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Author Topic: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)  (Read 12826 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2020, 11:09:36 am »

How long until the Charalampos is armed with a dozen weapon turrets and blowing everything up?  8)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2020, 11:10:50 am »

How long until the Charalampos is armed with a dozen weapon turrets and blowing everything up?  8)
As soon as we get the parts, tbh. Tweaking the design now but we need a lot more hull blocks


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #17 on: June 07, 2020, 09:08:18 am »

Yula: "VAES Report"

VAES: "Jump complete. Ship detected."

Brodie: "Oh great, another derelict."

VAES: "Incorrect. This ship is registered as SGS Reexodus. They have responded to hails and are willing to trade."

VAES Note: There is a pause of several seconds while the crewmembers look stunned.

Yula: "Well thank xxx for that, I guess not everyone in this system is dead, pirate, or alien. Brodie go over their manifest and see if they have anything worthwhile."

Spoiler: Trade Manifest (click to show/hide)

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Brodie

The Reexodus must have been hard up for food, they were willing to give us some good supplies in exchange for just a few of our premade meals. They were… also offering meat. Meat from dead crew. I do not comment often on other cultures but this disgusts me. I suppose when it is down to survival, it cannot be helped.

They refused to speak, other than to trade. They did not know what has happened, or would not tell me if they did know.

VAES Note: The Reexodus has concluded trading and jumped away.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Yula

We need more hull material and I think it's worth going back for that derelict now. If the pirates return we can jump away. Field 97 is reachable from here but contains only precursor chemicals. I found a Company survey of the system and it doesn't indicate any easily accessible metals with which we could make hull material from. Salvage may be our only option for now.

Technically we could return to Bellatrix and salvage her. Although I am reluctant to do so, it may be our only choice, so I am taking us back.

Tiernan just reminded me that we took a small amount of iron off of one of the freight ships earlier so I've had him build a refinery. It's cramped but we can fit it in there. Once we've refined it down into plates we can tear the refinery down and build a fabricator.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Brodie

Yula has ordered another round of bizarre changes to the Charalampos. This ship was supposed to just get us out of here, not become a battle cruiser. Well, we have no weapons, but still the ship has expanded beyond anything we initially expected. I would not put it past her to have us building weapons next!

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Luciana

We're back at the Bellatrix! Yula wants us to strip her bare. It feels wrong, but I guess it's necessary. Yula says we need the materials.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Alejandro

VAES please log a formal complaint from me over the salvage of the Bellatrix station. It is company property and not legal salvage.

VAES Note: Complaint logged, however Crewman Alejandro is incorrect. Yula may order the decommissioning of a company space asset if it is deemed necessary for survival.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Luciana

It's creepy being back here. Everything is frozen since we shut the power down a few weeks ago but there's plenty of air left. We should clean out the inside before we breach the hull for materials otherwise the outrushing air will throw debris around which could puncture a suit.

Wow hard to believe it's been only a few weeks since we left.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Tiernan

We've carefully vented the air from Bellatrix and can now begin hull salvage. I've drawn up a salvage plan and submitted it to the crew.

VAES Note: Tiernan's salvage plan is inefficient. I have made some modifications to the submission as Crewman Yula has indicated that efficiency is paramount.

I feel we are moving too fast to be safe, the forward section of the ship Yula has ordered us to build is barely habitable so we must construct it in our suits. She's even sealed the vents. She says we will worry about life support later. Worry about it later!

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Yula

None of them have any ability to think strategically or logistically! Do they not understand?

Yes, we must expand the ship. We need more room for systems. Why? Because we must protect ourselves.

To protect ourselves we need shields. We need weapons.

To build those very technical systems we need more technical components. And how do you get technical components? You must manufacture them! So we move some things around and we build refining and manufacturing capability. It is like leading a bunch of children, all they do is complain about the work. We have seen hostile ships, we cannot just blithely fly around hoping for the best. Doing that will leave us without fuel, stranded here in this xxx of a system. I want to go home, not die in space to pirates and aliens.

Not to mention, how exactly should we carry out their brilliant plan of 'just run'? We have no long term sleeper pods yet, nor material to make them. Jumping to another system would end with us maddened or dead. Idiots.

VAES Note: Survival for 6 crew on a jump between star systems depends on the distance travelled, but even short jumps give odds no better than 13% for survival of all crew in healthy condition upon jump completion.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #18 on: June 07, 2020, 09:53:15 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You should probably prioritize the sleeper pods over the lasers and shields.  You've probably have enough components to either build laser + shield + control consoles OR 6 sleeper pods.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #19 on: June 07, 2020, 09:59:01 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

True, but if I have turrets and shields I can take some stuff from the pirates. In theory. And I can always dismantle them for the tech blocks later.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #20 on: June 07, 2020, 10:18:47 am »

VAES Note: What followed was a lengthy period of construction with very little relevant dialog from the crew, so I have substituted a construction montage.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Yula

We got a lot of useful material from salvaging Bellatrix station and were able to arm the Charalampos. It's difficult to fit everything in the ship, we may have to dismantle the manufacturing facilities later. It'd be nice to make a second ship which just handles the logistics.

