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Author Topic: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open  (Read 23269 times)


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 1 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #180 on: November 24, 2019, 02:04:30 pm »

So... BBBence111 hasn't been online for almost a month now. Probably safe to say that they're not gonna be doing an action anytime soon.
Does that make scientific sense? No? Well it's Earth IV and he's a giant crocodile-man. Use your imagination.
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 1 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #181 on: November 24, 2019, 02:20:35 pm »

So... BBBence111 hasn't been online for almost a month now. Probably safe to say that they're not gonna be doing an action anytime soon.

You'd be surprised, actually. We're in touch and he just doesn't use bay often. This- in conjunction with uni being itself- kind of put a break on his activity period for a while.
Noble Nafuni Engineer


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 1 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #182 on: November 24, 2019, 03:59:39 pm »

As Thanik said.

Bay12 is just not my thing but generally I come online if I get a ping on discord or something. My last few weeks were full as well, so...

Anyway gimme a moment.
Proud Juraki/Cannalan/Kasgyr/Ertexite/Karikhitan/Nogranian/Aratam Engineer.


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 1 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #183 on: November 24, 2019, 05:23:09 pm »

[X] As the thought forms, it looks around the world. A name and a form, as well as it's first mark on creation.

As it looks at Yil, it sees the ocean, and it sees the fires forming around the world. It decides it's course of action, and it wills the water to change. As steam it rises, it cools down in the sky, and forms the first clouds. One of these becomes it's very own form, condensing into any shape desired by it.

Not wanting to move the clouds itself, it instead pushes on the air a tiny bit. As the first wind current starts, it knows it will grow and birth others. As these clouds move, they shall cool back into water and bring rain, forming lakes on land and rivers down mountains. Should enough clouds gather on the wind, together they start huge storms. As storms grow bigger, the water forms momentary pathways. Nothing but the quickest of things can get through these, and what else but the electricity of the Eternal Engine can claim that title?

When these paths form to the right place, elecrticity arches over the storm, and strikes the ground as lightning.

If the storm leaves quickly, however, these pathways instead might give way to something else: light, but as reflected on water, all it's base colors displayed on the sky.

Around the poles the massive fire keeps the clouds trapped, but they still function. And as the clouds rain and form again, the poles are shadowed by endless rain.

As the thought finishes it's work it remembers the last thing it needs. It is now Wedoros, the god of Weather.
Proud Juraki/Cannalan/Kasgyr/Ertexite/Karikhitan/Nogranian/Aratam Engineer.


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 1 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #184 on: November 24, 2019, 06:15:07 pm »

[X]Once upon a time, Dleifrag appears in visible spectrum. He's pretty sure this wasn't an act of creation, but rather an "unveiling", as if the form was obviously there since the beginning. Form that is of a plump, orange feline with black stripes, one that has four limbs, two eyes, two ears, a tail, a mouth and at least a symbolic representation of waste removal organs. He is a cat.
It did pose a curious question in his thoughts, of how does he know it's a cat, or what even a cat is (apart from that he's a cat, which he was pretty sure of). This led him to consider another question, of how exactly can he have thoughts, if he's a though himself, but it seemed like a thought for another time. Right then, he started noticing that his form has not remained a constant, and he has developed an additional limb, which was now stroking his substantial chin. With some surprise he inspected it, to find out that it also had an opposable thumb, and there was another new arm to complete the pair on other side of the body. Dleifrag slowly blinked with all three of his eyes and used the new pair of arms to scratch his head under a big, striped top hat. His cat form was apparently not stable, and new cat parts could appear to fit new roles.
He disappeared his new additions, returning to the form of regular feline, and started floating his way around the existence, observing other thoughts forms and creations. "Neat." - he thought to himself.
As he was floating, Dleifrag realized he was aware not only of what cats and hats were, but a lot of other things. He stood in Crone's weird bog-swamp thing ("I sincerely hope this is just a phase and it'll grow out of it.") and watched with his arms crossed as he observed life starting to crawl onto his long leather boots. It seemed not only Dleifrag knew how things should be. He appeared the big striped hat and gathered some of the creatures, before floating off again to poach some more living beings as basis for his project.
Hiding in his own domain, he started doing god things and shaping animals out of spare parts and whatever was floating in Chaos plane. While what he was creating was not necessarily perfectly as he remembered (he was quite certain that horses are not supposed to have deer horns, but for some reason they refused to come off), he slowly started creating quite a nice complement of fauna. One of the last beings he made were cats. There were quite a few variations, because he couldn't settle on how precisely a feline looks like, they did resemble his cat form, lacking all the weird other things (like the hat) that he had at times. While sadly it seemed like they were as dumb as other animals, Dleifrag could swear he saw a spark of *something* in their eyes, but that might have been just his reflection. Considering the worlds should now relatively decent places to live, he started dropping off the animals into the existence. It did cross his thought that maybe randomly throwing living beings randomly into untested ecosystem might not be the best idea, but looking at the cute Stephen Island Wren (he wasn't sure what Stephen Island was, but it seemed fitting) he was sure it would be fine. Dleifrag grinned, started twiddling his thumbs, and disappeared.

Garfield Cheshire Cat + other meme cats
make animals (especially kitty)
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 1 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #185 on: November 25, 2019, 12:46:11 am »

Going STRAIGHT for the mortals huh? The dice shall decide your fate.
Also, PSA: Please try to keep your posts concise and clear. You can write up fluff, but it's still very useful to have a short and unambiguous summary of what your action will be for this turn.
Tangentially related, we hit to 40,000 character limit so it's time to split this into multiple posts.

Age of the Earth: Turn 1

Neheb, God of the Seas
Domains: Water +2 (1/3), Fertility (+1)

Neheb gazes upon the three places that one day might be home to mortals, and wonders what sort of things a mortal might desire. After all, Neheb had never seen a mortal, and only knew what they themselves desired. So it was Neheb’s will to create beauty and natural wonders, and hope that mortals might one day marvel at them as well. Looking out into the Iavodell, they see the vast ecosystem contained within, a wondrous confluence of life interlocking in a vast cosmic dance. Then Neheb saw the seas upon Yil, upon the Slate, upon Goladrath, all pitiably small and lifeless compared to the Cosmos. This simply would not do.

