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Author Topic: Space Cowboys for Hire [Month 7] (New Blood Welcome)  (Read 41969 times)

King Zultan

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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Pre-game Turn]
« Reply #30 on: October 11, 2019, 06:40:27 am »

Quote from: Specialist VoteBox
(1) Wheelman: OpsChief
(2) Scout: SC777, naturegirl1999
(3) Demolitions Expert: Stirk,1freeman, King Zultan
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Pre-game Turn]
« Reply #31 on: October 11, 2019, 06:45:45 am »

Quote from: Specialist VoteBox
(1) Wheelman: OpsChief
(1) Scout: SC777
(4) Demolitions Expert: Stirk,1freeman, King Zultan, naturegirl1999


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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #32 on: October 14, 2019, 01:55:38 am »

Quote from: Demolitions expert
An expert in the use of explosives of all kinds, able to gauge the best way to achieve any objective using explosives to do anything from breaching through doors/walls/floors/ceilings, disable enemy equipment/vehicles, or set up effective ambushes in the most efficient way possible.

"Looks good Ma'am.  Abit broad and unfocused, but let's see what I can drill into this kid's skull."

Difficulty Modifier: Hard (-1)
Roll (2d4): 6
Result: 5 - Average

Redrick Batiste takes to the training well.  Soon enough, the entire company is calling him "Redbrick" as he spends his days learning the ins-and-outs of reddish Semtex clay.  Per request, Neil tried to include some more advanced topics such as improvised explosives, shaped charges, custom initiators, line charges, land mines (manufactured and improvised), incendaries, thermobarics, explosively formed penetrators, runway cratering, and large structure demolition, but Redbrick couldn't get too deep with so many technical topics presented.  While needing more work to be considered a true "expert," at the end of the month, Redbrick is a safe and competent user of plastic explosives.

Redbrick the Demolitions Expert
Able to rig, place, and attach demo charges safely and reliably.  Understands appropriate use of demo charges.  Broad but shallow knowledge of a wide variety of explosives and demolition techniques.


