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Author Topic: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The End of Dwarfdom  (Read 40585 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - How to Geld Your Ettin
« Reply #165 on: June 15, 2023, 11:44:44 am »

Teaking, would Egem's inner voice have a stronger outburst here where so many massacres and demonic rituals have taken place?
Yes probably

The voice will like the place a lot with it being full of corpses and demonic energy, but he would hold the opinion that this isnt how things should Normally be for him to enjoy it properly.

Goblin towers... Just the thought of these creatures alone brings discomfort... Why did they have to defile these beautiful lands?

The fact that we cant see eachother is a bit worrisome, if we get into a battle then assessing the risk of danger to each member would be hard... However, as we're all hidden it means that the enemy wont see the whole party at once until its too late for them...

Appearances dont mean much, so one better not assume that this guy is a civilian so quickly... In a friendly manner, i shall ask him to introduce himself and ask him about this place and who controls it, if he acts suspiciously, we shall subdue and arrest him

From what i know, wouldn't the site be abandoned? And thus clear of any civilians? As such I highly doubt that the dwarves here would be anything but cultists, and I will be prepared to slaughter anyone who acts strange

Speaking of slaughter, as i cant use my ranged attacks effectively in this place, i shall take that iron whip on the ground. Melee as a second option would be especially useful if the enemy gets too close...
« Last Edit: June 15, 2023, 11:47:07 am by TeaKing »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - How to Geld Your Ettin
« Reply #166 on: June 16, 2023, 03:58:39 am »

Burt doesn't know much the cultists to know what the shouting is about so he can only assume it must be something terrible and cult related.

He doesn't feel that upset that he can't see the others, as over the past few weeks he feels that he can trust the others to be where they're supposed to be.

Everyone in here is probably a member of the cult and just because they don't have weapons doesn't mean they aren't planning on getting ahold of one.

I also have good news for Burt and Egem:

Huzza a new shield!

The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - How to Geld Your Ettin
« Reply #167 on: June 18, 2023, 02:29:46 pm »

The party takes the time to question the dancer. He seems to actually be local, but knows nothing of the cult nor of who is in charge even.

Suddenly, you hear a cry from below! A dwarf is running up the winding staircase that leads to the depths of this world and falls just at the top his leg having been damaged. He falls down as two other dwarves set upon him beating, ripping and tearing at him with their bare hands and teeth. You recognize via sigils that these two individuals are both high ranking members of the cult. In fact, one of them is the Master. The highest ranking mortal servant of the demons and thus with the demons gone the de-facto leader.

The party moves forward silently and surrounds them as they continue to beat the helpless dwarf to death.

Glorg's arm muscles tense as he throws a spear with all his might impaling the Master in his abdomen! Within moments they are upon him. He helplessly lashes out with his fists against Burt's shield and the deer man slashes one of his hand's off.
Egem puts his whip to work taking out the Master's legs and as he falls Grugni launches himself biting into his upper body and tearing as much as he could. The master attempts to raise to push himself off the ground as Burt stabs past Grugni into the Master's stomach again.
Glorg comes from behind and impales this Master of Betrayers straight through the heart.

The master coughs and spits blood helplessly. He attempts to crawl away with his remaining breaths wheezing and pooling blood. Burt silently beheads him. The other evil dwarf present had already run back into the depths knowing he stood no chance from the nigh invisible attackers.

You just killed the leader of the most evil civilization to walk this earth, how does it feel?

You stalk forward into the depths running into more civilians and the sounds of more violence being committed on people who you can not see. The ramp leading downwards mostly has you exposed to open air, but every now and again you reach a level with a floor and altar to a long neglected dwarven god. At the first level you find the dismembered corpse of a dwarf who fell off the ramp from the top.

Do such heights bother you? All one needs is to push a person and they fall to their death.
On your way down you can hear distant conversation
"We aren't at war yet, but the Charcoal Boots are hostile to us and may even attack us soon?"
"Whose that?"
"You don't know? Angels of War. They don't want us bringing the masters back. They got a vault west of here"
"We aren't fit for a war yet. Let's hope they stay in that vault until the masters return"

You finally reach the midpoint of the underground fortress where it breaks off into proper living quarters and forges. The sniveling coward of a dwarf who fled from you earlier is here wandering the halls looking for help. He appears to be the Chief Chamberlain
Egem attacks first his whip curling and taking out the dwarf's left leg. The others surround again and the dwarf is as helpless as his leader was. Burt stabs the dwarf in the heart and realizing he will not escape the dwarf makes one last attempt to cry out and warn the fortress, but Egem's whip answers instead and his skull explodes into gore.

