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Author Topic: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.  (Read 26859 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #75 on: December 22, 2019, 08:08:49 am »

Mayor Kel paced from the one end of her office to another, as was her habit. Since her office was about the size of a football field, that passed as her daily workout.

"What else can we do?" she complained. "We have taverns, temples, libraries, museums, everything dwarves need to keep them happy! Even the bedrooms shouldn't soon be an issue when West Side is completed."

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"Despite all that we have these tantruming dwarves and YES WHAT IS IT?"

A disheveled militia dwarf had appeared to the doorway.

"Uh, it's Dodók Foggygolds, your honor. I wanted to raise the issue about the state of washing facilities here in Peacecity. You see, we were promised golden toilets and -"

"What?" interrupted mayor Kel. "You want to talk about toilets? Now?"

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"Yes, you see, it appears the only well is actually in the Sheriff's private bathroom and that's not really a toilet at all so -"

"That wasn't really a question! Get out! We have important things to do here!" Kel bodily escorted the intruding dwarf away. "And what is that smell?"

"It's a condition!" Dodók's retreating voice echoed from the hallway.

Kel slammed the door shut. "The nerve of some people... now where were we? Ah yes. How can we keep these dwarves from getting unhappy and tantruming, despite having all the amenities we can provide them?"

 "Um. Maybe we can't." Edzul the Scribe had been tactfully quiet during the whole exchange.
 "Can't? I don't like the sound of that word. What do you mean we can't?"
 "Um, some dwarves seem specifically cursed that way. Um, that they seem to get more and more stressed simply from existing. Some, um, people, are just beyond saving, it seems."
"So they're going to be plucked no matter what we do? No, that I won't accept. Something has to be done!"

She walked back to her desk. "What was that smelly dwarf complaining about? Ah yes, the lack of wells. Well, that's a thing we can do something about..."

She and Edzul began to draw plans for an extended plumbing system to support many additional wells in different parts of the fortress.

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« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 07:24:02 pm by Staalo »
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #76 on: December 22, 2019, 11:48:59 am »

Winter had come, along with the usual winter storms. Constant torrent of water fell from the unbroken dark cloud cover and drenched everything and everyone left outside. Those whose business took them to surface exchanged dejected greetings as they passed each other.

"Morning, Kulet. Some weather, huh?"

"Morning, Udib. Yes, makes one really think one's intellectual values, it does. I'm glad I'm only picking up that water buffalo for butchering."

"Ah, water buffalo meat... That's some good eating, right there. Big feast coming?"

"No, it's just that Kib the Miner got into a mood yesterday and now he's yelling for bones for his whatever. "

"Really? It's been a while since we've had one of those. Makes Peacecity feel more like one of the great fortresses, like Modestbanners and, well, Pastmachine. Did you hear about those new hillocks they've founded nearby? Won't be long before we're getting a baron!"

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"No, really? Where are those hillocks?"

"Well, I think one of them was some way to southeast, and the other was a bit closer, to the north..." Udib nodded northwards. "I think it's just behind the - wait, what's that?"

"What? No, I see it too. Is that -"

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"Oh, no. RUN!"
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 12:04:59 pm by Staalo »
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #77 on: December 22, 2019, 04:33:15 pm »

"BATTLE STATIONS!" yelled commander Dodók. Startled soldiers stopped what they were doing and turned to look at their commander, aghast. This was the first time most of the recruits had heard her actually speak aloud, so clearly something major was happening.

"You heard me! Move it! Move it! Gobbos incoming! Everyone to the surface! MOVE!" Commander Dodók also seemed to have been grown a few inches and was beginning to even look like a warrior of her experience. The troops knew their drill and ran towards the stairs.

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The goblin nation of The Spider of Shaking had sent a siege force of twenty five warriors who were neatly fording the river when the warriors assembled inside the walls. All civilians were called inside, and then all dwarves just... waited.

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In the chaos dwarves had thrown on whatever pieces of armor they could find. Despite all the efforts to produce enough armor and weapons some warriors came out with just helmets on, their dwarfy bits freely flapping in the breeze. Dodòk hoped the hairy, smelly, naked ranks of her warriors would strike as much terror to the hearts of the enemy as they did to hers.

