1: Why let some algorithm have all the fun? Give players more autonomy by letting them manually set the values on all worldgen variables one at a time.
Honestly, I like it to some extent. How one goes about implementing that in a way that won't look like the Matrix or something is the hard part. What next, allowing players to determine the final state of a world, given some initial parameters, by answering [10
12] yes/no questions about literally everything that goes on in a world, including those before history actually starts?
2: Make DF more multiculturally accessible by having Unish as the default language (with optional translations for Bolak, Afrihili, and Solresol)
DF seems like a game completely unsuited to full localization to any other language, since a lot of things are hardcoded. So of course, DF should implement a generalized notion of language, one that allows any sequence of arbitrary symbols to have meaning, given some complete and consistent set of rules, just to be able to translate it to other languages. Sure, the result might be as cryptic as the general proof for Fermat's Last Theorem, but that's the fun of it.
would the range of 'things' expressible in set theory be enough to qualify it as a language? is that statement even remotely provable?