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Should we mod in Platinum blunt weapons and armour?

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Author Topic: Smithsoldier, Year 12: Clothes, Madness, and Beasts (And Candy) [47.04]  (Read 62830 times)


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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #60 on: March 24, 2020, 09:12:25 am »

I would indeed. Although, what version is this for?

Quantum Drop

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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #61 on: March 24, 2020, 10:22:44 am »

Should be for DF 47.04.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

Quantum Drop

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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #62 on: March 24, 2020, 02:24:36 pm »

1st Hematite.

Spoiler: Incoming! (click to show/hide)

Goblin forces have been seen approaching from the south of the fortress! All civilians are to get to the siege-burrows; all military are to report to their posts and ready to march against the Goblin menace!
Ah, hell, the Black Axes and others just returned – right into the path of the fragging Goblins!

This is going to be ugly.

You are ‘Zon’ Datanlised, Commander of The Slammerlords, and you are swearing a blue streak.

The watchdwarves weren’t kidding when they said that ‘a vile force of darkness’ had arrived – twenty-odd Goblins, plus a dozen or more Beak Dogs and some trolls. About one-fifth of a standard Gobbo Pit’s forces. Armok above, they truly must want you gone.

The Crescent Blades are gone entirely, their stilled bodies lying near the very edges of the site; a few meters from that, two Beak Dogs tear at the body of a fallen Mason. Your squad is barely coherent at the moment, arriving piecemeal from the barracks and the fortress corridors. You can’t wait for them, though – the bridge is currently down, a few Axedwarves of the Black Axes are still fighting, and the bastard Goblins are far quicker than they look.

Behind you, rising up from the courtyard of the fortress, a cry goes up: “Raise the bridge!”

Your heart almost stops for an instant. What madness is this?! The Spearmasters are yet to arrive, and the rest of the military is still scrambling to intercept; these actions will all but certainly cut you off from any reinforcement or retreat. A simple siege has now become a serious threat to you and your squad.

There is no time to call for it to be raised. With a snarl of hatred, you motion the gathered Hammerlords forwards. “Forward, for Smithsoldier and Armok!”

You charge the Goblins without a second word. Your hammer crashes into the legs of a Goblin, sending it squalling to the floor; your second in-command breaks the back of a second with a swing. The Goblins turn, chittering and howling, recognising the enemy now in their midst. Hammers rise and fall, breaking bone and bruising muscle with each strike. The answering blows skitter off armour or inflict only minor scratches; only one takes any serious wounds, the soldier’s hand bleeding severely.

The two remaining Axedwarves fight with the skill and calm of the entranced; Armok’s ruthless calm runs through their blood as they hack, slice, and occasionally crush the attacking Goblins and their attendant creatures. Blood soaks the ground, accompanied by the occasional limb or bits of broken teeth and bone. Their wounds, though, ultimately prove too much, and both soldiers die standing – one with the pike of a Goblin through her heart, and the other collapsing to his knees from blood loss to be trampled underfoot.

Cog Tholčrith Mis staggers free of the press of bodies. His shield is lost entirely, and wounds litter his body; one leg is barely intact, with the marks of numerous pike-strikes on it, while one entire arm hangs limp and useless. An iron bolt strikes his chestplate, sending him reeling backwards, only for a pike to tear fully through his chest and protrude from the broken breastplate.

Cog stares at it for an instant, mutely, before it tears itself free. The Goblins swarm him almost immediately: a lash tears into his left shoulder, a pike slams against his iron helmet. One of them – a female, royalty of some sort – tears the helmet from his head before a silver axe slams into the skull. The hammer falls from his grasp, and a pike lands the final, fatal blow.

The creature pulls the pike from Cog’s head, and laughs.

Your vision turns red.

A massive hand grips your shoulder, and you spin about, hammer raised to strike. The stern features of a Spearmaster stare back. “Enough, sir!” She raises a hand to point. “It is dead.”

You look to her pointing hand, and twitch sharply at the sight.

The Goblin Pikeman that slew Cog is mangled beyond recognition. His broken ribs protrude from a mostly-pulped chest, and his flesh rendered into little but paste; his brains lie exposed and spread across the ground, a sickly greyish-white mess of parts, and its blood soaks the ground to the point where you half-expect it to be red from this day on. Your hammer still has bits of bone and flesh clinging to it. Discipline re-asserts itself, and you look to the sub-commander with a grim face. “How many did we lose?”

