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Author Topic: [?/16] - Beyond the Ridge - Civbuilding, economics, politics, and backstabbing  (Read 5504 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Beyond the Ridge - The Forum Socioeconomic Political Backstabbing Wargame

Welcome, colonist, to the vast frontier. The Ministry of Expansion has granted your party of travelers and vagabonds a charter, and a land grant on the far edge of our territory. The wild and unexplored expanse of the hinterlands, that which lies beyond the colossal mountains of the Apollyonian ridge.

Your job is to start anew. Under the Primacy Initiative, you have been granted the rights to found a Free Settlement. Under the Initiative, it is effectively the rights to found a new stepping stone for your people. A vast and expansive combine of barely similar people barely getting along under the common banner of our proud nation. You will draft your own constitution, your own laws. Conduct trade among yourselves and others. You will be completely free to run your colony as you like, so long as you remain allegiant to our government, and participate in taxation and drafts when it is required of you. You will carry our banner, free to start anew, and we will protect you.

However, this isn't just uncharted territory, it's disputed territory. Our longtime rivals have disputed our claims to these hinterlands, and it is up to you to plant our banner and keep it there-- forever. For the pride of our nation, and the glory of our people.

Welcome to Beyond the Ridge! The hybrid socioeconomic / political / mafia / wargame monstrosity I've created that's a weird mix of a lot of games I like, such as Shadow Empires, Civilization, Mafia, Arms Race, Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress, and Space Station 13. Well... it's complicated. It's meant to be creative in the way it handles the core systems in relation to the player, and while it's a game I intend to keep on running if it succeeds, it's also meant to test some systems out that I've been thinking about using to design an actual 4x-type game, so it's a little bit of everything.

The basic premise of the game is two teams, from competing empires, set up colonies in disputed territory. They start with 100 settlers and the freedom to design their colony however they want. The economics, the laws, the political system-- everything. Their mission is to outlast the other settlement. Whether through direct warfare, indirect sabotage, or mass political campaigns, your job is to undermine the other colony, and outlast.

Each colony will have 8 Founders-- the players. They are the main organizers of the expedition, from which stem all walks of life. They have the initial political power, and will be the ones that draft the constitution of their settlements.

The players are not special. Out of the 100 original colonists, each player has 5 followers, along with whatever other abilities they have. However, this game is meant to test out a few new ideas, so NPCs are just as important. The game runs on a 1:1 system I've created, that will attempt to simulate the interactions of the NPCs in the world, in terms of economics, but also politics and combat. In short, the players are only better due to their starting equipment and political power. There is no leveling, and there is no imbalance of power in terms of physical and economic input. The Founders are meant to be leaders, yes, but they are just as fragile as their followers.

The game ends when all 8 of the founders of either team are either dead or surrendered, or if the flag of the opposing team is taken down for 3 consecutive turns. Meaning, your starting settlement has been occupied for 3 turns.

However, there's also a few twists. Not all the players on the team have the same goals. There are ways to win without your team... and even a few people who will directly be working against it.

Your job is to raise a settlement and community that will last. That will outlast both external and internal conflict, and that will bring your nation pride and glory.

It is time to venture beyond the Apollyonian ridge.



Two teams of 8 players each will compete to unravel the colony of the other team. Each player is a Founder, an influential member of the group of 100 colonists who have struck it out into the great unknown. The players will create their characters, assigning ability points to them, and choosing a Role.

There are 4 groups of Roles-- which are basically your background, in a sense. Your Role is who you are when you got here, and will give you certain bonuses in various fields and certain assets that will help the colony succeed. There are 15 different roles, from 5 different fields. Your role doesn't necessarily restrict you to the archetype of gameplay it represents, but it will greatly help you in the field it specializes in.

Additionally, each player on a team will get a Fate. This is also representative of your background.. but in a different way. It represents your inner goals, desires, and motivation. The Fates have alignments, which determine their inclination to help the team along, and are secret. There is 1 Enemy Fate, who will work directly against the colony, 2 Neutral fates, and then 5 Supportive fates. It's... not as simple as that, however, since even the Supportive fates (which all have win conditions where the Colony wins) also can win on their own, depending on what goal they're assigned. The Fate system is designed to create a sort of mafia aspect to the game, where an interconnecting net of conflicting goals can tear apart the colony from the inside out if the players aren't careful in how they design their political and economic systems.

