Give the Humans the secrets of Masonry, carpentry, agriculture, pottery, tools, and weaponry. Appear to the leaders of the Humans and tell them to climb to the hills in the valleys where they may find themselves protected by the high mountain walls and build there towers to live in, with thick walls, many stories, and windows from which to fire to defend themselves. Also, to build them together such as that the towers shall form walls together, with the Village being protected from predators by the stones and by the long spears of Humanity. The buildings shall come together to form courtyards enclosed by the thick stone walls, and there shall be but a single gate to allow for all spears to be used to defend a single point. And then you shall live within these walls, within these towers, let your crops be stored in the cellars and your beds be stored at the peak, and within your walls may you become free, free to speak without fear of death, run and sing without fear of the hunt, to farm in the highest valleys without fear of beasts, and to come into yourselves with freedom, wnd without fear. Once you can protect yourselves, do as you wish, for none shall stop you. Once you can defend yourselves, build the lowest houses from the weakest timber and put ten thousand doors in your fortress walls, as long as you always remember that outside lurks great evil, and that you must always be ready to defend yourselves. I am Imic, and it is my wish that through hardship, you shall now true freedom.