She grimaces, pale features wrenching. “The Crescent Blades are dead to the last. Same with the Black Axes, since they got cut off,” she points off towards the slopes. “We found a couple dead civvies there, but we’re not sure why they weren’t in the War Shelter.”

You shake your head. “Unfortunate. Take their names, and a headcount of the squads.” Your voice raises, addressing the troops as a whole. “One of you, shout down to the fort and tell ‘em the siege is broken! Get a salvage team up, too: there’s a load of metal we can melt!”

Spoiler: The Battle's End. (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: ...And Part Two (click to show/hide)

The siege has been broken, though the cost to us is dear.

5th Hematite
Ten good Dwarves and one good man have laid down their lives to break this siege – The Black Axes and Crescent Blades have been destroyed in their entirety, while The Slammerlords have lost two of their number. An unfortunate pair of civilians were caught outside and slain, though I know not why they were so far south. Two patients are currently in the hospital: some poor bastard of a Shearer with his legs damaged, and a Hammerdwarf with a cut foot. The soldier should walk again, but the Shearer’s probably going to require further treatment.

I will see they are honoured for their actions, and that the dead are properly memorialised. If the Overseer refuses, or fails to do so... well, unfortunate accidents always happen in siege-time.

14th Hematite

Buckets are being rushed into production at the Overseer's order. Apparently, jugs are not considered buckets, and the wrinkled old bag of a saw-bones refuses to use them for water. Personally, I can’t see the issue, but I’m not arguing with her – not when it’s likely that I’ll be going under her care after a battle. Armok knows she can take someone apart as easily as putting them together.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

These bastards were packing some serious weapons and armour. Silver and iron supplemented by copper – and quite a lot is high quality. Far higher quality than the previous waves, if my memories aren’t faulty. Either they have more skilled metalsmiths than we thought, or something far darker is going on. No matter – the minute we have enough troops to rebuild the destroyed squads, we’re going to burn the nearest Pits to the damned ground and avenge our dead.

15th Hematite
Human Caravans arrived. Boss ordered that a shitload of wooden shields and such be moved to the depot for trade - can see why, due to how outdated they are.

26th Hematite
The Mayor, in all his infinite wisdom, has mandated the construction of two crowns. At a time when we should be gearing up for war, he demands petty baubles and trinkets! Were it not for his skill in other things, I would cave his head in where he stands. Worse, the idiot made a wasteful trade with Human merchants – shitload of wooden shields for bolts, glass, books, and a whole mess of other bits, with them having a few thousand in profit by the end.

Maybe he has some big plan in mind for the long term, or some other line of bollocks he'll feed me when I confront him over it. If it ain't gearing us up for war, it's a waste at the moment.

Much needed migrants arrived - I'll get to work on drafting the more useless ones into the squads, when I'm done with this.

3rd Malachite

We have begun the creation of a new defensive system – one that, with any luck, will help deal with those Gobbo bastards.

Behold, the beginning of the Termination, Rending and caPture Construction Of Real Ridiculousness, Intending Death Or Revenge – A.K.A.: TRAP CORRIDOR.

Spoiler: Floor One (click to show/hide)

The intent to is to carve out a trio of channels here, leading down into a 3-ish level drop. The Gobbos'll go running cock-first into the tunnel, thinking it's a way in, only for the drop to greet them. The fortifications to the left and right will be staffed by Marksdwarves, letting them rain death on the invaders when they hit the bottom.

Spoiler: Drop One (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Drop Two (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Ground Floor (click to show/hide)

Assuming that all goes to plan, and that the engineers display a modicum of competence, the besieging troops should impact the ground in that narrow corridor. That remotely-locked door, rigged up by that lunatic Mechanic, should keep them penned there – adding some cage traps may be an idea – until the squads can muster over in the larger of the two chambers. Once the military is ready, we can then lock the doors behind them and open the ones penning the Gobbos in; this should funnel them into a small killing zone (perhaps that should be expanded), where the troops can rush in and paint the walls green with liquid Goblin. The Marksdwarves – pathetic as they are – and any preceding traps should weaken them to the point where it’s no problem to finish or capture them.

(In the margins, scribbled) If it doesn’t work, of course, we’re deep in the shit. Side note: we need to find the idiot who made this acronym. My creation isn’t ridiculous!
11th Malachite

An unearthly howl echoed up from the caverns earlier today. Not sure what it is, but it sounds big, pissed, and very willing to fight. Sent a scout down to check - low skilled worker, of course, so we won't lose anyone valuable.

