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Choose the starting Era

3030s - 4th Succesion Wars, basic technology only, Star League 'Mechs are rare, Clans aren't a thing yet
- 1 (12.5%)
3040s - Renaissance era, basic technology, but advanced designs begin appearing. The dawn of the Clans
- 4 (50%)
3050s - Clan Invasion, Clan tech is rare but possible, while advanced IS design and tech starts appearing
- 3 (37.5%)
3060s - FedCom Civil War, widespread advanced tech in the Inner Sphere, Clan tech is slightly less rare
- 0 (0%)
3070s - Jihad era, Clan tech is uncommon, while everyone in the IS is running advanced technology.
- 0 (0%)
3140 - Dark Ages. Tech is... weird. You might have militarized agro-Mechs charging cutting edge Clan designs sold to IS troops.
- 0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 8

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Author Topic: The Iron Brotherhood - A Battletech/MekHQ Let's Play: Operation Eclipse  (Read 46411 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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True, Saladins are worse. And while they have less armor they are usually harder to hit.

And the armor doesn't matter, because they're a hover vehicle. They're real easy to immobilize if you hit them at all.

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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I play with harder to immobilize vees, and Hanzoko as well. So they get destroyed before they are immobilized quite often.


  • Bay Watcher
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Looks like Billy owes Ragu a big bottle of something top-shelf for disrupting, not one, but two separate bombing runs! Much obliged for watching our backs :)


  • Bay Watcher
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They say the Shadow Hawk is a jack of all trades, master of none, but it seems to be working just fine for me!


  • Bay Watcher
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@Rincewind: I also have variable damage thresholds on. I have no idea what it does entirely, but I think it checks the damage done against the remaining armor. So plinging a machine gun against a fully intact Behemoth's front armor has almost no chance of causing a crit, while whacking a Saladin in the side with a Large Laser very likely will, even though it won't penetrate.


  • Bay Watcher
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Operation Blue Paladin – Week 3

Melissa Lyle completed her training and joined Ichiro, giving the unit a functional Aerospace element once again. Hovi replaced her with her Behemoth tank, as more than half of its crew is of green quality, despite their excellent showing in previous battles.

On Halloween, the FedCom forces invited the Brotherhood to go trick or treating with them. Their next-door neighbors, the Liaos were home with a heavy vehicle platoon and a mixed medium vehicle and ‘Mech lance defending their firebase. The goal was to sneak past the Liao to see what the fire base was guarding.

However, Lieutenant Kaine had a better idea – if they blew up enough of the Liao, they’d run away, and the unit would get to loot the firebase in peace.  In the spirit of good will, Nova’s Knights were invited along for the visit.

They even gave Major Kincaide a new drone with upgraded cameras so he could follow the action better!

Spoiler: Recon Raid (Attacker) (click to show/hide)

While successful, the Iron Brotherhood paid a heavy price for their victory. Knave’s Wolverine was recovered and salvageable, but it was inoperable with heavy engine damage. Vo’s Phoenix Hawk was crippled, and Ragu’s Shadow Hawk had heavy damage. Wind’s Griffin was lightly damaged, while neither the Stalker nor the Warhammer suffered more than minor armor damage.

Matt, Linda and Svetlana all suffered minor injuries. Billy, despite riding his ‘Mech down, suffered no injuries beyond that to his pride.

None of what they recovered was functional, but the mercenaries had quite a bit of salvage to sell onward. In total, salvage sales earned them 12.3M C-Bills, more than doubling their liquid reserves.

The no quarter fighting went heavily against McCarron’s Armored Cavalry, with 50 KIA and 41 captured, many with horrific injuries from the liberal use of missiles and machine guns against infantry units.

Billy ‘Knave’ Kaine claimed the Wasp, Rocket Launcher Turret, LRM Turret, LRM Carrier and Laser Carrier.
Linda Vo claimed the Foot Platoon (MG), PPC Turret, and Motorized Platoon (Rifle).
Matt ‘Wind’ Fischer claimed the Partisan, Vedette, Vindicator, and one of the Heavy Strike Fighters.
Svetlana ‘Ragu’ Ragozina claimed the Maxim Hover Transport.
Susanna ‘Starburst’ Nova claimed the other Heavy Strike Fighter and one of the units of Field Guns.
James ‘Glaive’ Gundersen claimed the MechBuster and the other unit of Field Guns.

As thanks for their efforts, the FedCom forces paid an additional bonus of 6.5M C-Bills, making the operation quite profitable.

