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Author Topic: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam  (Read 18429 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #105 on: October 09, 2018, 03:01:29 pm »

Right, time to craft.

Using my knowledge of Energy Transfer, I etch the runes to allow this to activate when the Sagitta Spell crosses over it. It will then absorb all the energy in the area around it, including the field blocking the finish line. It won't be much of a hole, but it should be big enough to let the Crystal to sail on through before the energy reforms the shield.

My Tempestry will also be used to turn the remaining stone to a matrix to give the energy a place to go before it inevitably blows up. Set everything up, and I have my Barrier remover.

Note, the energy field is pushed up from the finish line. So send that section into this sigil instead. That should create a hole in the shield.

Set the trigger for my Sagitta magic so it will start once it nears the sigil.{This is mostly due to the fact that I'll have a bit of my Spirits with it, so I have a valid passcode to activate the thing.}


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #106 on: October 09, 2018, 05:46:27 pm »

((Okay, I hate to OOC in the IC thread, but... TricMagic.  Dude.  None of us have any idea what you're doing.  Please learn the words.))

Additional testing!  Is there still a forcefield over the empty space?

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #107 on: October 11, 2018, 01:56:27 pm »

Visit the final stretch and consider what the actual obstacle there is, or what else might have caused the spirit to falter. No mana in the mist? So much noise it jams even short-range magic? Hostile magic?
There is a world yet only seen by physicists and magicians.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #108 on: October 12, 2018, 06:44:22 pm »

"Sounds troublesome. I should ask my parents about it next opportunity I get. Well, thank you for the help. Do these stores have reviews? If they do, I'll give this one a good one."

So now I can move the block. The quartz platform it is on could be used to make a cannon as well.

Head back over to the block and use the new wave gear to move the block off the quartz pedestal. Then get to work artificial the pedestal into a breech-loaded cannon,
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #109 on: October 14, 2018, 12:04:49 am »

Octavia speaks and points to a crystal. "So in other words, I have no privacy while I'm here... If I have to protect a fragile crystal already as part of the exam, then the bipolar crystal sounds like it would be most ideal for my current situation."

Barring any other issues that would require player intervention, Octavia would thank the shopkeeper and resume putting her previously described plan into action.

"Ah, it isn't quite like that. They can't read your thoughts. And they're not that hard to force out of your room. Just gotta light a few candles here and there to suck away all the energy. Spirits don't hang out where there's no energy."

She has a couple of 'candles' on a shelf on the wall, beside the counter. Not lit, of course. "You can take one if I made you worried."
They aren't wax candles as you're accustomed to seeing. Instead they have a carved wooden base and a small crystal on a narrow cradle of silvery metal. Lighting that with a match won't work.


Spoiler: The crystal itself (click to show/hide)

For a wavegear, you will need to provide it with power. You can scrounge up some circuits from the scrap pile, most likely, but the kinds of wavegears you are familiar with are the kind that one sticks into the ground, using the natural signals echoing within the earth as a power input.

Those same kinds of signals can be produced by a human. You're confident that you can provide that with your own body, even. But it's something to take into account.

The engram will act as a trigger, and you will need to program it with the force spell that you will use to guide the craft.

The plants looked pretty good, give her green colored hair. Also amputate and try again on the foot and then do the hand.

"Well, it is right, just not correct." Myrtrice jokes flatly.

The girl you'ved healed says that she can't feel it. Should make amputating easy. However, as soon as she stops speaking she sort of stares blankly, then tips over leftward. Her friend's magic slows her fall.

Looks like you mirrored the vascular system as well.

You slice the foot off with a whirlwind of frizzing tangles of light, severing it cleanly and self-cauterizing the stump. Somehow she seems worse off having agreed to your help, but no matter. The wooden-stump-turned-foot now re-liquidates itself as your magic undoes molecular bonds and slices it thinly into a paste. Crafting a couple of helper enzymes to re-solidify the mass, you first take the shape of a random bystander's foot (who is similar in height), then start piecing together the skeletal structure and then passages for blood vessels, nerves, and the like. Finally, flesh takes form and you reconnect the appendage to the stump, taking extra time to double-check the nerve connections and blood flow. You then get started with the hand.