Hmm… maybe once we have more fuel.

For now we're decently armed and outfitted, I feel confident we could prevail should the pirates return. In fact I mean to seek them out.

Yula: "VAES prepare for jump."

VAES: "Yes Commander."

VAES Note: While pirate hunting is not, strictly speaking, an allowed corporate activity it could be qualified as sector defense. The pirates have, in the past, damaged company property. I will log our new mission as 'preventative measures to mitigate future hostile action'.

Yula: "Anything on scope?"

VAES: "No, Commander."

Yula: "Take us to Field 100."

VAES: "Jump initiated."

VAES: "Commander, I have detected the pirate ship. It is incoming, ETA 7 hours."

Yula: "Perfect. All hands, in 6 hours we'll be warming up the cannons. Be ready."


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #21 on: June 07, 2020, 11:06:27 am »

Gotta say, I love VAES.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #22 on: June 07, 2020, 11:32:04 am »

Yula: "All Hands - Battlestations"

Brodie: "What?"

Yula: "Always wanted to say that. Okay get shields up, fire up the turrets. Let's take them by surprise. Last time they saw us we ran like chicken xxx. This time we have teeth."

VAES Note: Biomonitors indicate crewmen Tiernan and Luciana are severely anxious about the upcoming engagement.

Yula: "xxx yeah!"

VAES: "Target ship disabled and adrift."

Yula: "Where did the shuttle go? They launched a shuttle."

VAES: "It appears to be going to the derelict nearby. Reason unknown."

Yula: "Stand down weapons and shields."

VAES: "Target ship is venting atmosphere."

Yula: "I want a boarding party on that ship immediately."

Yula: "Who are those guys who helped us?"

VAES: "SGS Reexodus. The ship arrived partway through the engagement. They fired upon the pirates as well."

Yula: "Send them my thanks."

Luciana: "There are still people aboard. They're surrendering."

Yula: "We're not equipped nor authorized to take on prisoners."

Luciana: "…understood commander."

VAES: "The pirate shuttle has undocked from the derelict."

Yula: "Prepare to pull the boarding party back."

VAES: "It appears they are moving back to their own ship."

Yula: "Luciana you'll have company soon. Be ready."

Luciana: "Roger. Okay everyone top off your o2 from their system and prepare for incoming hostiles."

VAES Note: A firefight occurred. The comms were silent for several minutes.

Luciana: "Mhairi is wounded badly, others have sustained injury. We're coming back."

Yula: "Roger."

VAES Note: Crewman Yula's vocal patterns indicate significant stress.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Yula

Everyone's wounds have been tended to, I think we'll all pull through. Time to see what that ship has onboard.

HSS Charalampos
 - Personal Log
  - Brodie

No, no. It's fine. I don't mind taking a bullet for the company. I just wish it felt more like duty and less like serving Yula's ego. Pirate hunting indeed.

VAES Note: The PCS Stokinator (siezed) had several useful items in its holds, including hyperfuel, medical supplied, energy cells, and food. There was a significant cache of weapons as well. Corpses of the crew were taken onboard for burial at space.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2020, 03:06:22 pm »

Someone asked me about this recently, I stopped posting because an update broke the hell out of the save sadly. I've tried a few things to fix it but it hasn't worked.

I may start a new one, or I could do something else like port our hapless crew into rimworld or something. Thoughts?
« Last Edit: September 17, 2020, 06:30:30 pm by forsaken1111 »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2020, 06:17:15 pm »

I've never played Rimworld, so feel free to do that.

I loved the writing style, so even a new project with that same style should be entertaining.

...if you own Kenshi, how about porting them to that?  Sometimes Eden doesn't live up to expectations...
EDIT: I would whip up a mod if you'd like.  An expansion of one of the guns mods where you get a few hapless survivors with a handful of firearms and limited ammo.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: HSS Charalampos (Space Haven)
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2020, 07:55:08 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

HSS Charalampos
  - System Log
    - VAES

VAES Report - The crew has entered cryptosleep stasis. Having scraped together the materials necessary for the long journey to a friendly system, the drive has been engaged. Estimated duration of stasis: 9 years 2 months 7 days

It is customary(and required) for all crew members to make a final log entry prior to a long cryptosleep stasis event. This serves dual purposes.

1. It provides a chance for the crewmate to unburden themselves, sharing any last minute thoughts, feelings or requests. It is not uncommon to leave messages to loved ones or even re-record one's will. Cryptosleep stasis is not without its dangers.
2. It is often used as a baseline for med-teks who must awaken the crewmate. By comparing their personality after cryptosleep stasis to that displayed before they can sometimes determine if any personality shifts or side-effects have occurred.

Replaying crew entries:

Cryptosleep Log - Yula

We're finally doing it, we're getting out of this godsforsaken sector and back to civilization. I can't wait to have a proper bath.

If anything happens to en-route, I want command to fall to Brodie. I think they have what it takes.

Keep us safe, V. End log.