The memorial service is held in a small auditorium packed with well groomed figures in black silk suits and gowns.  After a brief opening statement from the event's host, Elon Musk the Second, you take the stage.  Even after decades aboard the Leviathan, and even getting regular TI Med "reju-regen" sessions yourself, you can never really get used to seeing 100+ year old minds ensconsced within picture perfect young bodies.
You're dressed in an elegant yet modest black gown, in a respectable attempt to both maintain your image as a grieving widow and futilely mimic the high fashion "one percent" of the New Worlds.  Hundreds of eyes upon hundreds of unnaturally young faces gaze upon critically as you take the stage.  Few really respect the two resident PMC's as worthy of the Leviathan, and their continued presence is generally considered an oddity.  But oddities are interesting, and tonight Nick Clay and you are the hot ticket freak show the idle rich came to see.
"I remember the first time I met Danny... we were so young.  So full of fire.  I asked him who he was.  He looked at me and said "I'm just a good old-fashioned cowboy".  I laughed.  Before I knew it we where giving each other vows."
"He said I'd never have to worry while he was around. He brought me here.  He built this place as our home. He followed that vow every day.  Ocean's Ten made sure he didn't do it alone.  We're family here. They share a blood shed on the battlefield, with my Danny as the stern father keeping the band of brothers in line."
You pause as you try to hold back tears, "He died trying to pull our boys out.  I remember I asked him once: "Are you scared of dying? You know, for real?"  He looked into my eyes and said "I didn't when I was young.  Now I've got you and the boys, and what would y'all do without me around?"  Well Danny, now you have your answer.  This is still Ocean's Ten, and I'm the only Ocean around now.  You rest easy.  I'll keep an eye on our boys."
"I harbor no ill will towards Greywater.  What they did in that Weland-Yutani lab was an accident.  A strategic miscalculation that cost them as much as it did us or Weland-Yutani. I ask you all to forgive them for this tragedy, as I have.  I know what they're going through.  We're all going through the same thing.  We all do what we must to survive in this galaxy.  We've all lost people we cared about.  While we may find ourselves on the opposite ends of an armed conflict, we both call the same ship our home at the end of the night.  Bad blood will only weaken our community. Greywater has learned their lesson.  We all have to move on to the bright future. For those we lost and those they left behind.  Thank you for coming, everyone..."
With a polite embrace, Elon Musk the Second, takes back the stage to introduce Greywater Solutions PMC President, Nick Clay.  You don't think you've ever formally met the notorious Nick Clay, but you feel like you have with how much Neil and Danny have spoken derisively about him over the years.  As you see him swagger onto the stage, you begin to understand why.
While Nick Clay did follow the all black dresscode one would expect at a memorial service, the clothing itself was pure paramilitary: black MOLLE tac vest over pressed night ops fatigues, pant legs bloused over spit-shined black leather jungle boots.  ...And of course he's open carrying a HK USP .40 in a drop leg holster.  Neil would later comment that "at least he took the morale patches off."  Whatever that means.
Perhaps misinterpreting your prolonged stare of disbelief as one of interest, he winks at you on the walk up to the microphone.
"For those that don't know me, I'm President Clay, your resident sheepdawg.  As a wise man once said, you sleep safely in your beds because rough men standy ready in the night to visit violence on those who would harm you.  And those rough men ladies and gentlemen, are Greywater Solutions PMC.  We are the Thin Blue Line (or should I say, Thin Grey Line) separating our utopian civilization from the terrorist anarchist chaos that seeks to destroy it."
Although Nick Clay apparently started with an almost absurdly inappropriate sales pitch, your blood goes cold sensing where this speech is really going.
"Now there are some men, who safe-guard the brilliant scientists and industrialists who grant us this remarkable standard of living we all cherish.  And there are some men..." he sneers, "well I guess we wouldn't call them men now would we?"
A few scattered chuckles in the audience prove that at least some appreciated the not exactly subtle personal insult.
"I lost five good men on Paramour.  My only regret is that I would've lost more, if only to protect you.  Taking lives to save lives is what we do folks, and I wish that day on Paramour we did it better."
Your focus on the speech is broken as catch Neil jump out of his seat and furiously storm out of the auditorium.
"Now some of you pro-Coalition political types say guys like us are dinosaurs.  That Danny and me were the two last T-Rexes, keeping the cavemen stuck in their caves.  Little old me, holding back the age of man they say!  Color me flattered fellas!"
The punchline lands surprisingly well, a few more chuckles came out of the now warmed up crowd.  Only your simmering anger holds you back from acknowledging a well executed joke.
"I just want those folks to know, that not all PMC's lack a certain moral compass."  After a dramatic pause, he continues, "Now I know it's not 'politically correct' to say this, but all of us at Greywater Solutions are upstanding Christian men.  I know that's not everybody's thing these days, but I'm a Christian first and a soldier second.  I expect the same out of all my men."
"That being said, I invite all of you to join us at Twenty Forward Lounge afterwards for a toast to our fallen operator brothers.  Keep the faith."
Nick Clay exits the stage to mild applause, his charged monologue enough to make some forget they were at a funeral.  Sensing your discomfort, Sam leans in to whisper to you, "That guy is more full of shit than a Lossarnach stable."
The memorial service winds down to meet and mingle afterward.  Sam stays by your side as play the dual role of widow and businesswoman.  Many whose names you can't recall offer condolences for your loss.  It's overwhelming, and surely most of it is insincere, but you're glad so many paid respects to your deceased husband.
Nick finds you soon enough, "Ms. Ocean!  I don't think we've been formally introduced."  You smile politely, expecting him to now apologize or otherwise downplay the spectacle he just pulled at your expense.  He smiles back, "Nick Clay, President, Greywater Solutions PMC."  After shaking your hand he quickly goes for an embrace.  His hands get abit more familiar with your body than you'd like.  Before you can even respond, he whispers in your ear, "But you Darling, can call me whatever you want."
Sam deftly grabs your hand and pulls you away, "Mrs. Ocean!  There's a Zuckerberg I'd like you to meet right over here!"


