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Author Topic: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10  (Read 41622 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 10
« Reply #660 on: August 13, 2021, 09:19:12 am »

Quote from: Vote (Pick Two)
(4)The Night Beast: Rockeater, ConscriptFive, Kashyyk, Doomblade
(2)The Infernal Sorceress: Happerry, TricMagic
(2)Dark Drums: Happerry, TricMagic
(1)Imps: BlackPaladin99
(4)Q'why Troupes: ConscriptFive, Kashyyk, Rockeater, Doomblade
(0)Caulky Bastards
(0)Ritual Formation
(0)Concerto in D-mon (R)
(0)Sonic Drums:
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Design Phase 10
« Reply #661 on: September 18, 2021, 01:56:52 pm »

Demon Team: Design Phase T10
The Night Beast (Champion)
There have been many legends in this region of monsters in the night. Most of them are nonsense. Some of them have a mundane explanation, such as a misplaced jungle cat, or a particularly unhinged mortal. A few are actually about Magoc on one of His earlier days. But one particular legend that is known throught the four kingdoms is that of the Night Beast.

Whilst the embellishments vary, the core story is the same. Farmers report that portions of their herd have gone missing, with the other animals terrified and refusing to go near the small smears of blood. These stories escalate to improbable levels, as no single beast should be able to devour ten steers across six different farms in a single night. And yet, the bloody evidence is there. The stories diverge here, as either the local lord finally responds with a patrol, wandering adventures see a chance to make money, or the villagers themselves form a hunting party to destroy the problem.

Either way, a group of determined individuals will set a trap for the beast. In the dead of night, the monster discovers that all the animals have been locked away in barns or is protected by torches and armed men in the village center, bar one sacrifice in a field, where the Hunters await to ambush. Come morning, this animal is spared, and instead the villagers find one of the outlying farmhouses to be torn open with too large claws and the occupants messily devoured. This is not some dumb beast they are tormented by, but one that can reason.

The trap may be set a few more times, with similarly unpleasant results, before the Hunters are finally able to track the beast back to its lair. A cave, deep in the wilderness, the area around supernaturally quiet, the ground stained black and dead, littered with the bones of livestock and mortals. The fate of the Hunters is obvious, but the description of the beast is always very similar. As large as a cart, with mottled, scarred fur over rippling muscles, it leaps on four strong limbs, able to cling to the underside of a cave ceiling, and turn its head to watch every angle with its huge jet black eyes. It strikes out with claws the size of shortswords, a serrated beak that can cut a barded warhorse in half, and with the venomous talons on its three prehensile tails. Most notable though is it's ability to turn intangible at will, useful both to avoid attacks and to strike from unexpected angles.

The end of each story is once again similar. A single wounded hunter returns to the village, and most of locals pack up to leave. The few who remain are never heard from again, as a rescue party will find nothing but the ruins of their final stand in the village hall.
The Night Beast (Champion): Easy: (3+3)+1=7: Superior Craftsmanship
"If you have the guts- he wants them!!" -((The poster for the movie Nightbeast))

Demons come and demons go. Not you, obviously- you will survive forever, bringing the entire world under your dark dominion. But other, lesser, demons come and go. When they go, however, they sometimes leave stuff behind. Sometimes these things get picked up by another demon- until he too passes. It is rare for anything to outlive multiple demons, but it has been known to happen. For instance, the Night Beast. You can tell from the magical residue present in its twisted soul that it has been under the influence of at least four other demons before you. Cutting through one of its fingers (it grew back after a few days) to count the rings didn't work, but you estimate it to be at least four centuries old. You don't know where it came from, but it was a long way from the Xa Basin, as it appears to be a chimera made by combining a large number of wild animals, none of which are native to the region. In fact, you believe that previous owners may have added their own tweaks to it as they adopted it, thus making it a multi-layered hybrid with world-spanning heritage- you believe this on the basis that that's what you did, giving its claws a more potent version of the soul-rending toxin of Soulfang Jaguars (making it better at taking on incorporeal enemies), as well as giving it the ability to call on and control Devil-Crows.

