The Rule of King Harald V
The trumpets strike three rising notes and eighty one doves are released as King Harald V is crowned by the Prior Mother of the Cult.
The people erupt in a cheer of joy: our hopes of enduring prosperity are renewed with a new king.
Foreign Dignitaries from Kasuk, Cidladia, Kauppias and Mhuir crowd the royal palace to evaluate the new king and gain his favour.
The ceremony is accompanied by a celebration lasting three whole days along all the streets of our Capital, Lybra.
A week later, sitting on his throne in front of the Grant chiselled doors to the Council Room, the King adresses you for the first time.
Any authority is flickering, and power can be a blessing or a curse upon those who it is excercised upon.After a long pause he adds:
Ruling, is an unsolvable dilemma._______________________________
Assembled in the Council Hall are eight of the 12 Houses of Ankist. Enough to vote without the rest, though more might join later.
Duke Drojand of Gamam, House of Compadde (mightymushroom)
Duke Humphrey of Olwyn, House of Drebbel (notquitethere)
Duchess Dur of Coden, House of Druid (tricmagic)
Duke Emmanuel of Natar, House of Orburg (lovecraftianfairytale)
Marquis Belemar of Tyrill, House of Tyrill (uristmcriley)
Marquis Iain of Wylio, House of Uist (hector 13)
Marquis Maximilio of Crann, House of Corvus (shadowclaw777)
Duke Solaire of Dualak, House of SolisThe Matter at Hand:The Royal marshal informs us that three windmills along the road between Lybra and Golden Harbour have been set on fire. The affected millers ask our help in rebuilding them.
Do we fund the reconstruction?
AYE! -
Wealth - Welfare +NAY! -
Welfare - , Further Potential Negative Outcomes3 Power hang in the balance________________________________
The State of the Kingdom of AnkistStability 9Influence 9 trending upwardWealth 9 trending downwardMorale 9 trending downwardWelfare 9 trending downwardKnowledge 9 trending upward------------------------
You can now Discuss the issue, persuade or bribe or convince other players of your point of view or do nothing.
Remember Bribes only take permanent effect once Coins exchange hands!
After the Discussion (read Bribing) period is over you can vote. You may vote AYE! or NAY! and attach how much power you wish to invest, or you can PASS!, which needs you to invest at least one coin but you get access to the 3 Power that hang in the balance at the end of the voting round.
The player with the most power invested of the winning side will become the Leader and will undersign and carry responsibility for this decision. This will have further effects down the line!
Before i forget. All of you start with 8
POWER and 10
COINS in your pool, i will keep track of your pool, but you should do so as well yourselves. In future games you will start with more or less of it depending on achievements unlocked, decisions taken etc.