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Author Topic: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur  (Read 76039 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #255 on: October 19, 2019, 09:21:42 am »

"North, northern forest..." repeated Rane in his head over and over. "I heard there's bandit camp somewhere! Wouldn't surprise me if he cooperates with them!"

"Ready or not, Len Erdipatri, here I come! I on four hooves of my tough steed, you on your two legs, won't outrun me! Haha, justice will be served!"


"Gah, how could I be so stupid!"

"I let them all go... Just like that! They're dangerous! Should've disposed of them when I could... What are they up to? Nothing pleasant, definitely!"

"Why isn't it working?!!"

"We did just as it stands in the formula! And yet..."
"Shouldn't we ask the serpent?" asked fellow death wizard.
"No way! Crawling to her everytime I need something... No! Besides, she wouldn't help me. Had she ever? No!"
"But how are we going to mark Gostus, then?"

"We must try again. Or..."

"Ah, nevermind. I doubt there's better Deathmaster than me somewhere... Other than Ngoruboxox himself. For now, let's keep trying, and let's hope nothing will go in our way..."

Completely elsewhere

In some damp, cellar-like room with few torches lighting the dark area, a figure was pussyfooting, impatiently. They had mask on their face, flames in their eyes, sword by their waist.

After a while of waiting, squeaking of some wooden hatch cover, another figures, similarly looking went down by stone stairs.

Each took a place near the first one, not randomly, each one found a spot, like if it belonged to them from times immemorial. It looked like if they were trying some theater play.

More and more were coming and assembling, then, a last one came, in long green robe, red cape, massive golden mask in shape of a dragon, breastplate and some adornments, shining and glittering in the weak light of the torches. Some of the assembled trembled before this one.

The apparent leader closed a circle of people by occupying last spot.
"We shall begin." he spoke, with deep voice, deep like the ocean. "Speak, I listen."

One elf in a cloak did a step forth.
"We planted spies in Aÿewamame, as planned. They were recently appointing new druid..."
"And is new one appointed? They made it in time?"

"No, sir. It's yet to be done..."
"Then you or some of the spies are in for it."
"As you wish."
"Good. Anything else? From the outside?"

A warrior, covered in scale armor, went forth.
"They rooted us out of Opocjirdo, in the north. Some were just banished, some killed. Therefore, we have no one there."
The leader was taking deep breaths, thinking.
"Take over by force. No point in hiding there."
"It shall be done, master."

The leader thought again, slowly turning from one of his subjects to other one.
"Keep doing whatever you're doing. If no one has to say anything, I will."
Everyone returned to their spots in the circle, and listened.
"You know of this settlement recently founded, eh, how was it... Kudallålur... Kudarkalur!"
Those who paid attention nodded.

"We did some research on them, and it could be useful to us. Like, a lot."
"Why do we assume so?" asked some member.
"There are crundles there. Swarms of them. That's right, they have trained crundles!"
"Lesser spawn!" "Attuned creatures!" "Intriguing!" "How did they...?" mumbled the attendants.
"More importantly, the fortress has huge complex of caverns beneath itself, already breached, accessible..."
"Should we..." asked the armored warrior.

"No. Not by force." said the leader. "Not that we aren't able, but the fortress is... Extraordinary. There are magical creatures of great power, and Kâdolites..."
One attendant chuckled.
"Heh, our mythological enemi..."
"Shut up!" shouted the leader. "Jokes aside. They're competition, indeed, and currently they have maybe all current masters of the order at this particular place... So, no. No attacking. For now, just plant spy there... Maybe more... We have some dwarves or cavern people?"

A short, dense-bearded member nodded.
"Fine, it's your problem now. You are responsible for the operation."

"Why don't we beat Kâdolites and take their secrets? What are they against us?" asked one attendant.
"And you, record keepers, shouldn't you have these Mitacespi magic of the tribesmen acquired by now?!! Where are they?!! Not yet?!! Then shut your cheeky maw!"
The record keeper quickly turned his eyes towards ground, and silently moonwalked to his spot.

"Why do we need crundles from some dwarven fortress.?" asked another attendant. "We could have those from elsewhere, and..."

"Because it's will of Alir Sutargalir, and it's not just about crundles, but about the fortress itself! And because you have odd mask and your opinion doesn't matter! Another questions?!!"
No answer.

"Everyone understands what to do? Fine. We shall end this session, I listen no more. Leave."

The attendants scattered. The leader, leaving, turned back for the last time.
"And get hands on that labyrinth in north, finally!  It would be perfect site for us, better for sessions than this cellar!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #256 on: October 26, 2019, 09:28:10 am »

"And so we meet again..."

"We do, Rikkir the skull-chipper. However, when we met last time, I was a mere apprentice, now I am a master!"