Acquiring the Night Beast was not easy. It is by nature hard to catch, and even locating it in the first place required considerable effort- while it makes its presence known at times, it can also move almost undetected. Fortunately, your experience with intangibility came in handy; once you had the beast cornered, you were able to keep it from escaping by placing wards around it that blocked even intangible travel (note that these wards required considerable effort to prepare, and so can not be used in the field right now). With nowhere to run, you were able to dominate the beast with your overwhelming Evil aura, forcing it to recognise you as its master. Now the Night Beast is ready to take on your enemies... and almost certainly won't betray you, ever, I promise. Just because it has a mind of its own doesn't mean it will abandon your cause, since it likes nothing more than disembowelling angelic cultists and spreading fear and despair- which aligns with your own goals quite well. 

In combat, the Night Beast is on a surface level an extremely powerful brawler, capable of taking out several enemy cultists with a single slash of its claws/swipe of its tails/snap of its beak. However, its full potential is realised off the battlefield, stalking the enemy army and decimating its ranks through ambushes. You wouldn't think a creature this large would be so good at stealth, but even without the ability to turn intangible, it is remarkably capable of sneaking around (although open fields with no cover would render it less effective in this regard). Besides its lethality, the Night Beast is also a purveyor of terror- it knows well how to maximise its impact on enemy morale, and can reduce even the staunchest of warriors to gibbering cowards without ever laying a claw upon them.

The Night Beast also has infiltration utility. Not directly- its negotiation skills leave something to be desired. But by stalking through a province, it can spread a miasma of fear, causing the populace to seek protection- distracting mortal forces as guards are forced to seek out the nigh-uncatchable beast, while crowds are driven into the arms of your cultists (who offer protection that happens to prevent the Night Beast from attacking).

The Night Beast is a powerful combatant, especially in areas where it can strike from unexpected angles. It can also be used to spread chaos in influence provinces, making them more susceptible to other infiltration efforts (although Angelic efforts will receive a (smaller) boost as well). It is obviously Unique

Q'why Troupes
The Consorts of Desire... sumptuous and enticing... but perhaps too much so?  As amusing as it is, reducing every red-blooded mortal you meet into a drooling horndog doesn't always meet our strategic needs.  (Mortal society's primitive adherence to prudish senses of decorum limits our Consorts operations tremendously.)  What if we nurtured feminine wiles into a more subtle influence... innocuous enough to be done in broad daylight, even against mere women and children?  Similarly, our adversary seems to have developed a melody so infectiously catchy, it can be weaponized against us on the battlefield.  Why not kill two angels with one stone?

More girlishly charming than dumb-foundingly erotic, the so-called "Q'why Troupes" are small bands of "nymph-mutated" entertainers.  Our nymphs resemble mortal females in their teens, their nubility is enticing enough to draw the eye, yet not lust-inducing enough to be kicked out of a Sunday service.  ("She's just girl after all.  Probably just had a growth spurt and didn't realize that her legs are too long for that skirt.  Also really filling out that top...  Gee, she's sure going to make some man really happy on their wedding night...")    Performance-wise however, they have been mutated sing and dance on par with their angelic adversaries.

But will the Inquisition prey upon seemingly innocent girls?  Doubtful.  And if they do, they'll get enough innocents to really stoke the flames of Evil.

The Q'why Troupes themselves are small groups of three nymph entertainers.  Youthful masters of song and dance, their saccharine performances disguise subliminal messages spoken in the Language of Inception.  ("'Babushka, Babushka,' is a non-sense lyric, but it sure is catchy, isn't it?")  On an infiltration role, they can provide a softer sell to our Demonic Path than the Consorts, Bootleggers, and Frag Dealers.  They could easily play "family-friendly" venues such as busking town squares or even seasonal festivals.  Once a community has been properly subverted by the "QT's," our more overt agents can close the deal.