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While the invaders rounded the northeast corner of the fortress wall everyone inside realized how terribly vulnerable they were and how weak the walls actually were. The low, so very low dolomite block wall with its fragile wall grates provided only theoretical protection against any invasion. Dodòk hoped the goblins wouldn't find out they could just waltz over the wall and into the fortress through the unlocked floor hatch.

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Luckily the goblins had decided to take the obvious route through the open gate. They saw the guard dogs first and attacked them; and then dwarves sprung their trap.

"Melee squads... advance!" Dodòk called. "Archer squad will support!"

The dwarves advanced, then without further command they charged... and attacked.

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Their surprise was so total and devastating that some goblins were dead even before they got inside the gates. Half-naked and half-crazed dwarven warriors scythed through the invaders so fast that no one from the first attack wave was standing after few first minutes of combat.

Then things began to go wrong.

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Some goblins from the second attack wave had finally realized they could just climb over the wall to attack the dwarves from behind. Bowgoblins used the opportunity to snipe through the northern wall grates while others took no time at all to vault over and charge the tired dwarven warriors.

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To make things worse, some marksdwarves decided to just charge over the wall after running out of ammo, getting caught in the middle of the enemy. Dodòk had no choice.

"Everyone! Close and attack! Save those marksdwarves!"

It was chaos. The air was filled with grunts, cries, ringing of axes on helmets and above all the constant, deafening noise of rain which was now reaching tropical deluge levels. The water got into eyes and made everyone slip in the mud, stripping all finesse and skill from combat; everyone just stuck their weapons into whatever piece of green skin they managed to see a glimpse of.

The dwarves were getting tired. And with that, they started having their first injuries.

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Atîs Savageoils fell from the wall while climbing down and got brutally savaged by a pack of goblins, losing her foot and front teeth. She was only saved from certain death when the other dwarves finally got into fray.

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Ral Graniterack confronted a veteran macegoblin who pulverized Ral's knee before he managed to discourage it with crossbow fire.

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Kogsak Bootspike caught an arrow to his belly but grimly kept on fighting, puking and holding his guts in with his off hand.

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Thob Veiledtomb couldn't even remember where the scimitar sticking from her arm had come from. She just continued her shooting and reloading until there were no enemies left.

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The siege broke. The second attack wave was obliterated in a wave of blood and violence, and suddenly there was only one pikegoblin left. The goblin turned and ran after realizing the hopeless situation. The dwarves ran after the goblin, sure of their victory.

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Èrith Copperstrike caught the goblin first, being the lightest after ditching even his weapon at some point. At the last moment he realized his folly of charging naked and alone against a fully armed and armored goblin, but too late... when the other dwarves caught the pair, Èrith was already down in pain and his hand was flying away in an arc, trailing bright red blood.

In blood rage, the dwarved hacked and bashed the pikegoblin until there were only pieces left. The warriors stood panting, leaning on their weapons. They looked at the carnage around them and realized what they had done.

They had won.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 07:30:56 pm by Staalo »
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #78 on: December 22, 2019, 06:23:33 pm »

There are songs telling of mighty battles and how heroic warriors vanquish the enemy with their shiny swords while wearing magical armor. In real life battles are never as glorious as in the fables. For one, songs tend to omit the fact that after a battle, someone always has to clean up and pick up the pieces. And after the Battle of 252, there were a lot of pieces.

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Peacecity's tiny hospital was overflowing with patients. Recuperating warriors would joke and banter how they "never really liked that hand anyway", but the fact was that the fort now had a batch of cripples to accommodate somehow.

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Even those who weren't physically injured now carried scars from seeing too much, too soon. For some the trauma would heal in time, for some it wouldn't.

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On the bright side, life always goes on. Crops kept growing, workshops were in full use, people ate their lunches and dinners as usual. Even Kib Staffname the miner finally got his artifact finished, having worked on it obliviously during the whole siege.

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New hillocks kept being founded around Peacecity, drawn by its wealth and prosperity. Year was turning towards its end, and with it came an air of hopeful expectation spread through the fortress. New year would mean changes, new people and a change in how the fort would be led. It would be another new beginning, of sorts.

But, as always, new year would also mean new challenges, new dangers and new enemies. Just before the year ended, sounds from the caverns told of things to come.

