well, he would have the bones in his walled-off section where no other living thing is (I built an "airlock" to bring him things, which is walled off with stone blocks on both sides. I only open the outside part to put things in, and the inside part to let him take things out). And I too am under the impression that something needs a graspy bit to be able to get reanimated (no more aggressive cartilage!), so a stack of bones should be safe?
Anyway, he's unfocused for SO many reasons, I'm not sure it's even worth trying to fulfill his needs right now. I mean...
- away from people (I don't want to wall anyone else in while my population is restricted to 30 dwarves so I can get set up without being overwhelmed)
- unoccupied (maybe the bone crafting could fix that?)
- doing nothing creative (bone crafting?)
- unexciting life (I dunno... maybe I should shove a captured goblin in there?)
- unable to acquire something (shove some crafts in there?)
- kept from alcohol (don't think he'll drink without a bartender...)
- lack of decent meals (doesn't eat, so natch)
- unable to fight (he really wants that captured goblin, huh)
- lack of trouble-making (erh... guess whomever I could put in there with him would not have it easy? random goblins aside?)
- unable to argue (...)
- unable to be extravagant (ok, that one would be easy. maybe I'll shove a random piece of armor with a quality in there)
- unable to help anybody (don't see this one happening, unless his desire to argue, make trouble, and fight results in some other dwarf I put in there getting injured)
- (fulfilled: thinking abstractly)
- unable to make merry (guess he could do that bit once he has a friend in there?)
- unable to admire art (ok, could fix that one)
- unable to practice a craft (could be fixed with the bone crafting)
- away from friends (needs at least one more dwarf in there. One who tolerates him despite his not so nice tendencies...)
- unable to practice a martial art (again, another dwarf)
- unable to take it easy (
- unable to pray to <two different gods> (you have a temple! but you only pray when I remove your scholar job! sheesh!)
In summary... it would be a lot of effort, and I'd probably have to un-scholar him periodically to make him fulfill his needs. WAY too much effort, especially since it would take away from his scholaring time. And since I don't particularly care about the quality of the books he produces, all that his distractedness does for me is lower his work speed - which, again, partially compensated by not spending time on all that above stuff.