But as our adversary's 'Antiphon of Apathy' proved, music can be an effective weapon on the battlefield.  Unrestrained by the limits of mortal society, our nymphs can fully flaunt their unnatural talents.  Their mortal-friendly song & dance routine quickly becomes a power ballad with acrobatic choreography.  Sometimes a whole army can hear an see and hear a single Q'why Troupe giving their all.  Then a true cheer can be led, to raise friendly morale and out-compete our adversary's song.
Q'why Troupes: Normal: (1+2)=3: Buggy Mess
As far as you are concerned, the Q'Why Troupes turned out great. Their appearance is sensual, but not overtly sexual. Their lyrics are ingenious, layering Demontongue and similar sounding mortal words such that the subliminal messages are almost impossible to consciously make out. Their voices are dynamic, allowing them to near-perfectly enunciate these challenging melodies.
However, according to your cultists, their outfits of black leather and metal spikes are not conventionally considered appealing, especially not for young ladies. They go on to say that the lyrics are not really Demontongue disguised as mortal speech, but rather the other way around. Furthermore, they call the QTs' voices "grating screeches, more akin to a harpy than a siren".

The basic foundation of this project was not a major challenge. An exclusively female version of Consorts, whose powers of temptation are less overwhelming, with a youthful appearance designed to lower the guard of those they encounter. The problem was the musical abilities. Perhaps the sphere has already been 'claimed' by Heliel, or maybe inspiration just wasn't in the air- whatever the case, your alchemists could not figure out an easy way of instilling the nymphs with rhythmic instincts. So you took over. As mentioned, the results seem flawless to you. Okay, maybe the dark beat you added to their souls has a somewhat corrupting influence, rendering them less innocent in preferred garb and mannerisms, but is it really that noticeable? Yes, you didn't really draw on existing mortal music when implanting the ability to compose into their minds, which combined with their already corrupted nature has lead to rather unusual tunes. And, sure, you did modify their vocal chords a bit (since regular humans attempting to pronounce Demontongue is an infuriating experience), which has given them a slightly harsher voice than average.
Okay, yeah, on reflection, you fucked up. You got a bit carried away with making musicians that you would enjoy, and didn't properly consider the intended audience. Whoops. The Nymphs refuse to wear 'girly' clothing, refuse to sing 'sappy' songs, and have inherited a smidgen of your multilingual-profanity-spewing ability- which they apply towards anyone who suggests their voices are imperfect. Regular mortals would be appalled by them, and even your followers don't enjoy their music (with a few exceptions). The incomprehensible and off-putting 'music' is no match for the magically infused songs of your angelic adversary, rendering them useless on the battlefield. And while their lifestyles are less expensive than that of regular Consorts, they still require considerable alchemical effort to create.
Unfortunately, these turned out anything but quiet, and anything but cute.

One silver lining is that modifying the Consort power to affect larger crowds in a more subtle manner was so simple that you managed to make it an option for regular Consorts as well.

Q'why Troupes are extremely unappealing to all but the most niche tastes, rendering their use as instruments of either propaganda or morale-boosting as ineffectual as their own use of literal instruments. For now, they have no real utility. If they were deployed, then they would be Rare, with three Nymphs per troupe.
On the plus side, Consorts of Desire can now diffuse their powers to affect larger crowds more effectively, which will bolster efforts to sway the population at large to the demonic cause.

It is now the Revision Phase. You have two revisions.

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Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #662 on: September 18, 2021, 02:51:44 pm »


Making use of Q'why to influence others isn't possible(for whatever reason). However if their voices were turned properly, their it should be capable of distorting the harmony of our enemies, sending them off tune and removing cohesion between singers. This has the added benefit of disrupting their ranks through their 'music', though it also means other song magic won't work on our side either, not that we use any.

To help with survival, we've clad them in Soulfang Jaguar leather from the stock that tore itself apart during training. Naturally it has holes in it, but it fits well and can help keep them alive at range. We've also gotten them some discount instruments that are horribly tuned to compliment them. It may cause mindless rage in those hearing it though, for some reason. Not everyone has an ear for bad music it seems.

Compress Trench
A fairly simple spell that applies a large amount of force to compact the earth into the ground. This creates a basic trench, useful for cover and in larger numbers disrupting enemy charges into your lines. Cast via stomping the ground with a firm stance and pressing your hands downward together, before sliding them apart from each other to spread the effect about 6 to 10 feet for the common Uruk. For actual casters, they mainly have the skill to compress much more earth for wider and longer trenches from range, compared to the Uruks only being able to effect the ground nearby.

