Canto VI: Crexit对不起,你说什么?我不说英文。我只知道我应该找”Godmodder”,你知道他在哪里?
"TSK TSK TSK", CABL muttered when he saw the face-punching shenanigans that are happening on the Basically Earth +3 Days. He then descended on the planet's surface and enters strange mood, writing some shit about communist theory in a small apartment...
Write a 420-page magnum opus of mine that'll be a mandated read in 8th grade; those who refuse to read and follow the book's instructions will be declared enemies of CABL and the People.
420th page's epilogue will be; "Marxism is when the government does things; the more things the government does, the more Marxist it is."
You create the Neo-Communist Personifesto. The weaker 8th graders all stab themselves, and you successfully manage to use eulogy in your favor, truly living up to the standards of your creation. The average IQ shoots up to 2700, and the average penis size grows by 9 inches. You now have an army of superior 9th graders with PTSD at your command.
Find useful things in the empty set
It's empty, so there are no things, but you find many useful anti-things, for example, lots of gold! The Godmodder loves gold. Gold is good, and looks good, and tastes good when you put it in your food. You steal enough gold to be worth 5 euros. Hey, euros are expensive.
Use my two million euros to buy the godmodder's house out from under him, then burn it down.
You set the Godmodder's house on fire! "Ay caramba!" the person inside the house yells, and starts being baked alive. You are now a poor man.
Just FYI, to everyone who hasn't received a notification, the update is already done by Anaphaxeton. Due to reasons™, we were unable to upload it onto this account, but the update would've been the same nonetheless.
Really? Huh. I didn't notice.
Hm, how many health points is a-lth? It has to be a number, somehow, or it wouldn't be a legal value... WAIT! BASE 36! THESE "NUMBERS" ARE IN BASE 36! For the uneducated, base 36 is a number system where things go from 0, through the normal numbers and the alphabet, to z, which equals 35. In this system, z+1=10=base 10 36. Got it? No? Good. But I compute that my HP is 10-(21×36×36+29×36+17). According to the calculator that means 11-28,277, or negative 28,266. I'd say that puts me firmly in the realm of undeath!
Oh, I should command around Jack, shouldn't I? I whisper into his ear "0rca_tr0per is a heterophobe! He hates straight people and thinks they all deserve to go to hell!" This riles Jack-Out-Of-The-Box up and makes him jump 0rca_tr0per.
You become undead. Jack gets triggered, pulls the trigger, and shoots 0rcae_tr0per, but misses, and shoots his wallet instead, destroying his euros and making him poor.
You added one extra to each number. a is 10 in base 11 and higher.
Thanks for the math cover, brother!
Brother? I had no idea you were siblings.
Nobody takes the deal. The Godmodder gets nervous. "Well, it's not like not having health is going to kill me, I mean, come on, that'd be ridiculous!" the Godmodder says, and dies. Euros fly out of his mouth. Fortunately, he landed on a stone mask, which, of course, makes him undead. Every vampire values their cash above all else, and as such, his euros now dictate his own fortune, not only monetarily, but in life as well. He is not undead - he is only undebt.
Void: Exists. Is practically space.
Jack-Out-Of-The-Closet: 4 Health. Finally free.
Fused Lucas, God of Star Wars: 10 Health
Is GreatnessX-Wing Fleet: 8 x 9 Health.
scourge728: 942 Health. Dirty thief.
KitRougard: -28,266 Euros. Undebt.
Rockeater: 5 Euros.
The Godmodder: 90 Euros. Undebt.
0rca_tr0per: -99,975 Euros. Undebt.
EA: 80,000 Purple Arrows. Paywalled half of 0rca’s euros.