The scout showed back up, looking like he’d seen a damned ghost. Maybe he had, considering the Carpenter still lurking out near the front. He was talking so fast I could barely make sense of him, but I did get a few things out of his ramblings – there’s something big in the caverns. Apparently, it’s big, stony, and is spewing vapour whenever it moves. Nothing about it is in the Bestiary beyond a name, ‘Xubkib Usankul’, but I’ve ordered the remaining Hammerlords and Spearmasters to gather in the caverns in preparation for an attack.

Spoiler: Big Fun Thing? (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Run, Human, Run! (click to show/hide)
Huh. Apparently, the thing’s running around after some hammer-toting Human down in the cavern-passages. Doubt he’ll last for long, but at least he’s buying us more time, biting and hammering away at the it.

Why the hell are the Captain and the Broker in the caverns?! Oh, hell- the Beast has them!

All soldiers, move in! We’re killing that abomination now, and hurling it back to the Hell it crawled from!

You are ‘QD’ Practicedlashes, and the fight in the caverns is raging.

The Beast is truly like nothing you have ever seen before: a great, bloated mass of stone shaped vaguely like one of the Humans, albeit with a pair of antennae. Some sort of misty substance drifts from the open jaws of the Beast, but it seems to have no effect beyond reeking to high heaven. Even so, you’d rather not take the risk.

Its massive foot smashes down where you stood moments before, stone floor shaking under the force of the blow. You hammer strikes hard against the stone of its leg. Stone splinters under the force, chips of the Beast’s body flying in all directions under the force of your strike. It staggers, roaring in rage as your teams press the attack.

“Hammerdwarves, aim for the head! Spears to the legs and arms!” You bark. The teams hasten to obey, switching their attention as best as they can.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You switch your target accordingly, slamming your silver Warhammer against its head. Your partner follows suit, her own Warhammer driving deep into the stone. A Recruit joins your assault, chipping away at its eyeless face with a spear. It fractures upon the second hammer blow, a spiderweb of cracks flowing across the featureless skull; the abominable creature still stands, thrashing about with its legs and arms and spewing its terrible-smelling mist in random directions.

The three of you dodge away from its clumsy, flailing limbs, moving in to strike once again. The sooner this thing can be crippled, the better.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Your attacks slam home – stone breaks under the force of you and your partner’s blows, the Beast’s upper left and right legs cracking and fracturing violently. The spear of the Recruit, though, doesn’t hit as expected: out of position after the last strike, the spear chips away at the massive creature’s left hand.

Usankul wheels about, swinging in every direction, unable to hit a thing. Two more Spearmasters join the fight, simultaneously driving their spears into the right upper arm and leg. It does little more than make the creature even angrier.

“Come on,” Your partner roars, eyes flashing “Fall, you big bastard!”

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Two more attacks strike home, on the arm and the foot; the usual cycle of assaults repeat, both of you battering away at Usankul’s limbs. It’s starting to get frustrating, this mindless cycle of attack, fracture, repeat; your limbs burn mildly with exertion, but the Beast looks as fresh as ever.

The Recruit from earlier charges past, spear raised to strike. You’re not entirely certain what he’s trying to do – that pig-sticker of his has done nothing but chip away so far – but Armok favours him this day.

Spoiler:  Strike True. (click to show/hide)

Xubkib Usankul’s lower body finally gives way under the trauma. A single, well-placed spear strike all but tears the Beast in half, the massive body giving way and almost breaking in two. Usankul’s death-howl rings from the cavern walls and it collapses amidst a cloud of breaking stone and dust; the Forgotten Beast, after what feels like hours of struggle, lies dead upon the floor.

Spoiler: Not so Fun After All. (click to show/hide)

(OOC: That was disappointingly easy; damn thing barely lasted a few seconds when the soldiers got to it. From the logs, it looks like the Hammerlords and Spearmasters brought it most of the way down, then some Recruit kill-stole with a spear to the chest. We lost the Broker, CotG, and a Hammerman to it – first two went to collect webs and got wiped before I could stop them, while the latter got ambushed.)

18th Malachite

Another Werechameleon showed up. One of the Human Swordsmen now calling this fort home took care of it. Far as we can tell, he didn’t get bit or even clawed: apparently, he took its left arm off and spent the bulk of the fight wiping the floor with it – finished it off by driving the blade right through its skull and into the brain.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Not bad, for a shallow-dwelling sky-gazer of a Human.

