Spell Effects
- Reduce the chances of a pregnancy resulting in a miscarriage, up to and including making a miscarriage impossible. This may not preclude a child being born with health defects, but the pregnancy will not end prematurely and birth will likely be without incident if successful.
- Reduce the pain and risk of injury associated with birth for both the mother and child.
- A powerful midwife or one with divine secrets may be able to both prevent miscarriages, death of either party, and pain and complications associated with birth.
- Induce labor immediately, even in someone or something that wasn't pregnant. If they weren't pregnant, the child born may not be natural, for instance, being an otherworldly being or night creature.
- A curse that makes childbirth much more risky, painful, or increases the risk of miscarriages.
- Prevent one from going into labor, trapping them in pregnancy either for an extended period or permanently.
- Cause a miscarriage immediately, killing the child and causing complications in the mother.
Environmental effects
Low level
- Complications during labor are slightly reduced, pain and injury less frequent and less severe.
Moderate level
- Miscarriages are somewhat less frequent
- Complications, pain and injury are much reduced
- Increases the frequency twin or triplet births, animal litters or egg clutches sometimes go over their cap by one or two
High Level
- Miscarriages are rare
- Complications, pain and injuries are only ever minor at worst
- Rarely, a female creature may spontaneously give birth without being pregnant. These children may not be of their species or naturally occurring at all.
- Twin, triplet, and quadruplet births are at least three times as common as their normal rate in the species. Litter sizes and egg clutches of animals increased 25%
Extreme Level
- Miscarriages never occur
- No complications, difficulties, pain or injuries occur to creatures giving birth here
- Females occasionally give birth to children, usually but always of their species. Males rarely spontaneously give birth to randomly generated creatures (a worldgen event, usually, think necromancer experiments)
- Half of all labors will end in the birth of twins, one in five triplets, one in ten quadruplets. Litter sizes and egg clutches of animals increased 50%
Creature Effects
- Same as environmental effects for the most part, but tied to an individual creature, not a region.
- Effects may be inherited in children, usually lessened in successive generations.
Plant Effects
All Levels
- More plants may grow from the same seed in farms
- Fruiting plant harvests (gathered in a zone, not a farm) are slightly larger.
Unique plants
- Produce fruit that reduce complications, miscarriages, injuries.
- Sleeping in beds made from wood of unique trees also reduces negative factors.
- Low levels reduce risks and severity of complications by 10%, Moderate by 50%, High by 80%, Extreme completely nullified.
- As above, positively enchanted worn items or used furniture reduce risks and severity of complications by 10, 50, 80, 100%. Worn items only while used, furniture restarts an effect timer each time its used, should last the average length between uses at minimum.
- Cursed weapons or items increase risks and severity, by 50%, 100%, 200%, 400%. May last several years to indefinitely.