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Author Topic: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears  (Read 1095 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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[OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« on: July 24, 2022, 12:04:09 pm »

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In ages long past, gods and man walked as one. Their blessings allowed man to protect his kin and kind, but as always, they were abused. One of these blessings was used to strike at Suha, and thus the gods retreated from their children. Even among those Gifted enough to bear them, the powers they had given faded from mankind, a harsh punishment for a transgression that may never be forgiven.

. . . That’s what the church says anyway. Why are you asking? I shoot lightning bolts out of my face and get paid to do it by the people that made it so I could while I wear the right kind of fancy outfit. What else matters? Not some old-ass story, that’s for sure.

What’s this?

The Wealth of Gears is a character-focused game where you play as a member of a magical race lucky enough to have a good job working for an enormous megacorporation. It’s basically me taking my frustration about the situation around me on whoever decides to play in a tale of the seeming futility of trying to move against immovable forces. It’s a story about the burden of expectations and attempts to meet them while maintaining one’s personhood. It challenges you to find an answer to the cold fact that the vast majority of people couldn’t care less about what happens to you as long as you do what you’re expected to. It will probably be frustrating at times, but the sweetest rewards come after the bitterest of labor.


Who are you?

A recently hired Gifted who has headed out to a town not quite on the frontier in search of quests to take for their employer.

The setting of the Wealth of Gears is, for the most part, a bog-standard fantasy setting. Magical artifacts dot the land, adventurers are in high demand for escorting, fetching, hunting, and everything else that one can think of. Swords and sorcery are the norm, but there is one key difference: time has continued to pass. Technology has advanced (with the assistance of magic) and archaic systems have been pushed out or modernized. Kingdoms and empires gave way to republics and, most importantly, corporations.

Adventuring is a heavily regulated industry divided up between a small number of enormous corporate entities that seem to literally have divine power (especially given one of them is the church.) A prospective adventurer is a highly educated and trained individual vying for selection by one of these companies, who will then further train and test them to find where their talents are best applied. More information on that later.

The world is possessed of four different sapient species: humans, dragons, fairies, and the Gifted. The latter, as one might have guessed from the incredibly unique and clever name, are the people around which this story revolves. Humans, dragons, and fairies all have their unique traits, but the Gifted sit in an area somewhere between the three.

Dragons, as one might expect, are few in number and effectively immortal. Several of the most ancient ones are suspected to be the roots of the Ten and other beliefs that have sprung up over the years - or to outright be gods, if one is of a more religious bent. One of them heads Razelow International, a leader in logistics and trade law, as the founder, owner, and CEO.

Fairies are a bit more odd. They exist on a plane of reality at a sort of odd angle to ours: there is an intersection, but that intersection is not always comprehensible. Fairies appear in the material world and disappear for seemingly no reason, sometimes flickering in for a few seconds and sometimes staying to amuse themselves for years at a time. They have a wide variety of appearances with no two appearing exactly the same, but they tend toward avian and specifically corvid forms for reasons unknown.

The Gifted are the divine people, those with the power of gods running through their veins. Or, so the stories say. They have draconian features such as patches of scales on their body and tails. Less commonly, they have avian features instead; said avian Gifted are the most likely to grow wings at some point during their lives (though said wings are almost never enough to get one properly aloft without magical assistance, and are rare regardless.) They also have greater variation in height than humans, but average to around the same size.

The Gifted are not particularly sexually dimorphic and this has shaped part of their society and how it interfaces with human cultures. They appear female or androgynous by human standards and tend to interpret gender more based on mannerisms, which often leads to mistakes and frustrations when (for example) a young Gifted travels to a large city for the first time and interprets his prospective female manager as male and refers to her as such.

Most notably, however, are that Gifted are the only ones capable of taking Oaths. Oaths and their resulting powers are the primary reason they are treated distinctly from humans in many social capacities.

Oaths and the Ten

Oaths are what allow a Gifted individual to activate their full potential. They are a set of promises tied to a particular set of powers, each of which has been painstakingly cultivated by the organizations controlling who takes them and when. A proper Oath requires a fair amount of ceremony and ritual. As long as one keeps their Oath - which means, of course, doing your job as you’re told to - one can retain and advance one’s powers. Break the Oath, and one risks not only earning the ire of one’s manager, but a reduction or outright loss of the powers with which one makes one’s living.

