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Author Topic: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress & Adventure [DF 0.47.05]  (Read 80199 times)


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #120 on: September 23, 2022, 07:37:05 am »

Ah yeah, i tend to future proof a lot and tend to trade food and drink with the humans. The books yeah went way too far on that but it was alot worse when i started. A shame as i had packed them all into bookshelfs and then return to explosion of books
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #121 on: September 23, 2022, 08:38:31 am »

No worries. Scatter was expected. :)

Besides, I'd anyway need to do a cleanup since I'm bringing in more residents and things'll scatter once again.

I think next time we do retire/unretire stuff, we'll have to first put all the books on a pedestal. That should prevent the scatter (or some of it).

I'll try to do the adventurer part today and then for the remainder of me turn sort out fort stuff, like do a cleanowned x run and smash all unnecessary things into oblivion.


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #122 on: September 23, 2022, 01:10:50 pm »

Looking forward to updates. I'm still a little confused on what exactly you are doing for the 'adventurer' part, are you just creating a series of adventurer capys then retiring them?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #123 on: September 23, 2022, 02:14:02 pm »

Yeah, just making a group of capys who start at a different place and guide them to Waterlures as "migrants".

The ones we began the story with I just had start at Waterlures, but it's more interesting to play and record their journey to the spot.

Hopefully this'll be the last group and we'll get our capybaras "naturally" in the future.

(...Though we'll see if this group manages to reach the place alive since I just ran into a quite large ambush. And of course there's no fighters in the group.)
Never mind, no ambush ever happened, nope, none at all. And I certainly didn't save-scum. Never.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #124 on: September 23, 2022, 05:42:22 pm »

Part I:
The Journey

“Everybody has their own way of life,” the low-voiced goblin said to the very fat pig and patted her on the back. The pig snorted, eyeing the goblin confusedly.

“So, this place you talked about -- this Waterpures -- it's to the south from here, no?” The goblin turned to face the small, round gorlak who was surrounded by a group of capybaras and several other folks.

“Waterlures. It's Waterlures.” Ïteb, the gorlak, corrected and continued. “Yes. Yes, it is. The elves from Múya Loré were quite specific on it's location. And that is where I and my flock are headed, guided by the holy visions sent to me by the Almighty, the Great Rabbit Ôsed in my dreams in the deeps of Controlledseal.”

“A-ha. Yes. Right. Waterlures. Visions from bunnies. Gotcha.” The goblin rolled his eyes as discreetly as he could. “We'll get you there. Keep you out of harms way. Safe and sound. On my honor.” He continued, holding his fist to his heart as if to emphasize he was an honorable being - who just so happened to be part of the Fellowship of Excavation, a bandit gang holed up in the forests of the Playful Hill.

Or as safe as that amount of money can pay for. If I'd not be wanting -- needing -- to get desperately out of this dunghole, I'd never commit to anything with such a paltry sum. Cheapskate gorlak. Prophet my ass, Rin thought.

Lovelythorns was not much of a home. Just a simple camp in the woods with no permanent structures -- the canopies of the persimmon trees and oaks were their roof. No wonder that many an elf outcast had joined the gang and felt like at home there.

Rin the goblin, however, did not see it as home: it was just the only group that he'd found that took him in after all the unwanted attention his less-than-lawful actions had caused in the Just Unions and the Bent Spears. A miserable hole this was -- almost as disgusting as the pits he was born and raised in -- and the sooner he got away, the better.

And this Waterlures sure sounded good: riches that would make dwarven kings envious; no need for law enforcement; no quarrels between neighbors - only peace. Everything was in abundance like in paradise: fish a-plenty, food a-plenty, and drinks, oh the drinks! So much to drink!

“Are we ready to go?” Rin addressed the gorlak and others as he sneakily picked up some coins from the bandit gang's hoard.

“Yes. We should all be as one.” Ova, a mandrill man, said in a cryptic manner.

The sky was clear and the sun was just rising from beyond the horizon. It was a cool morning that spring, on the 1st of Granite, as the group consisting mostly of animal people prepared to set forth.