"Well, you look awesome for sure, lord overseer!"
"Yeah, I do!" said Alak. "Nel deserves something equally awesome for forging this! But till now I was fencing just in coat, I am not used to this... Weight!"

"Oh. That's Alak? Man, glorious!" croaked the toad. "Come, you two, the big day is near! And don't worry, you'll get used to. You'll have to, after all."

"Guys, Alak ordered these arms to be made, should you have to defend the fortress. I am leaving it all here, fine?" said Nel, dropping a large pile of stuff on the floor.
"If it won't magically appear in drawer with kitchen tools, fine." said Ermis. "Could you take these with you? Some supplies for the journey. I don't know how many you are, but the more the merrier, huh?"
"Definitely. Thanks! By the way, that anvil is cool. Where did you buy it?"
"That's a looong story."

"No time for long stories. Solon, you're coming with me."
"To war?" asked the dwarf.
"To war. That'll be fine test of your abilities. If I'll find you worthy, I'll teach you next secret. Come, they're assembling the soldiers already."

"Militia. Ready?" asked the toad.

"Ready and waiting for orders." nodded Rikkir.
"Great. Kâdolites and Kâdol?"

"No, we're waiting for..." started Kâdol, but was interrupted, as someone opened the door and sailed inside. It was Ziril, holding many little pouches and bottles in his hands.

"Here we go! Ready!" he said, and distributed it between his men.
"Caverns?" croaked the toad.

Wõrv nodded. Behind him stood serpent men, kobolds and plump helmet men alike.

"I'm here." said Alak. "Where's Urist? Ah, I forgot to send for him. I'll fetch him..."

"Look, friend, I know that you know how to swing an axe, not only we got it back from beneath, but our dear dwarves made you something... More!"
Urist was smiling, actually. Alak wasn't used to see him like this, pleasantly surprised.

He led him to some room, there was a stand, with large piece of cloth on it, covering whatever was standing there.

Alak removed the cloth, and under it, a copper armor suit!
Urist widened his eyes, stumbled, fell on his knees and started sweating intensely.

"You okay?" asked Alak.
"Yeah, just a little... Dizzy..."
"I'm sorry, we don't have time for dizziness. We must go! Give me your arm."

"What's with him?" croaked the toad.
"No idea." said Alak. "Militia, you will be giving him a lead, till he's okay. And you'll carry his armor suit, till he's ready to wear it."
"You're going already? This isn't just some strategy session?" asked Urnût,. "What about us, who stay here?"
"That's up to you, friend! You're going to be overseeing in my absence."
"As... You wish."

"Zeg, you're not sending any tribesmen with us?"
"Our only warrior fought just fat fish all his life. And I... They need me here." answered the Zegmatul.
"Fine. Just get along with Urnût."
"Couldn't... Couldn't Kin go instead of me?" asked Urist.
"Nope! On travels, there's beer shortage."
Urist sighed, and started to equip his copper armor, to ease burden of his friends.

Squads of soldiers were coming and coming from fortress entrance, on sides citizens were standing, waving at them. Zeg danced some wild dance and chanted.

Militia and Urist were at the front, Alak, with the toad on his shoulder behind them, then Wõrv and cave people, Kâdolites were last.

"You have dance in your sleeve for every occasion, huh?" said Urnût to Zeg, grinning.
"No. Not for planting beans and eating -dwarven sugar roast-. And arguing over eloquence, but that's because it has mad choreography. And I don't have sleeves. Wanna learn to dance, ya dropout?"
"Not now. I order you to milk Razes."
"Nope. I am a noble, you know."
"You're slacker, you know."
"Don't try to trigger me, blondie."
"Where's your trigger? I have intense need of triggering it right now. You seem to be switched off."
"Forget it. Where's some bucket?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #257 on: December 17, 2019, 10:24:31 am »

"Were 'ere, my friends. This is the forest!" said Len.
"That's nice..." grunted Olmul. "How... Big is it?"
"Pretty big. Sort of border between central lands and Wintervale."
"You said you had seen lord Adrenolok a year ago... How can you be sure he's still here?" asked Berath.
"Yeah, maybe he was just moving somewhere else!" said Olmul.

"I said, I saw him and he saw me and he was waving his arms, running around, and as soon as he spotted me, he ran away. From me! He didn't want to be seen, apparently."
"Maybe he was secretly travelling!"

"Oh, shut up! When you ask mayor for quest he also tells you: "It was last seen...", then you get to the site, it's burnt to ground, goblins around... It's the only clue I have!"
"What if he isn't here?" asked Berath.
"Then we'll move on, to Wintervale!"