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END OF 252

Recap and save in the next post.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 07:29:11 pm by Staalo »
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #79 on: December 22, 2019, 07:21:00 pm »


Well, that was a fairly uneventful year. I was trying out a bit different narrative style this time, and kept hoping the RNG would throw something unusual to spice up the story, but sadly nothing major came up. I didn't really want to spend the year writing about Dodòk the jeweler's smelly feet.

Luckily as minor excitement we got the siege in the end and the constantly tantruming Asmel the messenger. Asmel even had the cheek to come out after the siege and honk the nose of one of our returning heroes:

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I'll leave Asmel for the next overseer to deal with as they see fit.

So what was accomplished during year 252? The main thing was probably solving the housing crisis. There is now a ridiculously oversized luxury bedroom available for everyone, with few extras to spare. The all-new West Side apartments are at the moment having their final engravings done:

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Another major thing was the army overhaul. There are now an axe squad, a hammer squad and a crossbow squad, all fully staffed. For marksdwarves there is even an archery range for practicing:

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Many troops are still missing equipment, though. It was a bit of a shock to see some dwarves charge almost fully buck naked towards the horde of goblins. The next overseer might want to fix that before the next siege, so the warriors wouldn't have so difficult keeping their bits from flying off.

Third big change happened in the workshop and kitchen area. I couldn't get my mind around the logic of former overseers, so I just moved all workshops to the former workshop/kitchen area and built a whole new kitchen area next to the underground farms:

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Minor improvements were the hospital (now expanded a bit) and the extended plumbing system now supporting several wells around the fortress:

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All in all a good year, didn't kill everyone or burn the place down, and the fort is again a bit bigger and wealthier than year before:

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Again, the next overseer might want to continue equipping the army with quality gear. Also the outer wall will need a moat or something around it, since apparently at the moment it can just be walked over. That was also a bit of a shock when it was revealed, but on the other hand it gave us the grand finale of hairy naked muddy dwarves wrestling with goblins in a torrential rainstorm.

Here's the SAVE.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 07:28:16 pm by Staalo »
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #80 on: December 22, 2019, 08:42:49 pm »

Excellent work! How is CaptainArchmage doing?

The "workshops in bedrooms" thing was deliberate. It meant every dwarf lived opposite their workshop so they didn't have to go out of the way save to eat or go to a tavern which is essentially the same thing. Or go to a temple or library for that matter. Say, do we have any books?

I've PM'd gchristopher about their turn.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 08:45:52 pm by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #81 on: December 22, 2019, 09:03:34 pm »

It is such a treat to see to many updates over the weekend.  Great work.  Peacecity back to normal!


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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2019, 10:08:32 pm »

It is such a treat to see to many updates over the weekend.  Great work.  Peacecity back to normal!

This fortress doesn't deserve a Christmas Break. Christmas is where the action should be. Goblin Christmas, that is. Just like a normal dwarven fortress.

Spoiler: Literally even (click to show/hide)

Edit: if gchristopher is unable to take their turn, or we don't have anyone else lined up I can take another turn. Would be great if foxstew could update the fronp page.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2019, 10:12:46 pm by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #83 on: December 22, 2019, 11:25:34 pm »

I think foxstew announced that they have abandoned the thread, but it'd be great if they came back.

I was able to download the save, and it loads fine. I'm traveling and will have limited time until I get back on the 4th (and no reliable electricity from the 27th-3rd), so if someone else wants to take a turn before then, that's fine, too. It's impossible to tell when a turn will come up, so scheduling conflicts are to be expected.

Normal, even.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #84 on: December 23, 2019, 01:27:11 am »

I think foxstew announced that they have abandoned the thread, but it'd be great if they came back.

I was able to download the save, and it loads fine. I'm traveling and will have limited time until I get back on the 4th (and no reliable electricity from the 27th-3rd), so if someone else wants to take a turn before then, that's fine, too. It's impossible to tell when a turn will come up, so scheduling conflicts are to be expected.

Normal, even.

Got it. I might pick up the save then. Like "normal".

Edit: Damn, that's a lot of dwarves... I need to find a "normal" way to introduce a new character here.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 01:52:38 am by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2019, 02:53:05 am »

The "workshops in bedrooms" thing was deliberate. It meant every dwarf lived opposite their workshop so they didn't have to go out of the way save to eat or go to a tavern which is essentially the same thing. Or go to a temple or library for that matter. Say, do we have any books?

Ah, now I get it. Sorry I broke your plan; I thought they were a temporary arrangement and I desperately needed to get those work orders moving.

