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Author Topic: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Reign of King Arawn  (Read 20206 times)


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #120 on: August 15, 2021, 01:30:08 pm »

Godsbane Basin

Small talk with Mother, Philip, Penteram, and Andre.
It's almost impossible for political events not to fall into conversation for people who live in palaces, but let's not fret over it. The whole point of the outing is to get away for a time, right?

Have a group meeting with everyone every day about which landmark we should meet at in the event of disaster.
Just want to make sure we implement Vishnu’s advice. Ideally we would track down the Sand Daemon’s territory and lure it out for an ambush, but the Sand Daemon could pull a reverse uno.

Ask Andre if he has any marriage plans.
We unfortunately fumbled up Anders plans for being unmarried, so I guess we’ll try to get things more right with Andre.

Discuss with Maeve the viability and method of placing a hex of brittleness on a Sand Daemon.
We're talking about partially sapient undead spaghetti here, you can probably instruct it to only strangle specific diners.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #121 on: August 15, 2021, 01:32:04 pm »

Godsbane Basin

Small talk with Mother, Philip, Penteram, and Andre.
It's almost impossible for political events not to fall into conversation for people who live in palaces, but let's not fret over it. The whole point of the outing is to get away for a time, right?

Have a group meeting with everyone every day about which landmark we should meet at in the event of disaster.
Just want to make sure we implement Vishnu’s advice. Ideally we would track down the Sand Daemon’s territory and lure it out for an ambush, but the Sand Daemon could pull a reverse uno.

Ask Andre if he has any marriage plans.
We unfortunately fumbled up Anders plans for being unmarried, so I guess we’ll try to get things more right with Andre.

Discuss with Maeve the viability and method of placing a hex of brittleness on a Sand Daemon.

I understood that Vishnu mentioned the hex of brittleness precisely because we had studied it in Hex & Illusion class. All we really need is a plan to get close, preferably without alarming Imperial xenophobes with the presence of ungodly foreign magic. If we meet up with THE Godsbane daemon, weakened in a previous scuffle, we have a good cover story.
More like a plan to get close, and then a plan to get back out again without being smeared across the sand by an enraged house-sized scorpion.

Imperial opinions on hex magic strike me as rather secondary in comparison.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.

Powder Miner

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #122 on: August 15, 2021, 01:43:49 pm »

man if only the sand demon were more tolerant of our hex magic


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #123 on: August 15, 2021, 02:20:50 pm »

There already is a weak spot - depending on the situation during the fight, I wonder if we may be best off using illusions to misguide those boulders.
Decoys are a really good tactic. I didn't think of that.

Came across the desert, uses magic, employs espionage and misdirection. I have serious doubts this Korrag is an actual orc. I still think we'll have to crack the Titanlands eventually, but this guy should become priority #1.
Korrag is literally CIA an Imperial agent wake up sheeple! But yeah Korrag really does seem like major threat. We have have to combat their espionage campaign.

Leaving Pierre, you turn to Penette to talk to about the Naj Hochet behind his back. She doesn't straight out confess to murdering a house mate to win Pierre's friendship, but does state she was looking for someone to teach her more about reptile husbandry and druidism, and took steps, to win the services of Pierre who as a reptile spirit could do both. You accept her answer, and tell her that you don't mind her staying in the Nameless City after you take the throne, but that since she is first in line for the throne of New Mahallo until you have children of your own, it would be nice if she put some effort into developing suitable contacts and manners, just in case. She nods in agreement. "I'll look into that, but hopefully I'll never need to be anything more than a warden of the beasts."
She's gonna mother some half-man, half-beast horrors by the time we're through, I just know it.
Chad furry Penette

Anders claims to have met Korrag on a few occasions, and is very confident that the Orc has no intentions of being anything but a pillager and troublemaker in regards to your kingdom. He is currently pretending to entertain a peace deal in which one of his sons marries your youngest sister Anne, but insists the wedding take place when Anne reaches age 8, the Orcish age of maturity. Your brother insists that Korrag knows more than enough about Imperial human society to understand why this is unacceptable, but continues to demand the Orcish wedding date insisting that your mother is racist to insist otherwise.
Korrag: Actually you're racist  8) Le epic cultural relativism troll.
lol As hilarious as Korrag is, we're going to have to unfortunately take this dude out.
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #124 on: August 15, 2021, 04:07:09 pm »

You tell Penteram that you have a credible, if somewhat dated, lead on a Sand Daemon in the Godsbane Basin region. The journey will take awhile, so the large hunting party takes sets off southbound the following day.


While you travel, you get the opportunity to make small talk with most of your fellow hunters.