"Careful, pal." whispered Olmul. "We might all be experienced adventurers, but hey, we're not gonna survive in Wintervale. Not in this state, not with you limping behind."

"You promised you'll follow me to glory and death, huh? That's vow of an adventurer. Look, I don't want to... Hey, I just want to..."
He sat on the ground.

"It's difficult, dwarves! You were the first ones that started listening to me! You were the only ones who believed poor lumberjack who wants justice to be served! And now, you wanna leave me? After all we've gone through?"

"Of course not!" Olmul said. "But... We're dwarves! We enjoy... To complain, you know... A preference... Gah, fine. Wherever you go, we follow. To glory and death!"

Once upon a time, once again, in Stothoaslud

"You know, master... When you said there's not a mightier death wizard than you... What if there is one?"
"Nonsense!" grumbled the Deathmaster. "That serpent? I taught her everything she knows! And don't remind me of that...."
"Not her. Someone completely different. I studied old scriptures..."

"I did too! Damn, I was Deathmaster for almost hundred years! I haven't found anything! And it's just a matter of time till that pesky overlord will attempt to root us out by force!"
"But we could defeat them, couldn't we?"
"Shut up! Your inexperience speaks out of you. We can't stand against the whole nation!"
"We did by the times of Rulasm..."

"But Rulasm just pushed us out, and then stopped caring! This guy's a madman!"
The younger wizard was thinking.
"Maybe... The Golden Queen has some older records..."
"Why do you insist on me licking her boots... Eh, I mean... Tip of her tail! No way! What kind of Deathmaster isn't able to cast Death Mark? Not me!"

"Not you... I don't think so. Maybe I'll have to take things into my own hands..."

"Look, brave and fearless army!" croaked the toad from Alak's shoulder. "We're getting closer every day!"
"You don't say!" rumbled Kâdol from back there. "We're marching. By the way, where's that land shrouded in darkness? Where are all those bogeymen, flying in swarms? Is this the catastrophe you keep babbling about?"

"You know... That's weird, actually. When I flew over here on that cockatrice, eh, it would come handy now, well, the land was really submerged in night back then! And we were chased by its spawn... What is going one?"
"I'll tell you what's going on, someone's just freaking out!"

"Watch your tongue, buddy. I am not lying, nor freaking out. The Mountainhome fell to hands of Zomus, I've seen it all!"
Kâdol didn't say anything. He went to speak with his dwarves.

"Dear Alak, this fiery beardo is troublesome asset in our army! If anything goes wrong..."
"I am starting to fear as well." nodded Alak. "Apparently, the only reason he ever joined us in stat Kâdolites called him... Well, let's keep him calm. Is it normal, for you... Power guys to be so... Unstable?"
The toad closed eyes and nodded.

"These days, I feel strong disturbance in the world. I fear one thing..."
"What could you be afraid of? You can literally fix the world by your will!"
"We could. If only we were united... But what I had thought of, is, this new age that is coming, will be end to us."
"How's that?"

"You know... There were high, higher and powerful forces and powers before us, that eventually got interested in things beyond this world... And left it. Their servants were forces and powers of lesser nature, more prone to mistakes. A whole hierarchy of forces and powers. But the higher are becoming less numerous in this world... I think the same thing is happening with us, like me, Kâdol, Zomus... Whatever. But this time, I feel... No more will come to renew our number. Age of myths will end... And world will be on your shoulders."
"That's... Interesting. I was thinking about Urist..."

"Worried about him?"

The toad turned back and hopped in the opposite direction.
"Gotta speak with the cavern people. Lead the way yourself now, okay?"
Alak nodded.

"Wõrv? Wõrv!"
"Ack, it's the moralistic toad again... What do you want?"
"You spoke about a pact between you and some of my brethren... What kind of deal is that?"

"They didn't tell you? Erm..." croaked Wõrv. "Well, let's say, it's a sort of... Challenge? My tribe will pass a trial, and they'll make us a major race, simple enough."
The toad wasn't apparently getting anything.
"Wha? Slow down. A challenge? A major race?"

"You know, like dwarves, or kobolds... Yeah, that's what he said. So I'm preparing our realm for that trial, whatever shall it be."
"Did... Did the toad that offered you this, did it claim godhood?"
Wõrv nodded, with proud smile.

"Shoot..." whispered the toad. "I thought we're the ones that should be responsible for uniting the world... Yet we're falling apart ourselves. I'll have to have a serious talk with this wannabe god..."
"What's wrong about it?"

"Fool!" croaked the toad angrily. "That was happening in times of ancient, I thought we got over it already. You.... Can't just proclaim yourself superior over the world, no matter how powerful you are... We're not gods!"
"We don't have gods on our side?" asked Wõrv.

The toad didn't say a word. It went directly to Alak.