Earth Missile
Variation of magic missile, forming spikes out of the earth to be fired at the opponent. Can be used to set up a defense against charges instead of finishing the spell that fires them forward, though Uruks can only do one or the other. Typically better to use the latter in large numbers with the former used in arcing shots and sending fragmentation when it shatters on landing.

A specialized mutation granting Devil-Rats power over earth, as well as adding a bit of naked mole rat to them. Their claws are thicker and more durable, and they have a good sense of vibrations through the earth. They make use of innate earth-shaping and their large numbers to dig tunnel systems, pits, and trenches quickly and effectively, and are capable of getting pretty much anywhere connected to the earth. They can even crumble solid stone with ease. They are also ridiculously hardy due to the infusion of earth energy. Mole-Rats will serve as sappers on the battlefield, helping against forts and the clay cavalry. While no more damaging than an ordinary Devil-Rat against most, anything made of earth will fall to their clutches, and they've got the cunning to back it up.
Unlike Pale Crows, they don't have command of Devil-Rats, though Devil-Rats will make use of tunnels Mole-Rats build. This includes in cities when we need spies in buildings, the Mole-Rats can build quite the network if directed properly.
Mutation Notes: Due to the use of Naked Mole Rat(the most demonic of images), the Mole-Rat has lost it's fur and eyesight, being a ruddy red from the combination of demonic and earth energy. While it's tremor sense is useful, it necessitates mages keep close control over their movements, as they aren't able to discern humans apart. With us, they recognize our evil, but their tremor sense, while keen, has a range limit, and is lessened in especially muddy(or sandy, especially sandy, cursed angelic sand) areas.

Quote from: Magic Votebox
W'distortion (1): TricMagoc
Mole-Rats (1): TricMagoc

This is a design for later. Kaboomatic on discord for inspiration.

Kaboo'Magoc Natural Oil
By extracting oil out of trees, and alchemically bonding it with a bit of water , we can create areas of highly slippery oil. It bonds to the terrain leaving footing impossible, and when one falls in it, it also sticks to the one in it(as oil slicks naturally do). After that we need only light the misguided fools who charged into the oil. Leaves a light sheen like dew over areas , and resistant to water washing it away due to it's makeup. Only way to get rid of it is either a towel or fire.

To go with this, we've altered the sprayers that use it with a basic flint wheel that can be turned on with a button, that will ignite the misty oil into a flamethrower. This will not only stick to those caught in it, but also ignite the oil slicks we make. Globadiers also get some filled with the oil, though in this case it merely allows them to hit the feet of targets to ruin their ability to stand or run.

We can also use this to light up buildings very quickly. Due to it's makeup of oil and water, it isn't absorbed by anything natural. This is due to the bond being magical in nature, as oil and water don't mix naturally. The oil effectively has layers of H2O mixed into it, not enough to prevent fiery blazes, but enough to shrug off water. Note that this stuff does sink to the bottom of water though, if used on water it's better to dump the preprocessed oil in barrels(selling barrels of oil is out of the question given the current setup is for war, not profit. Besides which, we'd want to alter it beforehand to be more suited for corruption.)

What isn't gone into is the extraction method, which is a variant of desiccation rune applies to a sap tap(made by our cultists) Magoc has engraved himself. It's specially designed to remove oil from living objects, which can also be used on humans for a very long and painful death. On tress, it's mostly set to produce a steady flow, though it does eventually kill them within a year. Not like this war will last long enough for it to be a problem, and we can always make more later if we want. Or use humans or livestock, though that's not as effective, having to keep them alive with food and water. Trees manage themselves Though due to how trees are around here, the oil is naturally infused from the get-go. Which helps in unnatural things like mixing oil and water a bit.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2021, 01:49:36 pm by TricMagic »


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #663 on: September 19, 2021, 12:45:17 pm »

Long Live the Trictatorship!

