The lack of Mac (and native Linux), at least initially, was noted on the Kitfix Announcement thread. I think they regret it, but there was not enough time to get as much of the core new version as there is
and spread out into the other codebases too.
They will happen, apparently, just not sure when. After initial release-day bugs are squished, probably. And then the bug-squishing-release bugs need squishing. Etc.
Also these forums are nigh unusable. I'm getting constant "500 Internal Server Error" and I have to keep refreshing repeatedly until the page eventually loads successfully sometimes.
As am I. It isn't usually like this, I suspect the influx of interest (probably positive, perhaps some malevolence?) has significantly been increased by the release. That neither you nor I can appreciate. (I'm currently mobile, on an Android device... I'm not exactly capable of trying this out myself, just yet, either...
I had expected an increased userbase, right about now, but it was whilst trying to see if my own predicament (500 errors/timeouts) was repeatable by and for others that I spotted your thread and (whilst it's replyable to!) thought I'd try to reply to it. Either way, I hope I'm explanatory enough, though I doubt I'm ultimately of very much help.
(I'm getting 500s and Server Connection Errors in posting this. I'll try again, without mashing the post button, then probably wait for the forum to settle before trying to interact more, today...)