The game takes place over turns, which represents 3 months of time. The turns are broken into different phases:

1. The Roleplay Phase
This phase will last 2 days, and is where the players roleplay as their characters… talk, plan, interact with the world. This mostly happens without GM input, but any actions that would need to be resolved with a roll will halt the specific arc that is taking place, where anyone else in that arc may also throw in a roll as they wait for the GM. An ‘arc’ is defined loosely, but basically, well, is anything that would involve another player to the point where their actions depend on the results of yours. Searching around camp for something wouldn’t necessarily have to halt the actions of all the other players, but if say, two people were fighting, the two that are fighting would have to wait, and anyone else that wants to participate in the fight. For the sake of roleplay, you can only roleplay on the same map grid as another character, and the basic rules of what your character knows are in place as well. In terms of time progression, the roleplay phase is assumed to begin immediately after the council meeting. Players will also submit their long-term actions for the processing phase, and PM the GM with secret actions during this phase. If roleplay dies out or all the players on both teams agree, this phase can end early.

2. The Processing Phase
This phase is when the game “run”, and constitutes the 3 month duration of a game “turn”. This is when all the little cogs of the game run in the background and determine what happens, how the colony grows, etc. This turn will take as long as it takes the GM to process it, but should hopefully be no longer than a day. Secret and non-secret long-term actions by players will run during this phase.
If events happen during the turn that require input from players (e.g. important decisions, or someone fighting off an assassin in the middle of the night), then there will be a reasonable pause for the given players to respond through PMs.
Additionally, every turn a random event happens, given via a 2d6 roll, and each player will get a random event roll as well, that it modified according to their luck.

3. The Council Phase

The Council phase represents the meeting of all “councillor” players (as outlined in the constitution), and will also last 2 days. This can be everyone, for only a handful, but it’s up to the players how this will go. This is where the heads of government discuss events that happened during the processing phase and outline their courses of action. It is assumed all councillors are in attendance during this phase regardless of location, as they travel to the council to meet and then return to their map location. Of course, if a councillor chooses not to attend (such as for safety concerns) or is otherwise unable to attend for some other reason, they will be absent.

The order of phases is slightly askew for the first turn. In the first turn, the council phase will occur after the roleplay phase, so players can discuss how to establish their new government and civilization before the turn happens. The following turn will run normally, so there will be a roleplay phase after the turn runs before the next council meeting, where players will then choose whether or not to ratify the constitution they discussed in the previous meeting.


Each player plays a Founder character, an important and otherwise influential member of their colony. Under the initiative, Founders are in charge of determining the government of their colony, which the other members of the expedition and all further immigrants agree to abide by. There are no restrictions on what policies can be enacted by a Free Settlement, so long as the settlement agrees to pay taxes and drafted soldiers to their founding government, allow officials from their founding government to attend to business in the Free Settlement, and otherwise swear allegiance to their founding government.

The game will run on a relatively simple 1d12 system for skills and combat. Rolls will be used to check for success against a table:
2- : Major Failure
3-5:  Minor Failure
6-8: Slight Success / Neutral
9-11: Minor Success
12+:  Major Success

Rolls will be augmented by difficulty and skill levels, which will modify the result, affecting which category the result falls into.

Most skills will have a base difficulty modifier of -1 for being untrained in the skill, but easier skills may have a penalty of 0, and harder skills will have a larger penalty for being untrained. Additionally, all skills have a specialization when chosen, which give a bonus depending on the skill being performed, if the scope of how the skill is being used falls under the specialization. Specialization is denoted with parentheses. Example: Leadership(Squad Tactics). There aren't any pre-defined specialties in the game, you simply choose an area of the skill that your character would be the most proficient in. As long as it's not too broad, your specialty will be ok (although if it's similar to other player's specialties, I might consolidate the two and give an official name for that type of specialty, to avoid confusion).

As long as you get one point in a skil, you get a specialty in that skill. (And if it's an academic skill, you get a tree as well.)

The max bonus and max penalty for any roll is -3 or +3. This cap is added after all other effects, so having a really high skill can be useful if you are facing a lot of negative modifiers, but otherwise you will never get more than +3 to a roll. Example: If you have +3 on a +1 difficulty roll, that would be +4, but then it is capped down to +3. If you had -3 to a roll, the +3 would make it 0 for difficulty, unaffected by caps.