You have a few vague memories of the man who would become King Penteram from your early childhood, and aside from his moustache having changed from brown to gray, he is exactly how you remember him. Short, but stocky and muscular. A loud braggart, but with a kind heart. A deadly hunter, who loves and respects all animals. Despite have only been to the desert one other time in his life, he is nearly as comfortable navigating it as you or Keanu.

Your much older brother regularly grills you on details about the plants and animals you encounter on the journey, and he always seems grateful when you provide the answers. In return, you grill him a bit on the affairs of the world. Penteram tells you full stop that he would love nothing more than for the Confederacy to declare war upon him. Aside from slaying a Sand Daemon, winning a war is the only thing left he feels he has to accomplish in his life of manly adventures. There is no sport in beating up the nearly defenseless state of New Mahallo, and his only real chance of beating Felix's superior numbers and generalship is to provoke the Eunuch into trying to invade the nigh uninvadable Titanlands. He had thought sheltering the crusaders would do the trick, and give him a bonus of extra soldiers, but his pesky brother chose to respond by cutting off trade and leaving Penteram stuck with a bunch of heavily armed radical hardliners who technically claim that he shouldn't even hold a throne.

As you talk, you get the feeling that Penteram's interest in New Mahallo isn't terribly deep or diabolical. His initial offer of arms to the Mahallo raiders was for the sole purpose of securing himself loyal, knowledgeable, and well equipped guards for his own personal raiding and hunting trips into the elf controlled forests. He had wed Phillip to your mother so he could pass his gifts to the raiders off as a bride price, and make it seem less like a crass bribe. This arrangement, however, wound up tying him closer to your Kingdom than he bargained for. He claims to spend at least a month in Bride Price with Phillip and his grandchildren every year, and to have fallen in love with your lands and people. "Although I am not her King," Penteram admits, "today I would gladly lay my life down for the Kingdom of New Mahallo just as I would for my own lands."

You can't help but wonder if that sentiment makes him an ally, or a rival for control of the lands you inherited.

Your mother and Phillip give you plenty of details on your two youngest siblings whom you have yet to meet.

Poor Prince Alan is a wreck. He apparently suffers from 'possession', an ailment that runs in the family of Phillip's baseborn mother. From time to time he will lose control of his muscles, fall to the ground, convulse, and foam at the mouth. When the boy is not suffering from seizures, he is usually hiding in his chambers, afraid of his own shadow. The poor child believes, among many other conspiracy theories that all seem to be centered around his death, that Andre and Anders are agents sent by you to kill him, and no amount of gifts from his half brothers or explanations from the other adults can convince him otherwise. The only person he seems to trust, aside from his parents and a few of the servants, is the artist Giovani, who has taught the child to paint. The paintings that Alan produce are high in quality for somebody of his young age, but the subject matter is often disturbing. Your mother shares that his latest work depicted her being torn to shreds by wolves, with the boy saying that he saw the scene in his nightmares.

To make matters worse, many in the clergy believe that since young Alan is male and born after Queen Anne became royalty, that he is ahead of Penette in the line of succession. Even the child's own father Phillip, however, admits that putting a crown on Alan's head would probably be a terrible idea, and he has Anders and the other clerics working hard to extend your mother's childbearing years in hopes that he can have a less problematic heir.

Princess Anne on the other hand is a model child. Your mother claims that she is probably smarter than even you or Anders were at her age, and is very engauged in with the world around her for a four year old. She often chooses to sit in on regency council meetings of her own volition, and can usually give basic summaries of the issues discussed and decisions made afterward. Anne the younger would probably have traveled with the hunting party to be dropped off at the nameless city for education, but she refuses to leave her parents and her favorite brother Anders.

Speaking of Anders, you learn that your brother is more miserable and standoffish than he has ever been. Phillip suspects it is because he is overworking himself. Your brother is currently training at least six hours a day in the art of divine magic, fulfilling the ceremonial duties of an Imperial priest, and taking on any responsibility for the Kingdom that he can convince his mother to give him. You know, but don't tell, your mother and nephew/step father that in addition to all that Anders is also trying to teach himself other, more heretical, magics.

Andre, on the other hand, is doing well for himself. He spends most of his days at home drilling with the Mahallo raiders. He is apparently quite the fighter, having traveled to The Titan Canyons recently to compete in a tournament that King Penteram was hosting. Andre tells you that he finished second place in the melee, and came in fourth in the single fight bracket. He quietly admits that he think he could have won the later event, but threw his semi-final match against Penteram's son Louie so as not to cause a scandal or make an unintended political statement. Your brother boasts that he is likely to become an even more impressive fighter in time; at present he leans on his impressive strength to win him fights, and he is sure he will only improve as he gains more experience and better technique.

