It just freaking floors me how my country* is (mis)handling this situation.
The general public is divided between "bunker down" and "It's a HOAX!(tm), A Gameshow host said so!", and the government has been the most mealy-mouthed, pandering to money over human life, and denial of objective reality it can possibly be during an emergency.
Why can't more people be like me, and just plant a garden in the back yard, get a pressure cooker and some mason jars, and get supplies together to grow some winter crops indoors (like my mushroom operation, which is doing fairly well so far), so that this winter, when shit gets REALLY *REAL*, they can still continue to isolate? Why do people panic, instead of taking a calm breath, collecting their thoughts, and formulating a strategic plan for themselves?
At the worst, my plan will have me stuck with some home-made canned goods. Woo. So much terror. (Well, absolute worst is that my garden wont be productive enough, which is what is happening right now. I intend to fix that with a small stockpile of commercial canned products sometime soon. The mushrooms and other indoor grown crops will supplement.) Even people who do not have a yard can potentially grow oyster mushrooms. All you need really is some 3% peroxide, an aquarium, shredded cardboard, and some fresh oyster mushrooms from the store. Other things that can grow indoors are tomatoes, herbs of various kinds, (and if you have good grow lights) green beans, peas, and black beans. Just use a kiddie pool as a protective aid for your floor, and put large pot planters inside it. Set up some lights in the room. Walmart has LED strip lights that make white light, that are light enough to stick to walls with non-damaging velcro.
I really hate the learned helplessness people have. There are ways to handle even the worst possible outcomes of this, if you plan for it. Have a good supply of paracetamol (Acetaminophen, aka, Tylenol) on hand, etc. It's not the end of the world as we know it, unless you MAKE it be such.
You know what, I am gonna make a thread about this. (Winter prepping)