Alongside the powers generally associated with one’s Oath directly, each Gifted gains their own innate power that is more or less unique to them known as a Genius. The Oath must still be obeyed when using this power; someone in a healing class might find their abilities fizzling when trying to use them to smite evildoers. Each Genius is said to relate to two of the Ten; whichever god in the Extrinsic and Intrinsic one finds oneself closest to in the depths of their soul.

Extrinsic Gods

The Extrinsic Gods represent how people influence the world around them, and how it influences them. They are associated with the elemental aspect one’s Genius manifests as.

Spoiler: Extrinsic Gods (click to show/hide)

Intrinsic Gods

The Intrinsic Gods represent the forces that occur within a person. Rather than how an individual affects others and is affected by them, they govern how an individual affects themselves with their attitudes, drives, and beliefs. They are associated with the underlying effects of a Genius.

Spoiler: Intrinsic Gods (click to show/hide)

The world is dominated by corporate interest, whose influence has crept into virtually every aspect of daily life. In particular, six companies have accumulated a majority of influence, in large part due to their monopoly on Oaths. Virtually every Gifted not living in an isolated village is employed by one of them, and most humans are as well (though these are more often via holdings and subsidiaries rather than directly.)

The Church of the Ten

The Church is an ancient organization that has been accumulating wealth and influence since long before the concept of a corporation properly existed. Working for them means working for an employer that has centuries of experience in managing their employees, and knowing that you’ll be doing the right thing. The Church of the Ten is a premier supplier of escorts, supplies, and other necessities to those in need; good hearts are always welcome.

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Razelow International

A specialist in logistics both physical and legal, Razelow International welcomes any and all employees aboard. With holdings across the globe and an unmatched network, Razelow promises success to anyone willing to put in the effort. They do not discriminate against those with different lifestyles and beliefs; everyone will be treated equally.

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Gearing Industries

The leading supplier of heavy equipment in the world. Gearing Industries offers the same thing to its employees as it offers its customers: tools to put in the work. They have a reputation as an excellent employer, with numerous anonymous testimonials from management mentioning their upward mobility and rewarding benefits.

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Wealdere Entertainment

Wealdere is a name beloved in every household, being responsible for many of the cherished childhood characters that today’s adults have grown up with. They continue to produce enchanting tales for children and adults alike to this day, never giving up on their mission to bring the spirit of adventure into the family home. Only the best of the best work at Wealdere, as anything less would be failing their many adoring fans.

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Unity Security Agency

Unity is not subtle or evasive about their products. They offer security and stability, and will go to great lengths to ensure they both exist. Of the megacorporations, Unity is the one most often acting as a vendor to the others; it’s hard to visit a building of any importance and not catch a few Unity personnel out of the corner of your eye. Work at Unity means high standards and reliable coworkers, no more and no less.

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Ascension Ltd.

Ascension offers a different spiritual path to the Church of the Ten. It values each of its employees deeply and offers them great amounts of freedom in their paths. They focus on letting their workers build their own careers, and sharing further knowledge with them when they have proven themselves to be sturdy enough to handle it. Ascension’s turnover is almost unheard-of; virtually nobody has ever left the corporation’s employment once they began.

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Character Creation
There are two steps to creating a character for this game. The first is filling out the character sheet below:

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)
The second step is creating a resume for your character. It should have all the standard parts of a resume, giving a summary of their educational and work backgrounds and cleanly presenting why their employer might have hired them. No template will be provided, but the GM will provide assistance. This is intended to help become more familiar with the world and establish backstory at the same time.
« Last Edit: July 26, 2022, 11:06:32 am by Chevaleresse »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2022, 12:04:52 pm »

Player Characters:
« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 08:48:56 am by Chevaleresse »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2022, 05:18:34 pm »

Name: Jocelyn Alabaster
Employer/Class: Church of the Ten/Herald
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Appearance: 5'1", pale, very long red hair, dark green eyes, a pair of clusters of red feathers on her arms, and, much to her chagrin, a 10' wingspan of bright white wings, with each ending with a single golden feather at the tips, and still leaving her flightless; more cute than pretty, with a terminal case of babyface. Usually seen wearing a labcoat over long-sleeved shirts and slacks, clearly trying (and failing) to look like an actual adult.

Personality: Jocelyn, at the core of who she is, is a person who wants to help. To this end, she believes that she should make sure to improve herself at every opportunity, so as to be better able to help others in the future; this can sometimes appear to be competitiveness, due to her attempting to match the capabilities of those around her. This focus on helping others does sometimes lead to her neglecting to consider that others can help her as well, leading her to attempt to take on larger burdens than she really needs to unless stopped. Although Jocelyn enjoys discussing things that interest her, she is rather horrible at small talk, and as a result, she comes off as shy or unapproachable to people who have not already established a common interest in one manner or another. Given the opportunity, she'll try almost anything at least once; whether or not she continues to do something depends heavily on that first experience, however.