Quote from: Magic Votebox
W'distortion (2): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive
Mole-Rats (2): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #664 on: September 20, 2021, 04:48:14 am »

Good enough.

Quote from: Magic Votebox
W'distortion (3): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive, Happerry
Mole-Rats (3): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive, Happerry
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #665 on: September 20, 2021, 07:21:51 am »

I had a similar idea of just weaponising the terriblefically demonic music:

Quote from: Perturbing Protagonists with Precision Plays
Inspired by the Southern religious practice of "Ventriloquism", we have taught our Q'Why Nymphs to literally "throw their voices" and music long distances. From ten perspective of a layman, the music appears to emanate from wherever they are focusing on, whilst they silently mime along. Whilst this is fantastic for giving g a surround-sound affect to the demonic concerts they provide Magoc, the more militaristic aspect is when they suddenly start playing music in the middle of an enemy formation.

Combining this with just stripping the false mortal words away from the demontongue they represent, it should be incredibly demoralising for the enemy to know that they can only ever experience this when in combat against us. Also, I promise our Consorts and Nymphs will never use this trick to prank people. Well, no one who doesn't deserve it anyway.

Quote from: Birdly Bolas
A specific flock of CHAD Crows will be trained to cary ropes and chains affixed with grapples and hooks. When faced with enemies, they will entangle the grappling end of the rope onto the target, before quickly flying in cir less around it, disabling it and allowing for a sweet kill by our ground troops.

Quote from: Votebox Magoci
W'distortion (3): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive, Happerry
Mole-Rats (3): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive, Happerry
Perturbing Protagonists with Precision Plays (1): Kashyyk
Birdly Bolas (1): Kashyyk


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #666 on: September 20, 2021, 07:30:32 am »

Quote from: Votebox Magoci
W'distortion (4): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive, Happerry, Rockeater
Mole-Rats (3): TricMagoc, ConscriptFive, Happerry
Perturbing Protagonists with Precision Plays (1): Kashyyk
Birdly Bolas (2): Kashyyk, Rockeater
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #667 on: September 20, 2021, 08:09:33 am »

I'll note one issue I have with using chains via flyers. And that is inertia. A charging cavalry will just drag anything flying out of the air. And given the forces involved, they would strike the ground Hard.

Also, arrows shooting them out of the sky, so we can't tie up priority targets beyond cavs. And the enemy has also had a turn to make stuff to counter us. The Mole-Rats can make trenches and pits for us to hide in, and prevent the cavs from having even ground to build up any speed.

As for the other, it's more human words masquerading as demontounge apparently. Bad music alone won't disrupt magical harmony, even if it is a hit to morale. Doesn't matter against the morale of bombing us from afar. Not a bad idea, but something to add to W'distortion as rockeater's idea is.


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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #668 on: September 20, 2021, 08:34:16 am »

According to my understanding, the rope will hit below the center of the creature's mass, meaning with inertia the creature will just fell itself.
Damnit people, this is why I said to keep the truce. Because now everyone's ganging up on the cats.
Also, don't forget to contact your local Eldritch Being(s), so that they can help with our mission to destroy the universe.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #669 on: September 20, 2021, 08:56:57 am »

The grapple attaches, then the creature needs to fly around the target before they pull the rope taut. For cavs, that will down them. For humans, more likely they get cut in half or the rope does. Chain less so, but humans aren't idiots.

Against minotaur, more useful, but they stay in place anyway. That said, if the chain is strong enough it would prevent them from moving and they don't get shot down before it's fully done.

For their mages with their bombardment, we'd need to get close enough to mess with them. At which point better to just rip their eyes and tongue out than tie them up. That also applies to every other human foe.

Might work well on their champion, but I think he can just respawn himself, and is a hero unit in the first place.

DesignDD Rope

Based upon the Dumb Drunkard's Detangibiler, the spell is applied to lengths of rope via specialized handles enchanting the rope between them. Objects it passes through are temporarily phased. This only applies to where it passes though, which... Well testing shows it makes a very good way to cut people in half. And trees. And swords. The DD Rope can be carried by crows or set up as a tripwire to take someone's feet from under them. Has the interesting effect of materializing the immaterial which cuts sad immaterial in half. As one researcher put it, fragging dimensions.

