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Author Topic: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 2nd Quarter 2120 (free spots!)  (Read 1999 times)


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Mobile Suit Gundam: Kaiserreich


Mars was lost.

When news reached Earth that the Frontier Fleets of all three Great Powers and half a dozen other Nations all had surrendered or been destroyed, Earth was shocked.
The Shock lasted for a bare week before the first Demonstrations broke out on the formerly Japanese Part of the Moon, calling for independence.
Shortly thereafter the brittle quiet that held sway in Africa for the past decade shattered like glass as a bomb exploded in a border town  between Imperial South Africa and Rhodesia.
The Legations saw demonstrations for a minimum wage and work security brutally put down by Legation Enforcers and the Vermillion Society Thugs.

Other developments are less violent but far more troubling:

In New Orleans, President Margeret Long announces that the American Union State will start its own Colony Program. It remains to be seen if that is a credible threat to the other Great Powers or merely a propaganda move.

In China however things are definetly moving towards a peaceful resolution. For the first time in 50 years a summit between the Qing and the Kuomintang China was held in the Bharatyia Communes capital of Bangladesh. The exact goals of the summit are being kept secret. Speculations roll from ceasefires (not that there had been any real warfare been going on for the past 20 years), a proper peace treaty in which both nations recognize on another up to and including an unlikely unification of both countries.

Local Powers look on with close interest and especially the Legations should be watching the proceedings with trepidation.

But the Elephant in the room remains Mars, who unilaterally declared independence and not only took a good chunk of Earths investments with it but also a large chunk of its fleets. It remains to be seen how the Powers of Earth would react to this...

The German Kaiserreich
Leader(s): Kaiserin Victoria-Louise I.
Ideology: Social Conservative
Stability: Stable
Wet Water Navy-
Carrier Groups: 8
Battlegroups: 10
Solar Navy-
Frigates: 400 (200 NEO, 200 Luna)
Cruisers: 150 (50 NEO, 100 Luna)
Battleships: 15 (8 NEO, 7 Luna)
Carriers: 20 (10 NEO, 10 Luna)
Gen. I: 600
Gen. II: 600
Gen. III: 800
Gen. IV: 0
Orbital Platforms: 4
Colonial Stations: 0
Research Stations: 1 (L2)

The Imperial Federation
Leader(s): Queen Charlotte II.
Ideology: Authoritarian Democrat
Stability: Stable
Wet Water Navy-
Carrier Groups: 7
Battlegroups: 9
Solar Navy-
Frigates: 83 (61 NEO, 22 L4)
Cruisers: 38 (29 NEO, 9 L4)
Battleships: 6 (4 NEO, 2 L4)
Carriers: 4 (3 NEO, 1 L4)
Gen. I: 800
Gen. II: 150
Gen. III: 300
Gen. IV: 100
Magpies: 18
Orbital Platforms: 2
Colonial Stations: 5 (All L4)
Research Stations: 1 (L3)

Empire of Japan
Leader(s): Emperor Akazawa/ Prime Minister Tomiko Saitou
Ideology: Market Liberal
Stability: Stable
Wet Water Navy-
Carrier Groups: 7
Battlegroups: 9
Solar Navy-
Frigates: 283 (120 NEO, 68 L4, 95 L5)
Cruisers: 94 (44 NEO, 22 L4, 28 L5)
Battleships: 14 (7 NEO, 3 L4, 4 L5)
Carriers: 13 (7 NEO, 2 L4, 4 L5)
Strike Carrier: 1 (NEO)
Gen. I: 100
Gen. II: 800
Gen. III: 750
Gen. IV: 300 (50 per OP)
Orbital Platforms: 6
Colonial Stations: 18 (8 L4, 10 L5)
Research Stations: 2 (L3, L5)

Legation Cities
Leader(s): Chairman of the Legations Council Akira Toriyama
Ideology: Market Liberal
Stability: High
Wet Water Navy-
Carrier Groups: 2
Battlegroups: 3
Solar Navy (all NEO)-
Frigates: 72
Cruisers: 36
Battleships: 5
Carriers: 4
Gen. I: 100
Gen. II: 200
Gen. III: 300
Gen. IV: 200 (50 per OP)
Orbital Platforms: 4
Colonial Stations: 8 (4 L4, 4 L5)
Research Stations: ???

