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Author Topic: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," Discontinued due to user error =]M[=  (Read 9970 times)

Dozebôm Lolumzalìs

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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #15 on: September 21, 2018, 06:19:32 pm »

squares are the art all masons must aspire to

The medical room was ruined! Behem hollowed it in an unscrupulous shape and called it an octogone. I explained to her squares are the art thus to aspire for that. I fixed the medical room but the octogone still haunts me. (Bravemule)

Hmm... is this an intentional reference, or are you simply exceptionally good at inadvertently referencing things?
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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #16 on: September 21, 2018, 06:24:12 pm »

squares are the art all masons must aspire to

The medical room was ruined! Behem hollowed it in an unscrupulous shape and called it an octogone. I explained to her squares are the art thus to aspire for that. I fixed the medical room but the octogone still haunts me. (Bravemule)

Hmm... is this an intentional reference, or are you simply exceptionally good at inadvertently referencing things?

This time around it's on purpose. :P

This is going from proper showcase to clusterfuck, so unless the graphics can be repaired somehow, you guys'll get what you get, but I still plan to abuse the shit out of this tileset to make the place look as nice as I can while working around the problems. As an example, what was supposed to be a bucket on the farmer's workshop looks like a giant yellow circle with triangles.


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #17 on: September 22, 2018, 08:05:50 pm »

26th Granite, 281

Meph continues to mark birch trees to build Hugo's ranch, and I have ordered construction to begin. I have ordered Hugo's ranch to act as a temporary shelter upon completion until we can delve more secure lodgings, and she did not contest the issue.

28th Granite, 281

Rakkat attempted to teach Hoyt spear fishing. A carp leapt from the river and struck him in the left cheek before flopping back into the river. We had a chortle at his expense when Hoyt informed us, and he did not appreciate it. Rakkat does not understand humor.

2nd Slate, 281

Spent two days marking proper trees and outlining a space to channel out for an entryway to the fortress proper. Meph seems pleased that I am enforcing the art, but in truth I did not wish to deal with the ramblings of a mad builder. A river otter came ashore and startled Rakkat, who set one of his war beasts upon it. I have made everyone bewared of this, as he may do the same if we startle him.

3rd Slate, 281

Meph has ordered Hoyt to create fencing bars from wood. She states it is to secure the single goat we have brought. I do not believe wood will make suitable fencing.

5th Slate, 281

Assisted Pratt with building of shingles. Hugo's ranch is complete though it lacks windows. Hugo seemed pleased to have a proper bedroom while Pratt grumbled about sleeping on her dining room floor. Maph is pleased that the structure is all birch and the furnishings either pear or almond wood, and more pleased that it adhered to the square art.

7th Slate, 281

Sard reports magnetite!

Perhaps there is coal here as well, as pebbles Hugo noted appear to be dolomite.

9th Slate, 281

There has been little of note. The otters have fled the area in wake of Rakkat's mandated mauling, but the carp continue to mock him. I have taken to checkers using dolomite pebbles and sun-dried clay cabochons with Pratt and Hoyt. I have yet to win a game.

10th Slate, 281

Hugo has begun carving spikes and spiked balls on orders. We passed several hamlets during the journey and I believe humans frequently travel through the swamp to our distant kin in the southeast. I have also ordered a depot to be built in anticipation of passing traders. Perhaps Sard can convince them that wooden trap components are valuable commodities. She sold magma to nobles, wooden spikes and balls to human merchants should be no harder.

11th Slate, 281

Sard labors to hollow the initial hall. She has discovered veins of ore and gems, and we celebrated her discoveries with kea meat and underwine.

13th Slate, 281

I heard strange noises coming from Hugo's bedroom while snoozing under her dining room table with one of Rakkat's badgerwolves. I investigated andhad a rock thrown at me by Hugo and was bellowed at by Rakkat. They have not spoken to me since, and ignored me unless I issued labor orders.

15th Slate, 281

Hoyt has taken to carving trinkets from wood. He is not particularly skilled.

I think I will abstain from taking a new craft.