"We must speed up. We must reach the Mountainhome, before we start killing each other!"


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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #258 on: December 17, 2019, 10:52:19 am »

Yay :D

Obok has some pretty strong opinions about deification, it seems. I wonder if he'd say the same of Limulsheget and his compatriots?
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #259 on: December 18, 2019, 09:53:48 am »

"Man, this throne's... Good!"
"Lord overseer, Muz reporting!" said Muz, coming inside.

"I listen." said Urnût, stood up. "Eh, maybe a little too glorious for me.. What did you... Ah, report. Speak."
Muz took a deep breath and stroke majestic pose.

"I've been observing the fields... And many interesting facts I saw! Plump crops are grown, ready to be gathered and stored!"
"Nice!" said Urnût.
"Apart from that, I hath also noticeth..."
"Lil' faster, please."
"We await the calf in spring, next year. Geese are too noisy and are waging a war over nest boxes with crundles. Crundles were successfully trained as militia regiments, so they gained upper hand in this conflict quickly."

"Good, good." said Urnût. "Thanks for your report. Adur deserves something for animal training... What about the tribesmen?"
"Vúsh believes we planted the crops facing wrong direction. We should re-plant them before they'll get cursed, she says."
Urnût sighed.
"Well, here we go again..."

"Lord overseer, a stranger was spotted in the woods!" called Kin, rushing into the room.
"A dwarf!"
They all ran above ground.

"Oh, really! And she's coming towards us! Hey, come here! Who do you happen to be?" asked Urnût, waving.

The dwarf came forth. Sturdy woman, in worker's clothing, glove on one hand.
"My name is Îbmat. I heard about a fortress in this land, so I came here. I want to join your cause."

"Oh, that's a great! Come in, come in!" said Urnût, with his kind smile, taking her inside.

"So, what can you do, how can you contribute to our settlement?'
"I am a carpenter."
"Good, go to Kin, he's the main and only wood cutter, that one with black beard. He'll tell you what to do. Welcome to Kudarkalur!"

"Well, thisss isss sssomehow peculiar, isssn't it?"

"All thessse hillocksss, empty. I thought thisss wasss the land with dwarven capital!"

"Thisss one fortressssss remainsss. Have they essscaped there, all of them? Let'sss go and sssee..."

"What's that?" called watchmen on ramparts. "We're under attack of some beast?"
"Ssstothoasssludiansss? Goblinsss? You've gotta be kidding me..." thought the Golden Queen.
"Identify yourself!" shouted the goblin guards.
"Where are the dwarvesss?"
"Identify yourself!"
"What'sss going on here?'

Oströtakåtôz has shown up on the ramparts.
"Who are you, blissster-coated wizard?' asked the Golden Queen. "I feel your power all the way down here!"
"I am Oströtakåtôz, master of all goblins! Who are you? You must be one of the elder creatures!"
"Call me whatever you want. Where are the dwarvesss?"
"Gone. The fortress is ours. But their king escaped... Why do you care?"

"I wanted to find sssomething ussseful... Guessssss I have to fight you inssstead of the dwarvesss..."
Goblins stroke defensive poses, but Oströtakåtôz gestured them to stop.

"What kind of useful stuff you seek?" he asked. "Wealth? Weapons?"
The Queen stopped crawling.
"Ssspellbooksss, ssscrollsss, artifactsss..." she hissed.
"If you do something for me, I'll give you whatever spell thing I find here. I don't need your mundane knowledge anyway..."
"Ssso you mussst be an Âsssem, then..." said the Queen and thought.
After a while, she raised her head.

"What sssort of sssomething you need to be done?"
Oströtakåtôz chuckled.
"Let's say I want to see that dwarven king dead. He hides in some northern fortress, as far as I know. You can raid it there, if you wish, and take whatever you need... Then feel free to come back and collect your bounty here as well."
"How far?" asked the Queen. "If you fix my wing, that wouldn't be an issue anymore."

Oströtakåtôz said a spell. His eyes flickered. A wing has formed, the mould fell off and the wound was cured.
"I sssee you mean it, o Oströtakåtôz... Consssider it done."

Then she took off and flew away, the goblins watched her, with vile smiles...
« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 09:55:54 am by Quaksna »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #260 on: March 03, 2020, 09:27:38 am »

"I've got a son! I've got a son, everyone!"

"What's the noise..." grumbled Kin.

"I've got a son, mister woodcutter! I've got him!" shouted Zeg happily.

"I've got a son, Razes!"


"Let's go party! Come with me! I'm throwing a party! Come! Come!"

"You've got food 'ere, Urnût!!" called Ermis. "Urnût!"

Urnût entered the throne room with pick axe in one hand, tetrahedrite chunk in other, his face black from the cavern dust.