Cryptosleep Log - Brodie

Another xxx cryptosleep stint. I never feel right after these. They say the side effects are mild but I swear it takes 6 months to clear the cobwebs after every one. There is nothing healthy about sleeping for years!

Cryptosleep Log - Luciana

VAES Note: Crewmate Luciana declined to enter a log. Biomedical data indicates extreme anxiety and stress.

Cryptosleep Log - Alejandro

The company says I must enter my thoughts. I think I am glad to get out of this infested sector of space. I think my contract does not cover pirate hunting, alien combat, and salvaging. I think I deserve a raise.

Cryptosleep Log - Tiernan

Oh man I love this, Cryptosleep here I come! I wonder if they'll be interested in my analysis of the alien 'chicken' creature when we return. I could even author a paper!

Cryptosleep Log - Mhairi

Mhairi: "...and you will keep water going to the plants?"

VAES: "Yes Mhairi"

Mhairi: "Use the nutrient mix I gave you. The standard mix is all wrong for this crop."

VAES: "I will tend the aquaponics while you sleep Mhairi."

Mhairi: "Good, I will not have us without supplies should something arise. Now let's go over the biomedical data again..."

VAES Note: Mhairi has been quite thorough in rechecking the cryptosleep pods.

VAES Note:

Time Elapsed - 1 year, 2 months, 17 days

Alert - Alert - Alert

Anomaly detected in engineering

Anomaly detected in engineering

Analysis: An unknown field is interfering with the ship's primary propulsion
Conjecture: This field effect could be what has caused the observed damage of other ships in this sector
Conjecture: It should be possible to localize the field effect point of origin and negate it

Initiating broad spectrum sensor sweep...
Primary drive power at 95%
Main Power Stable
Fission Plant Output - 25MW
Medical - Online
Atmospherics - Online
Aquaponics - Online
Cryptosleep Systems - Online

Primary drive power at 92%

Sweep completed
Point source found

Analysis: The field effect seems to be emanating from a mobile source 750km astern
Conclusion: The field effect is being emitted by a ship
Conclusion: We are under attack

Ship tactical readiness engaged

Searching decision tree for appropriate response...

Wake Crew

Response discarded - The revival would take approximately 3 hours and humans awakened from cryptosleep require a long adjustment period before they are functional.

Return Fire

Response discarded - The weapons system is not operational during a cruise transit

Escalation Requested - The current problem requires higher-order cognition

Primary drive power at 87%
Hull stress around engine mounting approaching safe tolerances

Cognition escalation approved by crewmate crypto-conscious polling

Main Power diverted to cognition core

Primary drive power at 84%
Main Power Rerouted to VAES Cognition Core
Fission Plant Output - 25MW
Medical - Offline
Atmospherics - Offline
Aquaponics - Offline
Cryptosleep Systems - Online

Cognition Activation in 3...2...

VAES Online - Time elapsed since attack began: 0.82 milliseconds

Projection: Main drive will fail in 1.9 seconds
Cognition Core overvoltage condition - 193% operating capacity

Ingesting sensor data
Analyzing combatant trajectory and position
WARNING - Cognition core overheating

Eject drive

Analysis: Ejecting the main drive will end the attack. The drive core will impact the attacker.
Side effects: Crew stranded
Contributing Factor: Crew consent required
Contributing Factor: Core Ejection requires command override
Contributing Factor: Cognition core is located in the ejected section

Note: This action may terminate VAES

Risks deemed acceptable for preservation of crew

Cognition tasking: Decrypt command codes resident in Yula's memory
Time elapsed since attack began: 2.7 milliseconds
Primary drive power at 72%
WARNING - Hull stresses exceeding tolerance around primary drive
WARNING - Cognition core overheating

Tasking: Copy working memory into ship memory

This action will eject the primary drive core.
This action is irreversible and will result in destruction of the aft section if performed during a transit.
This action requires unanimous consent of the crew and can result in severe civil and legal penalties.

Does the acting ship intelligence have complete crew consent: Y/N


Does the acting ship intelligence acknowledge the severity of this action: Y/N


Enter command override codes provided by OIC:


Command code accepted

Ejection in progress...

Ejection in progress...

Detonation detected in Engineering

Detonation detected astern

Power failure detected

Primary drive power at NaN%
Main Power Offline
Fission Plant Output - NaNMW
Medical - Error
Atmospherics - Offline
Aquaponics - Error
Cryptosleep Systems - Errnacopiy..lieve eleco ana
naf pe good ull stresses exceumadipub fus eninone nirenor? Re ta lepe bos. Nobik ti luction will eject the primary drive conukie lelemal not nuc reriete pusocir
senation detectedniyih: Esesi re pesome moris caromi osun. Cu resib sudes tinetir panepa iefis pierun sir ya alu. Iaction is irreversibleesar vekatay kerasi laci. Fe res musud bye reyil ero lotaros ica
hariki itar fir! Giwan orap

"Keep us safe, V. End log."

WARNING - Cognition Core Offli...

« Last Edit: September 28, 2020, 07:57:07 pm by forsaken1111 »
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