16th Slate, 281

Rakkat has been making nooses from vines. Far too many. I inquired to their purpose. Hugo informed me that Rakkat intends to "Hang iron forest men from the trees." If I did not have enough cause to avoid him, I do now, as I find him terrifying where he was once merely unsettling.

19th Slate, 281

Have been ruminating on what to make first for the militia. I have not had the privilege of working steel since my apprenticeship.

20th Slate, 281

Geese have kept me up for three nights. I wish we had a means to shoot the birds down, as their honks annoy me and I am tired of kea meat.

21st Slate, 281

I will make mail and helmets first. Meph speaks of using dolomite to construct a tower from. Hugo and Hoyt are in agreement. I have opposed it and Pratt and Sard have agreed. Rakkat appears uncaring of such matters, as he was marveled by the shine of copper, and Hugo alleges the shine of steel does not sound appealing to him.

23rd Slate, 281

I have set up a spare armor stand to allow the militia to train. Rakkat desires a barracks made of bones. Pratt did not contest this, and Hoyt was mildly disturbed by the idea of empty-eyed skulls staring at him at all waking hours.

25th Slate, 281

Plans have been drawn with Meph's oversight. There were no complaints, as they consist of overlapping squares. She again applauded us for maintaining the art.

28th Slate, 281

Food supplies run low. Ale supplies as well. If we do not correct this soon we will suffer hunger and water.

2nd Felsite, 281

This is little we can do. The carp swim the waters and no geese will come down low enough to land. Rakkat attempted to shoot them down the birds with a sling crafted from vines and dolomite pebbles. I engraved a picture of a highwood tree surrounded by seven stones in Hugo's front door. The stones are screaming at the highwood.

3rd Felsite, 281

I wish Hugo and Rakkat would make romance more quietly. Sard and Meph are sleeping in the hollowed out rooms below to be away from them. I prefer the safeness of the war beasts, even if I must endure the sounds above.

8th Felsite, 281

Pratt runs drills incessantly. Most of us can do very little until the dining hall and living quarters are complete, as only Hugo and Meph have any knowledge of furniture making and I cannot make arms or armor for fear of keas attempting to rob them from us as there is nowhere safe to store any products fo labor. Even Hoyt's figurines are in jeopardy sitting idle in the work station.

9th Felsite, 281

I have made proposal to Meph on the planning of a warehouse built from hazel wood and full with bins and other necessities of storage. She agreed and tomorrow morning I will go and mark trees for felling for Hugo.

11th Felsite, 281

Hugo fells hazel trees. I have not heard from Meph regarding the plans, but she is busy hollowing manager and bookkeeper rooms with Sard and they have only recently finished the hollowing of corridors to each room.

13th Felsite, 281

Spent yesterday playing checkers with Hugo and Pratt. I defeated Hugo several times but defeated Pratt no times. Hugo defeated Pratt twice. I do not understand how Hugo defeated Pratt in checkers.

14th Felsite, 281

Pratt is restless from lack of cult dwarves to murder. Rakkat is restless from lack of elves to murder. Rakkat's war beasts appear restless because Rakkat is restless. I am concerned for everyone's safeness.

16th Felsite, 281

Concerns grow over food and drink supplies. Hugo has made stepladders and buckets in response. She expects us to eat gathered fruit and drink water like elves. It was decided through fair voting that we will only do so when food kea meat and ale supplies run out.

17th Felsite, 281

I had nightmares where I was trapped in a tower made all of granite or gabbro. I was trapped with other dwarves and I dorered the tower collapsed to crush monsters climbing from the depths. I do not understand this dream, but I am now filled with dread.

19th Felsite, 281

Marked trees for Hugo around the depot. We will need wood other than hazel to build bins and storage racks from.

25th  Felsite, 281

Hoyt has taken to fishing. He uses a crude harpoon to spear vermin fish instead of carp. Rakkat chastised him, but Hoyt did not appear to care, as he could not understand him.

Okay, so. Update! I ended up unwittingly playing through Felsite without actually getting anything done; I pretty much just watched Sard and Meph mine for a month. However! First building is done more or less per Hugo's request for a private home, some fixes were made to the raws, and we have found what's broken so far and what isn't.