"Hey, wash your face first! You're an overseer!"

He went to nearest barrel, opened it and splashed the liquid inside on his head.

"That's Kin's beer, for love of...!"

Urnût went to his throne.

"I order barrels to be labelled. By the way, why hasn't Otad served the meal today?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen him in the kitchen today. Why, I don't know."

"It has come to my attention, that Zeg and Kizbiz have the child already..."

Ermis was recollecting thoughts for a moment.

"Oh yes, the party! I've noticed, too. Wait, Otad abandoned kitchen and went to party? He's in trouble... Man, Alak's gonna be mad! We must..."

"Alak was already benevolent enough to let Kizbiz rest more than one tick during her pregnancy! And let them party. This is first kid in Kudarkalur, after all, isn't it?"

"Fine. I'm off to my chores."

Ermis turned and went to kitchen, but Urnût stopped her.

"Wait, wait." he called. "There's a party in the tribal district."


"Every single citizen is attending."

"Yes! I'm trying to explain it to you the whole time!"

Urnût was thinking.

He jumped off his seat and went to the door of the hallway.

"Then we must show ourselves too! That would be rude, not showing up on a party! Let's go Ermis!"

The old cook sighed.

"Congratulations, Zeg!" said Urnût. "Your son got the honor to be historically first child of Kudarkalur!"

"Oh, you're right! Heh..."

"I'll get us a beer."

"That won't be..."

"I insist! I'm getting us a beer! Or wine!"

"No, I already had some today. Don't want to be dizzy, ya know, dancing's difficult..."

"Zeg Erlinmatul the Zegmatul, I order you to drink!"

Zeg smiled, made a indifferent gesture, and let Urnût go. Then he turned at Adur.

"Adur, when is the next trading trip to Copnutgashi?"

"As soon as Lord overseer orders so. The wagon is ready."

"But it takes some time, with wagon, doesn't it?"

"It does."

"Well, then you shall go on your own, and invite the lord, Alle Dazelosric here! He's a friend."

"As you wish."

"Is that the blonde human?" asked Kizbiz. "The one you were talking about."

"Oh, yes! A great guy, you must meet him too... And you too, Duthal. You need to meet uncle Alle, the finest of uncles!"

"Alak still burdens my mind..." said Urnût to Ermis. "Will he live to see this? Or won't he ever return?"

"You think too much, Urnût." said Ermis. "Alak survived struggle of goblin deities involving giant birds, fiery spirits and some forgotten beast-like wolf. He'll be okay."

"We don't have any skilled soldiers here..."

"War is not here in Kudarkalur. No need to worry..."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #261 on: March 03, 2020, 12:23:39 pm »

Aw yes! Wonderful to get a glimpse of happy peace-time in Kudarkalur. :)

"Alak was already benevolent enough to let Kizbiz rest more than one tick during her pregnancy! And let them party. This is first kid in Kudarkalur, after all, isn't it?"

Your casual references to DF player culture continue to amuse. Of course dwarves count time in ticks-- why wouldn't they? :))
Falling angel met the rising ape, and the sound it made was

tormenting the player is important


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #262 on: March 11, 2020, 10:16:28 am »



"This part of desert is even more empty I thought..."

A man came to the cave entrance.

"What do you seek, wizard?" he asked.

"Is your mistress here?"

"Not your business."

The goblin stroke a vicious pose.

"I'll make you speak!"

The man chuckled.

"No offense, I would prefer be hurt by you than mistress..."

The goblin saw he won't break this servant.

"I need some... Help?"

"Again? I thought your master is rather prideful..."

"Oh yes, he is, but I can't just sit and wait till he manages to come up with something. He's way too stubborn to admit something's over his abilities... So I seek help instead. Come on, we're both minions, why not help each other?"

"We are, but unlike you, I have anything to offer."

The wizard saw he's starting to sway him, and pressed on.

"Don't say that! Listen, do your mistress know about some... Other Deathmasters?"

The man thought.

"Well, she had sealed all libraries and laboratories..."

"And you? Don't you know about someone or something?"

The man was thinking further, recollecting his memories.

"She is constantly babbling about some old legends... Guess if she shared with us, why shouldn't I with you?"

"Yeah, why? Tell me what you know."

"She mentioned countless times some... Eh, what was the name... Vergus... Vaerg... Ergil? The Deathless. Some "The Deathless" guy."

"Who is he?"

"She claimed he became so advanced in death magic, he couldn't be killed. Well, he was, but it was no use. Or something like that. Some soulbounding or... Hey, I don't know. Legends..."

"So he should still live?"

"Mistress said he was thrown into underworld by... Someone... But if he really was that powerful, don't see how that could have stopped him."