We do now have few books bought from the Human caravan, mainly based on the humor value of their titles. I forgot to mention about them in the summer update.

Goblin Christmas, that is. Just like a normal dwarven fortress.

Funnily enough, the goblin siege happened just around Christmas time (Moonstone something). Which is very normal indeed.

Damn, that's a lot of dwarves... I need to find a "normal" way to introduce a new character here.

Would probably be even more if I hadn't forgot my "normal" pop cap on at 100. Most migrants ended up in the army anyway.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2019, 07:03:47 am by Staalo »
Kasmko Taldequihu, Human Criminal corrupted zombie is visiting.
Mong Todsporro, Human Criminal death zombie is visiting.

Uhhh... welcome?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #86 on: December 23, 2019, 01:12:39 pm »

Ah, now I get it. Sorry I broke your plan; I thought they were a temporary arrangement and I desperately needed to get those work orders moving.

I think it's OK, originally I had actually envisioned every dwarf having a house but it's a bit too much for a year.

We do now have few books bought from the Human caravan, mainly based on the humor value of their titles. I forgot to mention about them in the summer update.

We'll take a look.

And yeah Moonstone corresponds to December. I'm leaving the pop cap on at 200 dwarves though it probably isn't healthy for FPS.

I'll get around to the save later today.
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #87 on: December 25, 2019, 08:18:40 am »

may i have a turn? Wanna try some normal fort)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #88 on: December 25, 2019, 10:02:30 am »

may i have a turn? Wanna try some normal fort)

Noted. You're next.

In which I return to take over Year 4 of the fortress.

Journal of CaptainArchmage, 1st Granite 2523

Due to the perfectly normal unavailability down the line of succession and what Sanctume calls "my entry into the entertainment business", I have made up a decision. A really big decision.

You know once upon a time I did actually give a shit and a half. I really did. But... then someone decided to leave a giant's corpse rotting outside and I decided... fuck this personal sacrifice stuff. I paid my dues to the system now I'm gonna do mah own thing. Just as normal. I do value decorum though, after someone emptied an entire stack of soil down over mah ass.

I promptly go down to find a dwarf who might actually give a shit, and hand them over the keys to the fort before getting all coked up for my Yeetboxing number.

No really, this line of work I'm in is perfectly normal like retired footballers and handeggers opening bars and former wrestlers and adult content stars going on to become presidents.

Fortress Journal: 1st Granite, Year 2523
Exiting Leader: Staalo
Incoming Leader: Vucar “Zro Fuchs” Helmsphrase, Head of Papermaking

So I was taking a nap before the new year's festivities because being a 33-year-old father is kind of hard work. I then get a call on the speaking tube... Codes 1 and 3, Sheriff's Auxiliary. Fuck. Such is the day in the life of a papermaker in Peacecities, just as normal.

Code 1's the standard for my line of work. It means the "stack" of paper is out and I get to go replace it. Code 3's a garbage job, it means the "article" has been clogged. When you get both together, it means some moron has run through the entire stack of paper to wipe their ass, and it's now sitting up the most expensive worst toilet in Peacecities. This is the fourth clog in seven days. Just as is normal.

On my way out of the building, I bump into, CaptainArchmage, architect and retired ruler. Just as normal. He's like some performer these days. He tells me the suck session line has run out of candidates so I get to run the fortress for a year. Oh boy. I decide to take the tour, like normal.

First, I note that we have enough bedrooms and some spares. That's good. Pretty standard stuff and I'm proud previous overseers have got that issue done right.

Passing back past Sanctume’s “property”, I note sometime last year we got upgraded to having a captain of the guard and Sanctume was no longer registered due to the bureaucratic hiccup. I have corrected this. He who controls the paper controls the edicts.

Sanctum will now lead the Armored Fields, the Captain of the Guard squad. I just used the hammer uniform for the squad, but I suspect crossbows would be better.

I check the eastern part of the fortress. It seems magma was only served up to a few furnaces. A bit of an oversight, and not one I will try to fix… yet.

Upstairs, it seems more spaces were dug for kilns and glass furnaces, while presenting a major fire hazard.