After a month in FTL, you finally reach the Thiel Planetary System.

Space Cowboys for Hire (Turn 1)

You review a quick and dirty summary of the planetary system as you arrive.  Out of the corner of your eye, you catch Sam running off to his comm terminal to chase down clients.  "The early bird gets the worm, Mrs. Ocean."

Thiel Planetary System
Founder/Proprietor: Confinity Investments LLC

Minor Glitterworld
System capital and HQ of Confinity Investments LLC

Minor Agriworld
Renowned for both its Country Club and Flossmoor Debtors Prison

Largest exporter of mineral resources in the New Worlds

Sparsely populated and largely ungoverned semi-arid frontier

Contact Phase

It's not long before you meet again with Sam.

"Mrs. Ocean, now its time to get to business.  Across the four planets of this system, we have various contacts who may have work for us.  Normally they'd be throwing jobs at us, but news of what happened on Paramour is just now reaching them via the arrival of the Mothership Leviathan.  In our current state, both Neil and myself strongly recommend we avoid Rivendell.  I doubt they'd even find us useful now anyways."

"Avoiding Rivendell, I've compiled a short-list of 17 contacts I believe we could work with this month.  Allowing time for negotiation and mission prep, we can approach five of them.  Here's a quick list:"

Spoiler: Contact List (click to show/hide)

"Obviously, some of those organizations will offer more legally dubious work than others.  Also, some of the more higher tier contacts may still rebuff us for PR reasons.  You're the boss Mrs. Ocean, but I recommend the following list of contacts:"

Quote from: Contacts Vote (pick 5)
(0) Lossarnach Country Club
(0) Potter Properties:
(1) Anghabar Mining and Refining: Sam
(0) Tyrell Dynamics:
(0) Los Tornadoes:
(1) Swearengen's Gentlemen's Club: Sam
(0) Slavic Vor:
(0) Casa Nuova:
(1) Goodhaven Sheriff: Sam
(0) Harad Marshals:
(0) Flossmore Warden:
(0) Coalition Expeditionary Forces:
(0) Interstellar Red Cross:
(0) Amnesty Interstellar:
(1) United Labor Movement: Sam
(0) United Green Party:
(1) Interstellar Geographic Society: Sam


The night of the memorial service still bothers you.  Despite your best attempts to present Ocean's Ten PMC as a humble, neutral, and professional organization, Greywater President Nick Clay's diatribe only further radicalized your image.  Actions speak louder than words however.  While our planet-side missions will define us greatly, ship-side conduct reflects upon us as well.  Our entire corporate culture died on Paramour, and none of our operations are entirely sure what norms there are on and off the workplace.  Many of our men have taken great joy in the liberties and comfort of the Mothership Leviathan.  Anna has been turning more than a few heads with her love of crop tops and short shorts.  Hoxton was reportedly kicked out of the Red Light District just last week.  Just because something is legal, doesn't mean it's free of stigma.  But maybe your operators need to blow off steam like that?  Either way, you should set some guidance going forward.

Quote from: OOC: Writing Contest
Describe or write some rules or other guidance to define how your men (and women) conduct themselves ship-side.  Are you an straight-laced ultra-regimented military organization, or a libertine pirate crew?  Are your men always representing the best of Ocean's Ten PMC, or more of a "work hard, play hard" mentality?  Is everyone on a first name basis or are ranks/titles/honorifics required?  What about uniforms or dress codes?  What's company policy on drug use?
At the end of the turn, GM will compile the best of submissions to guide further storytelling.  If this doesn't interest you, I'm sure Sam and Neil will work something out as we go.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 01:57:38 am by ConscriptFive »


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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #33 on: October 14, 2019, 03:00:05 am »

WIP cuz I screwed my sleep schedule. Someone else needs to bring competition this time.

