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Author Topic: Colony Command  (Read 9610 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Colony Command
« on: August 04, 2019, 06:52:59 am »

Colonial Governor Augustus-Z7Z1 booting...

Colonial Governor online.

Establishing connection with Mothership.

Connection Pending...

Connection established.

Message received from Mothership.


"Augustus Z7Z1 confirmed active on planet surface, atmosphere of planet [ERROR-DATA NOT FOUND] is deemed survivable by unassisted humans, seeding protocol bypassed. Local biosphere on planet is confirmed to be carbon based. Unknown atmospheric interference preventing further orbital scanning. Connection with Augustus weaker than expected. transmitting mission protocols..."

"Hello Augustus, Mothership has been in orbit of planet for three cycles yet data remains incomplete due to unknown interference on the planet, however surveillance period is over and so frontier protocol has been activated. Orbital surveillance did identify the existence of multiple primitive societies on planet surface, technological sophistication varying from primitive metalworking to early industrial. Frontier pod has been deployed on continent far away from industrial societies, and local civilizations range from steel age cities to nomadic tribes, and so security drones have been supplied. Nearest urban settlements located in river network 16km southwest. Frontier pod deployed in isolated river valley surrounded by desert, rocky terrain 30km north possible source of minerals."

"Further drones can be deployed at request in limited numbers, however current energy network will be insufficient for further drones until upgraded. Due to unknown interference range of non scout drones is also limited to 80km radius around Command post, range may be extended through creation of network nodes."

Mission goal is the establishment of new human colony on planet [ERROR-DATA NOT FOUND].
Stage-1; Creation of an orbital receiver pad for deployment of colonists currently in cryo-stasis, creation of basic habitation for first colonists, and securing a perimeter of minimum 1 kilometer distance form landing pad. Status ONGOING.

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In denial of sanity...

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2019, 07:32:17 am »

Deploy two scouts to confirm mineral deposits to North.  Upon confirmation, deploy both miner drone's with one security escort.

Developer drone emplace perimeter sensors, escorted by security drone.

Remaining scout drone reconnoiter primitives to SW.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2019, 02:33:01 am »

Foundation Stage; Day 1

Scouts are dispatched northwards, the quadrupedal units rushing across the open desert with great speed, multiple sensors documenting what little local animals they see, this desert appears to be filled with primarily arthropod and reptilian esque creatures, however the scouts to no stop to examine them, instead focusing on their primary objective of confirming the mineral deposits. Then the locals suddenly give them no pother options.

Scout drones are quadrupedal machines with a body shaped loosely like a dog for maximum versatility, and they are equipped with a wide variety of sensors from basic cameras along their "heads" and torsos to seismic scanners on their feet to map potential hidden pitfalls and detect the vibrations of other things moving ahead of them, scout drones are expensive units. However it appears that these drones where damaged in the landing, or maybe the strange readings in the air interfered with their sensors, but it wasn't long before several things went wrong. Just twenty minutes out from the landing site (18km north), one of the drones managed to stumble into what appeared to be a local tribe! The creatures at first appeared to be shaped much like the drones, quadrupedal and about two meters long, with tails that made up a third of their lengths, long heads possessing standard sensory organs, some forms of eyes, noses and ears, as well as jawless mouths, and seemed to be covered in a strangely hard yet flexible skin, however much like with the rest of the wildlife the drone did not stop to get a good look. Their sapience was confirmed by their holding of multiple steel tools, many being weapons, and the presence of strange metal/bone jewelry covering most of them, as well as their reaction. The group which seemed to be made of nine larger specimens and three smaller, likely juvenile creatures, where clearly startled by the scout drone leaping over a desert ridge to rush by right in front of them, and the drone noted several small impacts along its side as it ran by, though nothing that could actually harm it. This unfortunate failure int he sensory systems to detect and thus avoid the locals was soon capped by the other northwards scout drone.

Less than three minutes after the unplanned first contact, and about 20km north of the landing site, the other drone also displayed a failing in its seismic sensors when it fell into a previously unnoticed pit. Normally such an obstacle would be of little concern to a scout drone, but on landing at the bottom the drone proved incapable of escape due to a layer of tar lining the bottom of the pit, and it proved incapable of escaping. The matter was further compounded when nearly two hours later another band of locals, most likely a hunting party, found the drone in the pit and, after some obvious confusion, captured the drone with strong silk-like ropes and hauled it off into the desert, freeing it from the tar by the use of an unknown liquid. The drone reverted to prisoner protocols and "played dead" but remained active and recording as the locals dragged it into a small cave where about forty other such creatures, of varying sizes, where staying, just over 24km northeast from the Command Post. It appears an argument broke out afterwards and eventually the drone was locked in a cell behind metal bars, with many of the locals coming forwards to examine it for the rest of the day. So far it appears that these locals are extremely primitive in their technology, yet adorn themselves in metals and jewels they do not seem to have the means to craft themselves, likely indicating some level of trade.

