smoke - of burning blood and hair - beginning to come from its eyes.  And then the skin at the face sloughed, and then at the back, as wings unfurled.  As claws came forth.  As the singing began.

Dojango had a brief instant as their singing started to remember the word "horror" as the camels began to burst into flames and blood, before he was lost to himself.  It was much later that he came too, hunkered behind barrels at the gate, hearing the cacophony from outside and within.



Maggarg looked up from the table, his beard matted and sticky.  He blinked, trying to bring Merkil into focus, trying to get figure out what was said.

"Who are killing the cats.  We eat cats."
"We're under attack, get your weapons, the goblins have arrived!"
"But what about the cats."

"They've been blowing them up.  They're laughing, and they're blowing them up, there's just burning pieces everywhere."


Jools found himself pinned under the cloven hoof of one of the monstrosities.  The beast slavered and gnashed at the air, relishing that he had a ring of witnesses, cowering Dwarves afraid to move past him and into the bowels of the fortress, preening before them.  The saliva burned like fire when it landed on Jools' face, and he struggled underneath it, trying to fight free.

The beast lifted up it's great hands, holding them high above it.  The air seemed to solidify, seemed to become heavier, more solid.  It began to heat, began to swirl, grains of sand whirling about in a concentrating pocket of energy.  A spark here.  A flicker there.  And a ball of fire.  The goblin-thing sang, it's voice a thousand voices, its hands clasping the bundle of manifest hate.

And then it exploded.  The legs slumped as the upper torso was smashed across the fortress, exploding into gore when it collided with a wall.  Splattered with stinking, burning entrails, Jools looked upon himself in relieved horror.  He was lifted to his feet by his squad commander Mosus, the older Dwarfs face set into a granite mask of irritation.

"Get your sword and get out, soldier.  You're not to lie down until either they're all dead or we are!"


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2802 on: October 09, 2012, 09:57:51 am »

I can't wait to visit again when i turn 30 again!


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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2803 on: November 14, 2012, 12:44:54 pm »

Hello, favourite story thread.

Please don't go.  The dwarves need you.  They look up to you.
Give a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day.  Light a man on fire and you keep him warm for the rest of his life.
The great Dwarfen Philosopher Urist McConfused said it best:  "Light a kitten on fire and it will run screaming into the booze stockpile and catch the whole fort up.  I know, we tested it in twelve different forts and it always happened."

Heavy Flak

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Re: Migrursut: Goodness is a Choice (A Community Fort)
« Reply #2804 on: November 19, 2012, 09:46:01 am »

Hello, favourite story thread.

Please don't go.  The dwarves need you.  They look up to you.

I'm not gone!  There are just... let's call them challenges to get things moving forward.  I was complaining to Stravitch the other day about them.  There's actually progress on the horizon, but I'll be honest, it's incredibly slow going since I'm using a lot of modding trial and error and tons of restarts.
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