(Here's your full list of prize options...)
LIGHT BLUE ARMY WINS!!!!The base is yours, now mold it as you see fit.
Choose 1:
- Statue: (Default) A 1x1 statue erected in your honor. It's in your team color, which you now have reserved. Replaces any former statue. If you already own the current statue, you can increase its' size by +1 in either width or height. Stacks.
- Command: Keep the current map, and prevent progressive proposals from being passed until the end of the next match unless you approve.
- Schematics: You get to make one conservative game change that skips voting. Can be multiple if closely connected.
- Map: Design next map, or choose one designed by someone else. Can also revisit a previous map. (Ask about requirements)
- Intel: Replace the teleporter with a new map object, or add a new unit.
- Boss: ? (NOT AVAILABLE - Can't be chosen if the host wins...)
All game changes will need the next host's approval. Please PM your selection to them in a timely manner.
I plan to host the next match on the 21st. In that time players may still participate in the
OOC Thread. You are welcome to discuss what you'd like to see for the series going forward. Regarding the pacing though, I have already decided. You will be able to play it like FP II, or FP I. Neither will have an advantage, as hourly players may only take 2 half turns, until all players have posted. While the Greenwich system does nothing for me personally, I see no reason to take it out when others do benefit.
(I recommend locking this thread, so there is one place for discussion.)
Edit: OOC url updated.