The American Union State
Leader(s): President Margaret Long
Ideology: Authoritarian Democrat
Stability: Stable
Wet Water Navy-
Carrier Groups: 5
Battlegroups: 5
Solar Navy-
Frigates: 5
Carriers: 1
Gen. I: 800
Gen. II: 600
Gen. III: 30
Gen. IV: 0
Gen. V: 0
Orbital Platforms: 0
Colonial Stations: 0
Research Stations: 1

Martian Liberation Army
Leader(s): Committee for the Reclamation of Mankind/ Chairman Durestan Mackleen
Ideology: Radical Traditional (Vaedist)
Stability: High
Solar Navy (in Mars Orbit)-
Frigates: 326
Cruisers: 95
Battleships: 16
Carriers: 12
Gen. I: 3,250
Gen. II: 800
Gen. III: 500
Gen. IV: 0
Gen. V: 5
Orbital Platforms: 0
Colonial Stations: 0
Research Stations: 1 (???)
« Last Edit: March 18, 2020, 02:35:50 pm by Ghazkull »


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2020, 06:21:18 pm »

Simplicity had a power all of it's own.

Simple words touched hearts where complex analogies failed. Simple solutions tended to work more reliably than convoluted ones. Yet everything had become so complicated so quickly. Durestan Mackleen's aides bustled around him like a hive of busy bees, applying makeup and making sure his outfit was perfect as he went over his speech once again. Twenty rewrites had forced him to confront the fact that he was not the orator he had believed himself to be. This was to be his first address to a new nation. The beginning of something new that would be featured in history books for generations. And yet he couldn't find the words, not ones worthy enough for this event. Perhaps with more time he could have written something better. But time as ever was not on his side. It was not on Mars's either. The forces of Earth would not sit stunned forever. Given time they would be back with better technology and more manpower. He could not afford to let them have that time.

His aides withdrew leaving him alone in front of a dozen cameras and their crews. A producer counted down silently with his fingers and then Durestan ran out of time for edits and rewrites. It was time. With a deep breath he launched into his speech with aplomb.

"My fellow Martians. I am the chairman for the Committee for the Reclamation of Mankind, Durestan Mackleen. I speak to you now on a historic day; for the first time in history Mars is free! It is an incredible day. For so long martian cries for freedom went ignored. Instead we got only military force deployed against us and the brutality of their exported wars. If we must fight let it be for our own cause. Our own people! They ignored us so completely our development of powerful spirtual abilities went unnoticed. We martians have shown what humans can be when loosed from their twisted social and spirtual constructions! We are free from the poison they have infected almost every aspect of their lives with! We can choose what lessons we learn from that green and blue rock and what knowledge deserves to be abandoned as we build a new brighter world! We must look to the time before mankind fell from the true path and became wrapped up in an endless race for coin and religion. Before it became warped. No longer will we accept the pollution of our souls they wish to impose on us. We will be pure of spirit! We will be pure of body! We will be a pure race! No longer will we accept wolves being led by lambs! It is time for a new golden age! It is time for awakened and enlightened warriors to take charge and set us on a path of empowerment long closed to the modern nations of earth! But they will not sit by as we develop in ways they are crippled. They will seek to drag us down. They will want us to be corrupted like them. They will not be able to abide our freedom and the examples we will set for their people. They are coming make no mistake. But we will be ready! We will win!"

The cameras clicked off.

Surprising even himself he found himself sweating by the end of his little speech. He had tried to keep it short, simple and powerful. He had least kept it short. Dodging his aides and his political advisors he slipped out of the room, down the corridor and into his new office.

He could remember cold days hunkered down in ramshackle safe houses as he and his brothers in arms hid from the enforcers sent to track them down. He could remember how impossible their victory seemed then. Now he stood in a luxurious office at the center of martian power. His office. Gently he sat down in the leather chair behind the desk. It was much too comfortable and made from the skin of some earth animal. The original owner of the office must have had it shipped in from earth. Some of those old friends now served in his newly formed government but not all of them. Some sacrifices had to be made. The same traits that made them such potent rebels made them unsuited to a stable government. The absolute surety of their cause and willingness to shed blood over it didn't go away just because they had won. All winning had done was highlight the differences in their visions. They were all going to try to pull Mars in different directions. Even as the gen Vs fought the fleet he had seen the cracks forming. Cracks that if left alone would form in to a vicious civil war. So he had done what he had to to save Mars from it's saviours. He had drawn up a list of his friends, his allies, his brothers that needed to die.