Our bonus for the ‘recon’ raid was a ‘civilian’ BNC-1E Banshee. I would have been tempted, but it’s a primitive machine (no spare parts or armor for you!), and the worst of all worlds – as slow as every other assault ‘Mech, but with the stock Banshee’s paltry guns.

Sunday was the 1st of November. The Iron Brotherhood received their contract pay of 5.1M C-Bills, as well as news that the morale of the Liao defenders in their area was now Low, making their operations easier.

However, Albus nearly spat out his morning coffee when he received a listing of the units available for purchase. A Zeus, Stalker and a rare King Crab, followed by a Guillotine and Grasshopper – almost a who’s who of solid Assault and Heavy designs.

The unit sat down together to work out the math. Surprisingly enough, all the offers were legitimately from their employer or fellow mercenaries, and the prices were very reasonable. Flush with cash from the battle the day before, they even had the means to purchase everything available, though it would leave them with next to nothing in their accounts.

What was eventually hammered out was to shift the composition of the ‘Mech unit, though its final form would be forced to wait on training more MechWarriors.

The Iron Vanguard
- - Nova’s Knights
- - - - KGC-0000 King Crab
- - - - STK-3F Stalker
- - - - ZEU-6S Zeus
- - - - STK-4P Stalker

- - Kaine’s Kings
- - - - GHR-5H Grasshopper
- - - - GLT-4L Guillotine
- - - - OSR-2C Ostroc
- - - - WHM-6R Warhammer

- - Scout Lance
- - - - WVR-6R Wolverine
- - - - GRF-1S Griffin
- - - - PXH-1 Phoenix Hawk
- - - - DV-6M Dervish

The reasoning behind the shift was simple – the unit often operated in Lance-sized formations against enemies that were often numerically superior, both in terms of numbers and raw tonnage. Operational demands often precluded operating two or more Lances together, so the best method to keep the pilots of the Brotherhood alive and to provide an advantage over their enemy was to bring as much tonnage to bear in their role as possible.

Nova’s Knights was always intended to be a front-line combat formation. Her current Stalker was the slowest machine in the Brotherhood, so adding two more machines with equal speed profiles didn’t change much but would bring an extra 185 tons to bear. The King Crab was also very suited as a Command ‘Mech, being sturdy and having excellent C3 systems.

The campaign also showed that Billy Kaine had already developed a reputation. In his last two operations, the enemy forces showed a marked preference for attempting to swarm down his ‘Mech. Given a choice between the Grasshopper and Guillotine, upgrading to the slightly better protected Grasshopper would improve his chances immensely while playing to his strengths. Wind would continue to act as his bodyguard in the Guillotine, their matching speed profiles allowing them to operate together.

The Ostroc would be able to keep up with them through its higher ground speed. While the Warhammer was the slowest ‘Mech of the Lance, it could provide backup fire support. James had already shown how effective its PPCs were, and it also provided anti-infantry capability to the Lance.

The Scout lance would be like the King’s current formation – it was a proven heavy scout formation, more than capable of evading anything too heavy to battle, while having the mobility to stay close to and wreck light elements.

This would leave the Shadow Hawk, Hunchback and Commando at loose ends. They could sell them on auction for around 13M C-Bills, giving the unit some reserve to work with.

Operation Blue Paladin – Week 4

A week’s downtime allowed the unit to get used to their new machines and Lance assignments, and for the techs to repair most of the damage. The Wolverine was the only down-checked machine, only their veteran ‘Tech was capable of repairing the reactor and gyro damage in the field, and she was only one woman.

For this week, the Special Forces were on Picket duty, and Kobayashi’s Crows were on ground support.

Burnt Pies

  • Bay Watcher
  • Captain Brunch!
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a KGC-0000? All for me?

I like this mercenary company. Now I just need to convince someone to weld jumpjets on this thing and I'll be the happiest mercenary in the Inner Sphere.
I can read box now
Also, I am a bit drunk


  • Bay Watcher
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Hanzoku laughs in ominous foreshadowing

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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GHR and GLT, both great mechs! And both have the heatsinks to use their arsenal.
The Assaults are nice as well, especially the KCB and the STK.

But isn't the Scout Lance 5t too heavy to still count as medium?


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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Had an idea for a character, so why not?