8th Galena

Itatmostod is missing from its proper place; this is the second Artefact to go missing in a relatively short space of time, and I am starting to wonder if those dammed Goblin-and-Human visitors have something to do with it. Maybe I should order the guards to interrogate a few of them, see if they’ll spill their guts or if we’ll have to do it for them.

13th Galena

One of the Metalsmiths has gone funny in the head – ran off screaming about a ‘proper surface to work on’ and ‘inspiration’ before claiming one of the Forges. Whatever comes out of there better be good, or I’ll flog this crazed fool bloody myself.

15th Galena

That troublesome Carpenter-ghost has finally been laid to rest. Turns out we had his slab engraved and in storage, but it was never placed down, causing his continued lurking within our fort. Either way, he’s gone for good now – hopefully, that should see no more Artefacts misplaced. If that is not the case, we have a far bigger problem.

20th -23rd Galena
Artefact constructed: Desgirsterus Ison Ngilok, ‘Goaddriven the Plan of Evisceration’. Nice name, for its purpose.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

But, how, in the name of Armok’s hairy arse, does it menace with spikes of sheep wool?

1st Limestone
Autumn has come. With it, another vile force of darkness... Only for them to turn their tails and run. Wonder if it was the dead Gobbos we still haven’t cleaned up.

(OOC: Game gave me the usual ‘goblin siege’ message, and they spawned in right at the map edge, but they vanished a moment later and the siege warning went away. What that was all about?)
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #63 on: March 24, 2020, 02:32:51 pm »

Awww. RIP Cog, first Slammerlord. Who did you replace him with?
And thus was the dwarven meatshield invented.
the child should serve well in the infantry (that is a horrible pun, and I already regret saying it).

Quantum Drop

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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #64 on: March 24, 2020, 02:41:28 pm »

Awww. RIP Cog, first Slammerlord. Who did you replace him with?

Yeah, Cog went down hard. He had something like 5 Goblins swarming him (one axeman, one pikeman, one lasher, one recruit, and one 'lady consort') and he still managed to give them a good beating before he went down.

Anyway, I chose Eral Indrodim Becor to replace him: Legendary-tier Hammerdwarf with a whole mess of physical boosting traits ('basically unbreakable, unbelievably strong, incredibly quick to heal, extremely agile' - the works, basically) and 'very bad' empathy. Something tells me he'll be looking to paint the road into Smithsoldier red with Goblin blood...
« Last Edit: March 24, 2020, 04:31:53 pm by Quantum Drop »
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #65 on: March 24, 2020, 10:38:45 pm »

Ah, hell, the Black Axes and others just returned – right into the path of the fragging Goblins!

This is going to be ugly.

They've certainly made a habit of poorly timed entrances, haven't they?


Cog Tholčrith Mis staggers free of the press of bodies. His shield is lost entirely, and wounds litter his body; one leg is barely intact, with the marks of numerous pike-strikes on it, while one entire arm hangs limp and useless. An iron bolt strikes his chestplate, sending him reeling backwards, only for a pike to tear fully through his chest and protrude from the broken breastplate.

Cog stares at it for an instant, mutely, before it tears itself free. The Goblins swarm him almost immediately: a lash tears into his left shoulder, a pike slams against his iron helmet. One of them – a female, royalty of some sort – tears the helmet from his head before a silver axe slams into the skull. The hammer falls from his grasp, and a pike lands the final, fatal blow.

Grade A combat writing here, with flourish! nice.

Human Caravans arrived. Boss ordered that a shitload of wooden shields and such be moved to the depot for trade - can see why, due to how outdated they are.

You can see what I was doing with all that extra wood. Shields make fair trade goods, and can be equipped in a pinch!

(OOC: Game gave me the usual ‘goblin siege’ message, and they spawned in right at the map edge, but they vanished a moment later and the siege warning went away. What that was all about?)

They were merely 'passing through,' on their way to some other locale, or so I've heard. I'm convinced they just showed up, saw the massacre and the bloodstains, and ran howling.

It was pleasure reading those entries! You went light on the pictures, but made up for it with the descriptions. I'm looking forward to whatever happens next.

Dorf me up; Ryukan, preferably a scholar if there's a library, if not, then either a Glassworker or Mason

Going the safe route, I see. .


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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #66 on: March 24, 2020, 10:48:21 pm »

Yeah, the shields were a good idea. However, I've heard that trap components are better.
And thus was the dwarven meatshield invented.
the child should serve well in the infantry (that is a horrible pun, and I already regret saying it).