The spellwork lasts a good while, though will need reapplying by mages. This also allows it to be stored safely.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Revision Phase 10
« Reply #670 on: October 09, 2021, 03:26:11 am »

Demon Team: Revision Phase T10

Making use of Q'why to influence others isn't possible(for whatever reason). However if their voices were turned properly, their it should be capable of distorting the harmony of our enemies, sending them off tune and removing cohesion between singers. This has the added benefit of disrupting their ranks through their 'music', though it also means other song magic won't work on our side either, not that we use any.

To help with survival, we've clad them in Soulfang Jaguar leather from the stock that tore itself apart during training. Naturally it has holes in it, but it fits well and can help keep them alive at range. We've also gotten them some discount instruments that are horribly tuned to compliment them. It may cause mindless rage in those hearing it though, for some reason. Not everyone has an ear for bad music it seems.
W'distortion: Hard: (1+1)-1=1: Utter Failure
So, this didn't work. In any form or fashion.

You did learn a bit about Heliel's spellsongs- unfortunately, what you learned is that they are not so easy to disrupt. The magically-infused music defies attempts to drown it out with conventional sound, so it would be necessary to add Evil energy to the QTs' voices. This would be doable, but this revelation came too late in the month to be implemented. Mind you, even if you had managed to do so, finding a tune capable of disrupting even one of Heliel's spellsongs- let alone all of them- would've been a challenge as well.
Let's not even mention the attempts to produce better armour and instruments. The less said about that, the better.

It's not all bad. Contacts in the Orange University have taken a look at your notes on Heliel's musical magic, and are intrigued. The deviation from magical orthodoxy is right up their alley, and they think they might be able to do something with it. They could either apply the experience towards another attempt to disrupt the angelic arias, or towards an attempt to branch out into a new method of spellcasting. Unfortunately, due to quantum superposition shenanigans, using it for one purpose will make it useless for the other.

Quote from: Ibid
A specialized mutation granting Devil-Rats power over earth, as well as adding a bit of naked mole rat to them. Their claws are thicker and more durable, and they have a good sense of vibrations through the earth. They make use of innate earth-shaping and their large numbers to dig tunnel systems, pits, and trenches quickly and effectively, and are capable of getting pretty much anywhere connected to the earth. They can even crumble solid stone with ease. They are also ridiculously hardy due to the infusion of earth energy. Mole-Rats will serve as sappers on the battlefield, helping against forts and the clay cavalry. While no more damaging than an ordinary Devil-Rat against most, anything made of earth will fall to their clutches, and they've got the cunning to back it up.
Unlike Pale Crows, they don't have command of Devil-Rats, though Devil-Rats will make use of tunnels Mole-Rats build. This includes in cities when we need spies in buildings, the Mole-Rats can build quite the network if directed properly.
Mutation Notes: Due to the use of Naked Mole Rat(the most demonic of images), the Mole-Rat has lost it's fur and eyesight, being a ruddy red from the combination of demonic and earth energy. While it's tremor sense is useful, it necessitates mages keep close control over their movements, as they aren't able to discern humans apart. With us, they recognize our evil, but their tremor sense, while keen, has a range limit, and is lessened in especially muddy(or sandy, especially sandy, cursed angelic sand) areas.
Mole-Rats: Hard: (2+2)-1=3: Buggy Mess
It doesn't seem to be your month.

Warping Devil-Rats into Devil-Mole-Rats would've been fairly easy. Unfortunately, you spent most of your time trying to make them capable of crumbling solid stone. And, hey, you got it, eventually. Unfortunately, you ran out of time before you could spare a thought to optimisation of cost... or survivability.
Devil-Mole-Rats can, with some effort, infuse their paws with Evil energy that causes stone to crumble into dust. The process is slow, but it's a lot better than nothing. However, this requires that each Devil-Mole-Rat be granted a modicum of Evil before deployment (as they are not capable of drawing sufficient quantities from the environment by themselves), which drives up their cost considerably. Additionally, their bodies are imperfect vessels for this Evil, which has a tendency to 'leak', causing unpredictable mutations that shorten the average lifespan to a few weeks (this problem compounded by the fact that these are a variant of a variant, and so their baseline mutation already contains some irregularities).