Name: Captain Jack Euchre (ret)
Callsign: EJ
Age: 30
Birthday (year not needed, month and day are): January 8th
Specialization: Mechwarrior

Captain Jack Euchre is a retired commander of a House Liao urban defense company.  He is rumored to be an expert in everything having to do with the AC-10.
During his interview, the following dialog was recorded:
Interviewer: "Captain Jack Euchre, were you looking for a command position?  Those can sometimes be hard to find.
Jack: "Oh no, that won't be necessary.  I can take orders just as well as give them."
Interviewer: "Well, I hope you aren't going to be asking for some outrageous signing bonus!  Most mercenary companies run on a rather shoestring budget."
Jack: "Nah, whatever the standard recruitment fee is would be fine.  And the pay should match my skill level, no more is needed."
The interviewer looks at this obviously skilled and talented former Company Commander, tilts up his eyebrow and then continues:
Interviewer: "Then, are there any requests that you have?"
Jack: "Well, there is one thing... You can put me in the infantry and have me fight in the open with no armor.  You can load me onto a rotocoptor and drop me out at 100 meters.  You can jam me into one of those ancient meks from the dawn of the Star League.  JUST DON'T PUT ME IN AN URBANMECH!"


  • Bay Watcher
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The campaign also showed that Billy Kaine had already developed a reputation. In his last two operations, the enemy forces showed a marked preference for attempting to swarm down his ‘Mech.

I imagine Billy must have some annoying habit to have such a target on his head. Blaring annoying pop songs on big speakers attached to his mech? Taking advantage of the finely articulated mech fingers to gesticulate rudely at the enemy? Or maybe he really pissed off McCarron in a bar one time!

Happy to see basically the whole company got a shiny upgrade though. Maybe they won't even recognize Billy in the Grasshopper for a mission or two.

Rince Wind

  • Bay Watcher
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The Grasshopper does have hands, so if you offended with those you can do it all over again!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Lord of Norderland - Lv 20 SKOOKUM ROC
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The campaign also showed that Billy Kaine had already developed a reputation. In his last two operations, the enemy forces showed a marked preference for attempting to swarm down his ‘Mech.

I imagine Billy must have some annoying habit to have such a target on his head. Blaring annoying pop songs on big speakers attached to his mech? Taking advantage of the finely articulated mech fingers to gesticulate rudely at the enemy? Or maybe he really pissed off McCarron in a bar one time!

Happy to see basically the whole company got a shiny upgrade though. Maybe they won't even recognize Billy in the Grasshopper for a mission or two.

After reading Billy's bio, I'm pretty sure he stole McCarron's coat.


  • Bay Watcher
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@Knave, Rince Wind and EuchreJack:

Well, I was putting it down to the Liaos figuring out which 'Mech was sending out orders based on signal intercepts, but they're so focused on Billy that I wouldn't put it past him. Come to think of it, he did disappear for a few days near the start of the campaign. The 5th McCarron's Cavalry's CO has a last name of Granger, so I don't think they he managed to steal big papa McCarron's own coat, but I wouldn't put it past him to steal the local colonel's.



  • Bay Watcher
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Operation Blue Paladin – Week 5

The Special Forces’ picket work paid off with a critical success – they discovered two Lances of Light and Medium ‘Mechs making a probing attack on the unit’s parameter. However, knowing the unit’s direction and speed of advance, Nova’s Knights, Kaine’s Kings and Kobayashi’s Crows were there to greet them.

Critical Success on both Air Support and Picket rolls. This is going to turn out bad for Liao... again.

Corporal Vo elected to stay with her Phoenix Hawk, angling for promotion to lead the Scout lance once more MechWarriors graduated from the training command. Otherwise, the Brotherhood’s forces are much heavier than they were two weeks ago.

Spoiler:  Probe (Defender) (click to show/hide)

It was clear that the brutal victory against the fire base two weeks ago had aroused the fury of the Liao defenders. They weren’t likely to adhere to the rules of warfare against the mercenaries, and this one-sided slaughter would only reinforce that.

Luckily, the Brotherhood took only light damage to the King Crab, the rest of the unit functionally undamaged.

They took the Phoenix Hawk, Vindicator and Wolverine as salvage, with plans to strip out the Phoenix Hawk’s jump jets before selling it on. This earned the unit 8.8M C-Bills, comfortably pushing their reserves up once more.

Only one enemy pilot was confirmed KIA, and one more captured. The rest had managed to punch out and evade the unit’s post-battle sweep.

Captain Susanna ‘Starburst’ Nova claimed the Javelin and Firestarter as kills.
Lieutenant SG Billy ‘Knave’ Kaine claimed the Spider and Phoenix Hawk.
Corporal Svetlana ‘Ragu’ Ragozina claimed the Griffin and Vindicator.
Corporal James ‘Glaive’ Gundersen claimed the Locust.
Petty Officer Melissa Lyle claimed the Wolverine.

In the aftermath of the battle, the techs were more then busy repairing and reloading the unit’s Mech contingent but had everything squared away by the next week.

Given the success of their tactics the previous week, unit assignments remained the same.
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