Quantum Drop

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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #67 on: March 26, 2020, 03:41:20 pm »

1st Limestone

A Snatcher managed to infiltrate the fortress today – we’re not entirely sure how it got past the drop, but it managed to leap across to the left side of TRAP CORRDIOR’s first level and started to move towards the main fort. Some Miner spooked the damned thing; she went after it with a pick, and it replied by taking to its heels and fleeing back out via the upwards ramp.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Orders have already been given to try and remove that damned upwards ramp. The incomplete walls are to be fully raised and carved to form fortifications – no damn Goblin is getting through these when we’re done.

5th Limestone

Orders have been sent for the Slammerlords and the Towers of Wind to finish Equalhated off once and for all. They march today.

9th Limestone

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Five caverns from the Mountainhomes have arrived, laden with precious material for trade. Our Mayor, however, has decided (apparently, on advice from her cat) to prohibit the export of crowns to this particular band of merchants. Personally, I think that’s just due to the King being an arsehole that wants them all to himself – either way, it’s unlikely to majorly affect trading.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Liaison wants to talk – told him to bring much more in the way of buckets, glass, crossbows, and lye. We talked a bit longer about the whole ‘exports’ thing: either the Mountainhome is going through some sort of famine or they’re planning a big expedition, since they’re willing to pay nearly double the standard price for meat, prepared meals, and leather waterskins. Top priority, according to that stuffed-shirt bureaucrat.

Spoiler: Imports Desired (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Export Agreement (click to show/hide)

20th Limestone
I have dispatched the Slammerlords and Spearmasters to Equalhated once more; this Pit is a stubborn weed, refusing to die even when torn up by the roots. The last raid failed to completely destroy it: according to the troops, there may still be some survivors lurking in the burrows, and we cannot move further afield until it is destroyed entirely.

24th Limestone

That troublesome metalsmith, Kulet Keshalteskom, is throwing yet another tantrum. This must be her second or third in recent days; her unruly ways are going to be death of her, when she picks on the wrong Dwarf. She was brawling with Salmeuk, this time; attacked him on the stairs, or somewhere similar. No major injuries on either side, but I will have to discipline her if this carries on.

26th Limestone

Spoiler: Die, You Damned Pit! (click to show/hide)
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Another of those vile Pits falls – word has reached us that Equalhated is now a burning wreck, and that our forces are returning in triumph. Apparently, the place was effectively deserted by the time they got there, though they took no chances this time: all above-ground structures were razed, all tunnels collapsed, and all they could find taken with them. They even went as far as salting the soil and carving runes supposed to ward against evil into the ground and terrain – I doubt that last part will dissuade the Gobbos any, but I commend their dedication.

Trade was done; most of the remaining wooden shields and such for many other goods. I’ll get the workers producing more for the next caravan – with any luck, considering the few thousand Urists of profit we allowed them, it’ll be even bigger than this load.

Well, there's also the promise of Beasts. According to what legends I remember, Dragons, Ettins, and other such mighty foes are attracted by the smell of wealth and commerce; if we trade at such levels, we maybe able to lure more of those Armok-accursed abominations to Smithsoldier and sacrifice them in His name.

8th Sandstone

The lookouts report that they’ve seen something big coming right at us – big, two heads, looks human. A quick word with the other commanders and record-keepers identifies the big bastard as an Ettin, a two-headed creature perpetually arguing with itself. Looks like our trading-to-attract-beasts plan worked. It's worked too well, though.

The Slammerlords and Speardwarves just headed off to the freshly-repopulated (those damned things breed quick, march quicker) Equalhated, and the only military presence left is a bunch of untrained Marksdwarves. Most of them don’t even have crossbows, and I doubt that the bloody Ettin will be above battering down the walls or the Bridge. All civilians have been immediately restricted to the War Shelter; I can hear the lookout bellowing at them to get back into the fort, lest they be caught outside.

A message’s already been sent for the squads to get back to the fort. Equalhated can burn another day – until they get back, we’re going to have to siege the bastard out.

(Several lines of unreadable writing, crossed-out words, and odd scribbles.)

I don’t know whether to laugh or cry.

That damn Ettin came banging over the hills, right towards the fortress. It was swinging a club as it came, some uprooted tree-trunk nearly twice or more the size of a Human. I think it was warming up, expecting a fight between our military and itself. Maybe it was just gathering speed for when it would hit the walls, or the bridge.