Despite this setback the other drone soon made it to the rocky area, and after a short search confirmed the existence of local minerals, the rocky outcropping is the tip of a large deposit of minerals that stretches deeper than the scouts sensors can detect, this will likely provide a source of minerals for some time. With this done the drone reverted to standard scouting procedures and has since been documenting local terrain and taking notes of the wildlife. This outcrop appears to be one of a series of outcroppings that separate the desert to the south from a vast open grassland to the north with a much wider variety of lifeforms. The other outcrops form a curved line leading to a series of badlands to the west and it is likely that some of these other outcrops will also posses some kinds of minerals of their own, but for now the scout if focused mostly on a more general mapping of the area. There also seems to be a trend of no jaws among the local wildlife.

Immediately after the confirmation of the deposit the miners and their security escort where dispatched northwards, it took them considerably longer than the scout drone to reach the site, slowed down as they where by the security drone, and they made it to the site by just past local midday (the day/night cycles on this planet last around 10.6 earth hours for a 21.2 hour day). They returned to the Command Post laden with a single unit worth of minerals each, it appears with the travel time that they will be capable of supplying about 1.5 minerals each per day if made to mine as long as possible. Unlike the scouts these units met with no unexpected encounters aside from an incident where a large worm/snake hybrid creature, nearly six metres long approached them, but between the sheer bulk of the mining drones and a short warning burst fired by the security drone, it was scared off without incident.

The southern scout drone fared much better than its northern counterparts, making its way unseen across the desert towards the southern rivers, it too came across more locals though ti managed to remain undetected. Eventually it arrived at the river network, which form a series of floodplains that make the lands around these rivers much more fertile than the surrounding desert. Long range observation indicates a late steel age level of technology from the locals, with several domesticated beast of burden, at present is has observed about five large cities along three main rivers with multiple smaller settlements in between. It is impossible to tell the level or type of government these people posses except that it it complex enough to manage individual cities, nor can the scout determine the level of unity and centralization at present, more in depth scouting would be required but that would heighten the risk of discovery. It was able to observe a clear difference in clothing between these peoples and those in the desert, these more sophisticated cities are likely where the metals and jewelry worn by the desert nomads come from.

Finally the creation and emplacement of the perimeter sensors is truly underway, the sensors are fully created but their installation around the base will likely take another day to be finished, again no incidents occurred aside from another of those work creatures being scared off by the drone, this one was only four metres long.

For now there are several concerns, the captured drone is no longer wrapped in the silk ropes and should be easily capable of escaping provided it doesn't fall into any more tar pit traps, but also does not appear to be in any danger just yet. Meanwhile the southern drone can continues its scouting mission but likely won't gain much more detailed information unless it gets closer, and in turn risks discovery. It is also possible to request more drones from the Mothership, including aerial variants of scouting drones, they can cover much more ground and have less risk of discovery, at the cost of not providing much detail about what they scout.

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In denial of sanity...

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2019, 03:30:30 am »

Whilst the Miners and Security drone are in the vicinity, the Security drone should take a detour towards the cave that the Scout is detained in.

When close enough, the Scout will break out, and if it comes into trouble, the Security drone will intervene with non-lethal ammunition to ensure the Scout can escape. Once the two drones have successfully shaken any pursuit, they should return to the Miner drones and escort them back. On it's return, the scout drone should be analysed for any traces of this tar substance.

Meanwhile, the Southern Scout should stay at a distance and observe the locals, with a priority towards tracking any groups that look like they are going to be moving in our direction.

The Developer/Security pair should continue with the perimeter sensors.

The final scout should run wide circuits around the command post, with the intent of finding any native groups who are within 30km.

Finally, we should review the costs associated with manufacturing/requisitioning a second Developer drone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2019, 04:19:08 am »

Finally, we should review the costs associated with manufacturing/requisitioning a second Developer drone.

This is probably information that I should have provided earlier, so I'm providing it now. You don't currently have the means to produce new drones but you can requisition as many as you want from the mothership (it has a very large stockpile), the only limit is your drone network (which you can expand through building projects). Drones use 1 Network while active, and 0.5 when on Standby. You can also deactivate a drone and it will use 0, but this risks the drone becoming worn down and damaged eventually requiring maintenance unless stored properly.
In denial of sanity...