And so, Neheb began work on filling Yil with life, for it already had an ocean, and the other realms seemed to have support enough from Megiddo. They rushed into the Starforge, gathering a great many ingredients along the way to create life. From the Iavodell they took a handful of water, which gives sustenance. From the surface of Yil they took a lump of clay, to bind life to the land. From the Court of Gems they took many brilliant crystals of various hues to provide color and beauty. And from one of the Heliomantas they took the spark of life itself. All of these things did Neheb combine together into a single seed, which was then multiplied with the memory machine and taken back to the ocean of Yil, where the seeds were scattered in the mud beneath the oceans.

Finally, with a single word Neheb wills the seeds to grow, bursting forth from the ocean floor into towering spires of kelp, vast clouds of algae, and sprawling plains of seagrass. Thanks to the gemstones used in their creation, these plants flower in every color that there is, filling the oceans with color and preparing them for any animals that might come in the future.
Neheb saw that the seas on Yil were barren, and he knew that living creatures would need food. In the starforge he wrought together water, clay, gems of the Gem Court, and the spark of life created by Megiddo for the Heliomantas. These things Neheb wrought smaller and smaller until they were no larger than a bead, and this was the first seed. Then Neheb created many more, all similar but from different clay, different gems, waters from parts of the Iavodell which were close to other planes. Once Neheb was satisfied with the variety of seeds, he instructed the Starforge to create millions more, and cast them into the oceans as they were finished. These seeds sprouted and the oceans became full of tall stalks of kelp, colorful algaes, red and green and yellow sea grasses, and more. In this way, the oceans of Yil were home to the first life besides the massive creatures of the Iavodell itself.
Neheb has gained progress in the Fertility domain (1/2)

Attaein, God of Truth
Domains: Truth +2 (1/3), Heroism (1/2)
Appearance: Humanoid body with a halo, constructed of Regadon metal and Worldmind threads
Artifacts: Llachtar, Divine Bow

The Worldmind knew the End of the First Era had come even before the First Thought once more pulsed through its vast network. Through its countless threads spread a striking realization. Yet at the same time Attaein ignored it for, for the first time in the eons since his awakening, he thought of something else.

As if a veil had been lifted from his sight on the world – Attaein’s consciousness navigated the blurry edges of what was him, and what wasn’t. While earlier this meant differentiating between his own thoughts, and those of the Other Eleven (now Thirteen), now it was a much finer distinction: between that which was a part of him – his body – and everything else. As if an ego boundary had been imposed between him and the rest of reality- even the Worldmind itself now seemed something else, though admittedly something he saw himself part of. A vestige of his greater being. And his mind drifted to Regadon. With that came the corporeal vessel - at first a knot in the Worldmind’s web around which divine metal from the Regadon assembled almost organically, but it was seldom still. An amorphous translucent humanoid rose up from the heavenly ground near his city, created in ages past, and with each clumsy step, the being took on more detail, as if sculpted by the consciousness that wore it.

From the collar extended back behind the head thin white strips, connecting into a loop reminiscent of a halo tilted backwards. Seen from afar, one might note the face twisted inwards- its surface like that of a rose flower, if such a thing existed for them to draw the comparison in the first place. Likewise, the arms and legs, too, twisted- one bulk seemed to flow into another as naturally as the currents of the Iavodell, of which one couldn’t be sure where the first began and the next had ended, but which appeared strong all the same. From the torso, similar strips erupted as if with the collar, but wound themselves tightly around the body- appearing as musculature that flowed into the back and out again from the chest. Over this base, opaque white plates extended, covering the being in what appeared as chitin. And from the head sections of this plating, themselves like petals with a golden lining, flared out slowly, and crowned the being. Finally, from the threads within, a bow grew out of his right hand- itself wrapped in a dark blue band - the divine bow which he named Llachtar; his Light and his final verdict for those that threatened the Dream over which he presided.

With this shift in perception also came something else- a feeling of loneliness, for the existence of a mere thirteen others that shared this dream seemed too little in all its vastness. It was no longer sufficient that they witness its splendor, as it had before, and thus he had decided to create beings in his own image with the help of Acter Nobody. Together, the two would create the Celadar- the sons who’d see the Dream and know it in the same way as the Gods, but they’d first have to pave the way for their creations to arise.

From the divine metals within Regadon, Attaein would use the Starforge to create spherical cores imbued with the soul of the being- a tangle of Erdanous threads, much the same as those of Attaein’s own form. This vessel, although small and limited, could with its consciousness shape its surrounding due to their connection to the Worldmind, and thus make for themselves bodies of mundane metals- extracted from the stones of the world they inhabited- similarly intricate in design as his own, with crested heads in lieu of his crown with beautiful patterns reflecting their soul's core. Their bodies would, due to their material, degrade over time- and so they would need learn to repair them, but this need would serve as a duty to stop them from growing hedonistic, and would remind them to respect that which they’d taken.

The first of the Celadar were imbued with an innate curiosity and respect for the rest of creation, and a natural aversion to conflict, greed and acts of anger that corrupted his threads before, for he knew the results would be as ugly in their rage and selfishness. For as long as the core remained whole- and divine metal was a hardy thing - they would not know the touch of Death, but due to their roots, however, he knew they’d always, at their core, long for a return to the Worldmind. They would thus strive to understand the Universe around them and witness it- a natural pleasure from discovery not unlike his own, and pleasure from the presence and understanding of others. While this would give them a drive in life, he knew yet more would be lost to natural forces and other mortals, should they not be as benevolent. Despite their hardiness, they would need to be replenished much like the Heliomantas and countless other beings- yet each life should be unique. For this reason, Attaein would make it so two Celadar to knot their threads together to assemble another core within a sphere of mundane metal, and thus turn it divine. Once they'd grown experienced and formed their bodies, these children would possess crests influnced by their parents' design. The children of his children would, thus, learning from their elders, strive to greater things.

