What annoys me the most? That'd have to be the "two rules of burrows":
- No, you haven't found a neat way to use burrows to solve that hauling problem.
- If you think you've found an exception to rule 1, burrows don't work that way.
Ah, good, you remind me of my 'big want' (being largely unbothered by all the UI/UX/FPS/etc complaints[1]), which is burrow-based.
Boolean recombination/set identity being possible to integrate defined subordinate burrows as part/the whole of further burrows....
If one could define (say) a sleeping burrow, once then AND/Union it into each job-based burrow, then it doesn't need editing again in each of those as you add/change bedroom layouts, just repaint the sleeping one.
Also painting the Caverns (as discovered) could be AND NOTted (Intersected only as its Complement) into further burrows like the safe-internal overall one (itself maybe derived from a composite) to re-exclude a gradually discovered area without so much fuss.
Just plain NOT/Compliment might be easier (even without the use in further ways) than burrowing corner-to-corner (X+Y+Z) and then unpainting the small bit to exclude from otherwise liberal policies on job locating.
There are various easy ways to disallow circular-dependencies, such as never allowing a child-burrow to be added that is already a known parent one/vice-versa. Or, perhaps with its own uses, quietly stop propagating (non-)membership just before any circularity produces paradoxical results.
I've mentioned it several times, but not seen any sign of it being featured in. Maybe it'll get a Steam/non-Steam-version-of-Steam reveal, but until then I'm resigned to just doing it all myself, as now.
Truly, the lack of this is the closest thing to annoying I can think of (that isn't just a natural result of gameplay difficulty).
[1] But I didn't want to post just to say this, and someone else beat me to the "There
is an Autosave" reply I might have made.