Glorg shouts a battle cry letting all know that the slayer of the great ettin is here.

This turned out to be a bad announcement for as the party advances down the hallway a figure heads to meet them.
A dwarven cold hunter. Equipped with an artifact spear named: Nazomad. Dreamedsun

Knowing the famous spear you also know who currently possesses it, likely.
Ral Ivoryinks the Cobalt Lenses of Clutching
One of the most famous warriors in history now reanimated with super powers and intense malicious will.
He advances exactly where Hal Bristletrade is currently hiding.

Does he see you yet? How does it feel to stand before a legendary warrior?

Battle Reports:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kanil won against Cold Hunters because they literally hit SO HARD that it would cause their weapons to break leaving them unarmed. This guy has an unbreakable weapon.

Also I love Glorg's thoughts Salmeuk lol


  • Bay Watcher
  • the ruler of tea kind!
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - How to Geld Your Ettin
« Reply #168 on: June 18, 2023, 03:35:33 pm »

In the midst of fighting Egem's eyes turn orange, The voice's demonic powers have taken over...

We have killed some cultists...
I feel euphoric...

I'd consider these stairs dangerous if it weren't for my flight capabilities, my teammates should be careful around them...

This warrior seems tough, it would be a challenge to beat him...

But that just makes him a suitable prey, hehehe...
we'll need a good strategy to take him down however...

"Egem... If you would like to hunt down this horrible being, I suggest you attack its fingers to unarm it, Little one... but only do that after the others distract it with their own attacks..."
Sounds Reasonable... Sure, I'll do just that


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - How to Geld Your Ettin
« Reply #169 on: June 18, 2023, 07:01:05 pm »

Even Glorg has heard of this cold hunter, Ral Ivoryinks the Cobalt Lenses of Clutching, and of the legendary bismuth bronze spear Nazomad, or "Dreamedsun". This is just the kind of artifact Glorg has been hunting for, and now he covets the gleaming bronze spear with a fervent lust.

Glorg considers his spearfighting skills to be above all others, even this Ral Ivoryinks. The following battle will either prove that fact, or be this spear-slinging outsider's final fight!

Glorg will thus attempt to duel Ral before the others, and claim Nazomad for himself should he succeed.

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - How to Geld Your Ettin
« Reply #170 on: June 19, 2023, 04:48:23 am »

It feels incredibly exciting especially since Burt was the one who cut of his head!

He doesn't really fear such heights but he is careful around them jut in case.

Burt isn't sure if they've been spotted yet or not, but he does think that if they all work together they can take him, shouldn't mater if he's a legendary warrior or not as Burt has faith in the abilities of people he's traveling with.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Accepting New Adventurers!
« Reply #171 on: June 19, 2023, 10:55:05 am »

Ohhh this will be cool! Also we broke 10k views! NEAT!

I'm opening it up if anyone wants to submit an adventurer to play with the party! You'd be integrated the next time they reach a town

Adventurer Name:
Skills you want to major in:
Why are you at the Notched Union(humans) castle?
Reason you'd wanna join the party when you meet them?

Also I updated table of contents with links to latest entries


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - Accepting New Adventurers!
« Reply #172 on: June 21, 2023, 05:59:18 am »

Ready yourself for an all combat entry lol. Teaking, the hunter picked you as it's invisibility target
At any point you guys can speak by the way not just when prompted. Those are just suggested moments.
The Spear King
The Action Report:

Glorg readies a spear in each hand as he growls a challenge and walks forward.
"Oh ho you dare approach me?"
Cue epic line from Glorg
Glorg stabs with his spear, but within the half second of this movement the dwarf turns invisible and strikes him from behind. Her legendary spear stabs his right arm opening an artery. The sheer force of the impact tears ligament and tendon as the spear is firmly planted in the wound.
"It is terrifying" whispers Hal Bristletrade who had the monster approaching him a moment ago
Glorg's blow still connects despite his savage injury as his left spear stabs her foot through her sandals. She does not fall down
Hal swings his scimitar, but doesn't cut skin.
The hunter pulls the spear out of Glorg's arm and the two have half a moment before they begin fighting again
Do the warriors say anything in this momentary exchange?
The dwarf lashes out with her spear again in a moment's notice stabbing Glorg's left hand only managing to graze skin as he twists out of the way.
She charges at him, but he jumps out of the way and stabs again in the neck with deep impact tearing a tendon in the upper spine

She turns in this moment and stabs the surprised Grugni in the back. Although it does not pierce through his leather armor the heaviness of the impact damages his liver and within another moment she charges at him barreling him into the wall and leaving him knocked prone.
"You filthy traitor. I'll kill you myself!" he cries
She stabs him in his left leg tearing an artery and severing nerves

All of this took place within a second and a half and within that time Glorg was suddenly on her again stabbing her in the right hand and severing many of her nerve endings
Hal follows up behind him, but the dwarf casually deflects his scimitar with her legendary spear
"This is truly horrifying" he says as he lashes out again, but this time she jumps away.

She stabs Grugni in his left arm that was in a sling and Grugni attempts to twist his body to hold onto it while Glorg stabs his spear into her stomach
She pulls the spear from Grugni and strikes out at Glorg, but he dodges. He strikes in kind and she barely brings her own spear up in time to deflect
She charges Glorg again and he jumps away again. In frustration she hisses and slashes Grugni's face with her nails cutting his cheek

Glorg and Ral trade blows for a second and in that second several are traded as lightning fast warriors duel, each one blocked by the other. Glorg surprises her by twirling his spear and hitting her with the shaft of it to get around her parry. He attacks again and she jumps away.

Grugni begins to pretend that he has something in his left arm "This will stop you" he says an obvious lie
She stabs his left foot. Her spear stabs down going straight through his iron boot and jamming into flesh.

Hal lashes out again and she dodges while Grugni kicks her leg in hopes of knocking her over. Hal follows with another attack that she easily deflects
She stabs at Grugni again and he just barely manages to scramble away in time

Hal stabs her right arm severing many nerves boasting "I have defeated many fearsome opponents!"
Grugni kicks the same leg again and Glorg stabs her stomach the impact shattering what was left of her raiment. She does not seem to have tired at all and has not lost slowed down

Grugni's earlier ploy pays off as she stabs his left hand again and Hal attempts to defend him, but she casually deflects it and then stabs Grugni's left leg. Grugni kicks her in the head and she stabs his left hand again. The useless appendage explodes into gore now.
Egem, who has been unable to see her the whole time, is struck as she stabs him in the shoulder. Grugni attacks her where she is, but she jumps away. Egem still can not see her.

She stabs Grugni's left leg again with such force it even twists his knee from mere impact as more nerves are severed and artery opens
Glorg and Grugni lash out side by side at the hunter, but she dodges each blow they throw at her and finally stabs out into Grugni's right leg

Burt finally arrives, this battle having taken place within only a handful of seconds, but his first blow misses as she dodges. Glorg bashes her foot with all his might twisting her ankle, but she still does not fall!
She stabs out at Grugni's neck unable to pierce his new mail shirt he took from the ettin. The impact still fractures his upper spine and he is left gagging.

Grugni attempts to kick her despite the pain, but she dodges. Midflight Burt slams the pommel of his longsword into her right foot tearing ligament. Glorg stabs her in her right leg as she lands, but she still will not fall!

She stabs Grugni in the head, but it is caught on his iron cap. The impact still shakes his whole body. Burt slashes her already wounded right hand. Burt, Glorg and Grugni press a savage spree of attacks upon her and she dodges them all before twisting to stab Grugni again in the arm causing the entire limb to explode into gore, but the dwarf had already lost feeling in it and presses forward! She dodges his attempt to latch on and bite.