Extrinsic Element: Gaia
Intrinsic Source: Aite
Genius: Poetically speaking, Jocelyn has a mind like a steel trap. More literally speaking, while Jocelyn was already intelligent, her Genius goes above and beyond, granting her perfect photographic memory, never releasing any information that she can lay her eyes on. That said, it is the actual image that remains in her mind, not necessarily the information itself; recalling and reading the pages of a textbook, for instance, may be needed to properly regain forgotten knowledge.

Spoiler: Resume (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 05:01:50 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #3 on: July 24, 2022, 06:40:24 pm »

Name: Keina Mackenzy
Employer/Class: Wealdere
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Appearance: Keina is a tall young woman at 5'10" with a slender figure. She has pale pink skin that glows reddish orange when her Genius is burning especially hot. Her hair is an extremely dark brown that fades to red towards the tips. Like her skin, the red in her glows when her Genius is heating up, but the threshold that it begins glowing at is much lower and it shifts all the way to white when she's at her maximum heat level. For draconic features, she has a black tail that's a little longer than her legs and a pair of cute little fangs. Her clothes leave little to the imagination, with a small black bikini bottom and an extremely loose white sleeveless top that is cut far too short to reasonably be considered clothing serving as her only coverage. She usually goes barefoot, but wears a pair of sandals when out adventuring. She is prone to leaping up in the air in excitement, which has precisely the effect you're imagining.

Personality: Keina is a cheerful and straightforward person who wears her heart on her sleeve. Or would, if she had sleeves. She's very optimistic and always makes an effort to take things as they come. There's a few things that make her anxious (try asking her about girls), but overall she's difficult to faze. She can seem, and be, a bit stupid, but she's got heart and can be surprisingly insightful when it comes to emotional matters. All in all, she's a reliable, if a bit naive, person who doesn't let the world get her down.

Extrinsic Element: Arevik
Intrinsic Source: Allegria
Genius: Keina is basically on fire internally, with the exact level of heat varying based on her emotional state. The more emotional she's feeling, the warmer she gets. At her coolest, she can provide warm hugs to people with mild fevers. At her hottest, touching her briefly will cause first-degree burns. Whenever she yells loudly enough, whether she means to or not, she creates a large explosion in front of her, this explosion grows in size and intensity the louder she is.

Spoiler: Resume (click to show/hide)
Am Shami, I run RPs. People seem to like them.
Currently focused on Defile Circles, a game all about being corrupted by demonic powers while trying to figure out a magic system where there are literally billions of possible spells.
Defile Circles Discord


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #4 on: July 25, 2022, 07:50:43 am »

Keina Mackenzy has been selected for employment by Wealdere Entertainment, in the position of Extra.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2022, 05:15:41 am by Chevaleresse »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #5 on: August 09, 2022, 01:57:40 pm »

Name: Jocelyn Alabaster
Employer/Class: Church of the Ten/TBD
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Appearance: 5'1", pale, very long red hair, dark green eyes, a pair of clusters of red feathers on her arms, and, much to her chagrin, a 10' wingspan of bright white wings, with each ending with a single golden feather at the tips, and still leaving her flightless; more cute than pretty, with a terminal case of babyface. Usually seen wearing a labcoat over long-sleeved shirts and slacks, clearly trying (and failing) to look like an actual adult
Personality: Shy but nice, unlikely to initiate interactions but happy to assist where requested, overall wants to help. However, is driven to excel at what she does and wants to prove that excellence to others, resulting in something of a competitive streak. Open to interesting experiences.
Extrinsic Element: Lucina
Intrinsic Source: Miyu
Genius: Jocelyn can quickly fabricate hard-light objects, which can be used for whatever the created object would be used for. These objects don't have much detail, however, which prevents the creation of precise or complex instruments.

Spoiler: Resume (click to show/hide)
Resume looks mostly okay, if more suited to Wealdere. It's worth noting that on-the-fly spellcasting isn't much of a thing in this setting outside of the powers you get with your class. Magic is mostly based on artifice with the occasional prepared ritual. I'd also like to talk a little about the places you noted in your resume, if just to establish some details about them.

 You don't choose your Intrinsic source, you work with me - ergo you can't have a Genius yet. The personality is also a touch generic - "shy but actually not" is pretty commonly seen. It's not bad, per se, but it might be good to reflect a little more depth.