We’d expected some big showdown, like in the old tales – then the returning squads would come charging in and save the day, slaying the monster with ease.

Spoiler: Two Heads, Zero Brain (click to show/hide)

Nope. It stumbled into a cage trap and promptly got captured. We’ve just made a whole lot of noise about nothing.

Apparently, the damn thing was arguing with itself as we hauled it off to storage: one head yelling about how they ‘should’ve gone for those bastard pits’ and the other retorting that ‘Those pointy-ears pay well’. These could just be the ramblings of a notoriously schizophrenic creature, but I remain worried. If the Goblins are able to bribe such beasts to their side, they represent a foe magnitudes larger than what I feared.

Anyway, there are already plans to use that Ettin as training for the Marksdwarves – assuming we can get the sacrificial layer of Armok’s temple (and TRAP CORRIDOR) done, we can just drop it into a pit and have the crossbow-idiots fire down at it. At least, until it bleeds to death: then, we should be able to put the idiot’s skulls on display in the temple.

13th Sandstone

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Migrants arrive: mostly farming specialists, as if we need more of them, but there’s a single furnace operator with them. That we need more of, what with the current demand for charcoal to feed the furnaces and smelters.

17th Sandstone

Orders have been given to put four crow-people, captured by our cage traps long ago, into the pit -  they will be the opening sacrifice to Armok, with their blood consecrating this place. Due to the relative lack of spear and spike traps, the Spearmasters will be the ones to kill them.

22nd Sandstone

An inauspicious beginning. The Crow-woman we captured simply few out of the pit, due to a failure to install a grate over one of the drop points; I have ordered the flaw corrected, and the remaining drops cancelled until then. With the Beak Dogs on the prowl, though, I doubt that it will last long.

26th Sandstone

Spoiler: Ghostly Tantrums (click to show/hide)

One of our Mechanics has been possessed by a Ghostly Animal Trainer. He’s currently throwing a tantrum – to try and stop future issues of this sort, orders have been sent to engrave a memorial slab.

2nd Timber

Another human bowman, Nocam Clobberedburial, has failed to report in from patrol in the caverns. While I can hardly claim to shed any tears for him, this likely means the presence of unknown creatures in the caverns – this could be a problem for the future, but I will order the construction of some cage or rockfall traps when I have time to spare.

9th Timber

Spoiler: Ooh, Shiny! (click to show/hide)

Pillage mission sent to Snarledsteals due to rumoured presence of two artefact there. The Slammerlords will lead the attack, with our Marksdwarves in support. Assuming all goes well, this should see the later finally get some experience, and liberate some shiny new artefacts from those filthy beasts’ paws.

12th Timber.

Our sole Glassmaker has been possessed – babbling something about ‘forums’ and ‘The Toad-Lord’ and ‘madmen behind the screens and strings’. She promptly claimed a Glass Furnace, and is now running back and forth between the Gem Vault and her workstation, ranting like a madman the whole while. Let us hope that whatever she makes is good; I can make neither heads nor tails of her crazed rantings.

What is a ‘Bay Watcher’ anyway?


Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It appears two masterworks, one of the now-deceased Ral Geshudidok and one of the rapidly-destabilising Kulet Kestalteskom, have been lost! It appears they were mixed in with the rubbish that our DAS was used to dispose of. When the person responsible is found, I'll have their head on a blood pike for this outrage!

19th Timber

Ryuken has begun her construction.

24th Timber

Ryuken has finished her artefact: Uremursas, ‘Fatherdecays’, a green glass chain.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

She claims it as a ‘family’ heirloom. Bit creepy, considering the name, but the craftsdwarfship is excellent.

28th Timber

A Mason was ambushed by a Giant Cave Toad in the caverns today – looks like that was what killed the Human a while back. Witnesses indicate she beat the thing senseless, gave it some real nasty bruises and left it vomiting on the floor, all while barehanded and without armour.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

If Masons weren’t vital to the fort, I’d take her into the Hammerlords. Armok knows we need more of her kind in the military.

1st Moonstone
Winter is coming.

(OOC: This quarter was pretty quiet. The Ettin showing its ugly mug(s) was about the only major event, beyond the artefact at the end and the increasingly 'sitcom arch-nemesis' level rivalry we have with Equalhated. If they weren't Goblins, I'd almost respect their tenacity.)
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #68 on: March 26, 2020, 05:58:08 pm »

Maybe we need to try something else with equalhated. I would say conquer, but that means we would lose a squad.
And thus was the dwarven meatshield invented.
the child should serve well in the infantry (that is a horrible pun, and I already regret saying it).