Helping them has cost you quite some time. It seems many of the others in the Flowering Hall have their setups vaguely constructed at this point. Two more hours remain.
Yet now you've earned the assistance of a small band of first-year students. They help you move the block up onto the scale and you are able to work out the position of the crystal plus its approximate size. They ask you what else they can help you with, and you immediately eye a small wooden doll one of them holds by the arm, missing its single eye. It looks fresh, judging by the strained microstructure of the wood's vascular system, having had little time to settle after being bent into shape.

"Sounds troublesome. I should ask my parents about it next opportunity I get. Well, thank you for the help. Do these stores have reviews? If they do, I'll give this one a good one."

So now I can move the block. The quartz platform it is on could be used to make a cannon as well.

Head back over to the block and use the new wave gear to move the block off the quartz pedestal. Then get to work artificial the pedestal into a breech-loaded cannon,

[11] You blast a single deep hole in the marble, first to get the crystal out, then after mending the walls of the barrel, you smooth it out in order to efficiently use space. The stone as it is may shatter under stress. [4] But with this new staff, you are able to work quickly and keep your workspace organized, leaving plenty of time to figure out a solution.

You're worried about the crystal shattering as well.

Additional testing!  Is there still a forcefield over the empty space?

There is not. You pluck a pebble into the hole and it falls right through.

"Thank you person who created webbing!"

To ice lady:

"Bah!  This is not for grade!  This is did we complete the challenge!  And I fully intend to complete the challenge in the most expedient way!"

Time to talk to Marcus!

"Interesting!  Et, non.
I do not utilise such methods as I observed of yours frequently.

Is possible that spirits simply lost focus.  Can be easy to distract.

Add wheels?  Add, stabilizer?  Aerodynamic!"

Investigate the sparks!  Could I perhaps tap into the power conduit now that it's exposed and build a motor?  I hope I have some electrical supplies, not having any on me at all would just be silly.

Also investigate the bump!

"Hmpf. Shoot yourself in the foot, if you wish." She heads off to slack next to the empty shell of the concrete block, sitting on a throne of ice while a smaller version of her icy serpent dances with the crystal. Seems like she has things figured out.

The power flows through the floor plates, throughout the thin layer. You put your hand over it and feel the circuits in your arm vibrating. It's sort of a burning feeling. If you had a means to tap into such energy, you could most definitely power a motor with it. Probably a decent-sized one, too, depending on the amount of power density you'd get.

What it would look like is some kind of sail that you cast over the ground, covered in wire loops so as to pick up the signal from the ground. Ideally you can couple enough of the signal out of the floor to get some current.
Spoiler: Crafting (click to show/hide)

You notice the crystal bouncing around inside the icy serpent's body. But it's made of ice, not water--you can clearly see there is no phase transition inside. In fact the whole thing, though made of a solid, seems to act like a liquid at will, with solid objects passing through at will. What a spell.

(Also what do you mean by bump?)

Visit the final stretch and consider what the actual obstacle there is, or what else might have caused the spirit to falter. No mana in the mist? So much noise it jams even short-range magic? Hostile magic?

You venture out onto the racetrack, minding the invisible forcefields dividing the lanes. As you approach and the noise of magical experimentation dies out, you hear your spirits. They're pleading, lying low to the ground, hardly moving about as they were before.

It seems mana starvation is the issue.

You venture toward the finish line, and find that the forcefield which extends around the track, also happens to block off the end of the track. Mana doesn't flow through the force field, meaning that your spirits are slowly drinking up energy. They'll die if you leave them here.
And without finding a way to defeat the forcefield, it would be difficult to pass the test. But you look down and see no glowing emitter like the fields dividing up the track. Where could this field be coming from?

Right, time to craft.

Using my knowledge of Energy Transfer, I etch the runes to allow this to activate when the Sagitta Spell crosses over it. It will then absorb all the energy in the area around it, including the field blocking the finish line. It won't be much of a hole, but it should be big enough to let the Crystal to sail on through before the energy reforms the shield.