Quote from: GreenKnight from discord
Name: Valiar Greenfield.
Employer/Class: Unity/TBD
Age: 27 Years.
Sex: Male

Appearance: 6’ tall, with a strong physique. Well muscled, with smatterings of green dragon scales appearing over his body. Several scars along the torso and hands, but blends in well enough with his tanned skin colour. Has a longer tail than is typical, and often uses it to gesticulate with when emphasis needs to be made.

Personality: While Valiar attempts to maintain a disciplined and professional demeanor when on the clock, in reality he has a weak control over his emotions and is prone to sudden bursts of expression whenever something triggers an outburst. If he sees something cute, for example, he will almost invariably go into full blown obsession over said cuteness, sometimes hinging on violence depending on how deep the emotional outburst becomes. These swings are always embarrassing, but have gotten less frequent over the years.

Extrinsic Element: Arevik.
Intrinsic Source: Aite


See above re: intrinsic. Looks okay so far, but obviously I need the resume. Your intrinsic source is probably actually Suha, but I'd want to talk about it more in PMs.

Quote from: rustytengo from Discord
Name: Maya Mistal
Employer/Class: Ascension
Age: 23
Sex: female
Appearance: a young woman around 5’5” with light skin, crystal blue eyes and long black hair that goes out just past her shoulders. Her dracronic features take the form of a rather long blue tail. She normally wears a t-shirt with a blue baggy hoodie over it, keeping her figure hidden and a knee length loose black skirt that has been modified for her tail. Her look is finished with a pair of gray stockings and a black sneakers.

Personality: Many would describe Maya as abrasive though that's because she tends to be blunt and cold with most people she meets. Though the few who have gotten close to her find that she is a very gentle and affectionate girl (though somewhat clingy at times)l who enjoys living her life the way she wants and with the people she wants to.

Extrinsic Element: Era
Intrinsic Source: [Which Intrinsic force motivates your character. Leave this blank initially, as it will be discussed with the GM. Determines, broadly, what effect your Genius has.]
Genius: [Leave this blank to start. This will be assigned after discussion with the GM. This power is unique to your character.]

Also needs a resume. Personality sounds mostly just like a standard tsundere, if that's what you're going for. Also worth noting that a lack of scaly bits outside the tail is unusual.

Quote from: Twinwolf from discord
Name: Irina Vidal
Employer/Class: Wealdere Entertainment / To Be Assigned
Age: 23
Sex: Female

Appearance: [What your character looks like. Recall that Gifted are humanoid with draconic (or more rarely, avian) traits that appear outwardly female to the typical human eye. There is more variation in their appearance and size than humans, but they generally aren’t too outlandish.]

Personality: Irina is a loud, flashy kind of person. Since she was a kid she’s loved music and performance, growing up on an odd concoction of pop idols and her uncle’s hard rock band. She sees music as a way to put her heart out into the air and communicate her feelings in a way that talking just can’t match! She’s got a hard time being anything but herself - not really able to hide her feelings or tamp down her emotions.

Extrinsic Element: Era (Wind)

Intrinsic Source: Faolan

Genius: [Leave this blank to start. This will be assigned after discussion with the GM. This power is unique to your character.]

From what I have heard about conversations you've had, the sources look right, but I'd still want to talk to you. The rest I won't comment on bc it's not done yet, obv.
« Last Edit: August 09, 2022, 02:10:44 pm by Chevaleresse »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #6 on: August 18, 2022, 07:30:12 am »

Jocelyn Alabaster has been selected for employment by the Church of the Ten, in the position of Herald.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #7 on: August 18, 2022, 01:13:32 pm »

Name: Alaric Dugris

Employer/Class: Unity Security Agency

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Appearance: Alaric, in many regards, looks old for his age. His medium length hair is more grey than black, held back by two sets of tilde shaped horns, ultimate giving him a distinguished look. Furthermore, his jaw and sides of his face are particularly draconic, giving him wide angular features which contrast nicely against his pronounced cheekbones. This ultimately skews his appearance further into masculine than most gifted, a fact which has not been lost on sharp eyed talent seekers. Overall, the rest of his physique follows suit, as his draconic elements extend across his torso, shoulders, and down his back. Other than this, he is lightly scaled, and totally lacking a tail. His only other notable outward draconic element are his hands, which are moderately scaled up the forearm, and end in small claws rather than fingernails. Similar to his hair, his scales are primarily a silvered grey, mixed with white and black scales throughout.

