I should probably use text to mark which of you is where so I don't forget.
Nest Name: EuchreRats
Current unit designation: EuchreRat 1
Progress Route: Spear
Victory Points: 0
Defeat Points: 0
Stab orc big 'uns
(3) Orc Big 'uns take a bit more stab-kill-murdering than the smelly-dirty gobbos do. (1) Good news! EuchreRat 001 has been slain! EuchreRat 002 takes the lead (from behind)! Euchrerat is wavering! might rout next round.
Nest name: Rat
Current unit designation: Rat 001
progress route: sword
Victory points: 1
Death points: 0
(2)(2) Nest Rat routes! Rat 001 is left at the center of the frontline and is crunched! Rat 002 tries to encourage Nest Rat to turn and fight so it can safely get behind them!
Nest name: Windtail
Current unit designation: Windtail 001
progress route: ranged
Victory points: 0
Death points: 0
Fire at the closest gobos.
(6) Nest Windtail deals damage to the closer side of the gobbo line. the gobbos turn their attention from the wavering sword and spearrats and toward the slingers! (4) Since windtail is further from the lines than the other slingers, the attack comes to the other group first.
unit designation: Click-Click Bang Bang 001
Progress route: Ranged
Victory points: 1
Death points: 0
Deeds: Struck the first blow
routed some gobbos
focus fire on already weakened foes, having the idle ranged rats focus fire with me if they continue being idle.
(5) the two slinger groups fire dissolves the resolve of the gobbos. Another orc unit breaks and runs! They'll be back though, probably.
Nest name: Dino
Current unit designation: Dino 001
progress route: sword
Victory points: 0
Death points: 0
Ambush the approaching gobbos as they circle the outcropping to fight us, with a kind of fury only Nest Dino would understand
(4) the ambush is successful! the enemy takes a morale hit, being isolated from the rest of the gobbo line. Nest Dino kills several gobbos in quick succession! (2) Dino 002 takes the opportunity in the chaos to stab Dino 001 in the back! A new leader arises from the corpse of the old!
unfortunately, Nest Dino is once again coming under fire from the gobbo archers, since they are the only rats visible to the gobbo archers! (1) Dino 002 is taken down by a gobbo archer! (4) Nest Dino stands their ground, readily accepting Dino 003's command (they never liked Dino 002 anyway).
Nest name: Gamchicoth
Current unit designation: Gamchicoth 002
Progress route: Sword
Victory points: 1
Death points: 1
Continue to push against the enemy front line. Victory and death!
(3) Gamigoch is holding against a gobbo and orc group, and is wavering, as other rats are wavering beside them. (4) 002 holds its ground, keeping the front line from dissolving this round.
Keep swinging my sword at anything that isn't me.
Nest name: Zultan
Current unit designation: Zultan 001
progress route: sword
Victory points: 0
Death points: 0
(5) Nest Zultan pushes the advancing orcs back a bit, easing the pressure off the rest of the line! the fleeing rats get a morale bonus to return to the line!
Status:Nest rat routes, While EuchreRat wavers. Gamigoch stands firm and Zultan pushes the gobbos back
the slinger rats cause a unit of orc bigguns to route.
one orc unit and one gobbo unit hold the frontline.
the archer gobbos and one sword unit are putting pressure on Nest Dino, who is holding their end of the rock with savage fury!
The balance of power is in your favor. hang in there!