Their group was rather large: eleven in total (and one pet pig). Rin the goblin was their guide and scout with Odda, the leopard gecko woman carrying a copper spear. Ïteb the gorlak prophet led his flock of five capybara people: Meng, Libash, Zon, Cusal and Luki. Id, the naked mole dog man, was Ïteb's trusted servant.

Then there was Ova the mandrill man and Fayoba, an elf. They, too, were worshipers of the rabbit god Ôsed, and after meeting the prophet and pilgrims on the road, they had joined the group -- safety in numbers and all that.

The group would first head southwest, steering clear of the town of Slidwaxes -- a place taken over by the fell forces of the Prestigious Glazes some decades ago. It was rumored that the dead walked there and the new rulers performed vile experiments on the living, twisting their forms into wretched abominations of the Night.

It was not a long walk to Fellspreads, a hamlet, that was located slightly northwest of Slidwaxes.

Despite its name, the hamlet wasn't a place of wickedness. Or, as far as Rin knew, it wasn't. He actually did not know much of it except old stories of a towering creature made of solid bronze destroying it as a punishment by the Gods. It was more of a myth really. If all the inhabitants were killed, who remained to tell the story? No. It certainly was made up by power-hungry priests who seeked to control the weak and gullible.

Rin spat on the ground in disgust. He had no like for those who exercised power over others. And that gorlak lady, that so-called prophet. She certainly was one of them. Those greedy, manipulative bastards.

Paying no head to the discussions of his companions, Rin's thoughts wandered. But what about the stories of kobolds living in Fellspreads? Well, that might be possible... Except for the fact that kobolds were most likely a myth too. Haven't ever seen one. Don't know of any who has seen one. Definitely not real.

Passing by fields of radishes, the group came to the first limestone hovels of Fellspreads.

It was eerily silent. The houses looked like they had been empty for a long time, yet they showed practically no sign of weathering.

As they went from house to house, knocking on doors and peering in when nobody answered, Meng opened his mouth, “Many years ago, Tura Dreamlimb became Holy Steel of the Denomination of Earth, replacing Zom Knotdungeons.”

“How...interesting...” Rin replied snarkily. I don't care one way or another, you stupid capybara man.

As they neared the last hovels of the hamlet, Rin wondered who had planted all the radish if there were none living in it. He opened a door absent-mindedly and immediately stopped in his tracks.

There was someone inside.

Rin couldn't believe his eyes...


Or at least he thought they were kobolds.

Rin tried to greet the three creatures who were huddled in the back corner of the hovel. They remained silent and stared impatiently at the goblin with their large, yellow glowing eyes.

After trying to communicate with them for several minutes, Rin gave up.

“It's no use. We won't be getting any word from these buggers.” He said to the group he was guiding. ”What buggers? Who were you talking to in that hut? Let me see, let me see!” Libash, one of the capybaras, said trying to peek inside around Rin.

Rin closed the door before Libash got a good glimpse inside.

“There... There was, err...nobody there. Let's move on and forget this place.”

The sun began to set when they reached the Teal Swamp. The swamp pools were still frozen and slowly melting snow covered the ground. Dry reed and cattail stalks jutted through the snow here and there.

The group made camp next to one of the frozen pools. As Rin prepared the fire, Meng rummaged through his backpack and took out his copper betan -- a large hand-held hourglass-shaped drum with a leather head. Meng had named his trusty percussion instrument Kaweleto, 'Wardboat'.

However, none of the others new any compositions requiring the rhythm of the betan, so Meng put it back in his backpack disappointedly.

Instead he began to sing 'The Charm Ever Onward'. Ova, Odda and Fayoba joined in, simulating various instruments. While Meng sang well, the performance of the others was shameworthy and hurt the ears of Rin.

“Could we please be quiet? Some of us are trying to get some sleep here.” Rin snapped at the capybaras.

The following day began with a thin, cold mist as snow fell down from the dark gray sky.