Spoiler: Surface, Big Picture (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Surface, Reduced Size (click to show/hide)

The surface looks… well fortified compared to previous years, but I find two glaring areas. Firstly, the greenhouse facility used to grow “the goods” is covered over with a dolomite bridge, and secondly the coverings of the atrium are made of wood which violates fire regs. There’s also access issues from up there, something that’s going to be changing soon™.

Previous overseers have complained that the fortifications are only one z-level high, so we’ll start by completing them. I recall it being said, the trade depot could be moved. We’ll move it to a purpose-built structure in the gatehouse.

While all the zones had been designated for collecting clay, no orders were actually given. That’s going to change now. I also repair various broken supply chains and begin work connecting up gates.

Lastly, I check on hygiene products. Now I’m not talking about fancy stuff like public hair instant waxification lotions or gilded beard combs. Just like, soap. And that’s an issue. I’m not sure how this crap passed health and safety regulations or QC and I assume the individual responsible for those was either out on a smoke break or simply didn’t exist in the first place. At least we have enough coke.

As I won’t be making reports on every little detailed thing that happens in the fortress, I will be writing reports every month or so save for trading. Let’s get this show on the road.

Monthly Report: Slate, 2523

   I’ve been feeling like these rooms are a bit too cramped for a normal dwarven fortress. I mean, let’s aim a bit higher, shall we? Let’s go for fucking houses. Like a normal house. Also I'm glad this went into the room next door to mine and not my room. Fuuuuck though this kind of uncalled for engraving is normal for a fortress.

   After the soap debacle, I’ve decided to go for the organic, vegan, lead-free, and mind-expanding option of using hemp soap. Just like normal.

   This is the current series of coins from copper to gold, which will be stored as usual in DorfyBank. I’ve made one of each, we can mint more but it’s really not necessary. I’m informed it’s normal to at least run a run of coins, though coin usage isn’t as normal these days as it was once upon a time.

   After another normal tantrum from Asmel, I assigned her from being the messenger to being a scholar. This should get around her lack of abstract thinking problem. If that doesn’t work we’ll create a kind of self-contained working space so she can do stuff like manage orders or keep books or maybe just continue intellectual pursuits where she won’t threaten anyone else. Just normal policy here.

   We have two new reading rooms and research stations in The Sanctuary of Palisade. The one marked with the “X” is the Reading Sanctume. The other is the Staalo Reading Room. Green glass doors will be put in place, allowing room for social research shenanigans.

   I noticed the gatehouse was in a shod state. Normally, a normal fortress is kept in shape by traffic rules so I decided to create an entire flow diagram. There will be a platinum drawbridge protected by two inner and outer glass shields to prevent morons from being caught inside and crushed. The “A” gate” (as it was listed on my notes) has been connected up to levers. I’ve set up a third glass grid gate to control traffic flow. The north gatehouse will become the new trade depot, accessible through the southern gatehouse.

   The elves came and we traded a bunch of naturally ripped clothing under the guise of the “latest fashion statement”, in exchange for some barrels, cages, musical instruments and funky but unworn clothing. This is normal practice for trading these days. I also brought back the tradition of engaging the alerts during the full moon.

This article was made in our fortress, close to what humans would call a "piano" and it's been installed in the bar There are some glass block drums and the elven instruments are installed behind. The bar is incidentally unstaffed and unused, and is for citizens only. Maybe I need to rework that a bit.
Spoiler: Aw Fugg (click to show/hide)

   At the height of the full moon, the hammerer Ilral Ochrechaoses (in the tavern museum where we’ve now started putting in display cases) went fey. She is still collecting materials. Like normal.

   Obviously we needed platinum for the drawbridge so I had one of the native platinum boulders turned into platinum bars. We also need gold for the golden toilets everyone seems to be asking about so I’ve had some more bars smelted. We’ll need a lot.

The month ended with Dîshmab Couragemined sinking into a colossal depression and moping around in the outside area of the fortress. Hope this sorts out soon.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2019, 04:09:56 pm by CaptainArchmage »
Given current events, I've altered my profile pic and I'm sorry it took so long to fix. If you find the old one on any of my accounts elsewhere on the internet, let me know by message (along with the specific site) and I'll fix. Can't link the revised avatar for some reason.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Peacecities - Just a normal, standard fort. Nothing at all wrong with it.
« Reply #89 on: December 25, 2019, 01:35:06 pm »

Woo hoo, more updates.

(ooc: both images for the "Reduced Size" surface shows the gold coin description)
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