Thus the first mortals would be born- beings of metal wrapping around a divine core. They would be unhinged from the threat of death by old age, as long as they replaced parts of their bodies, so as to freely ponder reality- and would surely be expert craftsmen, artificers and sorcerers due to the ease with which they could direct the threads of the Worldmind.
(Bro that's long you might wanna put a short summary at the end next time.) Attaein, now given form, quickly grew lonely. His connection to the Worldmind showed him all, and besides the work of the other gods, the universe held no surprises for him. Then he decided to create true companions for himself: living things, not simple animals but with minds other than his own. Taking divine metal from the Regadon, the same as that which made his own form, he traveled to the Starforge, and spun threads of the worldmind into spherical metal cores. For bodies, they would weave ordinary metal around themselves, with unique crests reflecting their soul's core. Separated from the worldmind, these would be the Celadar. Unlike the Angels, which lived to be servants, their only purpose would be to see the Dream of Creation in their own eyes.

This was a massive undertaking, so Acter Nobody joined Attaein to lend his understanding of mechanisms, and help create the Celadar's metal bodies. For the first Celadar, Attaein weaved the threads of the Worldmind into a new soul [1d6+2:8] and Attaein built a body, [1d6+2:6], which would be the basis for the Celadar's own understanding of their bodies could be made and repaired. The Celadar's natural understanding of the universe granted from the worldmind would allow them to manipulate metal by their will, in the way the gods did, but with only a fraction of their power. Attaein imbued them with curiousity, and distant memories of the evils of greed and anger, so that they would be averse to these thing. The body Acter made stood on two legs, had two arms, and a head. They had hands and feet, with dextrous fingers and toes, which would allow them to manipulate tools and balance. Hard outer panels and bone-like inner structers move around joints with the help of contracting and expanding metal fibers, controlled by the core. A pair of them could reproduce, creating new threads and a new core. To move and use magic, they require energy like other living things, and for this purpose they have a "furnace" close to their core, which burns biological matter for energy, and they can consume plants to live. While it remains to be seen how well they weather the ages, they theoretically shouldn't suffer from natural aging.

When the work is done, there are about a dozen Celadar, slightly different in size and shape, slightly different in the places where their Worldmind threads are taken from, each with their unique crest. Hopefully, the world is ready for them
Attaein has gained progress in the Truth domain (2/3)

Acter Nobody, God of Improvement
Domains: Mechanical +2 (2/3)
Appearance: An ink-sketch of a humanoid figure, wearing a coat of oil embroidered with moving patterns of gold, blue and whire gears. Holds a wrench in one hand and book in the other.

Acter's body... coalesces? Reveals itself? Appears? You can't help but shake the feeling that it was always there. Regardless, he appears as a rough sketch of a humanoid figure, wearing a long oily-black coat embroidered with an ever-shifting pattern of gears in gold, blue, and white; in his right hand, he bears a wrench, while his left clutches a book.
Acter assists Attaein’s efforts, lending his expertise in the mechanical arts as well as his power for the creation and implementation of the Celadar. Once they are completed, he places them on one of Yil's continents.
It is early yet for mortals. The world is still being sculpted, and they will be vulnerable to destruction by the world's changing form. If they are not crushed in the formation of mountains and valleys, they might find that their food sources have drastically changed. Without Terrawormers, which live only on the Heliomantas and World Turtle, the continents of Yil are quite barren. [1d6:1] It is the best Acter can do to pick a place on the coast, near the sea where there is plant life, and place the Celadar there. It is rich in iron, and the Celadar must replace body parts frequently as they suffer damage from rust. For now they are there living simple lives, taking seaweed they need to live and traveling up and down the coast for metal to improve their bodies. Some of them have begun to develop fins to aid in swimming.
Acter Nobody has gained progress in the Mechanical domain (+3)

Yilr-Gax, God of Light
Domains: Light +1 (1/2), Craft +1, Life (1/2)
Appearance: A kindly humanoid of variable race and sex, which appeals to the viewer. Wields the sword Sunder.

Yilr-Gax's form is unique for each and every being that looks upon him - gender, race, size, etc.  These forms are generally positive in nature and usually humanoid.  Often smiling, with laugh-lines and bright, shining eyes and a warm demeanor, but always with Sunder at his hip.  To the other Thoughts Yilr-Gax will appear as he always has; a force of light.

Yilr-Gax makes the plants which eat the sun light.  Plants spout up on Yil and on the turtle and p much anywhere else in the cosmos that could reasonably sustain life.  He does all this by making the sun a nurturing force in addition to an evil-banishing force.
Just as Neheb filled the seas with plants, Yilr-Gax makes plants which will live on the land. Just as Meggido's Heliomantas do, they will feed on light. Yil becomes replete with grasses and ferns, as well as vegetables and berry bushes. A portion of the Celadar quickly adapt to these new food sources.
Yilr-Gax has gained progress in the Life domain (+1)

Morrak, God of Death
Domains: Death +2 (1/3), War (1/2)
Appearance: A stone sphere encased in bones. The usual skeletal form is that of a centaur.

With the first mortal life being created on Yil Morrak saw an opportunity collect them with as few as possible getting taken by Nothing. To do this Morrak created Winter, the time of death, when the distance between Morrak's realm and Yil is at their closest and portals between the two start to form. This period last around one forth of the year and for a majority of this time only those that ferry the dead can safely travel through the portals. For three days these portals become stable enough for mortals to travel to visit his realm and pay respect to the interred dead. 
[1d6+1:6] Now by the will of Morrak, portals appear during the Winter, on high places in Yil, which lead to his domain. During this season when the portals are visible, mortals may pass and visit their dead. They are present at other times, although closed except to couriers of the dead.
Morrak has gained progress in the Death domain (2/3)

Digital Hellhound
The Crone
Domains: Chaos +2, Stone (1/2)
Appearance: A pallorous, boney, crook-backed old woman

The Crone descends to Yil in her most favored aspect. She is a crook-backed creature with thin and distorted features, beady black eyes set deep in her skull, long taloned fingers and a deathly pale pallor to her skin. Uncontrollable cackling bursts from her bloodless lips at times, a sure sign of her presence.

[X] The Crone chooses a continent on Yil at random and raises up a vast and deep swamp upon it. Her talons gouge down rivers to feed the new wetlands and spin up clouds to rain down upon it. She turns over her cauldron and casts down a plethora of seeds which give birth both to a wide variety of plant life as well as worms, beetles, ticks, flies, spiders and other small simple creatures. A handful of Goblins she also plucks down into its murky depths in a fit of motherly love, or something a little like it.