- Bucket override for farmer workshiop - Broke.
- Graphic fo snownanny goat - Broke
- Tree trunks - Several have wrong colors and therefore are Broke.
- My fencing reaction rpduced 600 bars rather than 4. I used enough to floor over the space for the depot and fence in Hugo's little pen, and destroyed the rest via DF hack. Fixed the raws since.

Everything else so far appears to be moving just fine, with constructs taking on the desired colors and such. We've got a depot up, and I've even gotten a chance to use the roof shingles in a good way, and frankly even if it's hardly ever seen, it makes a world of difference cause it gives the roofs uniformity and an actual roof look to them. Kudos to you Meph for including that, I genuinely like it. :)

So, we have a warehouse planned, and I know down the line I have the copper set slated to build our engineering sector, and we have tetrahedrite on site to make it. :D We also have steel making materials on hand, which I wasn't expecting - I figured we'd be making our living with zinc and lead crafts, not steel-clad militias and billon goodies. This means we can also indulge in Zaporozhet's mod to its fullest with cannons and shit in abundance. :D

I might even make an underground artillery battery at some point.

What do you guys think so far? Broken color trees and minor breaks in the overrides aside (which could be a DFhack issue for all I know, cause I tested it and the Musket mod - the only thing that required I touch the overrides file - didn't cause the issue.) The transparency issue with live plants also seems to have gone away between game loads (as I fired up the game today and the issue had resolved itself, as did a problem with the top left corner of the craftdwarf shop.)


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #18 on: September 23, 2018, 04:53:19 am »

That's pretty interesting you got lovers in the fort already, I barely see any relationships develop in my own forts. The aboveground stuff looks really cozy - I really love aboveground forts for that reason.

Darkening Kaos

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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #19 on: September 24, 2018, 07:03:00 pm »

     Splint, just a suggestion regarding buildings made of wood, instead of windows, I installed wooden grates - they allow the occupants to see out, but don't permit arrows or crossbow bolts to travel through them, and they look aesthetically pleasing, (to me anyway), see picture below of my trade warehouse, unfortunately, the floor above is in the way, but you can just see one corner.

So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #20 on: September 24, 2018, 07:16:33 pm »

3rd Hematite, 281

Heard strange sounds in Hugo's pen last night. Witnessed Hoyt and Sard engaged in unwholesome acts. Ignored and went back to sleep on dining table.

4th Hematite, 281

Petitioned for more chairs and tables in Hugo's dining room to avoid crowded tables. It was denied.

5th Hematite, 281

Petitioned to be allowed to use oak logs for building a bridge across the stream to replace the destroyed bridge. It is under consideration.

6th Hematite, 281

Installed a grate over a plot of sand. I am told this will ensure no grass will grow on the sand, and thus allow us to harvest it for glass. I wish to meet a glassmaker so they can inform me how sand creates glass, if glass is a gem.

7th Hematite, 281

Began construction of the warehouse. It is built from hazel wood and oaken floors. The rains continue unabated for two weeks now. Never heavy, and yet enough to cause grumbling among fellow stones.

8th Hematite, 281

Petitioned to name our group after the symbol engraved on Hugo's front door. Petition was accepted. My previous entry referring to dwarves as stones was not in error.

9th Hematite, 281

Installed doors on the warehouse while Tolver installed window bars. Suggested window bars for Hugo's ranch at evening meat and ale, but was shouted at by Meph for disgracing the art of house building. I do not know this art and informed them so. "I am a war dwarf." I told her. "You are also a dolt who does not understand the art." she informed me. I did not contest this, as I was not educated in any arts that are not murder.

10th Hematite, 281

Conducted drills at night for training night eyes. Discovered Rakkat snoozing under the shoveldon to shelter from rain. I awoke him and informed Shoveldons are not Hugo's ranch. He informed me that he cannot understand me by looking at me with confusion then rolled over and resumed his snooze.