Probably done now.

When Danny was still with us, he wrote the “Ocean's Ten Commandments” company policy, scribbling new notes in the sidelines whenever we had a major screwup. It is as follows:
1. I ain’t your babysitter. Personal business is personal business, company business is company business. Just take off the company hat before you start beating baby seals and show up sober and we won’t ask how you spend your weekends (on the record at least)
2. I AM your boss. “Yes sir” is the answer I’m looking for. You’re a professional when you put your warface on, and discipline is part of your job. Unless you can back talk faster than their bullets your better off following my orders when I give them.
3. Your gear is company property. Stop notching up my guns for god’s sake! The uniform is a fighting tool too, if I end up loosing a man because they put a bright pink hello kitty sticker over their heart I'm hanging up my gun.
    3.5 Jesus, fine. You pay for the gun you can scratch it up all you like. Still won't let you screw with the cammo.
4. So is your body come to think of it. I’m paying your hospital bills, keep the damn thing low.
5. This ain’t the army, you ain’t a private. I’m Danny Ocean, everyone calls me Danny. Call each other whatever the hell you want.
6. Loose lips get us kicked off the ship. If you're chatting up a girl at a bar with a rousing story of your heroism, leave out the part where you violated thirty interstellar laws.
7. Money is life. We're all screwed if you screw us over, I find out any of you have been embezzling or stealing from the company you get one last bullet on me. Same track different train, we got to do whatever it takes to get the rent money.
8. No man left behind. Your bodies are company property remember? Can't go wasting them. Look out for each other. Have each other's back. We're in this for the looooong haul, act like someone who wants to spend the next couple of centuries with his co-workers. Nobody wants to be buddies with Johnny "Screw You Guys I'm Going Back Alone".
« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 12:55:28 am by Stirk »
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.

King Zultan

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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #34 on: October 14, 2019, 04:24:15 am »

WIP cuz I screwed my sleep schedule. Someone else needs to bring competition this time.

When Danny was still with us, he wrote the “Cowboy Code” company policy, scribbling new notes in the sidelines whenever we had a major screwup. It is as follows:
1. I ain’t your babysitter. Personal business is personal business, company business is company business. Just take off the company hat before you start beating baby seals and show up sober and we won’t ask how you spend your weekends (on the record at least)
2. I AM your boss. “Yes sir” is the answer I’m looking for. You’re a professional when you put your warface on, and discipline is part of your job. Unless you can back talk faster than their bullets your better off following my orders when I give them.
3. Your gear is company property. Stop notching up my guns for god’s sake! The uniform is a fighting tool too, if I end up loosing a man because they put a bright pink hello kitty sticker over their heart I’m retiring.
4. So is your body come to think of it. I’m paying your hospital bills, keep the damn thing low.
5. This ain’t the army, you ain’t a private. I’m Danny Ocean, everyone calls me Danny. Call each other whatever the hell you want.
+1 I like the sound of these.

I don't think we should really mess with any of the crime organizations until we train our guys some more and get better equipment.

Quote from: Contacts Vote (pick 5)
(1) Lossarnach Country Club: King Zultan
(1) Potter Properties: King Zultan
(2) Anghabar Mining and Refining: Sam, King Zultan
(1) Tyrell Dynamics: King Zultan
(0) Los Tornadoes:
(1) Swearengen's Gentlemen's Club: Sam
(0) Slavic Vor:
(0) Casa Nuova:
(1) Goodhaven Sheriff: Sam
(0) Harad Marshals:
(0) Flossmore Warden:
(0) Coalition Expeditionary Forces:
(0) Interstellar Red Cross:
(0) Amnesty Interstellar:
(1) United Labor Movement: Sam
(0) United Green Party:
(2) Interstellar Geographic Society: Sam, King Zultan
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?