The result of her work is a vast bog which stretches across most of the continent, thriving with life but practically impassable to those not adapted to its confines. In colder reaches it becomes a sparse and harsh mire, along rivers verdant marshland, in the wettest regions flooded swamp.

This bog shall be the Crone's home upon Yil. It is not closed to others in any way, though. Other creatures shall surely find their way there in time.
The Crone picked a place in Yil at more or less random [1d6:6] (as luck would have it: very near the Celadar) and raked the land into the sea, and sea into the land, creating a region of brackish bog. This she populated with bugs: worms and beetles and flies and more, which ate plants, and one very important bug, the spider. The first living predator (besides, perhaps, Golgorath) laid webs to capture and eat flying insects. It would not be long before the Celadar found this place. Now there were a few more Celadar than there had been at the start, a few took to eating worms and beetles and maggots, while most turned away in disgust at the tiny creatures which lived avariciously, feeding as much as possible before dying in the muck. Oh yeah, goblins are there too, still in the form of tiny parasitic creatures which die during metamorphosis to adult form.
The Crone has gained progress in the Pestilence domain (1/2) (maybe some room to reclassify this)

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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 1 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #186 on: November 25, 2019, 12:48:51 am »

Powder Miner
La Chaleur, God of the Hearth
Domains: Air +1 (1/2), Fire +1 (1/2)
Appearance: A fire and air elemental in the form of a feathered humanoid

Taking the form of a vaguely featured humanoid, consisting of fire and air -- but fire and air that shone and shimmered calmly, rather than whipped and sparked, La Chaleur got to work. It would have preferred merely to take form in the fire around Yil that it was about to create, but for now La Chaleur would satisfy itself with this form.
La Chaleur creates the Spires of Warmth around Yil, permanent but non-destructive fires which radiate warmth and comfort and life, with the largest of these by far being at the poles and many smaller ones dotted around Yil.
La Chaleur looked at Yil and thought that it was cold. [1d6+1:2] At first La Chaleur strove to create harmless fire, but found this impossible: a fire will burn whatever is put into it. As changes in the layout of Iavodell are becoming more difficult, instead La Chaleur awakened the fire in the core of Yil and made paths for it to reach the surface. Great mountains grew at the poles and spilled fire, and from many other places on Yil columns of burning gas and molten stone emerged.
La Chaleur has gained progress in the Fire domain (+2)

『 』, Kūhaku, God of Nothing
Domains: Nothing +2, Reincarnation (1/2)
Appearance: A glowing aura with arms and legs

    And so the age of the Cosmos comes to an end, and a new age begins. For the first time, Nothing recognizes the world, and finally takes action in it. For while that age may have passed, there is still yet time to leave their mark upon the world.

    And so for the first time, 『words appear』.

    "I am Nothing. But I am also the aether, Reincarnation."

    "So strange, to have been ordered to show a form, after being formless."

    And so they look down from within the Celestial Belt. Upon the world that occurred, in the Age of the Cosmos, recorded here in it's final form.

    "There is much to be done, and little time to do so. Still, my power is at it's height. I shall gather the gods who wish to aid me, and work the discarded worlds anew."

    And so does their body take shape, a mass with two arms and legs extending, but overall, indistinct, hazy, like that which a purified soul would appear, both rounded and flat in places. Still, long hair flows from the head, and eyes incapable of ever seeing nothing, a pale blue and white, a glowing body, and white-blue hair. Indistinct, is a good word to describe it, as the hair has no length, but no limit either, simply an aura of power ever flowing.

    "This form shall do for now."

    And so Kūhaku descends to the starlight, to entreaty with angels to serve her bidding. What does it say that they have taken a pronoun?

So Kūhaku descended. To the star and it's forge. Still, it stopped by La Chaleur of speak of a project, seeing it spreading the light of warmth in many places, she spoke.

"Hail, La Chaleur. I have come to ask of your assistance in the Starforge, for I require your warmth and air to give rise to Fragments created and spread by the Angels."

"I am the one known as Kūhaku, one of Nothing and Aether."
Kūhaku makes there way into the domain of Fire. Here, it's form is protected by it's nature, and it travels to the center of the domain. From there, it breaks a piece of the Hearthfire, plunging it into nothing to create an imprint, and from that imprint, forms more from aethereal energy filling in the piece. In this manner, a new technique for mortals to one day draw upon is born, the ability to create copies of imprints through the aethereal energy falling down and through reality and the Nothing. And so nothing now has the basis for the hearthfire to be used in the Starforge.

They then travel to the domain of air, and repeat the process on the air and floatstone there. And as they travel through the Iavodell to the Starforge, they perform the same action to create an imprint of the waters.

Finally, a piece of the sun's light is broken to form an imprint of the life-giving light.

"Angel's who have gathered, I grant you the task of building,to carry the world seeds to the failed planets and plant them there, and assemble the Aetherium crystals around those worlds. In this, I aid you."

And so using their power, they use the Starforge to forge the first piece of Aetherium crystal from the aether rain and Nothing itself. This crystal holds the power of reality, shining a pale blue color, and is utterly unbreakable. It can only be worked with through a special forging process using water to manipulate it with the Nothing, shifting it. It is also sharp, light, and very well suited to enchantments.

And using the Starforge, multiple panels begin to be made, one for each world where a seed will be planted, and enchanted to prevent water from flowing through the gates they form in seven locations. They angels are then ordered to move them into place over every failed world, and use their energy to meld them through the Iavodell. Their strength is impenetrable and unbreakable.

Next, they make three seeds. From the fire of the hearth and floatstone, with the life-light of the sun, they forge a Seed of Life. It shall be planted int the core of the world, moving through the earth to produce warmth for the earth and nutrition, leading to life. The second is the world seed, the Seed of air forged of Nothing, the Pure Air of that domain, and the Aetherium crystal. An angel can activate this crystal to produce a void to nothing, which will turn water to air within the area of effect. These will be used to clear the planets of most of their water. And the third is the Seed of Stone,, crafted of floatstone and aetherium ore which once planted will shape the planet randomly, creating crevices, plains, and mountains, as well as seeding the planet with floatstone and aetherium ore, along with any other metal ore that may form during the process.

