I personally heard from multiple people that they would definitely play DF if only it has better graphics like in Rimworld and more intuitive and friendly interface.
I was like that for a while, then found the Meph tileset. Playing on it is such a delight, all DF videos on my YT channel (Jagielski Gaming, if you are interested) or at least all recent ones (not sure if I made any vids on other tilesets before) are using it.
Anyway, I've thought about making aiming in Adventure Mode a little bit easier. Instead of selecting a body part from a list, how about a mannequing-type figure where you could visually select what part you want to attack (with body parts that were cut off missing on the mannequin).
The most basic version would display it for humanoids, but we could probably figure it out for other body types. This would make fighting system much more approachable for beginners as they could not only target the body parts they want. Not everyone has memorized all body part names, especially if they're not native English speaker, but many can say that they want to roughly attack upper chest area (even if they don't know it's called "upper chest area"). Also, this could also help to visualize damage done to the creature (and maybe similar "damage mannequins" for dwarfs in fortress mode?).
One other game I play. Wurm, with similarly advanced body damage system (though maybe not to the level of DF, AFAIK mobs are using traditional hitpoints there) has similar method of showing damage on player character.