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #69 on: March 26, 2020, 07:21:58 pm »

Our sole Glassmaker has been possessed – babbling something about ‘forums’ and ‘The Toad-Lord’ and ‘madmen behind the screens and strings’. She promptly claimed a Glass Furnace, and is now running back and forth between the Gem Vault and her workstation, ranting like a madman the whole while. Let us hope that whatever she makes is good; I can make neither heads nor tails of her crazed rantings.

What is a ‘Bay Watcher’ anyway?

haha nicely done

I haven't played around with the new mission mechanics much. Could we conquer them, then order the squad to return?



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #70 on: March 26, 2020, 11:12:08 pm »

Yes you can, actually!

Quantum Drop

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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #71 on: March 27, 2020, 07:35:27 am »

IIRC, a conquer/occupy mission will result in one of the squad staying behind as Administrator, even if the rest are recalled.
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.

Quantum Drop

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #72 on: March 28, 2020, 03:21:16 pm »

3rd Moonstone

That lunatic Mechanic has come to with a highly dangerous – if potentially helpful – idea. Assuming we can construct the necessary floodgates and such, along with the water-mills and screw pumps, we could form a reservoir of water for the Hospital. It will be a highly difficult undertaking, spanning well over a dozen Z-levels and requiring significant time and investment, but would certainly solve the issue of transferring water-buckets between the Hospital and the Cavern-well.

6th Moonstone

The Slammerlords and the Marksdwarves return, though without any artefacts. Regrettable, but understandable.

16th Moonstone

Another Mason was ambushed by a Giant Cave Toad – once more, the Mason managed to beat the attacker off and left it with severe bruises and cuts. Even so, this is beginning to become far too common for my liking: at this rate, it’s only a matter of time until someone we need dies to those abominations.

20th Moonstone

Kulet Keskalteskom’s life is at an end.

Spoiler: Bat Bastard (click to show/hide)

The notoriously unstable Metalsmith was ambushed in the Caverns by the Giant Bat Udistkâkdal, and she was soon ripped to shreds by the accursed creature. Due to her previous bouts of instability and depressive behaviour, the Chief Medical Dwarf has ruled suicide as a potential (though unlikely) cause of death.

Meanwhile, the Marksdwarves have been ordered to kill Udistkâkdal – Kulet may have been unstable and erratic, but she was one of us, damn it, and she ain’t going unavenged!

24th Moonstone

Spoiler: Traps (click to show/hide)

The Bestiary tells me that Cavern-dwelling Giant Creatures often destroy furniture and small buildings, to an almost obsessive degree. In an effort to exploit this, I have commanded that cage traps be placed outside of the doors leading into our Cavern base; those Giant Cave Bats and Toads will hopefully be lured in, allowing us to capture and rend them apart!

In other news, Udistkâkdal has been killed by a marksdwarf-swordsdwarf team – no injuries to either. The damned creature has been left to rot where it lies in the Caverns.

1st Opal

Yet another Giant Cave Toad ambush - these things are rapidly becoming frustrating, though there are no significant injuries so far. More drastic measures will have to be taken.

We have seen little metal reclaimed from the siege earlier this year – apparently, no-one told the Smelter Operators to actually melt the items. They just ‘assumed they’d know, boss’. I’ve informed them that if they don’t hurry up and start burning charcoal and melting the weapons and armour, I’ll throw them all into the Smelters myself and get some more competent messengers.

14th Opal – 20th Opal

The Ettin drop-pit briefly ran into construction issues today: some idiot of an Herbalist helping to build the walls got himself sealed in the drop-chamber. Probably smoked too much of his own product, knowing those idiots from the Mountainhome; either way I’ve ordered him freed by having one of the walls designated for demolition. If he gets in there again, though, I’m leaving him.

24th Opal

That's more like it!
Spoiler: Looted 'Artefacts' (click to show/hide)

The Goblins we raided proved surprisingly bookish – several of the artefacts pried from their filthy hands are codexes and scrolls, often bound with expensive materials. Their content leaves much to be desired – that is, I’ve heard higher quality writing from a horse’s arse – but they are artefacts, nonetheless. With luck, they might just have information we can use against these Pits.

5th Obsidian

I grow concerned for the fate of the remaining Slammerlords and Speardwarves.