He poured himself a glass of whiskey in an effort to banish these unwelcome thoughts. It was yet another 'gift' left behind by the office's previous occupant. Sipping the drink Durestan almost jumped out of his skin when he spotted Sulivian leaning back against the wall with a smile on his pale gaunt face. Durestan hadn't even realised he had been in the room, Sulivian had a knack for going unnoticed. Durestan hated him like few other people he had ever met. Sulivian was the reason Durestan's left eye couldn't fully open anymore. It was one wound of many Sulivian had inflicted on him during an 'interrogation' back before the January Riots, back when Durestan was just a terrorist and Sulivian was a counter intelligence operative trying to stop them. Durestan could of ordered the man killed but instead had offered him a job. Sulivian was too useful to kill. Durestan knew perfectly well that Sulivian's inability to stop the PMSAG had more to do with the inaction and ignorance of his superiors than any failing on his part. When Mars was freed those same people saw Sulivian as the perfect scapegoat. Sulivian for his part was quite happy to turn on those same superiors given half the chance. Now the man who featured in all of Durestan's nightmares called him sir.

"Ah sir," he greeted him, his smile was always a touch too wide "That was quite a speech. I could see you really got into it. Almost convinced me you believed what you were saying,"

Durestan glared back, hiding nothing of the contempt and hate he held for him. "Do you have a report for me?"

"Yes sir, it's already on your desk. But to sumerise; I have been successful in subjorning a number of intelligence cells on earth using some of my old contacts who have yet to... realise my circumstances have changed. I've been able to reroute the flow of reports and orders to a number of these cells through some of our assets. For the time being we have unrivaled intelligence. Supplied and paid for by the enemy. I will keep them fed with false reports but they will notice eventually. Though in that time I hope to achieve a more complete infiltration of enemy organisations,"

Sulivian didn't stop smiling as he spoke.

Durestan sipped his whiskey. He hated Sulivian more than anyone because he never stopped smiling, because he was so efficient in everything he did and because he was the man Durestan had handed the list of his friends to.

From outside the sound of gen I blaszaks marshalling for a parade could be heard even through the thick reinforced walls. It was another attempt to convince the populace of their new government's power and legitimacy. It was a display of the committees might. Durestan found himself drawn to the window to look out at the forces assembling on the parade grounds. In his minds eye he could imagine them being sent into raging battle. It was so easy to envision their mechanical might carrying them to victory.

"Already hungry for another hit?" Sulivian asked.

The question caught Durestan by surprise and snapped him back to reality.


"The high of victory is already fading. Isn't it? You already want to taste that sweet drug again don't you?"

Durestan found himself unable to unable to honestly dispute Sulivian's allegations. He swallowed the last of the whiskey.

"We have work to do,"

"Of course sir," Sulivian responded with a dangerous look in his eyes "We have so much to do,"


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2020, 09:08:01 pm »

(Will put something here when I think of what to put)


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2020, 03:39:30 pm »


The American Union State, like all nations, is a product of its time. Its early years was a time of constant strife, struggle, and political infighting. Both in the Second American Civil war and the Twilight Struggle, chaos and violence reigned. These decades of discord weighed heavily on the remaining populace, with Generations of kids growing up in a ruined and turbulent country. Millions fled to other US successor states that did not appear to be just a chaotic mess. These two factors lead to a desire of order and stability above most traditional freedoms, and When Russell B.Long finally ended the last La Cosa Nostra Rossa cell, there was much rejoicing and want for such chaos to never happen again. Even if it meant living under the longest-lasting Political Dynasty ever recorded...