Her creations ready, she directs the operation to create many worlds for the future, giving thanks to Yilr-Gax, La Chaleur, and Neheb for making this action of hers possible. With such splendid materials, creation can be done. Many different worlds will be born, some warm and some cool. And these worlds will eventually give rise to life, and connect with each other.

"It is a lot of work, but it is good work. That self-reproduction effect is quite useful, I'll admit. So have some Templates to form stuff out of Nothing Imprints and Aether Rain in payment. Too bad primordial stone can't be created, since it can't be destroyed and brought through Nothing."
Three posts? Come on bro. And then we got like, crystals? Panels (portals???) Seeds?
[1d6:3] Shaping planets indirectly rather than with divine will directly is difficult. Nonetheless, with the help of angels and the starforge, a number of seeds are made. Using them, distant planets are given air and shaped, as well as seeded with Aetherium ore, which serves as a magical conduit. Not all planets are reshaped, and many of them have a little too much air around them, or not enough, and are still to hot or too cold. But, they are a little more capable of sustaining life.
Kuhaku has gained progress in the Reincarnation domain (+1)

Megiddo, God of monsters
Domains: Monsters +2 (2/3)
Appearance: A writhing mass of tentacles contorted in human shape, with a tentacle-beard

The universe had changed, so Megiddo had to change too. His form was something that would strike fear in the heart of every mortal in the ages to come.Just a whriting mass of tentacles, organized in vaguely humanoid shape with a big squirming beard. This was Megiddo as the Flashforger, the first of his forms.
Megiddo decided to wait before seeding the worlds with monstrous life. He had a little someting special to do first: He went to the labirynth and, at its very center, placed the Eternity Egg. It is a small egg with a swirling galaxy motif on it. Whenerver a new species of monster is added to the universe, the egg will create a copy in the labirynth These copies are very similar to the original creatures, but their skin will always look like a clear night sky and they have no need of food, water or stimulation. They just wander arond in the labirynth, waiting for mortals to test. The first monster, a terrawormer, is immeadetely hatched by the egg, wich then returns quiet, ready to receive new blueprints.
Megiddo creates the Eternity Egg, an artifact which populates the Labyrinth with monsters. Each time a new kind of monster is created, the eggs creates a copy, immortal and aggressive, waiting to test mortals which pass through the labyrinth. The Terrawormer appears first in the Labyrinth. Unexpectedly the Eternity Egg immediately reacts and begins copying another creature: the spider, which is the work of the Crone. Megiddo apparently does not have a total monopoly on monsters.
Megiddo has gained progress in the Monster domain (+3)

X’arilyg, God of Shadows
Domains: Shadow +2 (2/3)
Appearance: A tower of black stone walking on arthropod legs, with an evil eye on top

X’arilyg needs to define reality for its purposes, and forms itself to the Black Slate so that I it can form a prominent geographical area, the area where the Hematite Gateway is placed upon. It sees that this place has a multitude of mountains and deep valleys that are already preexisting, so X’arilyg changes the land to a bit more flatter surface that still has some occasional rough spots. X’arilyg transforms a slice of the black stone disc and its surface to its liking, it becomes smoother and much silkier until it turns to black sand that streaks for thousands of kilometers, then carving out a giant canal that eventually will form the cornerstone of the newly founded region-continent, as well as million different tributaries, river mouths, and deltas, etc of carved river locations once the Black Slate is brought with water into its atmosphere and water deposits. The dusty black sand will form and be placed on the slice of the Slate that holds the Hematite Gateway and forms a giant streaking carved canal around a massive slice triangle desert that takes exactly 20.69% of the surface area on the “top” edge of the slate. The sands in this desert are heavy, glossy, partly magnetic mixture of fine and loose sands as well as having innate aeolian processes in them that form random collected deposits of sand, making the desert have stable ground for traveling even if their are random shadow sinkholes that form around the gigantic slice desert.

What are these sandy shadowy sinkholes?, through the connection to the Shadowfel from the Hematite Gateway they are randomly created areas of half-spherical vantablack sands spread around the desert that suck creature’s life force and drains their vitality if they approach and in addition immune to being weakened by the Sun, as well as being hiding spots for the Psychopomps Amoebas when the Sun strikes at the Black Slate. The random deposits of sand will create the four-hundred twenty black sand dunes in the desert that are spread out a somewhat organized fashion, indeed all of the sand dunes are placed correctly to spell-out 420 geographically, they form around the random mountains and deep valleys that exist in the desert thus this is more of an important geographical “landmark” that it has. This leads to the penultimate change to the desert on this Black Slate, the “atmosphere” that the Black Slate has shall by penetrated to the Iavodell by X’arilyg pure will, allowing a weird fresh of water into the multitude of river pathways that X’arilyg has created and would turn the desert into more of a floodplains like terrain. Finally X’arilyg energizes the desert with shadowy energy, the sand will glow purplish lavender when it’s “night” or when the Black Slate rotates itself and the desert is not taking the force of the Sun.

The Psychopomps come from and roam the desert, the randomly located mountains and the deep sandy valleys from the Black Slate are where the Psychopomps mostly roam in, in which they utilize the Hematite Gateway as they teleport from the Shadowfel to the Xunar to the Black Slate, exuding shadowy slime as they travel from place to place. The purplish glow of the sand is enough light to provide light to mortals who come to this land, and the black sands don’t manipulate your life force at all, so any creature could possible live here, if it had a ecosystem. The first slice-desert-continent is created, the god of darkness names it the Damascus Desert, or in X’arilyg own eye-tongue Aberrant (Zdxxq Wxzxyd) and lays the region into the land, places where rivers should be and all.