"Perfect. Well, thank you, mister, I appreciate your willingness to talk. Farewell."


"What I've got myself into..."

"Now, Omot, I've got perfect plan how to make this land obey!" cackled Oströtakåtôz.


"I'll develop a disease, that will completely morph whole areas as I shall please!"

"You mean, like these wizards, sending foul clouds, mists and fogs that corrupt everything they'll creep to...?" asked Omot, a little concerned.

"Except way more effective! Hah, nothing's going to stop me! And now, that this Sîlanära offered to assassinate the dwarven king... Everything is just set for me! This realm shall fall beneath me, and then others, and I'll be the greatest Âsem there ever was!"

He's got some goblin attitude, thought Omot, as his new master talked on and on.

"By the way... Have you figured out these dwarven trap systems?"

"We're still trying. Nothing like our fortresses, though..."

"Well, you better try harder. There might be traps we don't know about... I don't want our troops getting stuck in their own fortress... What about these magical creatures around?"

"They're mostly disposed of. But..."

Moment of silence.

"What again?" asked Oströtakåtôz.

"If these are from Alsmustspås, and you claim you already conquered it, how do they don't obey you?"

"I can't rely on them!" barked the wicked master. "They're all that's left from my greatest rivals, and that's why they need to be taken care of! But do not worry... I'll summon an army from Alsmustspås soon. Army so powerful, all kingdoms of this world shall fall to my feet. But before they're here, I need you goblins. As soon we have more troops, you're going to plunder other dwarven fortresses."

"And the world shall be mine!!!"


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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #263 on: March 15, 2020, 06:13:57 am »

Happy birthday dwarven papercrafts!

That's right, today it's one year since this creation of this thread. I don't feel like writing another five-paragraph tribute to spectators, so I'll just say, I thank y'all and let's finish this. There will be a lot of fighting now, like, a lot, at multiple places with various numbers, so brace yourselves! Now...

"So, this is it?" asked Alak. "Through this cave, we can use tunnel leading directly to the Mountainhome?"

"In case the fortress isn't completely shut from inside." answered Urist. "It shouldn't be, though, if the Mountainhome was captured, the royalty must have tried to escape through this very tunnel. If whoever is in the control of the fortress now figured out how to secure it using the dwarven mechanisms..."

"It's a matter of time, then..." croaked Ôvok.

"No sealed doors can stop us!" growled Kâdol.

The toad sighed.

"For the last time, this is not a full frontal assault! We don't know what we're fighting against, so we must remain stealth as long as..."

"We don't know?" asked Otad the crossbowman. "This presents a problem..."

The toad lost words.

"No doubt, the closer we get, the more things get unclear..." said Keshan.

Alak stepped forth.

"Whatever." he proclaimed. "We must exploit this opportunity and strike while they don't see it coming."

"We could get through army of mortals with ease and swiftly, then finish off the leader!" grumbled Kâdol. "They don't stand a chan..."

"I thought you were not gods..." said Wõrv, grinning.

"Gah, we can't just draw attention with spells!" croaked Ôvok angrily. "If there's truly one of us we're fighting against..."

"Then he might sense us anyway!"
barked Kâdol.

Meanwhile Urist pulled out an ornate key underneath his armor, watching everyone arguing with each other. Alak nodded towards him, Urist put the key in a hole deep in some crack, and slowly turned his hand. A loud click interrupted that fighting bunch.

Alak turned the last time towards his soldiers, and entered the cavern without saying a word. Militia and the toad followed him, the rest did too at last.

A few layers below an hanful of ticks after...

"Shh! Shh! Sh sh sh!" whispered Urist. "Here we go!"

There was truly the bottom of the fortress, with staircase inside. Few goblins were on watch around.

"I see." whispered Alak back. "We must swiftly and silently dispatch these and infiltrate the fortress!"

"Should I shoot 'em down?" asked Otad.

"There might be much more inside..." said Ziril.

"Don't might the might in the sentence. Just go." croaked the toad.

"You ironclad heavies shouldn't go forward just yet. That would alarm them..."

"Well, what then?" asked Alak. "What can we do that isn't alarming?"

"Told you..."
whispered Kâdol.

"Wõrv, you have sneaky cavern people with you. Catch them off guard, we'll help you finish them."

"Make sure they can't reach the entrance before us, lock them somehow." advised Rikkir. "Also, cavern people shouldn't look like big deal for 'em."

"Fine." said Wõrv. He gestured towards his kobold henchmen, ordering them to follow other of his troops. Id went with them, being at least Expert Cavern Stalker.

Soldiers carefully crawled from rock to rock, trying to get as close as possible to the guards. And then... They stroke.

With help of Otad's shot, and some lil' flares from Kâdolites, they dispatched them easily, yet the goblins managed to shout out, and the troll roared as well.