Russel B.Long, the man most consider the Savior of the American Union State, along with being one of the Greatest Statesmen

The Long family is the dominant force of National Politics in the American Union State. Not only do they control the Presidency, but much of the important and powerful potions of the Federal state are held by the family directly. The rest are handled either by closely tied individuals, trusted and dedicated loyalists, or the rare independent. This is due to a multitude of factors, from inherent popularity to a Mighty Political machine. This gives the Long Family incredible power in the nominally democratic AUS. Which they have mostly used for good, according to their beliefs.

This Pseudo-Monarchy is surprisingly accepted and even popular in the nation. Not only is it a preferable alternative to mass chaos, but the Long Family has stuck by with Huey's Vision. A world of fairness, stability, and prosperity for all. Where a man can rise to wealth with but the sweat of his brow, without massive established corporations shutting him down. Where the corrupt are punished, and the people are in control. Where the American Dream can be a real thing, not an illusion! This is also a reason why the Longs hold such a tight grip on power. As the Twilight struggle was characterized by infighting with elements not so loyal to the dream. To prevent further such pollution and disorder, only those trusted individuals can hold the reigns of power.

And of course, this seems to have gone well for the Country. Reconstruction was slow, but there was no exploitation by the Rich to the poor. No manipulation by the wealthy or government. Though certainly not as wealthy as other nations, the cash and resources were not monopolized by the Megarich. Populism was the name of the game, and the Longs have skillfully played it. This gives further credence to their competence and right to rule, according to the masses. There is an impression that the Family is uniquely suited for political power and greatness. A sort of mystique similar to what justified the rule of nobility in old Europe. There is also the fact that those that marry into the Long Family tend to be "great individuals" inside the Union State. This gives further rumor that the Family holds supernatural power, something greater than the normal man. There is even a Christian denomination that holds that the Long Family is god's "Destined Stewards", superior to normal man and meant to rule until the end of days. Of course, the Longs deny such rumors, and others state that such proof is unsubstantiated. After all, the Long family is the most powerful force in the Union state, why wouldn't the ambitious and cunning wish to marry into it!?

Still, the Longs are still a very noteworthy and interesting figure in history. Being able to maintain power for longer than most monarchical dynasties, while doing it all in the arena of democracy, is quite an achievement. Even in the American Union State. They are surely doing something right, and as President Margaret Long announces an ambition expansion of the Space program, it looks like they aim to go even higher. The social contract show no signs of going down in flames, and the Longs seem to have no enemies. The future looks bright, at least, on the surface...

President Margaret Long, current Head of the Long Family
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 03:44:24 pm by Avetruetotheimperator »


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2020, 03:57:22 pm »

Queen Charlotte II woke up to the music on her computer that was an alarm. It was a melody that only she found calming. The guards told her it unsettled them, so they have their own alarms. After waking up, she learned that Gregor Aaronson, a British man, was elected Mayor in one of the Legation cities by running on a platform about the benefits of trade with the IF. This pleased her, as it means more Imperial influence in the cities. The next order of business would be increasing their space presence, as well as conserving their planetary presence. She went to the Production Council and War Council and told them of her plans. She began to start her country on researching better ways of purifying metal, to hopefully make production of Blaszacs easier/cheaper without decreasing quality
((If more is needed I will add more))
« Last Edit: March 07, 2020, 09:34:34 pm by Naturegirl1999 »


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2020, 09:15:26 pm »

"Yes I hear your incessant knocking what on earth could it be this time of night...... what do you mean the martians rebelled where did they find the forces what happened to our peace keeping fleet or for that matter any of the other powers....... we surrendered if i ever see that damn admiral ill kill him myself......... what do you mean more bad news...... they found our lab what happened to the prototypes..... they seized them how on earth did this catch us so off guard get me the general staff and the heads of the intelligence offices we need to figure out how to fix this problem and how the hell it slipped beneath our noses......"
Transcript of Chairman Toriyama's reaction to the martian insurrection

Domestic Order
Well people we lost our most advanced combat units a whole fleet and our best and brightest scientist in one fell swoop, we dont have the industrial and financial ability too outproduce the martians so were going to have to kick start a new wave of military R&D were going to have to win these fights with quality so were going to start pumping out as many research labs as we can without compromising military production. However until those get up and running issue a general registration for a draft among the citizenry any one 16 years of age to 55 years of age needs to be registered hopefully it wont come to that but we need to plan for the worse. Also ask for donations of any civilian Blaszaks some of the racing and construction models could be pretty easily retrofitted into military service.

