Nice find, Atomic Chicken!
The next question, then is whether these fields can be used, together with the detection of a were curse, to identify problematic weres. Even if the fields are used for other purposes as well, it seems they might be used to identify suspects, at least. It also remains to determine what the best remedy would be. In my view the were curse should terminate pregnancy on the first turning ("healing" the changes caused by pregnancy when turning back), but does the setting of the fields to -1 result in any side effects?
Edit: Exploring the "anon" fields in my fortress, I see they're set for all the fortress members that have given birth, with the year matching the latest birth (or the next one, for the ones who are pregnant). Apart from that, I've got a bunch of female yaks that apparently became hist figs during a siege somewhere, my adopting female cat (rewarded for adoption with a garbage compactor treatment), plus the visitor who gave birth in my fortress and then left without the baby. However, the year is completely off in that case. A possible explanation for that would be that she'd pop out the kid only when back in the fortress during the correct part of the year (after a 12 year pregnancy...), apparently unlike weres. The kid doesn't have any siblings, so it can't be a previous birth.
Unlike the cat, the yaks have no recorded births, but given that the offspring would not be hist figs, it isn't really surprising.
Both the OP's save and "The Real Deal" have these fields set on the were, and in the case of "The Real Deal" there's one other cursed creature with it set as well.
As far as I can see, this seems to be a pregnancy indicator (rather than some kind of general "stuff" one), although it would definitely be useful with a check against more saves.