I had no idea visitors could petition for sanctuary. It's possible that they'll petition for full citizenship later, letting you assign labors. I that entertainers will do so.
I was hoping for that. Their descriptions described them as really nice folk, ending with something about being evil by nature. LOL.
I don't think we're going to find out with this fort. A wereanteater showed up and wrecked-up the joint. Lotta wounded. I always forget two things: Trade depot & exterior walls. Oh, and wells. I've never got the hang of doing wells. The wounded always end up getting waterboarded with buckets of river water.
The goblins, for their part, are partying like they're going to all be dead next full moon. I don't know what they're seeking asylum from, but it must be pretty bad if that's the choice they're making. The expedition leader has been meditating on death.
Uhhh...yep. I kept changing appointments to chief medical dwarf, but sleeping and partying took priority over wound diagnosis. For a month. Bloodbath.
The leader and manager are now both praying to Shistsak The Spurting. A cat gave birth and a goblin went berserk. Teeth, ears, and bodies are everywhere. And a diplomat flounced off in a huff. Humans are here to trade, and my replacement broker may or may not be a wereanteater. I hope they have a lot of coffins to sell.
I guess I have to try to tough it out for the sake of knowledge. I hope the goblins come through for me. They seem like a jolly good group of scamps.