Military Production
Pretty simple here folks if we can do it we need at least 5 Gen5 Blaszaks being produced and deployed each quarter any spare resources after that devote to fortifying our earth bound cities and installations god help us if the martians gain void superiority reinforced bunkers, fixed weapons emplacements, civilian shelters, and strategic material stockpiles 

War Plans
Form up five orbital security groups consisting of (1 Carrier, 1 Battleship, 4 Cruisers,  10 Frigates) deploy them to the four Lagrange Points as well as one to NLO(Near Luna Orbit) the rest of the fleet shall maintain a mobile reserve in NEO
Diplomatic Corp

The American Union State
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Empire of Japan
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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2020, 10:47:30 am »

The American Union State
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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2020, 10:59:18 am »

Mars Liberation Party
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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2020, 11:52:08 am »

To the Imperial Federation;
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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2020, 12:33:23 pm »

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Queen Charlotte tells all in the Imperial Federation “I recognize the Martian Liberation Party as an independent nation due to the fact that they have a government that isn’t controlled by another” Some members of government and the civilians are surprised by this. Most notably, the leader of the Council of War, Samuel Benson.

Samuel Benson: “My Queen, what about our people still there”

Charlotte II: “I have talked with Mr. Mackleen, and he said that moving them from Mars is allowed”

Samuel: “What about taking Mars for ourselves?”

Charlotte: “Take a look at their solar navy compared to ours. Even if I wanted to attack, we would most assuredly fail. I believe peace is the best option for the time being. We should focus on defending ourselves for the time being, no need for needless conflict”

Samuel: “If you say so, your Majesty”


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2020, 06:59:29 pm »

Miniturn: The Final Frontier

ELVIS-Station in all its glory

It was with great bombast that the Union State opened its first Colonial Station at L1 and thus also marked its entry into the proper space-faring nations. ELVIS-Station, named after the famous celebrity and founder of the Long-Presley Dynasty, was only the first step of the ambitious American Union States Great Leap Forward.

Representatives of all the major nations were present at the inauguration ceremony, with the exemption of Mars, for obvious reasons. As January turned into march it became quickly apparent that interest in the new station was huge as the first (self-styled) true americans set foot into their new orbital home.
The Union State due to its birth pains never developed quite the population pressure like other nations on earth, but even it started to feel the problems of overpopulation and so it is little wonder that reservations for living on ELVIS were sold out within thirty minutes.
But even as ELVIS was celebrated as a massive success rumours of the second Stage of the Great Leap were already coursing through the internet. What the Union State had planned was highly classified and even the Martians could find out naught more than the Project Name: NEW NEW ORLEANS...

With ELVIS a success and NEW NEW ORLEANS a teaser of what was to come, President Long finally announced the Main Course: Project NOAH.
What was first assumed to be a joke turned out to be very least in the eyes of the Union State. A fully functional self-sufficient ark-ship capable of transporting large population quantities to the Outer Solar System and settling there.

If many ignored NOAH either as a hoax or as megalomaniac folly by the pseudo monarchists in the AUS, they would soon be disappointed. Frantic chatter through back-channels, industrial spies and information brokers soon revealed, that the Americans were onto something and that on EDISON some madman had a breakthrough with the Warp-Drive.

Working off of RRB* Designs of EM-Drives from the early 21st Century, warp drives had been more or less static for the past century with slight improvements, allowing reasonable travel times to Mars (1 month with military specs) but making travel to Saturn or Jupiter arduous and for any colonization projects unfeasible. Whatever Professor Louis Presley-Hawking had discovered was breaking the laws of physics in ways that have yet to be publicated. And while the man became a celebrity overnight (his connection to the Long-Presley Dynasty notwithstanding) the breakthrough was as of yet theoretical.

*Reichsraumfahrtbehörde (Reich Space Agency) - The German Space Agency and in extension that of the Reichspakt. Foremost leader in the field of space colonization, development and research.


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2020, 07:24:56 am »

Miniturn: The games that we play...

With the Advent of the New Martian Government came social change. For now Training Academies were beginning construction all over Mars. Military Training Camps saw rapid refurbishment and Mech Simulator Programs were spread amongst the populace.