On the marriage front, Andre is playing it by ear. He confesses to keeping a few lovers around Bride Price, but unless one of them falls pregnant and points the finger at him he has no intention to wed any of them quite yet. "I don't know how the political situation will play out when you come into power, brother, so I'm keeping myself avaible in case you need a family member to marry off to pacify the Mahallo or the Crusaders or something."


Maeve thinks it may be possible to get a brittleness hex onto the Sand Daemon. Her preferred plan would be to spot it from afar, and have the unimportant hunters cast lots to form a small group of two or four to charge and get killed so everybody else can gauge its abilities. Depending on how quick its movement speed and reaction time are, Maeve might be willing to try and sneak up on the beast alone at night, when vampires are fastest, and slap the hex on. This of course would depend on both Penteram and the prey being cooperative enough to wait a day between sighting each other and starting the fight.

You and Maeve spend an hour or so each night practicing your brittleness hexes. You can hex your mentor with about thirty seconds of skin to skin contact, and vampires are fairly hex resistant. Depending on the Sand Daemon, of course, it is probable that it will be quicker to hex your intended target if it gets distracted enough to let you in up close.

As for useful illusions, you can create an animated false image of the 25 hunters under your banner, and maintain it for about a minute and a half, or two minutes if you are willing to strain yourself to the point of extreme exhaustion. Maeve can do all fifty of the uniformed hunters, and hold them for closer to six minutes. Illusions are arcane magic, allowed if not necessarily encouraged in Imperial culture, but most people with a noble upbringing know that the Bleachedkin are the ones who teach the art in the Nameless City; A blatant display of illusionary power would betray the fact that you have at least some affiliation with the vampires, and allow those in the know to probably infer that you are trained in hexes as well.


"You know why they call it Godsbane Basin?" Kane asks the assembled royalty and hunters as they sit around the large oil lamp on their first night in the aforementioned region. "Ages ago, a pre-imperial god of nature and beauty, name forgotten to history, resolved to make this place green and fruitful. The god tried for years, but he could never make a hospitable climate take hold. He tried for so long and so hard that eventually even he, a god, succumbed to dehydration and exposure. Wild beasts tore into his carcass, and enough blood came gushing out to create the lake that carved the basin. For decades, the Lake of blood was the forgotten god's only legacy. And then even that dried up."

Your friend takes a long sip from his wineskin. "That is what the desert does to outsiders. Dries them up, chews them up, kills them, and leaves their legacy to the mercy of dust and time."

The rest of the hunters seem impressed. Struck by the profound parallels between themselves and the nameless god, both out to accomplish a task above their pay grade and against the will of the desert. You can't tell for sure if Kane is speaking the truth; You have never heard that story from Matriarch Mire or Vishnu, and your friend does enjoy telling a good ghost story from time to time.


The party wanders Godsbane Basin for months. You take down many wild Dire Kangaroo Rats, Fiend Centipedes, Impregnator Wasps, and other impressive prey animals, but your true quarry eludes you.

At one point you find what looks to be the trail of a titanic Vinegaroon, a surefire sign that the Sand Daemon Pierre spoke of had been around. You follow the trail. For days. But eventually it vanishes on the banks of a temporary river created by the extended cool season. The party combs both banks of the river for weeks, hoping to pick up the trail again, but to no avail.

Eventually the time comes to turn back and leave the desert, perhaps for the last time, before the cool season ends.


During the journey home, talk shifts more and more towards you and your reign. You will have to endure about two months of minority between reaching Bride Price and celebrating your 17th birthday. King Penteram offers to fund an excessive birthday feast to celebrate the start of your reign as an adult monarch. He has several ideas on how you might celebrate, noting that your appearance at the party will likely be your realm's first impression of you.

Party Ideas:
Tournament: Call all the knights, champions, and raiders in your realm to do battle for glory! Optionally you may choose to participate to show your courage and honor.
Magic Tournament: Invite Imperial Clerics, Mahallo Druids, and other miscellaneous spellcasters to compete for dominance! Optionally you may choose to participate to show your skill and cunning.
Legendary Feast: Provide meat, booze, and entertainment to the entirety of Bride Price for a whole week!
Safari: The plains and scrublands of New Mahallo are full of prey species you'd never see in the desert. Get over your failure to find a Sand Daemon by bagging your first lion or rhino.
Raid the Elves: Traditionally Mahallo men celebrate coming of age by riding in the first canoe of a raiding party.