Modifiers can also be fractional (e.g. .5), this just means there’s a 50/50 chance of getting a +1 from it in a roll.

There are 15 skills, corresponding to the 15 roles in the game. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the role gets a bonus to that skill, or that other professions don’t get a bonus to that skill as well, it’s just that way for ease of explanation and because I like symmetry.

So, to summarize modifiers that can affect a roll:

Effective Skill: Combination of your skill level and the highest of the two base stats for the skill. E.g Business 2 + MAGNETISM 3 would result in 5 effective skill, or a +5 to the roll.
Specialization Modifier: All skills differ for this somewhat, but if you're unskilled, you will typically get a negative modifier, depending on how good your stats are that the skill is linked to (you lose 1 point of penalty from being unskilled for every point in the highest base stat the skill is linked to), and you gain a positive modifier for skill rolls within your specialty.
Difficulty: The difficulty of the task at hand, as judged by the GM, but this will range from -3 to +3. -3 being extraordinary feats of achievement, and +3 being extremely mundane things that for some reason we're rolling for them.
Caps: The total modifier to a roll can only be 3 in either direciton, so if it's below -3 or above +3, it will cap to this.


The following template will be used for creating characters:

Spoiler: Template (click to show/hide)

Each player gets 6 ability points, which are used for improving skills and stats. Once the game starts, skills and abilities can’t be improved. (I might modify this in later versions, but first I want to see how balanced they are to begin with). Additionally, you all start with 500 credits (plus whatever you may get from your role).


Stat Raise: 2 AP
Skill Raise: 1 AP
2 Extra Followers: 1 AP

To sign up simply copy the template into the thread and fill it up, and state which team you wish to be part of.

Your fate will be decided when the game begins.

It's alright in my opinion for the other team to know who they're going against rolewise and build wise, since they should at least be able to formulate some sort of strategy, and having everyone in the same thread during chargen allows for some friendly banter as well, etc.

Please include the skills your role give you and your specialty for those in your SKILL list! Starting STATS as well.

There are 4 main stats in the game, which roughly mirror the stat system of CK2. They are:

MIND (INT): A measure of your raw intellect in terms of not only academic pursuits, but your ability in general to think cognitively and use the wait of raw logic or intuition to get through situations. Critical for investigators, academics, and craftsmen.
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

MATTER (STR / DEX): A measure of how much of a physical instrument your body is, in terms of both your ability to levy strength, or levy finesse on a situation. How physical you are. Important for fighters, craftsmen, and laborers.
"This too shall pass." --Ancient Persian proverb

MAGNETISM (CHR): A measure of your ability to influence others, your charisma, your ability to talk your way out of situations. When neither intelligence or brute strength will solve a situation. Important for diplomats, politicians, preachers, and merchants.
"Anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job." --Douglas Adams

MANIPULATION (INT): A measure of your ability to conduct in intrigue. To hide in the shadows when needed, to misdirect, to beguile, to seduce, sedition, to spin others around you in a tightly-knit web to accomplish your ends. Important for merchants, spies / intelligence officers, and members of the criminal underworld.
“Reality is frequently inaccurate.” -- Douglas Adams

LUCK: How fortunate you are. Only used directly by explorers, but will help with random events as well as other things. The only stat that can be made negative (up to -3, and it only refunds 1 AP per point)… but be very careful…
"Luck is not chance. It's Toil. Fortune's expensive smile is earned." --Emily Dickinson

Each skill has two base stats from which it draws from. A skill’s highest base stat will add to your skill rolls using that skill (and will be factored into your character sheet as your “effective” skill in that field. Each point in a stat will also remove one point of base (untrained) difficulty from a skill that uses it as a base.

However, stats also have latent effects. This is to add variety to chargen, but also because otherwise INT would be the most overpowered stat to pick.