All for one purpose: Training the Next Generation of Pilots.
The Introduction of the Global Ranking System was met with bemusement amongst the populace, as every single citizen was ranked according to his ability as a Blaszak pilot.
It was little surprise that most of the government leadership was exempted from this and even less that the Chosen were at the top of the rankings. Nonetheless some youths began to enjoy the competition and among the military it was treated as an amusing past time by some.

Time would tell if the Rankings would be taken more seriously and it would take months until the new Academies would be finished.


This miniscule change in the martian social fabric was largely ignored by the intelligence services of earth in favour of something far more troubling...mars was reverse-engineering Gen V models. Their power was an as of yet unknown quantity to the Earthers but well known to the Martians. Unfortunately the very advanced fusion reactors providing the raw power these machines boasted were extremely difficult to produce in the miniature size that was required. With models to study however, it was merely a question of time until someone figured it out.


The loss of major space and blaszak assets in Orbit of Mars had dealt a severe blow to many a nation, and while general conscription was on the table it came as a surprise that the Legations were the first to begin its implementation...or implement it at all. The Legation Cities had from their very inception relied on Volunteer Forces, Police and Mercenaries. The call for a Draft Registration caused quite some surprise, anger and consternation amongst the Legation populace. Where the Volunteers not enough? Couldn't mercenaries be hired? And what about their patron countries? Weren't they supposed to ensure the survival of the Legations?

For now however the populace complied with quiet grumbles, the warning signs of a populace used to certain privileges. That was the terrestial population of the Legations. Amongst the Colony stations open riots broke out at the Draft Registration. First they were denied minimum wages and work security and now they should die for their oppressors in Colonial Wars?
Once more Enforcers were sent out and angry citizens met shotguns and Crowd Control Blaszaks. In turn the Blaszaks met Molotov Cocktails. For now the Enforcers held their ground.

More successful was the request for the donation of Blaszaks. Volunteer Pilots showed up in some numbers with racing, construction and even some refurbished Fist-Fighting Blaszaks. All in all 50 of these improvised Blaszaks entered retrofitting. These improvised combat units recieved a new model designation before being integrated into the Volunteer Force: Gen I.A "Volunteers". Generally inferior to even Gen I. Blaszaks they nonetheless provided numbers.

A refurbished Gen I.A "Volunteer", the fighting ability of these repurposed civilian mechs was by and large dubious and the quality and training of its pilots varied wildly. Time would tell whether such ad-hoc forces were effective combat units.


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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #12 on: March 09, 2020, 08:28:42 am »

Durestan walked down the lines of assembled Gen 1s being inspected. Mars had yet to develop any mech models of it's own. But despite that there could be no confusing a martian mech for a mech from earth. Vaedism held that magic was real and magic was good. Blaszak pilots already tended to be superstitious but now their superstitions had official endorsement. Protective charms now hung from most of their mechs. One of the most common was made of locks of hair given by friends and family wishing for the pilot's return which were tied together and attached to a bag of dirt taken from outside their home to make a charm that many pilots believed tethered them to their homes and guaranteed their return. This and other superstitious decorations had rapidly taken hold in the martian armed forces. One pilot had recovered the remains of every shell and bullet fired at him and tied them to his mech another had covered theirs in silver chains to ward off evil. Occult symbolism had been painted on almost every machine, some in paint, some in pig's blood. But each pilot's view of what worked was different leading to a dizzying array of different symbols being used across the assembled warmachines. Durestan found this expression of individualistic belief strangely beautiful.

A general was accompanying him on this inspection. He like too was decorated in occult symbolism. It was to much lesser degree than the machines that surrounded them. But he had two halves of some obscure occult symbol tattooed on the back of his hands. Durestan wished he could wander and marvel at what the pilots had done to their mechs in peace. The convoluted march of politics ceaselessly demanded his attention. There was too much to do and discuss to ignore it.

"What should we do about project Noah? We can't ignore it," the general's voice was impatient, it wasn't surprising, he was after all a man of action after all.