She just barely draws her spear back in time to deflect Glorg's attack. She kicks what remains of Grugni's arm shattering what bone remains. Glorg strikes again and as she just barely catches it in time, burt comes in like a flash cutting her right leg open even more.
She stabs Grugni again, the stubborn dwarf just won't die, and the spear gets caught on his mail shirt, but the impact damages his liver more.
Grugni kicks, but she dodges only to realize she dodged into Burt's attack. She twists last second flipping out of the way only to land in Glorg's sights as he stabs her leg again.
"Oh you all are truly great warriors" she mocks "I haven't tried this hard in decades"
Any response? This whole battle has been maybe a minute
"Shut up and fight, traitor" Grugni spits after the others have spoken
She stabs Grugni in his lips tearing them out.
Grugni goes to kick as she tears the spear back out of his face and Glorg attacks again. She just barely deflects it in time and uses her other hand to scratch Grugni's face.
Grugni kicks her at her again with such force she backs away into Glorg's blow as he stabs her foot! She still will not fall to the ground despit her legs being a bloody mess. Necromatic magic keeps her standing

In a second a battlefield and peoples worlds can change. As Burt slashes she dodges and lands behind Glorg and stabs with all her might into his neck. The impact itself is great enough that it causes his head to fall from his shoulders. Glorg is dead.
"You traitorous whore I'll kill you!" Grugni roars
She lashes out at Burt, but he deflects it with his sword and lashes out. She jumps out of the way of his blow and then dodges Grugni. She aims for Grugni's brain with a stab, but only cuts his eyelid. His right eye is forced to close from injury. She stabs his left shoulder, but it is caught on his mail shirt

Burt punches her with his shield arm in the left foot bruising bone.
Burt slashes, but she deflects it and dodges Grugni effortlessly. She scratches Grugni's chest, clearly toying with him. He becomes enraged roaring vengeance.
She dodges again and parries Burt's next blow.
Egem's character at this point is talking about getting revenge for Glorg, but he literally can't see her at all
She scratches Grugni's head again the force twisting his neck.

She dodges Grugni again and deflects Burt again and now she stabs her spear straight into Grugni's mouth. Smiling she twists and sends his teeth flying out before retracting her spear in what could easily have been a lethal attack if she wanted.
She dodges Grugni again and this time Burt stabs her in the foot. He uses his superior size and charges at her antlers down, but she dodges out of the way.
Now Hal catches up and lashes out, but she dodges and as she does she opens herself up for Burt who slashes her face open with his sword injuring her upper spine with the impact.

Grugni is a berserk animal at this point his eye having rolled back as he throws himself in rage. She dodges, but Burt places himself exactly wherever she will be and stabs her left hand. It explodes into gore! She is undead and feels no pain

Hal and Grugni both make attacks and she dodges and spins around each one. She stabs the remains of Grugni's hand again attempting to torment him, but he has no feeling in his whole arm anyway.
The two attack again and she repeats the maneuver, as she scratches Grugni's head again
At this point in the fight all the adventurers in-game expressed their feelings about the current situation
She dodges Grugni again and stabs into his chest not piercing armor, but sending him reeling. He attacks again and she dodges
"I have killed beasts all over the underdark and fought an ettin on the surface! You will die too!"
She stabs his lower body, but it is also caught on armor. Grugni is not undead, but his constitution seems very unnatural.
Grugni attacks. She dodges into Burt's blow, but barely deflects it in time with her spear.
She stabs Grugni's ruined hand again. He is panting heavier then anyone has ever seen. Covered in blood and lost to rage he attempts to take a step forward, but falls to the floor passing out from exhaustion.
In that moment's distraction Burt slashes Ral in her lower body the sword going into her flesh and being caught there. As he pulls it out she stabs his foot causing him to fall to the ground.
Burt stabs her in the leg that the party has been attempting to destroy the entire time and she stabs at his head, but her spear is caught on his antlers.

Burt stabs her left hand and she stabs his other hoof. Within that moment that she is drawing her spear back to herself Burt lashes out stabbing again and her right hand explodes into gore. Nazomad falls from her grip and she looks at Burt in shock!

She falls into a sprint of sudden unarmed attacks with Burt dodging or blocking all of them. She scratches his antler and causes it to fracture slightly.
Burt stabs her in the head. The sword gets caught in her skull, but doesn't pierce it as she growls at him.
She lashes out and he dodges then slashes her left arm.
She lashes out again and he blocks and slashes her left arm again!
She attacks and he blocks and cuts her leg now. Seeing the unnatural energy supporting her legs he blocks another blow and stabs her foot with all his might. It explodes into gore and she falls to the ground!