Rin was unsure of the exact direction they had to go. Ïteb's directions were hardly as 'precise' as she claimed them to be: in fact, they were very, very vague and obfuscated with unintelligible metaphors that only a so-called holy person could make up. To make matters worse, Rin's knowledge of the world ended pretty much at Slidwaxes and he had no maps of distant lands.

Fortunately the others didn't know that.

Their travels took them through the Balanced Jungles as they followed a river southwards...

..And through the Perplexing Jungles...

...All the way to the Hill of Fells where they made camp as the sun set...

...And as the sun began to rise, they saw buildings in the north with a tower rising from the lake: it had to be Waterlures!


First part.

Sorry for the rushed ending. I ended up save-scumming when an ambush happened and practically everyone was doomed to die -- didn't really feel like starting from the beginning, so...

Anyway, tomorrow is fort mode time. I guess most of the time will go into picking up scattered books and such. And general cleanup.

I'll sell/destroy everything the village doesn't need.

Plus, of course, I'll continue to try arranging marriages.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #125 on: September 24, 2022, 07:36:15 am »

Unretiring Waterlures went smoothly and no unexpected new residents.

There's two "hostiles", but I think they were both here before this turn. There's also for some reason a named crundle and draltha on the surface (listed as wild animals), but we haven't breached the caverns, or have we? Haven't had this happen before.

I see we have one dwarf living here too: a tavern keeper. I think that's fine.

There's gonna be a hell of lot to do to clean up the book mess on the surface (not to mention getting some off roofs and other inaccessible places) and rebuild all cabinets and chests, so I might not be taking so much notes and screenshots this time.

Any suggestions for an in-game explanation for the mess? I can't think of anything else than a freak storm or fairies/angry spirits from the lake, so if there's no better ideas, we'll go with that.

I am going to remove all the new stockpiles, since the idea was that those that I made previously were more than enough for our humble needs. Everything excess will go to the smasher.

I'll also replace the new observatory bridge with a wooden one: we're supposed to build most of our stuff from wood. Can't have all fancy stone buildings everywhere (the library, observatory and windmill being exceptions), now can we? We're not dwarves, even though we might have more hair (but less caked with vomit and blood!).

Also, I'll repurpose the mining (?) tunnels or possibly seal them. Again, we have more stone than we need and metal is not a priority for us. We're here to make love, not war (ugh, I think something in me died for writing that down) -- if you know what I mean. Nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more!

Population is now 32 (I think), but there's quite a number of non-capies. Should still be enough to get families going.

So, that's the "plan". We'll see how things progress and if this'll end up being a long one again...

(Edit. So, the ice thawed before hauling began properly. We now have a load of books in the bottom of the lake, great.)


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #126 on: September 24, 2022, 10:13:17 am »

Ah sorry about the bridge, i pictured it as a cute cobbled brick bridge. Might have gone overboard with the gem windows. Yeah well i suppose it could be storm to explain the books, hidden knowledge washed down river, local fisher dwarf fishes up books. Hopefully no masterworks writting. I think these newest additions will make it more sustainable. Ofcourse in 40 years most of the animal men will have died and will make it a mostly Capybara site with a single immortal elf who will live with generations of the Capy's

Yeah i assigned the dwarf that crashes when you try to expel them to the tavern. Thought it was an appropriate place for them
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #127 on: September 24, 2022, 10:41:40 am »

Ah sorry about the bridge, i pictured it as a cute cobbled brick bridge.

Don't worry 'bout it. It's my fault that I haven't made any building instructions. Everyone has their own playing and building style. I'm sort of a horrid nitpicker when it comes to buildings, so hopefully nobody takes it personally if I "adjust" their stuff. (I'll be keeping the gem windows in the bridge, tho.)

And yeah, the dwarf tavern keeper seems very fitting for the place. I'll maybe repurpose one of the dug out stocks for a secondary tavern - a more dwarfy one that's cut into stone.

I'll try to salvage all the books from the lake when the next winter comes. Already marked the spots of each book where I'll have to dig through ice.

(Damn, we just lost a capy. You know, the logs stuck in branches and designating a bunch of trees to be felled without checking for surprises.)