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Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2019, 11:16:13 am »

Let's ask for another Developer and another Security drone, and have the pair begin constructing a fortified compound for our colonists. Nothing fancy, just some habitation with a wall and guard towers.

+1 to Kashyyk's post.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2019, 03:56:18 pm »

We should try to establish peaceful contact with the locals. They will serve as a simple buffer against more hostile natives.
We can run three more drones. Aerial scouts will be useful for early detection of armed native concentrations, as well as peaceful settlements. More security will be very useful for safe expansion. Either a miner or developer would be useful, but a developer can work on clearing a perimeter and on simpler structures if we don't have enough minerals, while excess minerals do nothing yet.

Plan Diplomatic Contact

Request 1 each of security, aerial scout, and developer units.

Our developer(s) quickly fabs some jewelry in the style of the desert tribe, using at most 0.5 minerals. Some will be sized to fit the expedition drones, some will be designed as trade goods for the natives. We want each expedition drone to appear slightly richer than the average tribesman, but less so than their leader. The jewelry should be designed to appear to only be a slightly higher quality than what the natives possess.

The expedition will have 1 scout drone, to show that the captured unit belongs to us, and two security and all miner drones, adorned with primitive-styled jewelry. On making contact, they will use gestures to indicate peaceful intent, and that they will trade jewelry for the safe return of the other scout drone.
If they decline, the scout drone will break free and we will leave the trade goods in an obvious location.
A weapons demonstration and non-lethal combat are allowed in self defense, or even lethal force if required to ensure the safety of all units.
The security and mining drones will proceed to the mining site and mine what they can with the rest of the day. The scout drones will break off and resume standard scouting duties.

Sending the mining drones is inefficient for the purposes of wealth acquisition, but allows us to present a larger group for diplomacy and to ward off aggression.

The southern scouting drone will continue to monitor from afar.
If the aerial drone arrives today, it begin looking for all natives in our operational range.
Work on the sensor perimeter will continue, followed by starting to clear an area 1km around the landing pad.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2019, 04:03:06 pm »

I can see the appeal of peaceful contact, but I guess it depends on what stance our directives have with regards to the natives. Would an elevated species to co-exist with be acceptable, should we subjugate them for slave labour, exterminate them or just box them off into reservations whilst we claim the rest of the planet?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2019, 04:03:36 pm »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Urist Mc Dwarf

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2019, 10:44:56 pm »

Can we use the drones to record and analyze language?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2019, 10:58:15 pm »

Can we use the drones to record and analyze language?
Record definitely, but not analyze. You would need to build specialized computers and/or unfreeze some linguists from among the colonists to get any chance of understanding their language. This colonization program was built with the idea of terraforming and then colonizing worlds from scratch, you don't really have any detailed protocols in place for first contact with intelligent lifeforms.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2019, 11:01:39 pm by Deny »
In denial of sanity...

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2019, 09:06:20 am »

Whilst the Miners and Security drone are in the vicinity, the Security drone should take a detour towards the cave that the Scout is detained in.

When close enough, the Scout will break out, and if it comes into trouble, the Security drone will intervene with non-lethal ammunition to ensure the Scout can escape. Once the two drones have successfully shaken any pursuit, they should return to the Miner drones and escort them back. On it's return, the scout drone should be analysed for any traces of this tar substance.

Meanwhile, the Southern Scout should stay at a distance and observe the locals, with a priority towards tracking any groups that look like they are going to be moving in our direction.

The Developer/Security pair should continue with the perimeter sensors.

The final scout should run wide circuits around the command post, with the intent of finding any native groups who are within 30km.
Let's ask for another Developer and another Security drone, and have the pair begin constructing a fortified compound for our colonists. Nothing fancy, just some habitation with a wall and guard towers.
Foundation Stage; Day 2

The night sky is visited by a pair of shooting stars, falling to the planets surface. The impact of the two drone pods upon the soil is loud, likely heard perhaps a kilometre away, but that is why this site was chosen, it would take something much larger to catch the attention of the river cities to the south, still better to requisition new equipment at night, take as few risks as possible.

The new drones take a moment to boot up, before they are then immediately set to work, the developer beginning construction of a fortified compound for the colonists, and not having to spread its job over a large area, it works quickly. By the end of the next night it has constructed a simple settlement, it could probably house nearly a hundred colonists, albeit not very comfortably, the structures being little more than a few bunkers and a storage facility for food, whenever that gets made. The new compound is surrounded by a four metre high metal and stone wall, dotted by a handful of simple watch towers, it would probably take a force of maybe twenty human guards to watch the entire place day and night, but that could easily be supplemented by drones.