Although you will not hold any real power until your birthday, you will have a personal guard and free reign to explore your realm. Is there anything you would like to try and do/see/accomplish before the party?
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 04:09:41 pm by Weirdsound »


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #125 on: August 15, 2021, 04:40:30 pm »

Magic Tournament, we should of course be in the tournament with our hex magic

Can we also explore and look into the The Mahello Grand Temple?, (I believe this is in our territory of New Mahello and I like to see what magic and knowledges they can provide for our future siblings for training that they can offer, and to see what makes the Mahello tick, for example do they have shapeshifting knowledge...)

(So the knowledge we got out of the Court of Texulchimum is hex magic, husbandry/merchant/stewardship knowledge from the Dire Kangaroo Business, and martial training from our hunts. At least we gained contact information from some of the Lich's Advisers, Merchant Families, and the Vermant?, it seems kinda seem disappointing ngl)

(We should also have control of the education of our siblings in the future I believe, I just want to send Anne to learn Dragon God magic because dragons in the nameless city)

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #126 on: August 15, 2021, 05:16:03 pm »

Raid the elves! If it's Mahallo tradition, it's what we should be doing. I kind of like this culture. Hopefully they never discover spam.

In the meantime, I think we should discreetly make inquiries into political marriage options. Given the state of our family, it might be a good idea to get an heir sooner than later.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #127 on: August 15, 2021, 06:03:12 pm »

Oh no, looks like we'll have to live instead. Maybe we can get eaten in the desert next unnaturally long cool season.

Penteram tells you full stop that he would love nothing more than for the Confederacy to declare war upon him. Aside from slaying a Sand Daemon, winning a war is the only thing left he feels he has to accomplish in his life of manly adventures. There is no sport in beating up the nearly defenseless state of New Mahallo, and his only real chance of beating Felix's superior numbers and generalship is to provoke the Eunuch into trying to invade the nigh uninvadable Titanlands. He had thought sheltering the crusaders would do the trick, and give him a bonus of extra soldiers, but his pesky brother chose to respond by cutting off trade and leaving Penteram stuck with a bunch of heavily armed radical hardliners who technically claim that he shouldn't even hold a throne.

As you talk, you get the feeling that Penteram's interest in New Mahallo isn't terribly deep or diabolical. His initial offer of arms to the Mahallo raiders was for the sole purpose of securing himself loyal, knowledgeable, and well equipped guards for his own personal raiding and hunting trips into the elf controlled forests. He had wed Phillip to your mother so he could pass his gifts to the raiders off as a bride price, and make it seem less like a crass bribe. This arrangement, however, wound up tying him closer to your Kingdom than he bargained for. He claims to spend at least a month in Bride Price with Phillip and his grandchildren every year, and to have fallen in love with your lands and people. "Although I am not her King," Penteram admits, "today I would gladly lay my life down for the Kingdom of New Mahallo just as I would for my own lands."
This says to me that if the standoff doesn't seem to be resolving, we should talk to Penteram about the possibility of a crusade against the orcs or elves. That'd be a good use for the crusaders and might be a big enough deal to count as a glorious manly accomplishment.

If not, we should still try to take them off his hands with some kind of anti-orc holy order/homesteading, and maybe invite him to elf raids.

(So the knowledge we got out of the Court of Texulchimum is hex magic, husbandry/merchant/stewardship knowledge from the Dire Kangaroo Business, and martial training from our hunts. At least we gained contact information from some of the Lich's Advisers, Merchant Families, and the Vermant?, it seems kinda seem disappointing ngl)
We are only 17 and we had split priorities. We were never going to come out of there as a world-shattering necromancer or something. Talented hunter, experienced animal breeder, and novice in illusions and hex magic is a pretty good haul. Complete knowledge of and alliance to a vampire coven, business ties to a race that's not supposed to exist, and friends in the Lich's court are likewise fairly nice.

Unsure about the feast details. I feel like we want either Legendary Feast to demonstrate that we're going to be a monarch of plenty, or Safari to indicate that we are indeed a huntsman king. The latter or Tournament could also be appropriate if we think we're going to be fighting orcs and elves for the rest of our reign.

I'm not confident we want to show off our vampire magics to the whole kingdom, though. Particularly since we're not actually sure how good we are at it.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #128 on: August 15, 2021, 06:07:52 pm »

Can we also explore and look into the The Mahello Grand Temple?,
+1 I approve of meeting druids and other religious leaders. As a refugee minority their culture had no presence in the Nameless City so we have little contact with our subjects' customs. Very good plan to pick up a few basics before we sit on the throne.
Edit per reply below: Meeting key leaders is still a good place to let my vote sit.