"No time to be lost. Up, up, up!!!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #264 on: July 30, 2020, 01:36:33 pm »

"Well, this is more like it, isn't it?" asked Ïlon, looking at remnants of his squad, fully armed again after a long time "Udirizden is restored to its full glory!"

"Also we have shoes now." said Neth.

"Let's find Stukos and get some orders..."

"We were just on watch!" said Alåth. "And new orders will be watches again! Why can't we... Like... Hunt down night creatures, like we used to?"

"Now we're in army again, lad. And we should be glad we're not under siege... Hey. What's this?"

In the middle of the hallway, that was brimming with life the last time the squad was there, now was silent, all the dwarves lying in ground.

"They're... Sleeping?" said Neth, poking them with his axe helve.

"All of them. Civilians and soldiers alike..." reported Adur, also examining this strange phenomenon.

"It's almost like if someone cursed the whole fortress..." said Alåth "Let's roll dices before we'll..."
"Cursed?" asked Ïlon. "That's not good. Quickly, to the throne room!"

"Look, royal guards are knocked out too!" whispered Adur.

"I don't hear any steps. It's all quiet..." said Ïlon.

Udma interrupted his thoughts, gesturing that he can hear something.

He sneaked slowly towards the entrance, with finger on his mouth.

Our brave heroes peeked over there.

They saw a terrifying silhouette, a tall creature they've never seen before.

"Look, it has blade!" whispered Alåth. "It's gonna murder the king!"

"Let's go and strike it down!" whispered Neth, wanting to take a step forward, but his captain stopped him.

"You saw what that thong did to everyone around? This is no ordinary assassin!"

"But we must confront it!" stated Adur. "Or you want to rely on Alåth's shot?"

"I can try and snipe it... Let's roll!" whispered Alåth, pulling out of his clothes two pyramid dices.

"Where did you get that? asked Ïlon. "That's from a shrine?"

Alåth nodded. "Helped me countless times. I always roll before a battle. Wanna try it too?"

"Whatever, just let's do something already!" insisted Neth.

Battle time!

It's going to be battle after battle now...

Yellow Pixel

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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #265 on: July 30, 2020, 04:49:41 pm »

I wasn't expecting that today. Thank you for the fun moment ! I'm sure the next parts are going to be epic ! :D

(Wow ! I'm a Bay Watcher now !)
« Last Edit: July 30, 2020, 04:52:34 pm by Yellow Pixel »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #266 on: August 02, 2020, 02:08:08 pm »

Alåth rolled without hesitation.

"Seven and a star." he said.

"What does that mean?" asked Neth.

"Should be some sort of blessing, I think..."

"You don't know?" whispered Neth angrily.

The assassin stoped crawling. It raised their head and started sniffing.

"What is this beast?!!" whispered Adur.

The being crawled again, and the noise was getting louder.

"It's going towards us, no doubt." whispered Ïlon. "We have one shot, we'll ambush it!"

The rest of the squad nodded.

As soon as the being crossed the doorstep, they leaped themselves towards it!

The serpent turned their head towards Adur and bashed him with their enormous wing, flinging him back.

Neth tried to slash it, but the being parried the axe with their pale blade, and gazed at him with its flickering eyes.

Neth fell to ground, motionless.

Ïlon slashes The Assassin in the upper body, tearing the muscle!

The being tried to bash him with wing too, but the captain dodged it.

The assassin used their gaze again, and Ïlon fell to the ground, too.

Alåth saw he was alone. Or was he?

Udma stabs The Assassin from the behind in the upper body, tearing the muscle and bruising the bone!

As the being jerked from the pain, Alåth shot.

The -steel bolt- hits The Assassin in the left eye!

The being started screaming and cursing in languages unknown to dwarves. It clapped it wings together, crushing Udma in between.

Alåth took cover, as he watched the blind beast furiously turning left and right, gesturing with hands. Lightning, fire and mist were coming out of their mouth, as it tried to smite whoever remained near.

Then it threw away the pale blade towards Alåth, trying to deduce direction from footstep noise, but missed.

It placed their hands onto their empty eyes. Green glow emitted from their scaly fingers, blood stopped pouring from the wound, and it sealed itself. The eyes, however, were not fixed.

The being fell to ground. And wept. Alåth didn't care.

He tried to get away, scared off by all the magic showcases.

The assassin stood up again, still babbling in their languages. It found the walls of the hallway by touch, turned back and crawled forward to the throne room.

It felt Udma beneath it's tail, who was still breathing. It put their hands on him, and felt he's still alive.

It groped for his neck, clawed it, and left bleeding. When he was on verge of death, the being casted a spell. Udma stood up, but not as his former self, but some enchanted thrall.

