Aren't there around 100 fish in the game? XD
These are the only freshwater fish I see in game (15). Am I missing some?
Longnose gar
Banded knifefish
Black bullhead
Brown bullhead
Clown loach
Rainbow trout
Sailfin molly
Yellow bullhead
EDIT: It looks like there are a couple more freshwater fish that are in the saltwater fish raws (salmon, trout), but I don't see more than a few of those.
I'm not sure how you could force clothing or tools on fishermen,
I think if I add fishing clothing/tools it will either just be used for roleplay or used in reactions.
but what you can do is fish processing and fish farming. Both done in workshops.
Oyster farming to get pearls.
Cool idea. I will add this.
I could add a fish hatchery as well.
Reagent: 2+ fish (don't consume)
Product: 1 fish (10% chance)
Basic weapons from swordfish swords. Or shark tooth swords, both were a thing in polynasian areas.
Cool idea! I'll add this. Could add fish bones as well.
Fishing is btw the only labor non-civ member pets can do. If you create a pet with natural fishing skill, they will use your fishing areas.
Good to know. I'll have to remember that when using the fishing skill for things.
Kaviar is strangely missing from the game.
Cool idea! I'll add cavier and roe. Could potentially add it as a product to the fish hatchery as well.