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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #35 on: October 14, 2019, 05:30:21 am »

Quote from: Contacts Vote (pick 5)
(1) Lossarnach Country Club: King Zultan
(1) Potter Properties: King Zultan
(3) Anghabar Mining and Refining: Sam, King Zultan,1freeman
(2) Tyrell Dynamics: King Zultan,1freeman
(0) Los Tornadoes:
(1) Swearengen's Gentlemen's Club: Sam
(0) Slavic Vor:
(0) Casa Nuova:
(2) Goodhaven Sheriff: Sam,1freeman
(0) Harad Marshals:
(0) Flossmore Warden:
(0) Coalition Expeditionary Forces:
(1) Interstellar Red Cross:1freeman
(0) Amnesty Interstellar:
(1) United Labor Movement: Sam
(0) United Green Party:
(3) Interstellar Geographic Society: Sam, King Zultan,1freeman



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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #36 on: October 14, 2019, 10:39:07 am »

Spoiler: Contact List (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #37 on: October 14, 2019, 03:21:32 pm »

+1 I like the sound of these.

You could at least let me finish first :V

Quote from: Contacts Vote (pick 5)
(1) Lossarnach Country Club: King Zultan
(1) Potter Properties: King Zultan
(4) Anghabar Mining and Refining: Sam, King Zultan,1freeman, Stirk
(3) Tyrell Dynamics: King Zultan,1freeman, Stirk
(0) Los Tornadoes:
(1) Swearengen's Gentlemen's Club: Sam
(0) Slavic Vor:
(0) Casa Nuova:
(3) Goodhaven Sheriff: Sam,1freeman, Stirk
(0) Harad Marshals:
(0) Flossmore Warden:
(1) Coalition Expeditionary Forces: Stirk
(1) Interstellar Red Cross:1freeman
(0) Amnesty Interstellar:
(1) United Labor Movement: Sam
(0) United Green Party:
(4) Interstellar Geographic Society: Sam, King Zultan,1freeman, Stirk

Choice explanations:
The likely conflicts are Labor and leftist movements against the mining corp, possibly also involving the AI if the corp can afford high end tech. Going Pinkerton on hippies could make us money.
The obvious and eternal conflict between law enforcement and criminals, melding with the fight between criminals and the corporations. The Bounty-hunters are the most likely to work with us given that public opinion says we lean criminal. Corporations are likely to sign us up on security contracts at some point, probably a bad idea to side with organized crime unless we are going all in on it.
Man V nature with the IGS and possibly CEF. We can probably get paid for low risk escort missions requiring little manpower.
Robot guys because robots are cool and we should totally buy one when we are in the money.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #38 on: October 14, 2019, 05:37:22 pm »

Quote from: Contacts Vote (pick 5)
(1) Lossarnach Country Club: King Zultan
(1) Potter Properties: King Zultan
(3) Anghabar Mining and Refining: Sam, King Zultan,1freeman
(2) Tyrell Dynamics: King Zultan,1freeman
(0) Los Tornadoes:
(1) Swearengen's Gentlemen's Club: Sam
(0) Slavic Vor:
(0) Casa Nuova:
(2) Goodhaven Sheriff: Sam,1freeman
(0) Harad Marshals:
(0) Flossmore Warden:
(0) Coalition Expeditionary Forces:
(2) Interstellar Red Cross:1freeman, natgirl1999
(1) Amnesty Interstellar:natgirl1999
(1) United Labor Movement: Sam
(1) United Green Party:natgirl1999
(4) Interstellar Geographic Society: Sam, King Zultan,1freeman, natgirl1999


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #39 on: October 14, 2019, 05:59:37 pm »