Raid the elves! If it's Mahallo tradition, it's what we should be doing. I kind of like this culture. Hopefully they never discover spam.
+1 And then it's on to bond with the warriors and raid leaders.

I can imagine several young ladies will be coincidentally crossing our path shortly. We can politely listen to various offers, but with us not knowing the Mahalloans and they not knowing us we ought to pay more attention to local brides than to anyone from the far side of the Confederacy blockade.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 06:22:30 pm by mightymushroom »


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #129 on: August 15, 2021, 06:13:50 pm »

Can we also explore and look into the The Mahello Grand Temple?,
+1 I approve of meeting druids and other religious leaders. As a refugee minority their culture had no presence in the Nameless City so we have little contact with our subjects' customs. Very good plan to pick up a few basics before we sit on the throne.

A good number of the merchant children you grew up with, including Keanu, are Mahallo. You know at least the basics of their language and traditions.

Powder Miner

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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #130 on: August 15, 2021, 06:56:00 pm »

Let’s hold a Magic Tournament. But let’s not actually JOIN - just HAVING one is opening up a cornucopia of useful contacts and resources for the future furthering of our magic, especially since the hunt was a bust on that front and ultimately just set us back in our magic learning (although getting much closer to Penteram is nice).

Raiding the elves on the other hand puts us in danger and potentially makes us a priority for ANOTHER enemy and I don’t know that it’s really worthwhile even if it’d make the Mahallo like us more.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #131 on: August 15, 2021, 07:06:51 pm »

Raid the elves! If it's Mahallo tradition, it's what we should be doing. I kind of like this culture. Hopefully they never discover spam.

In the meantime, I think we should discreetly make inquiries into political marriage options. Given the state of our family, it might be a good idea to get an heir sooner than later.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #132 on: August 15, 2021, 08:23:03 pm »

Let’s hold a Magic Tournament. But let’s not actually JOIN - just HAVING one is opening up a cornucopia of useful contacts and resources for the future furthering of our magic, especially since the hunt was a bust on that front and ultimately just set us back in our magic learning (although getting much closer to Penteram is nice).

Raiding the elves on the other hand puts us in danger and potentially makes us a priority for ANOTHER enemy and I don’t know that it’s really worthwhile even if it’d make the Mahallo like us more.

Can we also explore and look into the The Mahello Grand Temple?,
+1 I approve of meeting druids and other religious leaders. As a refugee minority their culture had no presence in the Nameless City so we have little contact with our subjects' customs. Very good plan to pick up a few basics before we sit on the throne.
Edit per reply below: Meeting key leaders is still a good place to let my vote sit.

Meet with our great uncle Archdruid Tamar.
Tamar has been, more or less, the defacto ruler of New Mahallo for longer than you have been king, having fully embraced his mother's culture and religion.

Scout out the animal husbandry and hunting industry in our new realm and establish business contacts.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2021, 09:56:17 pm by StrawBarrel »
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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #133 on: August 15, 2021, 10:06:41 pm »

Arawn, Maeve: Illusion, Hexes (somewhat secret)
Anders (may be becoming mentally unstable?): Imperial Cleric, demonic something or other(?) (secret)
Kane, Kaylee: Draconic Elementalism (exotic?)
Evie (in ~ 8-9 yrs) (fangirl): basic Cleric (secret), Necromancy (secret)
Penette (distant): Vermant Biomagic (exotic), at least one spirit pact with a teenage bad boy (also a snake)

An impressive collection of young magic users; I think the only major system we're missing for our inner circle is druidism.
Our ideal bride might be a druid with either some rank or connections to rank in the Grand Temple.


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Re: (SG) Petty Kingdom of New Mahallo: Minority
« Reply #134 on: August 15, 2021, 11:05:17 pm »

I don’t want to cause aggression one of the various monstrous races that live in our areas, maybe eventually we can calm down the aggression of the elves and Mahello people, since their seems to be sophisticated elves in the nameless city, why can’t the local elves become this as well?, peace-brokering is a skill we should learn I think
Let’s hold a Magic Tournament. But let’s not actually JOIN - just HAVING one is opening up a cornucopia of useful contacts and resources for the future furthering of our magic, especially since the hunt was a bust on that front and ultimately just set us back in our magic learning (although getting much closer to Penteram is nice).

Raiding the elves on the other hand puts us in danger and potentially makes us a priority for ANOTHER enemy and I don’t know that it’s really worthwhile even if it’d make the Mahallo like us more.

Edit: This is probably pointless
« Last Edit: August 16, 2021, 10:22:33 am by Shadowclaw777 »
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