When X’arilyg takes form it’s a disturbing sight, as the though doesn’t take the shape of a humanoid figure, the eye ziggurat tower was maybe indeed a smaller replica of it, it take itself as a giant eyeball that forms a vector into its eye, a vector into eternal blackness and the void, giant spikes surround the bottom of the purplish eye, and the fleshy tower-body that contains randomly assorted medium and tiny sized eyes, the appendages in which X’arilyg takes is also disturbing it has a circular ring of scaled arthropod scaled legs that allows the eye-tower to move, and further so X’arilyg forms arm-like appendages, even if it can move and appear through thought alone. These appendages are rather more likes tentacle that start from the bottom of the tower, forming eye-stalks with the same void eyes as well. Indeed many, would consider it an eldritch form not adjusting to the bipedal form many have already taken, buts it’s much more distinguishable if anything.
Come on bro at least try to come up with some reason why your 420 69 memes are justified in character. Like. Dude. Anyway, X'arilyg carves holes in the black slate and smooths over ridges to create black sand. Imbued with shadowy energy, it glimmers with purple light when it's in the dark. This sand is scattered all over the slate, but especially used to fill in the giant gap left when Golgorath took a bit out of it. Pits and mounds serve as shelters for Psychopomps to hide from the sun. The Hematite Portal [1d6+2:7] serves as a connection between the Slate and the Shadowfel, but only when the surface of the slate which it is on is rotated away from the sun. Thus the slate crawls with psychopomps at night.
X'arilyg gains progress in the Shadow domain (+3)

Xein’Shaan, God of Struggle
Domains: Greed +1 (1/2), Anger (1/2), Corruption +1
Appearance: Half-human, half-arthropod, with eight legs, six arms, and three claws per arm. Also a reptile mouth why not.

Xein’Shaan saw the need for a physical form, and so they created one. Their physical form is a half-humanoid, half-insectoid titan, covered in a red exoskeleton. They have eight spider-like legs and six arms, each ending in three sharp claws. Xein’s face is the only part of them that isn’t covered in exoskeleton, with 12 small, black, beady eyes and a reptilian mouth.

With his appearance decided, Xein observed what the other gods were doing, and came across Acter and Attein doing stuff. ”Making mortals already? Perfect!”

[X] Xein shall corrupt some of the Celadar into Corrkogni. Corrkogni would be very similar to Celadar, but unable to make their bodies out of metal. Instead, their body would be formed by whatever random biological mass happens to be around (if there’s no biomass around, then flesh, bone, chitin and scales will appear). Their biological body looks like a twisted, corrupted version of a Celadar’s normal body. Unlike a Celadar, their body requires sustenance. But not normal sustenance, like blood or something. A Corrkogni must consume the mind and thoughts of others to continue living, making the consumed mind completely lifeless. With every mind consumed, a Corrkogni would grow smarter, and gain a greater connection to the Worldmind. Xein also gets rid of the whole ‘aversion to conflict and greed’ thing, and gives them a natural inclination towards greed.

A Corrkogni could live forever, if they continued to feed. A non-sentient being would feed a Corrkogni for a day, but wouldn’t make them smarter, a sentient being would feed them for a week, and a being with a strong connection to the Worldmind (i.e. a Celadar) would feed them for a month, as well as increase their connection to the Worldmind. Another Corrkogni wouldn’t feed them at all, and might give them a headache. A well-fed Corrkogni could turn a Celadar into a Corrkogni, but it would be mentally taxing for both involved.

A Corrkogni feeds by grabbing whatever the target uses to think (Brain, Divine Core, etc.) and just absorbing their mind and knowledge from it.
Xein'Shaan saw the Celadar, and thought they were ripe for corruption. He appeared the Celadar which dwelled in the Crone's bog, in his arthropod form. Their curiousity led them to follow the largest bug they had even seen deep into the swamp away from their kin, and there he touched them and corrupted them. [1d6+1:6] The Threads within them took eagerly to the new things they felt. Anger. Greed. Violence. Then Xein'Shaan told them: "I have given you a gift! The knowledge and memories of other living things, and other Celadar. You now have the power to take them. Go and satisfy your curiosity." These Celadar, now called Corrkogni, went and did that exactly. The pair ambushed another Celadar which wandered near, and consumed its mind and memories. It was not long before they were hungering for more.

Unlike Xein'Shaan's original plan, these Corrkogni still have metal bodies and can feed on plants, which is good because animals don't exist and there's only a handful of Celadar to feed upon.
Xein'Shaan has gained progress in the Corruption domain (1/2)

Kilojoule Proton
Mahar, God of Stone
Domains: Stone +2 (1/3), Fertility (+1)
Appearance: Icosahedron with twelve arms, mace the size of a small moon

Mahar takes the form of an icosahedron of stone with twelve arms and works some Primordial Stone from the Elemental Plane of Earth into the massive, talking, moonlet-sized mace Moon Masher. After this, Mahar takes some time to admire the Court of Gems and contemplate who or what exactly should be assigned to guard such a glimmering trove from incautious mortals.
Mahar spent his time crafting for himself a weapon. The mace Moon Masher was a mace, with primordial stone, the size of a small moon. Evidently, Mahar predicted violence would find him soon. Then he tooko his place in the Court of Gems and thought on how to guard it from careless mortals. For the time being, some angels will guard the entrance, not that there are mortals on Regadon or traveling the Iavodell yet.
Mahar has gained progress in the War domain (1/2)

Wedoros, God of the Weather
Domains: Chaos (+1), Water (+1)
Appearance: Shape-shifting cloud

As the thought forms, it looks around the world. A name and a form, as well as it's first mark on creation.

As it looks at Yil, it sees the ocean, and it sees the fires forming around the world. It decides it's course of action, and it wills the water to change. As steam it rises, it cools down in the sky, and forms the first clouds. One of these becomes it's very own form, condensing into any shape desired by it.

Not wanting to move the clouds itself, it instead pushes on the air a tiny bit. As the first wind current starts, it knows it will grow and birth others. As these clouds move, they shall cool back into water and bring rain, forming lakes on land and rivers down mountains. Should enough clouds gather on the wind, together they start huge storms. As storms grow bigger, the water forms momentary pathways. Nothing but the quickest of things can get through these, and what else but the electricity of the Eternal Engine can claim that title?

When these paths form to the right place, elecrticity arches over the storm, and strikes the ground as lightning.

If the storm leaves quickly, however, these pathways instead might give way to something else: light, but as reflected on water, all it's base colors displayed on the sky.

Around the poles the massive fire keeps the clouds trapped, but they still function. And as the clouds rain and form again, the poles are shadowed by endless rain.