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #128 on: September 24, 2022, 06:31:10 pm »

Part II:
The Wake of a Storm

From the Journal of Zefon 'Brewer Bob' Drunkenceilings
7th of Granite, 342

“Damned fairies!

We had the most peculiar of incidents a few days ago, just before the ice thawed, and now the lake bottom is loaded with priceless books! What? How? What happened? I hear you say. Well, I'm not entirely sure, but odd-looking clouds rolled on us from the lake -- thunder flashing in all the colors of the rainbow! Gusts of wind blowing as hard as the legendary storms of the northern coasts. I kid you not: the wind found its way into the library, swirling and whirling, toppling bookcases and grabbing codices and scrolls with unseen hands! Tossing the books all around: on the pasture, the rooftops, tree branches and on the ice. Some were found even in the mines and cave!

Yawo says it's the work of the angry spirits of the forest. Poppycock! It's the doing of those blasted fairies! They've become fed up with the cats killing their kin (hah, for once the felines do something useful!) and I expect the death of that fairy (whose name I can't recall) who came with the astronomer was the last straw. I know not what eldritch magicks they possess or what unholy pacts they made, but that storm certainly wasn't natural!

I say we should exterminate all the fairies before things get completely out of hand.”

From the Journal of Kasat 'Baroness' Waxedtiles

“We got unexpected migrants last evening. An odd group of ten or so knocked on the door of the Fruit of Letters when Datan was closing the place. They were pilgrims led by a gorlak who claimed to be a prophet of Ôsed.

Long story short, I accepted their petition (wearing my nightgown and cap, how embarrassing) to settle down here in Waterlures, though I did say that we'd have to see how things go with them for the next couple of years. If all goes well, they will be granted full 'citizenship' after it. It is a standard dwarven procedure, and I see no reason why we shouldn't have the same system here. It has been proven time and again to be most effective.

The main group of  pilgrims:
Ïteb Hammerpillars - the gorlak prophet (note: it is good to have a holy person fully dedicated to the Rabbit around here)
Meng Fancypaddle - a capybara man pilgrim
Libash Blotcoal - a capybara woman pilgrim and crafter
Cusal Couragewiped - another capybara man pilgrim
Luki Shaftvise - a capybara woman pilgrim and carpenter
Zon Mineburned - a capybara man pilgrim and miner (note: keep an eye on this one -- he went awfully silent when I asked about where he got his last name)

The odd bunch:
Odda Leavyveils - a leopard gecko woman hunter
Id Pucefloor - a naked mole dog man 'bodyguard' (note: I am not sure if he really is a bodyguard even though he claims to protect Ïteb with his life: Kumil evaluated his fighting skills and said Id had barely any)
Rin Fisthearts - a goblin (!) 'farmer' (note: this one is the most suspect of the whole group -- he certainly is no farmer, and boy did he scare me when I saw him for the first time!)
Fayoba Claspedleap - an elf herbalist
Ova Clearingcrest - a mandrill man hunter (note: I wonder if he'll get along with Yawo? It'd be nice if our doctor got some company from her kind -- who knows, maybe there'll even be a romance! Oh how I yearn for more romancing!)

Without further ado, it is time to get back to work.”

From the Journal of Kasat 'Baroness' Waxedtiles
19th of Slate, 342

“Death is all around us.

We lost Led in an accident: he was felling trees on the east shore of the lake with Ubbul and Shebi when it happened. One of the trees fell in an unexpected direction and straight onto Led, crushing the poor man under its weight. This is truly horrifying.

I have made arrangements to have him buried next to the others who have passed away during our time here.

At the same time we'll bury Nethitha the fairy. We've had to postpone it due to the enormous amount of work needed to be done after the mess the forest spirits made.”

Yawo was pleased.

She had been struck by a mood -- the work of the benevolent spirits certainly. The unseen forces had guided her to the clothier's workshop with a bundle of sheep wool in her grasp. She had toiled for several days, working day and night. And now, now her masterpiece was ready!

A small sheep wool face veil of the highest quality! It menaces with spikes of sheep wool!

She put it over her face, smiling beneath the veil.