Hal punches her in the hand while aiming for her lower body. Burt attempts to stab her leg, but she rolls and his sword stabs her foot again. She attempts to scratch Burt's legs but her nails can not pierce the psuedo-Collosi's armor
Hal attacks, but she scrambles away desperately.

She spins on the floor grabbing Hal's head with her legs and in a moment she somehow flips and THROWS Hal at Burt. Burt just barely jumps out of the way as Hal flies into the wall.
The battle goes on miserably for twice as long. Ral can not land blows on either Hal or Burt as they whittle away at her. Grugni wakes up at one moment and she uses her nails to cut an artery in his neck. As he attempts to attack again she kicks his right foot jamming the bone and sending him reeling with pain. He passes back out.

At lightning speeds do Hal and Burt work the dwarf slashing her body to bloody ruin and pieces, but she still does not quit fighting! Grugni wakens again. She bites with all her might straight through his iron boot! She yanks and tears one of his toes out and he passes out again. This act of petty violence was an opening though.

Burt runs in and slashes at the injury to her lower body he made earlier and slashes again! Now he finishes the cut as her legs are separated from her torse and they both go different directions. She is struck down!

Grugni takes awhile to waken and he is too shell shocked to say much, but when he does speak "Why do I still live, but he does not. Did I not try hard enough, oh gods?" Grugni weeps. Glorg was the first person to try and talk to him and the first one to make him laugh heartily since he had been trapped on the surface. He lost a friend.


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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The Spear King
« Reply #173 on: June 21, 2023, 02:06:44 pm »

Glorg readies a spear in each hand as he growls a challenge and walks forward.
"Oh ho you dare approach me?"
Cue epic line from Glorg

"Spear, meet foe!" followed by an elephantine bellow and a low charge.

Her legendary spear stabs his right arm opening an artery. The sheer force of the impact tears ligament and tendon as the spear is firmly planted in the wound.
"It is terrifying" whispers Hal Bristletrade who had the monster approaching him a moment ago
Glorg's blow still connects despite his savage injury as his left spear stabs her foot through her sandals. She does not fall down
Hal swings his scimitar, but doesn't cut skin.
The hunter pulls the spear out of Glorg's arm and the two have half a moment before they begin fighting again
Do the warriors say anything in this momentary exchange?

glorg: "Trade blows we may, but Glorg will always come out ahead for Glorg is the Merchant of Death!"

Grugni kicks, but she dodges only to realize she dodged into Burt's attack. She twists last second flipping out of the way only to land in Glorg's sights as he stabs her leg again.
"Oh you all are truly great warriors" she mocks "I haven't tried this hard in decades"
Any response? This whole battle has been maybe a minute
"Shut up and fight, traitor" Grugni spits after the others have spoken

Internally, Glorg is horrified at the wounded Grungni and commits his entire passionate barbarian soul to this fight. The mocking banter is barely understood by Glorg and only infuriates him further.

In a second a battlefield and peoples worlds can change. As Burt slashes she dodges and lands behind Glorg and stabs with all her might into his neck. The impact itself is great enough that it causes his head to fall from his shoulders. Glorg is dead.

*very wet-sounding wheezing noises from the open wound that used to be my neck*

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I would love a new char, if possible :] seeing as mine just expired.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The Spear King
« Reply #174 on: June 22, 2023, 07:14:04 am »

"Oh you all are truly great warriors" she mocks "I haven't tried this hard in decades"
Any response? This whole battle has been maybe a minute
"Just shut up and die already!"

The impact itself is great enough that it causes his head to fall from his shoulders. Glorg is dead.
"Holy Shit!" Burt is horrified by Glorg's death and becomes determined to put an end to her before she can kill another one of his companions.

At this point in the fight all the adventurers in-game expressed their feelings about the current situation
"How can this thing still be alive, even an undead would have been killed by now!"

Burt runs in and slashes at the injury to her lower body he made earlier and slashes again! Now he finishes the cut as her legs are separated from her torse and they both go different directions. She is struck down!
"Oh thank god she's finally dead." He'd then go sit in a corner and contemplate their chances if they met another one of those foul creatures.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The Spear King
« Reply #175 on: June 22, 2023, 05:41:48 pm »

Not gonna lie I got attached to Glorg  :'( Will add your new character after they leave this place!