As the thought finishes it's work it remembers the last thing it needs. It is now Wedoros, the god of Weather.
A new thought, child of Dleifrag and Neheb, named itself Wedoros. Being born of both chaos and water, Wedoros willed the water on Yil to move. Water of the sea evaporated into the air, and made clouds and rain. Wind, like the currents in the Iavodell, pushed clouds about, making storms and electricity and lightning. Mist hangs around La Chaleur's pillars of fire. Not only the air and water are affected, either: as rain and wind move year after year, stone and soil part way for them. Yil's continents gain lakes and rivers and valleys, the homes of sea and plant life alike.
Wedoros has gained progress in the Weather domain (1/2)

Dleifrag, God of Curiosity
Domains: Chaos +2, Fertility +1 (1/2)
Apperance: Orange cat with black stripes, fluctuating number of extra limbs and organs

Once upon a time, Dleifrag appears in visible spectrum. He's pretty sure this wasn't an act of creation, but rather an "unveiling", as if the form was obviously there since the beginning. Form that is of a plump, orange feline with black stripes, one that has four limbs, two eyes, two ears, a tail, a mouth and at least a symbolic representation of waste removal organs. He is a cat.
It did pose a curious question in his thoughts, of how does he know it's a cat, or what even a cat is (apart from that he's a cat, which he was pretty sure of). This led him to consider another question, of how exactly can he have thoughts, if he's a though himself, but it seemed like a thought for another time. Right then, he started noticing that his form has not remained a constant, and he has developed an additional limb, which was now stroking his substantial chin. With some surprise he inspected it, to find out that it also had an opposable thumb, and there was another new arm to complete the pair on other side of the body. Dleifrag slowly blinked with all three of his eyes and used the new pair of arms to scratch his head under a big, striped top hat. His cat form was apparently not stable, and new cat parts could appear to fit new roles.
He disappeared his new additions, returning to the form of regular feline, and started floating his way around the existence, observing other thoughts forms and creations. "Neat." - he thought to himself.
As he was floating, Dleifrag realized he was aware not only of what cats and hats were, but a lot of other things. He stood in Crone's weird bog-swamp thing ("I sincerely hope this is just a phase and it'll grow out of it.") and watched with his arms crossed as he observed life starting to crawl onto his long leather boots. It seemed not only Dleifrag knew how things should be. He appeared the big striped hat and gathered some of the creatures, before floating off again to poach some more living beings as basis for his project.
Hiding in his own domain, he started doing god things and shaping animals out of spare parts and whatever was floating in Chaos plane. While what he was creating was not necessarily perfectly as he remembered (he was quite certain that horses are not supposed to have deer horns, but for some reason they refused to come off), he slowly started creating quite a nice complement of fauna. One of the last beings he made were cats. There were quite a few variations, because he couldn't settle on how precisely a feline looks like, they did resemble his cat form, lacking all the weird other things (like the hat) that he had at times. While sadly it seemed like they were as dumb as other animals, Dleifrag could swear he saw a spark of *something* in their eyes, but that might have been just his reflection. Considering the worlds should now relatively decent places to live, he started dropping off the animals into the existence. It did cross his thought that maybe randomly throwing living beings randomly into untested ecosystem might not be the best idea, but looking at the cute Stephen Island Wren (he wasn't sure what Stephen Island was, but it seemed fitting) he was sure it would be fine. Dleifrag grinned, started twiddling his thumbs, and disappeared.
Dleifrag, sitting in his Plane of Chaos, created a wide variety of animals. Some were chaotic, misconceived, or hybridized, but animals they were, and in a vast variety as well. There were animals of all shapes and sizes, taking some inspiration from the animal forms in which Dleifrag found himself, as well as myriad shelled creatures and arthropods developed from the components and forms of the Crone's creatures. Almost the only thing Dleifrag's animals had in common was that they lived on land. Most precious to him were cats, made similar to his own form and posessing, if not the full consciousness of mortals, curiosity and intellect. Then, Dleifrag sent all the animals to all the planets. Good luck, animals. Many died immediately or starved in the first few weeks, and those suited to their environments survived.
Dleifrag has gained progress in the Animal domain (1/2)


Now, Yil is home to a vast variety of plants and animals, though sea creatures and large plants such as trees are absent. The rest of the planets have, mostly, decaying bones of animals as they lack plant life to support them. The Black Slate is now home to deserts of black sand, and Psychopomps. Most gods have their eyes turned to the first thinking creatures, the metallic Celadar. At first numbering a dozen, they have about doubled their numbers during the time it takes for rain to carve flat lands into valleys. They currently have bodies made mainly from iron, and spend much of their time repairing them rather than reproducing. This is worst for those that live off of the sea, although some have begun eating plants and animals on land, and magically shaping simple metal tools for their purposes. Some of them have become corrupted by Xein'Shaan, named Corrkogni, they destroy living things and other Celadar to gain their memories. Now the future of the few Celadar may be in danger.
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Cosmos, Turn 3 [12/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #187 on: November 25, 2019, 01:15:18 am »

Very good turn, one question.
the spider. The first living predator (besides, perhaps, Golgorath)
Did the Dire Heliomantas not count as living, or something? I mean, I know I did nothing with them, but they still exist. Am I just being an idiot? I feel like I’m just being an idiot.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 02:12:50 am by LovecraftianFairyTale »


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #188 on: November 25, 2019, 01:26:26 am »

Whatever I guess we need to get Naturegirl in before the game becomes late, please make the Black Slate have a more effective atmosphere instead of Tric’s one for the following turn.

[X]Willing for weird god copulation with anyone
« Last Edit: November 25, 2019, 10:32:18 am by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #189 on: November 25, 2019, 09:37:47 am »

i mean, i would not count a normal sized-spider as a monster, unless you are arachnophobic. I doubt they would pose a challenge for any adventurer.

[X] Now that his contribution to the Divine Labirynth was done, Megiddo went to work on seeding Goladrath with life. It was a challenge not to be underestimated. Goladrath did not follow a stable orbit around the Sun like Yil, so whatever lifeforms grew on its back would had to have an exceptional tolerance to changes in climate. Megiddo decided to start with plants, the basis of the ecosystem to come. He seeded Goladrath shell mostly with ferns and mosses, from the humoungous arboreal ferns and arboreal horsetails to the small club mosses. He made sure that all those plants were able to survive as a species during the times where the climate was unwelcoming as extremely resistent spores, capable of enduring both heat and cold in a quiescent state, only to be quickly reborn as soon as the right conditions emerge again.   
« Last Edit: November 26, 2019, 11:27:23 am by Leonardo8 »

Digital Hellhound

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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #190 on: November 25, 2019, 11:47:53 am »

(Pestilence is alright, though the bog is a thriving ecosystem full of life, I didn't see it as a negative per se... but yeah it's probably a breeding ground for disease and vermin too.)