Meanwhile as the new arrival gets to work, the first drone tirelessly continues its job, trekking its way around the valley and by just before dusk it completes its work, a series of small sensor towers now keep track over anything moving past the new 1km perimeter. Though it quickly proves to be not a very secure perimeter, though the sensors do detect anything entering the valley, they don't do much to dissuade them, and a 1km perimeter is too large for just two security drones to effectively cover. Almost as soon as they are active the sensors detect multiple creatures breaching the perimeter, fortunately upon inspection the intruders are the more harmless variety of locals, large herbivorous creatures, usually coming to drink, and easily scared off by the security drones when they arrive. Still the sensors continue to be tripped almost hourly, and without more detailed survey of local wildlife it will be difficult to discern harmless intruders from lethal ones. If you where capable of emotions you might start getting annoyed at the regular tripping of the perimeter sensors.

Fortunately you are not human, and so you merely take note and dispatch the security drones to inspect, still the perimeter is most definitively not secured, even if a good first step has been taken, more work will be required.

Meanwhile the miners and third security drone are once again dispatched north, but once it gets near the cave, the security drone splits off and makes a beeline for the primitive settlement, once again another snake-worm approaches the mining drones but once again, their sheer bulk seems to dissuade it, perhaps they are attracted to vibrations? But as the mining drones continue their mission, the security drone continues along its way, but as it nears the alien settlement, it notices movement and quickly detects a pair of aliens rushing towards their settlement, sentries most likely, not that the security drone cares, as it plods its was towards the captured drone before stopping at a relatively safe distance.

Said scout drone meanwhile had been quietly observing its captors as it patiently awaited rescue, of sorts. Those captors seem to be quite confused by the drone, and many times they approach the drone, poking it with spears from behind the bars (to no effect) and many of the likely more senior creatures have a several very vocal discussions in front of it. Ultimately they don't let their guard down around it but they don't seem to become more suspicious, or currently interested in properly damaging the drone,n rather they end up settling on leaving the unmoving drone in the cage and shooing away any of the younger ones whenever they try to get a closer look.

This time in captivity does give the drone ample recordings of these creatures, their language and mannerisms. Appearance wise it notices nothing much new except the details of how their mouths work, rather than a jaw they have four clawed mandibles around a tooth filled mouth which comes complete with a long and dexterous tongue, they clock these mandibles together for much of their speech, which in turn seems filled with mostly clicks, hisses and the occasional screech. Through observing the drones recordings you are also able to observe a built about their culture, limited as your view is, they seem to be very much elder led, with a strong tie to family if the common appearances of the internal groupings is any indicator. You also manage to discern a a word that they use a lot in description of themselves, Saakin, though whether that refers to their species, tribe, culture or family you can't figure out. Further observations are limited as the night gets darker and most of the creatures fall asleep, and as dawn starts to break it is then interrupted when a pair of more exhausted creatures burst in(the same ones the security drone observed running away) and quickly wake up the elders and more martial looking creatures, some of whom start throwing glances towards the scout. However further observation is prevented when the Security drone signals it is in position, and the scout acts.

The creatures are very obviously surprised to see the previously completely still scout burst into action, and at first they just stand there gobsmacked or back off in fear as the drone tears it way through the flimsy metal bars and bursts into the cave. There is much screaming and shrieking form the previously sleeping creatures as the scout rushes through them, however the previous confusion does not last long as the hunters of the group start shrieking in a slightly less frightened tone, and give chase to the drone. However though they prove themselves faster than the average human, the scout is much faster than that, and it quickly makes distance between it and the chasing hunters as it runs across the open desert towards the waiting security drone. It proves so fast in fact, and with the hunters perhaps still delirious from their recent sleep, that they soon lose track of the drone. The two drones start rushing their way across the desert, though the scout is forced to slow down significantly for the security drone, but the desert is vast and soon it becomes clear that the drones have lost their pursuers. The security drone makes its way back to the miners without having fired a single shot, while the scout rushes back to the command centre.

Upon its return it is quickly checked for any traces of the tar substance, and luckily it seems that despite the liquid used to free it there is a sizable patch stuck in one of the rear leg joints though upon analysis the substance appears to be simply that, tar. How the natives managed to acquire some for the use of a trap is unknown but there appears to be nothing special about the tar itself.