Spoiler: Where Are You Guys? (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Really, Where Are You? (click to show/hide)

It has been well over a week since the mission returned on 24th Opal, 178, yet several of the listed troops have not returned. Those who already have returned swear they survived the battle at Snarledsteals, yet the battle log makes no mention of their names, nor have the Dwarves in question have failed to return to the fortress. No orders to conquer or occupy were given.

22nd Obsidian

My sleep last night was… troubled. I dreamed of the Ettin, breaking free of storage and rampaging about the fortress, slaughtering us all and casting the fortress into ruin. Then, in an instant, it changed - one moment it would be the Goblins rampaging through the sleeping quarters of Smithsoldier, the next the Ettin; words I could not understand repeated in a constant growl above the carnage.
Waking from such a nightmare was an unpleasant thing, and I find myself frequently dwelling upon it should I let my thoughts wander.

The Gods have been known to send omens unto us in the form of dreams – maybe this is one I should heed.

In order to prevent the possibility of the Ettin escaping during transport, I have commanded that a specialised path be dug to the Pit. Assuming all goes to plan, this should lead directly from the stockpile and into the drop zone.

1st Granite

Spoiler: Hello There (click to show/hide)

Another Goblin siege has reached the fortress, right as my term as Overseer reaches its end. My successor, I advise you deploy the troops immediately and restrict the civs to the Burrows. The Marksdwarves have already been sent aloft, though their skill is poor, in the hope their arrows shall strike down some of these creatures before they reach TRAP CORRIDOR’s base. Make sure to lock the door leading into the bottom of the moat.

As for me? I remember the cost of the last siege, and I'm getting out while I still can. I've paid some poor schmuck to take my name and pretend he's me, looking the other way while I sneak out. By the time people figure I'm gone, I'll have a new name, new life, and no Gobbos to bother me.

(In much smaller letters, at the bottom) Armok help us all.

  • Do NOT attempt to pit any Goblins, Humans, and especially not that bloody Ettin – the pit that will cause a sacrifice to Armok is not yet fully complete due to iron menacing spike production issues, and the one designed for the Ettin (over by the main one) should not be used due to poor design. Due to the nature of the fortifications (tested with a backup save - that was the whole 'dream' thing), the Gobbos can slip through and so can Marksdwarves – coupled with their idiocy, this results in Marksdwarves attempting to run into the killing pit and beat the foe to death with crossbows.
  • In an effort to fix this, I was constructing a shooting gallery one level above: the intent was to have two lines of fortifications with a one-tile-wide line between them, with the rest of the area channelled out so that the MDs can fire down at the targets. Up to you as to whether you finish that or do something entirely different.
  • Charcoal production is currently running into issues – we have about 7 blocks of charcoal atm, and 2003-ish logs.
  • The members of the Slammerlords and Speardwarves I mentioned earlier are still MIA: the squad/military screen just lists them as ‘travelling’. Not sure why.
  • We’ve got meat and plants out the ass, but alcohol is hovering about 280-300.
  • There’s a rather large Goblin Fortress to the North, about half a day’s travel away. Maybe ~4000 Gobbos, Trolls, and other assorted monsters lurking in there.
  • No work has been done on the potential reservoir – whether or not you want to create one is up to you.
  • Have lots of !!FUN!!

@LeftHandofGod, your file awaits.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2020, 09:26:16 am by Quantum Drop »
I am ambushed by humans, and for a change, they do not drop dead immediately. I bash the master with my ladle, and he is propelled away. While in mid-air, he dies of old age.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #73 on: March 30, 2020, 06:55:00 pm »

Nicely done Quantum.

The notoriously unstable Metalsmith was ambushed in the Caverns by the Giant Bat Udistkâkdal, and she was soon ripped to shreds by the accursed creature. Due to her previous bouts of instability and depressive behaviour, the Chief Medical Dwarf has ruled suicide as a potential (though unlikely) cause of death.

suicide-by-bat, I've never seen such a thing in my life lol

Good luck LeftHandofGod, and let us know if you run into any issues


  • Bay Watcher
  • Within the Shadow's Grasp
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Re: Smithsoldier - Succession Game (Overseers Wanted) [47.04]
« Reply #74 on: March 30, 2020, 10:30:51 pm »

So...yeah. Cause I'm a dweeb, I can't play without graphics. But I got no clue how to load a tileset into the damn thing, and the internet isn't helping worth a damn. Argggggh!
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