At least the spirits are on my side. Those others, they... They have infuriated the spirits. It is why the storm came. I told them not to cut any more trees. To stop it. The storm was only a warning. But did they listen? No. No, they didn't. That is why Led is dead. I warned them. The spirits know I respect them. That is why they guided me now. Yes. That is why.

She headed towards the Fruit of Letter where the others were gathered for song and drink.


A bit of a shorter one today.

Not much happened. I spent most of the game time hauling books. Also got most of them from the bottom of the lake -- the rest'll have to wait for next winter.

Here's the amount of books we got:

I can't remember how many we had before, but probably a hundred or so at most... But now... Holy crap! That's like an insane amount of them! I must applaud Avolition for the effort that must have taken. I don't think I've ever seen so many books in one place.

Guess we'll be this world's library of Alexandria. (Fortunately buildings don't burn in DF, but the items inside are of course another story if a dragon ever pops up...)


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #129 on: September 24, 2022, 08:10:09 pm »

I can't remember how many we had before, but probably a hundred or so at most... But now... Holy crap! That's like an insane amount of them! I must applaud Avolition for the effort that must have taken. I don't think I've ever seen so many books in one place.

wow! thats actually insane..

Wonderful update, very in character. I appreciated that passage about the whirlwind and the books.

So, with that motley crew of newcomers, any plans to enlarge the current sleeping area? What exactly do we have as our sleeping area, anyways?

Maybe we should begin to filter for only the well-adorned or well-written books.


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #130 on: September 24, 2022, 08:32:59 pm »

I propose a library of babel, a grand hexagonal tower that goes all the up and down, storying every book everwritten
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar

King Zultan

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #131 on: September 25, 2022, 03:58:08 am »

Build a grand library to rival all others!
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #132 on: September 25, 2022, 07:14:26 am »

Now, now, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

While a grand library tower of Babel is a worthy goal megaproject, we have to remember the capybaras' original intention: to get away from the attention of the Mountainhome and to start their families in a humble, peaceful hamlet. (In game terms: I'm afraid a massive building project at this point would distract from having the capies socialize and pairing up.)

That said, if/when we reach 50 citizens (by, err, natural means) we could begin such a project.

Wonderful update, very in character. I appreciated that passage about the whirlwind and the books.

So, with that motley crew of newcomers, any plans to enlarge the current sleeping area? What exactly do we have as our sleeping area, anyways?

Thanks, DF is a nice substitute for ttrpgs.

All of the citizens have their own rooms (buildings have usually a workshop on the ground floor and above it are living quarters of one or two persons), but the newcomers are staying in the dorm of the temporary area in the dirt. They'll get their own hovels once they petition for citizenship. There actually might be enough (or almost) empty flats for all of them, so not much of building will be necessary.

Maybe we should begin to filter for only the well-adorned or well-written books.

I'm actually currently putting all books on display for filtering reasons (you don't want to know how long it took to mark each of the 3000+ books for that -- I really need to begin using macros). I was at first intending to free only copies from the pedestal (wouldn't matter so much if they scatter on unretire since non-artifact books can be autodumped), but well-written books is a good suggestion.


We'll see what happens today in Waterlures.

brewer bob

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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #133 on: September 25, 2022, 09:31:54 am »

Hey @AvolitionBrit, would it be ok for you if I move the observatory to the hilltop?

It'd make more sense for it to be on high ground than on the lowest levels right next to a steep slope. Since the tech level of DF is one where no telescopes exist, a good vantage point and clear view of the sky would be necessary for a proper observatory.

Currently trying to search for some ancient "observatory" designs and thinking of some kind of ziggurat-ish thingie with some Stonehenge type pillars on the observing platform (note to self: make a 'observation point' building for my personal mod).

Any thoughts or wishes?


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Re: Waterlures - A Capybara Man Fortress (Succession Game)
« Reply #134 on: September 25, 2022, 10:15:41 am »

Certainly, feel free to do what you feel is more correct.
The return of the thin white duke, throwing darts in lovers eyes

Drunken scholar
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