Not trying to get a head of ourselves, but at least we have necromancy in this world!

Idk if there are any other hunters. They're all this bad though. I don't think there are more, but in legends mode they appear as regular people until you dig through their history and find the tags

EDIT: Also I really wanted Grugni to die lol. I think his lower spine is damaged so he can't walk. I'm hoping he finishes bleeding out when I next kick the game on the poor guy is in a miserable state


  • Bay Watcher
  • the ruler of tea kind!
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The Spear King
« Reply #176 on: June 22, 2023, 06:41:23 pm »

I think i might have to take a gamble and use my bow to try and shoot the enemy by guessing where it might be...

EDIT: holy crap i was half-asleep when i posted this... LMAO I didnt even notcie that we already killed the foe
« Last Edit: June 24, 2023, 06:02:00 am by TeaKing »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The Spear King
« Reply #177 on: June 23, 2023, 02:00:22 am »

I wonder why that thing seemed to hate Grugni so much, I mean it did every but kill him.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The Spear King
« Reply #178 on: June 25, 2023, 08:21:37 am »

You are surrounded by and standing in pools of blood. Both your enemies and your comrades, or maybe friends?

Burt cannot stand currently due to damage to his hooves

Hal is panting heavily. Both he and Egem are hungry

Grugni is laying next to the corpse of Glorg. He begins coughing and sputtering. His body shakes as he attempts to say something, but no words come out. He starts to calm and still

You are surrounded by bodies.
You have slain the master of the cult and his chief chamberlain. You have slain one of the greatest warriors in this world's history, but is the cult truly defeated? Are there more of them hiding deeper within the fort? Can you press on with the injuries present in the party? What if another threat just as deadly awaits below? If you flee have they died in vain? Finally, what should you do with the legendary spear that your departed friend so coveted?

In the face of so many questions you decide...

As stated previously Grugni was on the ground next to Glorg, now crippled and unable to stand, weeping at the death of his friend and cursing that he would yet live crippled as he is. Perhaps due to excessive damage to his upper spine he loses his ability to breathe. He can not force his throat to open. He begins to panic as well as curse his fate that such foul beings that tainted his homeland and cursed his people would continue to take so much. He panics thinking back to his near death at the ettin, Ciba. "Will the gods accept me? Who will bury me? Will I be cursed to wander these miserable lands as a spirit unable to go to the halls of my ancestors? Would they even want to accept an exile like me?" all these thoughts rushed through his head although the moments of his death felt like an eternity.
As his panic reaches a crescendo he hears a voice directly above him "There is no greater love than this: to lay one's life down for his brothers" As the meaning sets in Grugni calms and he feels himself fading as if being drawn away through a great tunnel. He no longer sees his friends, but sees the great gates of the dwarven mountainhome. The gates are open with the great keeper of it's gates holding out a hand smiling. "Home, at last" Grugni thinks as he leaves this world.

I may do a Ral lore post soon depending if her entries are as cool as her combat prowess was
« Last Edit: June 25, 2023, 10:55:55 am by Maloy »

King Zultan

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Re: In Search of Fairy Tales - Adelaathira - The Spear King
« Reply #179 on: June 26, 2023, 03:38:06 am »

You have slain the master of the cult and his chief chamberlain. You have slain one of the greatest warriors in this world's history, but is the cult truly defeated?
Most likely not as just because we killed the highest ranking members doesn't mean that someone else won't take their place.

Are there more of them hiding deeper within the fort?
Very likely, and some have probably heard the fighting and have gone deeper in.

Can you press on with the injuries present in the party?
Burt doesn't think it would be wise as he is unable to walk and they need to give their fallen fellows a proper burial before the cultists can defile their corpses.

What if another threat just as deadly awaits below?
There is the potential that there is one but is something to discover at a later time.

If you flee have they died in vain?
No as they have dealt a massive blow to the cultists by killing their leader and the warrior, so they will be in disarray for a bit, but they will need to return to finish them off before the cult can reorganize them selves.

Finally, what should you do with the legendary spear that your departed friend so coveted?
Burt is unsure what to do with it besides take it with them when they leave as it's to powerful a weapon behind.

(Well that's a depressing end to this leg of the adventure, two of our party lay dead.)
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?
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