No effect (It’s used in the most skills, so it’s benefit is it allows you to succeed in many different skills)
MATTER: Each point of MATTER gives you +.5 to map range on foot, +.5 to resistance  and dodge rolls, and +.5 to unarmed/melee damage rolls, and +1 to carrying capacity
MAGNETISM: Each point of MAGNETISM will give you +1 starting follower, as well as make your factions and political parties more attractive. High MAGNETISM will also give NPCs a higher starting relation with you, making it more likely that they cooperate with you.
MANIPULATION: Each point of MANIPULATION will give you +1 to intrigue related stuff. Eh, there’s not really a skill for that, so it’s its own pseudo skill. Generally, manipulation will allow you to determine the intents of NPCs, persuade NPCs, and conceal your actions to other PCs. Generally anything stealthy or seditious is controlled by this skill.
LUCK: Makes you either unlucky or really lucky. Each +1 to LUCK will give you a BOON, a minor hidden thing that will help you out. Each -1 to LUCK will give you a CURSE, a minor hidden thing that will constantly annoy you. Going to -3 in LUCK will give you a MAJOR CURSE. Again, don’t test your luck. (b-dum-tsh)


The bread and butter of the game, roles are the archetypes that each player will choose from when creating their character. There are 15 divided among 5 fields.

The fields are: SOCIETY (roles involved with culture and education and society building), MARTIAL (combat oriented roles), ECONOMY (roles built around making money and creating commerce), FRONTIER (the working class, the prophets, the explorers), and UNDERGROUND (the criminals and scum).

For a party of Founders to be valid, it must have at least one profession from each field (with the exception of UNDERGROUND). Additionally, only one Founder may be from the UNDERGROUND field.
There are also.. certain roles that are highly useful to a starting colony, which are marked with a (!!), and it is highly advised that every colony start with at least one of these.

Due to the size of the list with the extended descriptions of each role, the role list will be at the bottom of the next post, but the abbreviated list will be posted here:

Spoiler: Roles (Abbreviated) (click to show/hide)

For the most part, these rules so far are the majority of what needs to be known to understand the game and create a character. If this seems like a lot, don’t worry, since you generally only need to know the gist of the different Fates and Roles to play the game. What follows is a brief few overviews on the various internal systems the game will be running. They aren’t really that necessary to understand at first, so (please) don’t feel too overwhelmed by the massive novel I’ve managed to write for a forum game.

If the descriptions seem below vague and unhelpful: that’s because they are meant to be that way. A large aspect of the game is the fact that the players won’t have a whole lot of information on what is happening within their colony except for what they gather themselves or with their NPCs. This is intentional, since it involves a higher degree of trust. Is that report compiled by one of the cabinet members of the settlement legitimate, or just meant to further a political goal? Part of this intrigue is possible in part due to the obfuscation of how internal systems work.

It is also, of course, because a game that allows this much freedom for players can’t possibly have concrete rules for every imaginable scenario, and just that, well, I also haven’t quite thought of them all yet. This is meant to be a playtest as much as it is a game: things may change over the course of the game, depending on balance, and how the little systems I design work out. After the game is over, all of this will be made public for the sake of transparency and feedback, so things can be iterated on and the game is improved. This game is meant to be organic and growing. Of course, any changes or iterations to systems made during the game will be applied to both groups. The impact doing so would have on the game will be considered beforehand, lest a change completely unbalance and throw a team on their ass, even if such a change would be secret and ideally unintrusive.

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« Last Edit: February 13, 2021, 03:17:55 am by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Well, that’s about everything, I’ll add more stuff here if I forgot it. Sorry if this was a bit of a read, the basic premise of the game is simple: Two teams building new colonies and competing against each other, the actual nitty gritty of the systems is mostly to be handled by me, just wanted to give some background to everything.

The game will start when both teams have at least 5 player signed up. If there is a balance issue the teams will be balanced as best as possible before starting.

Players can latejoin the game, but it is asked you only join a faction if you haven't viewed the other faction's threads yet, out of courtesy to everyone involved. The game will use an honor system.

In a game where a team starts with less than 8 players, one of the starting characters will be at least an Opposed or Opposed / Chaotic Fate, and late joining characters can possibly be another Opposed  or Opposed / Chaotic Fate, to prevent meta with latejoiners. E.g., the game will start with either an Opposed or Opposed / Chaotic role, and if it started without the other, eventually a player will late join as it.

Also, the game uses the Enclylopedia system I used in a previous forum game. Basically, since the game has lore and background to it that is undercovered during play, and characters have existed in the game world for a while, if there's something you don't understand, you can encyclopedia it, as such

Encyclopedia: What is a Mork?

And your inner voice will help you out.  ;D

People have existed on this rock for as long as they can remember... but the ancient history is... broken in places.