Devil-Mole-Rats are unreliable, but will have some utility in both infiltration and combat, digging tunnels/trenches or undermining walls. Unfortunately, due to extremely poor optimisation, they are Rare

It is now the Strategy Phase. Choose where to send your Unique units. Also, this:

This turn, and possibly only this turn depending on how this goes, you will have the option of providing custom plans for up to two Influence provinces. That is, you may include a brief (a few sentences) plan for your infiltration forces in two provinces. Here's how this'll work:
-Plans can be used to target specific people, places, institutions, be they mortal or those of your enemy- with the goal of eliminating, converting, subverting, whatever.
-Plans can also be used in provinces with 4/5 or 5/5 influence to attempt to change mortal policies in your favour.
-Regardless of your plans, your infiltration forces will continue to perform their basic infiltration efforts. In provinces with no plans, there will be almost no difference in performance (this will not make your infiltration forces worse).
-The exception to the previous rule is in provinces with 4/5 influence. While your infiltrators will continue to build up support for your cult, paving the way for your eventual takeover, they will not make any attempts to finalise said takeover. In order to reach 5/5 you will have to provide a plan describing how this is to be achieved (eg, will you attempt to replace the faction leader, or convert them? How blatant are you willing to be? What methods are to be employed?).

-No plan survives contact with the enemy- meaning both your rival, and mortal actors. Your infiltrators will do their best, but won't blindly follow your plan if things go wrong- don't worry about them acting stupidly.
-Plans are likely to be more effective with a Champion (or Heliel/Magoc) in the area to coordinate efforts.

-Feel free to ask me whether a plan is valid or not. I will also feel free to tell you if a proposed plan is not valid.

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Long Live United Forenia!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10
« Reply #671 on: October 09, 2021, 04:12:45 am »

That didn't go well. No bother though, we should be able to tide things over with the Night Beast.

Have a plan!

The Obsessive Scholar will return to the Scholarly Towers, and devour and replace a prominent Orange University mage. Our influence team will then work on facilitating his rise to power.

The Night Beast will fight in Darrin. Magoc will fight in Xa-Nam.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10
« Reply #672 on: October 09, 2021, 08:31:26 am »

Yeah, not well at all.

Quote from: Influenced Approach/Fan the Rebellion
Scholarly Towers: The Mole-Rats will work on creating secret passages in preparation of a takeover of Green University. The Obsessive Scholar will also be targeting key Green mages and smuggling out their notes to our Warcaster's Keep. With this we can draw Green University mages to be corrupted, weakening their power base for an eventual Orange University takeover. The Mole-Rats will help in creating secret tunnels that can be used.

Ostentatious Capital: The Night Beast hunts, spreading discord and sentiments of rebellion. Agents on the street fester, and the populace grows tired of the king's rule. Mole-Rats prepare warrens and secret tunnels for the newfound rebellion, as Magoc sweeps in with a solution and heir and lead the country to a new age of prosperity.(under his secret rule.) We are not alone in this, as members of the Foreign Dynasty support the change in leadership from the shadows, and we have prepared an heir of the royal line to serve as figurehead to the Revolution, inducting them into our cause. There will of course need to be concessions to the people. It will be a careful balancing act, but the end result will be a King amenable to Magoc.

We have crows and rats to gather info, mole-rats to help build meetup places, an unsatisfied citizenry, and an heir waiting in the wings promising a better rule. Add the criminals, bootlegger clubs, and consorts for the nobles. And the Night Beast to deal with the guard and angelic supporters. While Magoc leads from the shadows, whispering poison. It' almost a perfect setup for a rebellion. And we can fund it with our forges too, smuggling in weaponry with the help of the Foreign Dynasty.
Adding the Graffiti to the underground meeting places would also be helpful in turning the citizens.