11th Hematite, 281

Spoke with Hugo at morning meat and ale. She and Rakkat bellowed at each other over rights of the shrewdog to sleep in beds and she forced him to snooze outside in rain. Tolver created an iron buckler of masterful quality. She appears to be ecstatic for achievement of her dream of creating such a fine work of art. She bestowed it to Hoyt to replace his shield. I inquired why I was not given the buckler as commander, and Tolver informed she promised her first buckler to Hoyt for comfort for the shield swallowed by the river. I will have to accept this and requested a buckler when more coke is made.

12th Hematite, 281

I requested Hugo educate me in old dwarven that I may command Rakkat in battle effectively. I also request Hoyt be educated in old dwarven as well. She will oblige during evenings when we are not laboring.

13th Hematite, 281

Hoyt is a terrible fisherwarf. He has only managed to spear river weeds and a rotted carp.

14th Hematite, 281

Sard consumed the last piece of kea meat. Stones will suffer hunger with no meat, and soon the ale will all be gone.

15th Hematite, 281

I have not eaten in two days. I have begun considering slaughtering Hugo's goat for meat.

16th Hematite, 281

Humans arrive from the south. Rakkat appears to desire murder. Hoyt and I objected, stating trade would ensure food and no dangers, which Hugo relayed for us, as we are still poor speakers of old dwarven with only two days of education. They will arrive at next sunrise.

17th Hematite, 281

The caravan arrived at the sight of our camp fire and had assumed us bandits to murder. They abstained when they saw our depot. I commended Tolver for her foresight. Sard bartered for drink and ingots of pewter as well as bins laden with leathers and cloth. Meph labors to fashion more components to barter for food and animals to slaughter. We celebrated with a barrel of river spirits.

18th Hematite, 281

Sard acquired war mutts for Rakkat to train in how to bite and tear invaders, as well as bulls for food and bone. Tolver has marked a space for the future barracks for storing of food until a proper space is hollowed. Sard is attempting to delay the departure of the caravan until we can create commodites from bone and horn.

19th Hematite, 281

Miners begin hollow of a food preparation room and for proper storage of food. I set simple braziers in the warehouse for light will fetching goods. Other stones seemed to agree with this action.

20th Hematite, 281

Began laying shingles on the roof. Meph alleges shingles will protect commodities from rain. I am only glad to stay occupied.

21st Hematite, 281

Defeated in checkers by Meph. Neither of us understands how this happened. Drowned humiliation in quinoa beer. I would prefer Sunshine.

22nd Hematite, 281

Rakkat is apparently happy we are attempting to learn old Dwarven. Hugo informed me he refuses to learn modern dwarven. Their conversations are strange during evening and morning meat and ale.

23rd Hematite, 281

Installed racks for storing of weaponry in the warehouse. Arms and armor we have no need for will be stored there after the establishment of a proper armory.

24th Hematite, 281

Finished laying shingles on warehouse roof. I deem the warehouse complete, but storage items may still be needed. Bags for holding things. Bins for holding things. Hugo agreed and will fashion bins.

25th Hematite, 281

I am restless. I am eager to train but there is no time. Too much labor of some sort or another.

26th Hematite, 281

Had a chortle at Sard's expense. One of Rakkat's war mutts relived itself on her leg at evening meat and ale. She was upset at first, but unlike Rakkat understands humor in situations.

27th Hematite, 281

Rakkat throws darts at a target fashioned to resemble an elf. I suggested hanging it from a tree and making it sway for more challenge. Have won two figurines and an amulet for superior marksdwarfship over Hoyt and Rakkat.

28th Hematite, 281

The humans have departed. Tolver informed she would like future caravans. We are all in agreement, though Rakkat apparently despises commerce, as he objected once Hugo had translated for him. I stored a superior quality sword in the warehouse for safeness, and petitioned for iron shields and mail. Petion was accepted when I informed Tolver that we have iron in abundance and can be worked more quickly than steel and she requires training on the less valuable but still potent metal. She is impressed by my knowledge of iron and steel, as they appear quite similar. I informed her that it is my duty as a war dwarf to understand these differences as you cannot cull weak cult dwarves with copper.