Quote from: Contacts Vote (pick 5)
(1) Lossarnach Country Club: King Zultan
(1) Potter Properties: King Zultan
(4) Anghabar Mining and Refining: Sam, King Zultan, 1freeman, Stirk
(3) Tyrell Dynamics: King Zultan,1freeman, Stirk
(0) Los Tornadoes:
(1) Swearengen's Gentlemen's Club: Sam
(0) Slavic Vor:
(0) Casa Nuova:
(3) Goodhaven Sheriff: Sam, 1freeman, Stirk
(0) Harad Marshals:
(0) Flossmore Warden:
(1) Coalition Expeditionary Forces: Stirk
(2) Interstellar Red Cross: 1freeman, natgirl1999
(1) Amnesty Interstellar: natgirl1999
(1) United Labor Movement: Sam
(2) United Green Party: natgirl1999, SC777
(5) Interstellar Geographic Society: Sam, King Zultan,1freeman, natgirl1999, Stirk

I have fixed the VoteBox, hey @Naturegirl remove the vote for Interstellar Cross so that the United Green Party or the Amnesty Interstellar since civil liberties and all that, nothing to say you changed your ways like working for a progressive liberal political party and it’s great group to suck up too since they should be very good-minded and allow robots and to whatnot to work for. We really can only setup two contracts with our two cars
« Last Edit: October 16, 2019, 11:15:22 am by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #40 on: October 14, 2019, 06:25:59 pm »

I have fixed the VoteBox, hey @Naturegirl remove the vote for Interstellar Cross so that the United Green Party, nothing to say you changed your ways like working for a progressive liberal political party and it’s great group to suck up too since they should be very good-minded and allow robots and to whatnot to work for. We really can only setup two contracts with our two cars

The only thing worse than a politician is a leftist politician. Since the prevailing ideology seems to still be Libertarian, its unlikely that cuddling the Green Party would help out our image any. If anything it would hurt their image, politicians tend to be touchy about that. "Liberal Party Hires PMC Known for Bioterrorism and Having All Its Best Dudes Killed" would certainly be an eye-catching headline. We don't really know what their policies are, but they probably won't benefit us.

We can also pick up more than two contracts so long as they don't happen on the exact same day, are close enough to the dock that our dudes can leg it, or provide their own land transport such as with the theoretical survey teams.
This is my signature. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

This is my waifu, this is my gun. This one's for fighting, this ones for fun.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #41 on: October 14, 2019, 06:55:23 pm »

Quote from: From Stirk
The only thing worse than a politician is a leftist politician. Since the prevailing ideology seems to still be Libertarian, its unlikely that cuddling the Green Party would help out our image any. If anything it would hurt their image, politicians tend to be touchy about that. "Liberal Party Hires PMC Known for Bioterrorism and Having All Its Best Dudes Killed" would certainly be an eye-catching headline. We don't really know what their policies are, but they probably won't benefit us.

We can also pick up more than two contracts so long as they don't happen on the exact same day, are close enough to the dock that our dudes can leg it, or provide their own land transport such as with the theoretical survey teams.

r/enlightenedcentralism, how is affiliating with the liberals a bad idea? because for some random reason they would force us to make bioterroism, lul whut, why would they force us to do that, and their not even alt-left just plain on the left on political spectrum, which also includes left-librarians just so you know. I’m more for furthering an agenda based on socialism, maybe improving their influence can allow us to not have such ridiculous rent that is required or we die for some reason. Anyways, they are not even specified as far-left and just because their based on a political philosophy does not mean their insane and would make ridiculous proposals as you conceptualize. Stop trying to force down the throat on what you want, I doubt we would even accept all five contracts, we would need to have all five pitches succeed which is not likely, and we already have a good basis of the four other contracts so it’s not as ridiculous as you perceive to try one alternative contract.

As for the transport of the mission, we don’t got specifics so we don’t know if we could do all five, and if their based on a singular month so I doubt that we could do all five.

Here’s a submission to get the discussion in a more streamlined and nice way.