Hark! For the Crone's touch now crept deep within the land. Many things of her devising now killed and stalked and scuttled and bred in the depths of the Great Bog, and others would arrive in time. Like a bruise in the skin of the world, the flooded realm thrived and grew, spewing its inhabitants out in great waves to spread across the rest of Yil. Yet the Crone was not satisfied. In the heart of the sunken land the Wicked Mother schemed and plotted her most twisted creation yet...

-Lament I:III, from the Black Book of the Crone, the Last Age

The Crone looks upon her creation and finds herself pleased. Yet for all the things that live and spawn and die around her, something is missing. For a great jealousy has burned within the Crone's breast ever since she first lay eyes upon the Angels and the Psychopomps and the other mighty divine servants of her peers. Life is the Crone's delight in all its chaos and mutability, and now she longs for something alike to her to live alongside her. At least until the next whim strikes her. The changeling goddess sits in a sunken grotto in the heart of the Great Bog and begins to realize her dream. It is not quite mortal life she seeks to create, but creatures of intellect and thought regardless.

[X] The Crone creates her terrible daughters and divine servants, the Hags. Shaped of living stone with hair of moss and vine, they take on the aspect of their mother, humanoid creatures with broken and distorted features that incorporate traits from different mortal species. In their hearts are fragments of Primordial Stone, which imbues them with its characteristic stubborness, resilience and often melancholy nature.

Hags possess power over stone and living things, a wild, chaotic kind of magic imbued into them by their mistress. They may couple with living beings, beasts and thinking races alike. The resulting offspring bear a fragment of the Hags' power. These children may in turn bear children of their own, and any in this hagblooded lineage may seek to become a true Hag on their own through a ritual where they swallow a piece of Primordial Stone and beseech the Crone for her 'blessing'. This is the only way for new Hags to be born.

Hags are to be functionally immortal, enduring as stone does. They are long-lived and hardy, and should they be killed, their spirits will attempt to find one of their mortal offspring and possess them. This possession gradually turns the unfortunate mortal into the Hag riding them unless banished in time.

To ensure the continuation of their life, Hags will seek to bear children at steady intervals, though they're careful not to have too many spawn at the same time - that would spread their power too thin and drain them. Intelligent mortals born of Hags may one day be called witches or warlocks, among other names.
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #191 on: November 25, 2019, 12:05:51 pm »

(Pestilence is alright, though the bog is a thriving ecosystem full of life, I didn't see it as a negative per se... but yeah it's probably a breeding ground for disease and vermin too.)

Hark! For the Crone's touch now crept deep within the land. Many things of her devising now killed and stalked and scuttled and bred in the depths of the Great Bog, and others would arrive in time. Like a bruise in the skin of the world, the flooded realm thrived and grew, spewing its inhabitants out in great waves to spread across the rest of Yil. Yet the Crone was not satisfied. In the heart of the sunken land the Wicked Mother schemed and plotted her most twisted creation yet...

-Lament I:III, from the Black Book of the Crone, the Last Age

The Crone looks upon her creation and finds herself pleased. Yet for all the things that live and spawn and die around her, something is missing. For a great jealousy has burned within the Crone's breast ever since she first lay eyes upon the Angels and the Psychopomps and the other mighty divine servants of her peers. Life is the Crone's delight in all its chaos and mutability, and now she longs for something alike to her to live alongside her. At least until the next whim strikes her. The changeling goddess sits in a sunken grotto in the heart of the Great Bog and begins to realize her dream. It is not quite mortal life she seeks to create, but creatures of intellect and thought regardless.

[X] The Crone creates her terrible daughters and divine servants, the Hags. Shaped of living stone with hair of moss and vine, they take on the aspect of their mother, humanoid creatures with broken and distorted features that incorporate traits from different mortal species. In their hearts are fragments of Primordial Stone, which imbues them with its characteristic stubborness, resilience and often melancholy nature.

Hags possess power over stone and living things, a wild, chaotic kind of magic imbued into them by their mistress. They may couple with living beings, beasts and thinking races alike. The resulting offspring bear a fragment of the Hags' power. These children may in turn bear children of their own, and any in this hagblooded lineage may seek to become a true Hag on their own through a ritual where they swallow a piece of Primordial Stone and beseech the Crone for her 'blessing'. This is the only way for new Hags to be born.

Hags are to be functionally immortal, enduring as stone does. They are long-lived and hardy, and should they be killed, their spirits will attempt to find one of their mortal offspring and possess them. This possession gradually turns the unfortunate mortal into the Hag riding them unless banished in time.

To ensure the continuation of their life, Hags will seek to bear children at steady intervals, though they're careful not to have too many spawn at the same time - that would spread their power too thin and drain them. Intelligent mortals born of Hags may one day be called witches or warlocks, among other names.

So... a question. Are these servants or mortals? They seem like mythical creatures if nothing else. This does pose an interesting question. Presumably the nature of a mortal's intellect and the presence of a soul decide on the matter?

Like- I'm imagining a "hag essence" as the servant, while y'er sculpting bodies for them to occupy and do stuff, but presumably they lack souls.
Noble Nafuni Engineer

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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #192 on: November 25, 2019, 12:36:00 pm »

I would call them servants. They can only grow their numbers with the Crone's direct intervention and they have the means to be immortal if they play their cards right. No idea if they have a soul - it's not like we've specifically created souls.
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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #193 on: November 25, 2019, 12:39:06 pm »

I would call them servants. They can only grow their numbers with the Crone's direct intervention and they have the means to be immortal if they play their cards right. No idea if they have a soul - it's not like we've specifically created souls.

I have. :P
Noble Nafuni Engineer

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Re: Too Many Gods: Age of the Earth, Turn 2 [14/12] Waitlist Open
« Reply #194 on: November 25, 2019, 12:51:51 pm »

Ah, sorry. I'd say you're the one who can say whether they have souls or not, then.
Russia is simply taking an anti-Fascist stance against European Nazi products, they should be applauded. ¡No parmesan!
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