At the current point we're really not matched up to them. This turn has turned out a bit of a disaster. And the only approach is defense. That and the fact they will just swoop over the bridge we took. Though if Mole-Rats could lead them out under their noses it could serve as a Counterpush, split the army at the Crossings with a surprise attack force. we only have the chance to break even though. I don't see a situation we can turn the tables when we were already losing.

Control of the Capital however should swell our forces some. Influence local policy. And force the angels on the defensive in the influence lane, forcing them to divert designs to counter us there so we can start beating them back in combat.

Quote from: Magocbox
IA/Fan the Rebellion (1): TricMagic

The main issue with trying to fight them at all is that we are at a sever disadvantage, and the only thing that has changed greatly is the fact we have a hero unit. Ironically, it will do best in holding the angels off in the jungle. But right now all they need is for Helial to show up in the north to win that front. Our situation hasn't changed enough to be anything else. And with the south they just need a small force to finish off that area and clear us out, and their hero. Or it could end up reversed. An annoying situation all round. Our influence game is far better than our combat one. But that can change next turn.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 01:02:24 pm by TricMagic »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10
« Reply #673 on: October 09, 2021, 03:37:33 pm »

I dont like letting the Combat Lanes slip, but it is true that they are tugs-of-war, so we don't lose so long as we keep them this side of the line.

If y'all really want to use the Night Beast for Influence work (it is primarily a combat resource) I would suggest using it in the Wartorn Wastes. We're at 4/5 there, and have high "Influence Pressure" from our capital, so if we get to 5/5 that will then trickle to the next city in line.

The Night Beast would work well there to agitate, attacking patrols and remote villagers and generally coming a lot of havoc to harm negotiations and saber rattle with. Then have Magoc to influence and corrupt using the Night Beast's attacks as evidence it should be a very strong argument. I'd want to cap it off with a permanent Influence Champion, but that can wait.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Demon Team - Chiaroscuro Arms Race: Strategy Phase 10
« Reply #674 on: October 09, 2021, 10:46:04 pm »

You do realize we can theoretically win the whole Dolgoth lane, and thus the game, in two turns right?

Why are we screwing around in Lesinore?

Quote from: Infiltration Plan: The Victorious Foreigners of Dolgoth
Summary:  The Capital is on the precipice, and the Foreigners only need one final gambit to secure the throne.  Meanwhile, the despair of the Wastes is about to come to an end.

There is no greater opportunity than a crisis.  With the recruitment of the Beast to our cause, we now have that in hand.  The hidden Beast will terrorize the realm, eradicating the final threads of confidence in the Local Dynasty.  Hidden Q'Why Troupes may also sing their unheard demonic screeches in the night to add to the terror.  Using our crows, rats, consorts, and clubs to monitor the psychological effects of this campaign, we shall cue the Foreigners to make their coup.  All agents should be prepared to overtly aid the Foreigner coup as appropriate.  Mole-rats should undermine castle defenses per the Foreigner coups battle plans.  Inception Graffiti placed near Local barracks and guard posts to cause desertion/defection.  The Beast should leave hiding and assist the coup in battle if necessary.  And as a final decisive push, Magoc Himself will sweep down to "advise" the Foreign coup in the Capital.

Victory is near in the Wastes.  A final show of strength accompanied by the ruse of the Obsessive Scholar will end the joke of "Peace" in the Wastes.  Victory Officers will be provided bounties of Frag and "VIP Consort Service" for the capture of senior Peace Officers.  The Scholar will devour these knowledgeable and influential captives.  Combined with the intelligence provided by our crows, rats, consorts, bandits, and clubs, we should now know everything we need to know about our opposition.  As the Scholar's key gambit, one of "the captives" will "escape" back to the Peace encampment.  The flawlessly disguised Scholar will be accompanied by acolytes & consorts that he insists were key in his escape, and thus must be fully trusted.  Victory will engage Peace in a decisive victory, where the disguised Scholar and his other insiders can cripple Peace in a time/place/manner he identifies as most critical from his "interrogations" and last few days inside the encampment.  As with the Capital, Inception Graffiti may be placed in the encampment to cause desertion/defection, and Mole-rats may prove useful in sapping.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2021, 11:49:43 pm by ConscriptFive »
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