Personality: Life has not been kind to Alaric, despite the blessings of his birth, and it shows in his demeanor. Alaric possess an immutable air of self-reliance, and is not the type to complain. He is the hard working type, who takes wins and losses in stride. He is patient and tolerant, with a flexible mind well suited for tactics and logistics. Most frivolities are lost on him, though he neither shuns nor shies away from them.

Extrinsic Element: Gaia

Intrinsic Source:

« Last Edit: August 18, 2022, 03:57:28 pm by Roboson »


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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2022, 01:28:35 pm »

Name: Maya Mistal

Employer/Class: Ascension/Student

Age: 23

Sex: female

Appearance: a young woman around 5’5” with light skin, crystal blue eyes and long black hair that goes out just past her shoulders. Her draconic features take the form of a rather long blue tail, a pair of small horns and a few patches of scales along her arms. She normally wears a t-shirt with a blue baggy hoodie over it, keeping her figure hidden and a knee length loose black skirt that has been modified for her tail. Her look is finished with a pair of gray stockings and a black sneakers.

Personality: Maya tends to come off as aloof and distant to people, due to her keeping quiet or just being out right blunt in her interactions with them. The few who actually have gotten close to her though find her to be a gentle and affectionate girl who can come off as a bit clingy. Who does her best to enjoy life in the way she wants to.
Extrinsic Element: Era

Intrinsic Source: Allegria

Genius: summons a wall of storms as a barrier which is aggressive and indiscriminate but it doesn’t move from the spot it was summoned and takes a moment to both summon desummon.

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« Last Edit: September 30, 2022, 03:10:28 am by rustytengo »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #9 on: August 18, 2022, 06:12:04 pm »

Name: Valiar Greenfield.
Employer/Class: Unity/TBD
Age: 27 Years.
Sex: Male
Appearance: 6’ tall, with a strong physique. Well muscled, with smatterings of green dragon scales appearing over his body. Several scars along the torso and hands, but blends in well enough with his tanned skin colour. Has a longer tail than is typical, and often uses it to gesticulate with when emphasis needs to be made.
Personality: While Valiar attempts to maintain a disciplined and professional demeanor when on the clock, in reality he has a weak control over his emotions and is prone to sudden bursts of expression whenever something triggers an outburst. If he sees something cute, for example, he will almost invariably go into full blown obsession over said cuteness, sometimes hinging on violence depending on how deep the emotional outburst becomes. These swings are always embarrassing, but have gotten less frequent over the years. 
Extrinsic Element: Arevik.
Intrinsic Source: Aite
Genius: Valiar's emotions are easy to tell, as smoke passively emanates from his mouth no matter what mood he is in. These fumes induce whatever emotion he is feeling the most strongly at the given moment, and he can channel that energy into creating a smokescreen of emotionally volatile smoke at will.

Spoiler: Resume (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2022, 03:53:17 pm by GreenKnight »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #10 on: September 18, 2022, 12:07:57 pm »

Valiar Greenfield has been selected for employment by Unity, in the position of Trainer.

Alaris's application has been withdrawn.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2022, 12:14:36 pm by Chevaleresse »
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2022, 08:49:28 am »

Maya Mistal has been selected for employment by Ascension Ltd., in the position of Student.
GM of Trespassers V2.
If you like my work, consider becoming a patron. (Since apparently people think this is a requirement: no, my game(s) are free to play and always will be.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [OOC] The Wealth of Gears
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2022, 03:53:44 pm »

Name: Valiar Greenfield.
Employer/Class: Unity, Trainer.
Age: 27 Years.
Sex: Male
Appearance: 6’ tall, with a strong physique. Well muscled, with smatterings of green dragon scales appearing over his body. Several scars along the torso and hands, but blends in well enough with his tanned skin colour. Has a longer tail than is typical, and often uses it to gesticulate with when emphasis needs to be made.
Personality: While Valiar attempts to maintain a disciplined and professional demeanor when on the clock, in reality he has a weak control over his emotions and is prone to sudden bursts of expression whenever something triggers an outburst. If he sees something cute, for example, he will almost invariably go into full blown obsession over said cuteness, sometimes hinging on violence depending on how deep the emotional outburst becomes. These swings are always embarrassing, but have gotten less frequent over the years. 
Extrinsic Element: Arevik.
Intrinsic Source: Aite
Genius: Valiar's emotions are easy to tell, as smoke passively emanates from his mouth no matter what mood he is in. These fumes induce whatever emotion he is feeling the most strongly at the given moment, and he can channel that energy into creating a smokescreen of emotionally volatile smoke at will.

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