The current date is 1654 AG (Alto-Gemini), which represents years after the Burst. The era is Late Victorian / Early Modern. Industry is in its infacy, and new and chillingly deadly weapons pop up every year that threaten to make warfare more bloody than ever before. Two rival superpowers, the Solonian Confederation, and the Archduchy of Kravst, continually duel it out on the geopolitical stage, embroiling every minor nation across the known world in their disputes, spinning dizzying networks of allies and foes, and lighting the world ablaze, albeit slowly.

Nobody really knows how anyone got here. It is well known that Kravst is the oldest civilization on the planet, older than written history itself, but beyond the earliest records of human civilization (~4000 BG), it is not quite known just what was going on. Ruins are strewn about in the outer fringes of civilization, although limited and scattered. The Ancients, everyone calls them. Full of broken detrius of what leading scholars today deem a past age. Some of the Artifacts they've left behind leave vague and haunting traces of what may be answers to the past. Incredibly potent and arcane devices, capable of doing things that disobey modern science, these Artifacts are rare and valuable. But among the wreckage of these mysterious cities and the windblown Open Plains and vast Crater Seas where they're found is hundreds of broken artifacts as well, their tiny and exotic components busted and laid bare across the landscape.

But, today, you set out on a journey. Beyond the ridge, the Apollyonian ridge, the trail of mythical proportions, today's Wild West, the uncharted frontier. For the past decade both powers have worked to build roads across the behemoth landscapes which until now have proved to be too insurmountable to have been traversed-- but that was the past, and now trails into the New Frontier are blazed every day, to new and exciting terra firma that has never once been laid eyes on by post-ancient humanity.

What lies Beyond the Ridge? Who can say. But in finding the broken and shattered voices of the past, you may gleam just enough wisdom to prevent the same of your future.


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Spoiler: Roles (click to show/hide)

« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 11:44:10 pm by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Fates are the core aspect of the game, determining which players are going to be working for the colony’s success, which are going to be undermining, and which ones are just going to be… doing their own thing. Your Fate is random, and nobody else can determine what it is (except for the Agent, as described below). Fates all come with their own unique abilities and gameplay, and add an extra layer to the game. Fates are chosen when the game starts, after characters are created, so your Fate and your Role may be a bit.. incompatible. But that’s okay. Adapt, improvise, overcome. We’re going Beyond the Ridge, after all.

Each team’s fate composition will be as such:

1 Opposed (Traitor)

1 Opposed / Chaotic

1 Neutral / Chaotic

1 Patriot (Supportive)

4 Random Supportive

Spoiler:  Fates (click to show/hide)


Solonian Confederation
1. Sierra Primrose, Academic (Naturegirl1999)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
2. Zacharia "Bleeding Heart" Sluv, Envoy (Supernerd)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
3. Natalia Petrova, Explorer (Hotfire90)
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Archduchy of Kravst
1. Paulina Streicher, Magnate (Shadowclaw777)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Two teams of people from rival world powers will be building a colony / new city-state that will need to stand up to both internal and external aggression, while antagonizing each other.

This is great and all, but how do I join? And where are the teams?

Simply copy the template in the first post, fill it out, read the roles, pick one, and read the list of nations, and pick one.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2020, 08:09:42 pm by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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Uh,  yeah, so.... there's quite a lot here. Uh, I might have gotten a little carried away. For the most part the only things that are important are the first bits at the very top. 16 players may be a bit ambitious but hopefully there's enough interest. Hoping the wall of text isn't too, uh, disturbing however, heh..

Any questions/comments/feedback are welcome!

It's really not as complicated a game as it may seem, the little tidbits at the end just serve to give some insight into the various systems. The basic premise of the game, Fates, and Roles are really the majority of the understanding needed to get started.

Example Character:

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« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 10:13:44 pm by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
  • Thank you TamerVirus for the avatar switcher
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So, do I PM you the role I want to be? Or how does this work?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Currently experiencing fremdschämen.
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An example character might help people understand how to sign up.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Soothly we live in mighty years!
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Heyyy, you're the guy did that "Day in the Life" SG way back when! I have not forgotten. :))

Posting-to-watch, for now. This looks to be quite the setup!
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Heyyy, you're the guy did that "Day in the Life" SG way back when! I have not forgotten. :))

Just watching, for now. This looks to be quite the setup.

Yep! I had a few ideas in place for that but that was more of a "spur of the moment" type SG revolving around life drama of mine that went away, lol. I might continue that, since I did enjoy it and wanted to take a Disco Elysium type spin with it, now that I have my writing hat on.