"Lead..." the assassin hissed. Enslaved Udma stood up, and took the being towards the throne room.

Alåth saw all of this from distance. He tried to wake up his friends, unsuccessfully. He didn't want to risk another shot. Hopeless, he ran off. And as he tried to escape, he could hear the king's gasping echoing through the hallways. And then... Silence.

Yellow Pixel

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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #267 on: August 02, 2020, 05:03:07 pm »

The sequence of the first pictures was perfect! When Udma attacked the Golden Queen from behind, I didn't saw it coming. But he has become undead and evil! :( But maybe there's still a way to save him ? I really liked the character: he was expressive even if he couldn't talk and he seemed to be a good person.

And Alåth was truly blessed when it shot the big snake in the eye, but now he will be suffering from guilt for the rest of his life...
« Last Edit: August 07, 2020, 09:19:15 am by Yellow Pixel »


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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #268 on: October 10, 2020, 10:00:05 am »

"No, I don't!" barked Urnût. "I don't need Kin in the mines! He should be outside, cutting trees, he's the only woodcutter 'ere! Mines and woodcutting, don't get along, you should know that!"

"You can't go underground just like this!" said Ermis. "With all the beasts lurking down there! Oh, you'll thank me later, you'll see! Besides, you're the overseer now!"

"I know, right? So it is my will to..."

"I mean you shouldn't mine at all! All the management went to war, and you're still wobbling to labor, why?"

"Nakuth's shift is over, now it's my turn!"

"Where is he?" asked Kin. "Shouldn't he have returned by now?"

"Oh, you know how he loves striking rocks, I bet he got stuck there blissfully crushing those..."

"He didn't." whispered Urnût.

Kin and Ermis looked below the ledge they were standing on. The old woman gasped.

There were moving figures scattered all over the layer, of many shapes and sizes. Upon closer inspection, our dwarves saw kobolds, troglodytes, amphibian men, trolls... And motionless body lying between them all, with a copper pickaxe nearby.

But there was something the dwarves didn't recognize. Creatures of average size, holding weapons, with large carved masks made from the underground shroom trees, and black tattoos, that felt kind of familiar... They must be dwarves, too!

"Who are those?" whispered Ermis, shivering.

"Zeg might know." Urnût uttered. "They look like or tribesmen, yet different... Why did they kill Nakuth?"

"Worse, how are they commanding all those creatures?" whispered Kin.

As much the dwarves tried to be silent, the army of creatures has noticed them. As soon as they did, they started climbing upwards.

"Those aren't friends, by any chance." said Urnût. "Quick, bring me Zeg, and armed dwarves capable of fight, burrow the rest! This is citizen alert, go! You stay here, Kin!"

The creatures were advancing quickly. Urnût thought he might destroy the stairs and stop them with a cave-in, so he rushed towards them.

"Protect me! Do not allow them to climb up here!"

The miner loosened some of the stone, and sent it rolling down the stairs, but the gaps were filled with new critters and warriors rather fast.

"This isn't working, back, fall back!"

The two dwarves ran back the corridor leading to Kudarkalur. Kin turned back one last time, and saw the overwhelming numbers of their enemies. And something towering above them all.

A pale gigantic figure, with eyeless face, and symbol on its forehead. It was the last thing Kin has seen, before leaving the cavern, and it certainly wasn't a pleasing look.

Meanwhile, Ermis has gathered a group of dwarves as planned.

"Masks, you say?" asked Zeg. "How did those look like?"

"Ask... *pant* Ask Urnût!"

"Ah, there you are! So few of you, though? Where's the fisherman?" asked Urnût.

"He was by the river, he'll come later! Now, what's going on down there?" asked Zeg back.

"An army of underground creatures, and some tribal dwarves in their ranks! They had tattoos like you do, and masks, and..."

"Tan skin, but bleached by the dim caverns." said Zeg. "I know. Those are our mythological foes, if you will. The other tribes, that rejected the beauty of the outside world and sheltered themselves from light forever! Oh, they'll slaughter us without hesitation."

"We won't let them reach the fortress without a fight! Quick, haul the boulders across the corridor, make a wall! I have a plan, you must barricade yourselves here, I'll prepare a cave-in at the cinnabar cavern."

"The museum?" asked Muz.

"I hope we can trap them there, stop them at least for some time..."

"They have a ogre." said Kin. "The damaged stairs won't hold them back too long..."

"Then there's no time to lose!"

"We won't let Kudarkalur fall!"

Yellow Pixel

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Re: Dwarf Fortress +Papercrafts+ : Tales of Kudarkalur
« Reply #269 on: October 10, 2020, 10:53:33 am »

All proud warriors! :D
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