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Author Topic: Falling Damage and Buildings  (Read 1161 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Falling Damage and Buildings
« on: September 28, 2018, 09:39:09 am »

Hi, I am new here but have been playing Dwarf Fortress for about 10 years now. I got a question that I couldn't find the answer to, I am doing testing now, but I thought maybe somebody already knows the answer.

Do bridges and buildings (grates, floor hatches, etc) do falling damage? It seems they only sometimes do. I got a 11x5 area covered in floor grates, built directly above constructed down stairs, so that I can circumvent the restriction of building grates only adjacent to floors/walls. The problem is, goblins dropping onto those don't die - most survive without injury, same goes for dwarfs (as I found out when somebody deconstructed a floor directly below himself - which is a problem in itself). So the question is: Why? The goblins drop 23 z-levels. Is it that hitting a floor grate does not cause injury? Is it that there are stairs directly below?

Lengthy backstory below.
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The basic problem is this: I can not use weapon traps because they make too much gore, which means too many hauling jobs and stress. I can not use atom smashers, because I want to use the goblinite. I can not get magma mist to set anything on fire, some body parts seem immune. I can not use raising bridges to push the bodyparts onto the grates, because they fling stuff in all directions, where it would get atom smashed when I lower the bridge again. I can not use water to push the bodyparts because that would push them through the grates, and all that water would need to be drained, and then the armor and weapons would accumulate at the bottom of the drain, which either means inaccessible (got an aquifer to drain into) or outright lost (bottomless pit).

So unless I missed something (minecarts do not push stuff lying around, the they?) I have to drop the goblins directly onto floor grates or a bridge above the floor grates (both of which has to kill them), which then gets retracted, dropping the goblin down onto the grates, and then pour magma on top which in a single action will set everything burnable on fire - which means 7/7 stacks of falling magma, which is enough to ignite the hard to burn body parts. But since the grates and bridges seem to do no falling damage, this setup is impossible? Or did I miss anything?

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Falling Damage and Buildings
« Reply #1 on: September 28, 2018, 07:34:49 pm »

Few observations: Your trouble with getting mist consistently is the fault of the mister design (I don't know what design you use, but there have been consistent design showcases for both skipping and falling-in-&-climbing-out in the past). Trouble with mist affecting body parts is not design's fault, though.

Goblins don't take fall damage if they land on still alive goblin, iirc, might be that. Though I haven't experimented with fall traps.

Retracting bridges also fling stuff around, but they don't smash them, and water doesn't push items through floor grates. (Though now I'm thinking of magma-safe bridge with artifact ‼lignite‼ mechanism.)

Submerging for half a day in magma (600 steps) has been shown to be enough kill dwarves but not their copper equipment in a dfma video iirc, so might try that. Goblins are no more immune to magma than dwarves are, so you don't need to kill them before submerging. I also recall vjek showed minimal goblin melter with pressure plate on downstairs activating a line of screwpumps pumping magma over the line of downstairs the siege party is over, though that is obviously far more brief.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Falling Damage and Buildings
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2018, 05:22:26 am »

I was using this design for magma mist:

The problem with goblins not dying is that the other ones won't move further up and into the trap when there are live goblins in the pit below. And it is not that they are falling on top of each other, I checked for that, the first goblin to fall down the 24 z-levels only stumped its toe, and moved out of the way.

I am pretty sure liquid can push things through grates, it even is in the wiki iirc. I had items end up on the other end of the floor grates, even though there should not be a clear path. Body parts from exploding bodies for sure end up on the other side of the grates (but that is really not a problem as I want to get rid of those parts anyways).

Thanks for the info with the 600 steps. That opens up new possibilities. I might have to abandon my original design if there is no solution to no falling damage when hitting grates directly.

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Falling Damage and Buildings
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2018, 06:30:42 am »

Yeah, I'd guess the precession from sub-tile positions there eventually caused collision? My own 6x2 tile skipper uses a single cart in a pathway and collision with wall to reset position on each cycle, as do all the simple "climb and drop in" repeating spirals I've seen.

Wait....Thinking more, I'm bit surprised it worked at all, given that with carts constantly moving on top of each other even slight slowdown in tile ahead should lead to the carts behind crashing into it, and skipping does cause substantial enough friction.

Liquid can push things through wall grates, fortifications and bars (can be pretty useful). Floor grates and bars should be different - certainly I can neither get items through them via 23z dumping drop nor by then flushing 11z of water through them in a quick test, though that's interesting info on exploding bodies - reminding me of how minecarts can hit things through the floor as well as pass through correctly-placed walls at great enough speed (which 23 tiles of acceleration is).

Alas, my yaks and dogs could not replicate, 3/4 died in 1 hit, and only one generated pieces (1 toothsplosion, all remaining above collided with tooth hauler since I pitted last two at once, and the cow did get injured even if the hauler didn't survive having a cow dropped on them.)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Falling Damage and Buildings
« Reply #4 on: October 04, 2018, 03:51:28 pm »

Sorry, real life got in the way.

What did you try to replicate? Things hitting floor grates? If yes, what was you setup? Grates over open space?

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Falling Damage and Buildings
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2018, 05:17:46 pm »

Grates on stairs. Couldn't have accessed that place with open space (although I suppose the boulder could have hid the access point).


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Falling Damage and Buildings
« Reply #6 on: October 06, 2018, 12:34:47 pm »

Allright, then I will deepen the drop another two or three levels (so that it is above the 25z 100% mortality rate) and watch closely if the goblins land on top of each other or if the lag of the invasion introduces some kind of bug where falling damage is not calculated correctly. Thanks for your help so far!