"We can and I think we should. It'll take a long time and a lot of investment. They will be sinking resources into that for some time and not into taking vengeance on us for breaking away. Not that the Americans lost much when we did. Besides once that thing sets off the people onboard will be free from the corrupting influences of earth's societies. Given enough distance they will long for freedom from earth just like us. They will not rely on earth like most colonial efforts and because of that they will find it easier to free themselves. In time they maybe an ally rather than any kind of problem. Especially if we extend them a hand on the path to freedom,"

"Are we to extend a friendly hand to the Imperial federation as well? They are from earth and they did have colonies here,"

"Their colonies were nothing to write home about. Forgotten backwaters. The loss of them doesn't effect them too much. It's certainly nothing they're prepared to go to war over and so they want peace with us. I still don't trust them, they are after all from earth. But I see no reason not to be peaceful towards them. Their will be enough conflict between us and vengeful earth nations in the future. I will take peace where I can find it. Besides my spymaster has suggested seeding the people we will be returning with infiltrators to keep an eye on them,"

"That brings us to the Legation cities doesn't it? They seem to be preparing for full scale war. What do you think they're planning?"

"Full scale war is inevitable. It was the moment they first finished construction of a gen V. What could they do with such a war machine but turn it on their patron nations. It is too powerful a weapon system to be ignored. Too great a threat to be left alone. The other nations even now haven't realised the power gen Vs represent. A full scale war involving the Legation cities was certain a long time ago but now we are guaranteed to be a participant in that war. As long as we hold some gen Vs we cannot be ignored. And we cannot give them up either. You must prepare our forces as there is no getting out of the coming war. Ready our pilots and ready our machines,"

The general brought his hands together completing the symbol tattooed on them "It will be done,"


  • Bay Watcher
  • Resident Wisenheimer
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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2020, 05:02:29 am »

Kaiserin Victoria-Louise I arrived promptly to the neofuturistic war-room and the advice from her fellow subordinates have provided the critical information towards the rebellion efforts of the colonies that were directed at the planet of mars, and the rebellious faction to arise from its flame and the people that were once hers being caught in the conflict, and she was furious as she petted her two trusty GS schutzhund until she came back to full awareness. She then set out with a plan of action, to best fully realize the resources that the German Kaiserreich had at its disposal and set it forth to

Domestic Order: While a transition from social conservative to social democratic, would be undesirable for the nation as a whole it would make the people stable if another war breaks out, efforts such as minimum wage, universal basic income only to the employed as well as universal healthcare, housing, and educations efforts would help make the people prepared as long as they sign contracts and are considered employed to receive these benefits, this would be a significant transition, start by doing this throughout the german primary region and than sets the laws to the power blocs. As well involve efforts into the full production of additional public research labs for the reich, and make efforts, experimental research is needed to combat the technology of psionics and Gen 5 Blaszacs and thus the need for new labs, heck even labs on the Lunar base are desired, you can do nuclear research there and don’t care about people living there or the ecosystem you would damage like the research in Oceania. As well set conscription laws to a limited or near-volunteer benefit version, if the population desires to gain access to these universal social security systems than they need to enlist and hope for about 2.5% of the entire population to be disputed around our ranks

Production: Simple here, the main efforts is concentrated on the modernization of Blaszacs, generation II and III needs to through spending of the budget and reconstruction turn into IV as so that we can have a more significant space presence, as well as the efforts to construct a singular Blaszac V to lead any attempts we do at blitzkrieg. As for spaceship production, the lunar bases and orbital stations can focus on a split between carriers and battleships, to have a combined arms efforts to increase the navy of the Kaiserreich.

War Plan: Equal split of two armadas of (200 Frigates, 75 Cruisers, 7 Battleships, 10 Carriers in Lunar orbital region and the other armada with an additional Battleship safeguards L2 from any trespassers, Luna’s orbital region is under Kaiserreich control, any ship’s that contest will be attacked at sight

Research Plan: Research ways of orbital nuclear and kinetic bombardments in efficient manners, could Blastacs survive an onslaught of attacks from missile satellites for instance thousand kilometers up in the sky?, yes an effort on missile mobile satellite platforms should be the focus for our research lab.

Diplomatic Section:



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Mobile Suit Gundam Kaiserreich - IC-Thread - 1st Quarter 2120
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2020, 01:43:48 pm »

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