Ocean’s Ten Guidebook:
As emailed to all of my fellow operatives, the Ocean’s Ten is a group with prided history but now is suffering with the events of a controversial nature, to help promote ourselves back to a financial stable position I have listed a casual set of expectations for you to follow, therefore allowing this company to become more professional and on the bottom line make everyone job easier and more financially secure at your job positions.

Professionalism Precept: Ocean’s Ten expect a basic amount of seriousness taken on the job, you are entering hot and dangerous situations that risk your very own lives and therefore my own instruction or from another higher is mandatory, critical thinking is required when the time permits of the situations but if you are unsure always coordinate and ask from a team member that is specialized in that task or whoever’s the leader of the current mission.
As we are a small-crew and therefore just have just the right enough members you are given permission to be on first-name basis to help encourage camaraderie and develop trusting bonds between us. I forcefully request that professionalism is taken into account into uniforms and when on the job you take into degree the required apparel to fit the situation, given your own discretion. As for own substance usage, do it after the required job is completed and when your work period is off. Even vaping can affect your combat performance. You can customize your combat uniforms to your liking, after peer and then my personell review. Remember my say is final, take the situations that require to be serious, serious; and the ones that can be taken casually, you can do to your hearts content within social norms. Stay frosty, cowboys.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 09:00:16 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #42 on: October 14, 2019, 07:08:19 pm »

> how is affiliating with the liberals a bad idea?

Our ship is Libertarianstan, we are a PMC, and a 1% tax increase could kill us all. We don't know anything about their policies but can assume they arn't particularly popular on our homeship or particularly favorable to private companies shooting people for cash.

>because for some random reason they would force us to make bioterroism

We already did bioterrorism. It was tots Greywater's fault though. Which is one reason why political parties don't want to be openly affiliated with us.

>I’m more for furthering an agenda based on socialism

We are the diet 1% who feeds on blood to live forever :V. Real life politics really doesn't apply here unless you want to turn Ocean's Ten into a Liberal Crime Squad.

>ridiculous proposals as you conceptualize

But you just said they where moderate left! Which is it?

The "ridiculous far left proposals" would be things like "Nationalizing security" and "Raising Taxes". It would benefit us more if they where some kind of hard-left anarchist group. I'm not sure what you are confused on here.

>Stop trying to force down the throat on what you want

You mean...arguing my case and explaining my reasoning? Certainly doing such a thing would ruin an AR game. Better to just post votes with no explanation or flavor then leave.

>and we already have a good basis of the four other contracts so it’s not as ridiculous as you perceive to try one alternative contract.

"We already have four viable ones, so we can throw away the fifth one" is unironically fine reasoning. You can vote for it just because you think it would be fun, since this is a game :V
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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #43 on: October 14, 2019, 09:24:08 pm »

Wow, I’m going to conclude this discussion because this is going nowhere so let’s talk about all topics you have referred here.

I see now that the consensus is something like a Mining Company, a company based around robotics, a sheriff department, and a exploration based organization. While certainly they could be lucrative their is the caveat of all them being able to send risky missions and none really being effective for PR thus the reference to being political snubbed since our image management is pretty bad currently.

You refer to the Green Party as a plain bad idea based on the fact that we’re a in a financially critical situation as a business owner? I think your putting things a little too far, however I think an alternative to something that compromises, though you might disagree with, is then choosing an organization based on PR reasons. Therefore choosing, though you may conflict otherwise, a civil rights association and there are two that fit the bill. I have little preference for either, though one that is larger should be the better option however neither are, though in my mind we should get missions from both of them and start making us not a company that is looked down upon by choosing faction like that.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2019, 10:22:29 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Space Cowboys for Hire (A PvE AR-like) [Turn 1]
« Reply #44 on: October 14, 2019, 11:16:33 pm »

You refer to the Green Party as a plain bad idea based on the fact that we’re a in a financially critical situation as a business owner?

No, that isn't even kinda what I said :V. How can this conversation be over if I'm the only one having it?
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