Most of the setup is on me, just make a character and pick a team, and read through everything else at your own pace, it's not strictly necessary, more of a manual of sorts on how certain aspects of the game will work. (will post instructions on that next, apologies I was unclear about how you make a character, I updated the OP)

"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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So, do I PM you the role I want to be? Or how does this work?
An example character might help people understand how to sign up.

The following template will be used for creating characters:

Spoiler: Template (click to show/hide)

Each player gets 6 ability points, which are used for improving skills and stats. Once the game starts, skills and abilities can’t be improved. (I might modify this in later versions, but first I want to see how balanced they are to begin with).


Stat Raise: 2 AP
Skill Raise: 1 AP
2 Extra Followers: 1 AP

To sign up simply copy the template into the thread and fill it up, and state which team you wish to be part of.

Your fate will be decided when the game begins.

It's alright in my opinion for the other team to know who they're going against rolewise and build wise, since they should at least be able to formulate some sort of strategy, and having everyone in the same thread during chargen allows for some friendly banter as well, etc.

Also, put the skills your role give you in the SKILL list of the template, please, and pick your specialty for those. Same thing with the bonus STATS you get, as well.

(The above is copied from the OP, just copy the template and fill it out. Information about roles is in the second post.)

There are 15 roles, each with an associated skill. The list of roles and skills is abbreviated in the first post, with a more in depth explanation in the second post. (And now that I think about it, a few of them aren't finished yet, will fix that now)
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 09:48:42 pm by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Would this sheet work, also do skills and stats combine together?, so a Mind 1 check on a Untrained -1 Difficulty check for a Int Skill would result in a net positive 1?, because +1 from stat and reduce difficulty modifier by 1 per stat?

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Also joining the Archduchy of Kravst, I guess?
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 10:17:04 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Thank you TamerVirus for the avatar switcher
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((Does this work? I think the math is right. Question, would not upgrading skills mean I can’t do them or does it just mean I won’t be able to do them as well? I might change where AP is allocated depending on what the answer to the question is. Joining the Solonian Confederation))
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 09:44:00 pm by Naturegirl1999 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Would this sheet work, also do skills and stats combine together?, so a Mind 1 check on a Untrained -1 Difficulty check for a Int Skill would result in a net positive 1?, because +1 from stat and reduce difficulty modifier by 1 per stat?

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Also joining Team 1, I guess?

Looks good! Your team will be Kravst, I suppose, from your desc. I'll add nation to the template.

I've went and clarified the skill modifers at play, in the skills section. On top of base specialization or untrained modifiers, there's also an additional difficulty modifier at hand, but yeah, that's the gist of things.

I would note your effective business skill will come out to a ridiculous +7 (!), which is a tad bit.. much  :o

It's alright, I threw the cap in there for a reason, but even with a max -3 difficulty modifier to a roll, you would still be going to over the cap if you specialized in your roll. As a reminder the max cumulative bonus to a roll is +3.

EDIT: Meant +6, with specialty. ANd you wouldn't go over the cap, you would be juuust at it. So if that's what ya want, great! (For a -3 difficulty roll against something you specialize in (optimization) it would be +6 -3, to the max +3 mod to the roll. And your 1 point of MIND will lessen untrained penalty by 1, but this won't give you a postive modifier, you can only ever get 0 for an untrained modifier.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2020, 09:41:40 pm by Vivalas »
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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((Does this work? I think the math is right. Question, would not upgrading skills mean I can’t do them or does it just mean I won’t be able to do them as well? I might change where AP is allocated depending on what the answer to the question is))

Yep! Go ahead and throw in your team and put your academic skill that you get from your role in your skills list.
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars


  • Bay Watcher
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So... Is this right? Not sure which team would be more appropriate.

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« Last Edit: July 02, 2020, 12:18:26 am by Supernerd »
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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So... Is this right? Not sure which team would be more appropriate.

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Looks good, but please add the skills Envoy starts with to your skill list (they're free and part of the role) which would be Diplomacy 1 and Leadership 1. You also need to choose a specialty for all of your skills.

As for team, well, I'm not quite sure, works for either one pretty well. Your team is really just your personal preference, I'm not gonna be too strict with which team you choose to start with, most of the stuff there is really just fluff. I would say Solonial, though, due to the Slavic-ish name you have.
"On two occasions I have been asked,—"Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question."
- Charles Babbage

The Imperial Question | Stranded Among Stars
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