As all this transpires the other northern scout returns to the desert and starts making a wide search for any other native sapient. However a 30km radius is extremely large, and the desert is very good at hiding things, it makes no findings though its search of the area is not nearly complete. It does at one point almost fall prey to one of the snake-worms, a six metre specimen bursting out of the sand to reveal a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, however the scout is fast and manages to evade with relative ease, still at least that confirms that the snake-worms are definitely predators, perhaps the apex predators of this desert.

The southern scout meanwhile continues to obverse the locals from a distance, but though it does manage to avoid detection it doesn't manage to pick up any new information, except that despite their sitting along a river, the locals don't seem to spend much time near the water.

The scout drone has been rescued, at the cost of a controlled first contact, though it is unlikely the tribe that captured the scout have any idea of where it came from or the command post. These natives present a very unique challenge to the colony, eventually an approach towards them will have to be decided, be it cooperation, subjugation, extermination, or some mix of the three. But ultimately the prime directive is still the establishment and prosperity of the colony, how these natives fit into that goal remains to be seen.

Meanwhile the development of the colony infrastructure continues apace, and for now the current mining approach has no difficulties keeping up with demand. There is still work to be done before the perimeter is secure but at least now it is monitored, more drones will be required for that, but the current network capacity is near its limit. It is likely time to start constructing new drone hubs to expand the network. And while the colonists do now have a place to stay, food supplies will need to be acquired before they can be brought down (and an orbital receiver pad), water at least won't be a problem for a while.

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« Last Edit: August 06, 2019, 10:10:07 am by Deny »
In denial of sanity...

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2019, 09:40:45 am »

I'd say that went reasonably well. We didn't have to exert any force to release our scout drone, so Nirur's diplomacy idea is definitely still on the table.

With that in mind:

Analyse all the footage the scout drone acquired whilst in captivity to help us design some jewellery that would be suitable for these "Saakin" to wear. This jewellery will have two key differences: The first is the symbol of our organisation (presumably we have one) to help teach the natives to associate it with us and our future allies. The second is a tiny embedded sensor, that we can hopefully use to snoop on the natives.

Once a developer drone has churned out a small amount, a scout drone should carry it back to the tribe and deposit it a respectful distance from the entrance, before backing off and letting the tribals claim the jewellery. Once the scout has confirmed this, it should return.

Both our developer drones should build a Drone Hub to expand our network, and we should requisition a pair of Flying Scout Drones to patrol the area beyond our perimeter sensors. Between them, the perimeter and the patrolling Ground Scout, we should hopefully be able to start building a catalogue of local flora/fauna.

Once the developer drones are done with the Hub, we need to set up a source of food. A mixture of Hydroponics, Aquaponics and Meat Cultures should give out colonists plenty of variety. Whether the mothership is in possession of a seed crop, or whether we are expected to source our plants and animals for this is unknown.

The two miners should continue to acquire minerals, along with their escort. The final two security drones should continue responding to perimeter breaches for the time being.

Finally, we should consider the possibility of turret defenses (essentially an immobile security drone), we could place them in the habitation watch towers so our colonists don't have to take guard duty, and we could place them within the perimeter so our security drones don't have to keep running all over the place.

In addition, perhaps it is worth building a refinery at the mineral site. That way the miners can spend the majority of their time mining and only occasionally return with a smaller quantity of usable minerals, compared to the higher volume of low-value ore.

Urist Mc Dwarf

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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #13 on: August 06, 2019, 10:17:17 am »

Have both Developer drones build a hub.

The other drones will continue their duties.

But we will requisition one more Developer drone, and have it begun constructing a simple electric fence around our perimeter.

Once the hub is done, requisition two flying drones and have them begin scanning local wildlife

Do we have access to a seed crop?

And I really think we should hold off first contact until we can understand the language better.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Colony Command
« Reply #14 on: August 06, 2019, 05:41:49 pm »

How long would it take to build a railway to the mineral site? It might be easier, or at least better for consolidation, than an on-site refinery.
How long to build a basic drone construction/refit shop? I'd like to have a lightly armed flying drone to deal with lesser animal incursions.
What are the expected cost differences in building all the basic infrastructure to get people down here, and a lower-end research computer able to analyze language, wildlife, and simple drone redesign?

Once a developer drone has churned out a small amount, a scout drone should carry it back to the tribe and deposit it a respectful distance from the entrance, before backing off and letting the tribals claim the jewellery. Once the scout has confirmed this, it should return.
I think we should be sure the drone is seen delivering them.

+1 to Kashyyk's plots.
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