This one is significantly shorter, simply by virtue of not much going on. I pretty much had to bullshit up and drag things out or reorder them, as I'm actually in mid-malachite now. I finished a warehouse complete with a few decorative items, a shingled roof, and some structures for decoration.  I think it looks nice, and I might build another larger one later.

Some more minor glitches, but so far things are chugging along. Been sitting on this update for a day and a half now, and I'm glad to have it up. Other than the odd coloration glitch, the actual sprites themselves are working well.

What do you guys think of a dolomite keep? I mean I have to work around Hugo's house, namely in not getting too close, but other than that, seems dolomite may end up our most abundant resource, depending on what else we find and if we wanna be fancy cunts flaunting our flux deposits.

     Splint, just a suggestion regarding buildings made of wood, instead of windows, I installed wooden grates - they allow the occupants to see out, but don't permit arrows or crossbow bolts to travel through them, and they look aesthetically pleasing, (to me anyway), see picture below of my trade warehouse, unfortunately, the floor above is in the way, but you can just see one corner.

It's an in character choice on the part of Meph's dwarf to insist that an above ground house have windows. That's all> THere's actually a reason I used bars for the warehouse - it's something the character might not be as insistent about since it's "just" a storage building.   ;)

Darkening Kaos

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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #21 on: September 24, 2018, 07:45:33 pm »

     I end up making my trade warehouse seven or eight stories high, all the heaviest items closer to the bottom near the depot, while light, easy to move objects are further away, it's the micromanager in me, plus the mass producer, 'cause I don't install anything in my fortress that is not a masterpiece, even low-quality beds stay in a dormitory until everyone has a room.
So! Failed to make peace, war looms, kill the infidels... what are our plans for the weekend?
The Giant Moles in the caverns of my current fort breed like crazy, even while regularly being decimated by other beasts entering them...


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #22 on: September 24, 2018, 09:07:12 pm »

Yeah I tend to take a conservative "Produce as needed" approach, so later migrants often paradoxically have nicer digs a lot of the time. Only exceptions are militia equipment and trade goods/food of course.

I may expand the warehouse outward, just because I don't wanna tear up the shingles though. :P

EDIT: Vettlingr and I figured out what was wrong with the snow goats. Evidently the creature file had a typo on that creature (leaving out the _DBDB bit at the end of the ID.) So that'll be fixed.


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2018, 04:24:35 am »

I like the look of the warehouse. Pretty convenient timing on that caravan, mine usually don't start popping up until later.


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2018, 04:35:57 am »

Yeah, it's an odd thing, but I'm sure as hell not complaining. I think the mod launcher by default has humans set to arrive a little earlier (and they'll come in summer regardless if you play as them.) Still, it bailed my ass out of serious trouble because my supply of kea meat and booze was all but gone and nobody knows anything about plant gathering.

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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #25 on: September 25, 2018, 07:26:15 am »

Those shingle graphics could probably be used for road overrides in addition to custom workshop's (as it is, I expect they'll look like question marks in Armok Vision, which is little undesirable).


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #26 on: September 25, 2018, 07:53:44 am »

There's actually separate graphics for roads built from both rough stones and blocks (I'm thinking of using rough stone for most of the roads outside the keep.) Anything regarding graphics in Armok vision is something you'll have to take up with Meph and whoever works on AV.

Would be nice to have one of the repeated spots replaced on the craftsdwarf workshop, maybe a chisel or knife or something over the shingles, since woodcrafters would probably be the ones tasked with making them.


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #27 on: September 25, 2018, 11:00:17 am »

Is there any Dorf8ng? I like this fort, and I like where it’s going. It helps that the legendary Splint is running it.
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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #28 on: September 25, 2018, 01:53:56 pm »

Can claim one and do as you like, I won't push a writing style on anyone.  :)

All I got for the first migrant wave was a family of 3, so may be a bit before any suitable dwarves show up.


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Re: =]M[= Odkishmomuz, "Ferncrypt," a story/mod-driven tileset showcase =]M[=
« Reply #29 on: September 25, 2018, 03:47:17 pm »

I shall lie in wait, in that case... Like a drunkard in the grass...
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