My Tempestry will also be used to turn the remaining stone to a matrix to give the energy a place to go before it inevitably blows up. Set everything up, and I have my Barrier remover.

Note, the energy field is pushed up from the finish line. So send that section into this sigil instead. That should create a hole in the shield.

Set the trigger for my Sagitta magic so it will start once it nears the sigil.{This is mostly due to the fact that I'll have a bit of my Spirits with it, so I have a valid passcode to activate the thing.}

You form a mandala sensitive to spells--in fact, it is so sensitive that you can see the woven structure of glistening shadows flash as others in the room test their magic. To keep those from interfering you would need a means of blocking out whispers. You learned a trick when you were litter--it has to do with the fact that magic is made up of frequencies, and each frequency exists both in time and in space. You place an invisible grid of silken wires to filter out frequencies, and teaching your body's spirits the correct size and length of signal to pass, you manage to shut out most, but not all, of the noise.

The mandala attaches itself to your crystal. All it will take is the presence of your spirit-derived magic, and the mandala will amplify your magic into a small point, small enough that any and all energy will be burned away, including that which holds the force field together. (is this the correct behavior?)
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #110 on: October 14, 2018, 12:39:07 am »

The thing somebody ran into. the field emitter on the ceiling?  On the sides of the finish line?

Anyway, time for a parts run.  Let's get some metal, some filters, something to broadcast with...

As for running things through other things...can not the rock and metal be shaped?  And metals cast into or wound through the stone...or wound around the crystal, once it is extricated.

Test one: is the field keyed to the marble?  Bring a chunk of somebody's cast-off to the field at the finish line and see if it does anything.

Test two: As per one, but with a crystal.

Test three: I believe I've told you I want to build a hole in the field at the end many, many times now and it has never actually been processed.

Test four: Jam the field!  Try generating some destructive interference patterns so it stops.  Or if I've found the emitters, block them off.

...inspect the apparent violation of physics, if not waved off, for insight.

To ice lady:
"You are not planning to test?  The field creates, effectively a zone of almost no energy...or at least it does not replenish.  It may impact the ability of your creation to reach the finish.
Additionally, there is a field at the end that no-one here seems to have yet pierced, though I think that one is on to something."

Elena gestures to the person at the end of the track with the antimagic mandala.

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #111 on: October 14, 2018, 04:31:43 pm »

"We need masonry tools, a bunch of wire (two colors) and a Engram crystal. I need that doll, he'll be my beast of burden."

Myrtrice will craft an eye to place in the doll, this way she can remote control it with a wire if needed. Her primary strategy however will be to program the crystal and place it in the doll to follow a wire course she'll lay from the start to the end. Before that though, she'll have the group help her cut away the rock around the crystal objective. Starting with the largest safe slices possible and then finely chipping away at the rock around the crystal.
Sigh, they always said that junk food was bad for you. I guess that leaves us with canabalism.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #112 on: October 14, 2018, 06:07:30 pm »

Octavia decides to implement the other parts of her plan now, then finish the auxiliary wavegear after that. She didn't want to spend too much time on her plan B before plan A was ready.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #113 on: October 19, 2018, 11:35:49 pm »

Marble isn't exactly a good material for cannon construction, but it should be able to hold for one or two shots. I could use the quartz to reinforce the barrel, that should help a bit.

The crystal does need some protection though. Perhaps a sabot? I could use quartz and vines to shield the crystal during flight.Maybe I should make a full-on shell for the crystal, add quartz shell with a pointed front and vine cushioning.

Reinforce the barrel with quartz to increase it's resilience. Create a quartz shell with vine filling to cushion the crystal during launch.
(5) You manage to struggle free of the guards and sprint to a safe distance before tossing a knife at one! (5 + 1 = 6) The throwing knife zips through the air, slitting a guard's throat! It then travels around the group of guards like a boomerang. It (5) Slits another throat, (Three 6's in a row!) decapitates three more (!), (4) slices open the last guard's arm, and (2) narrowly misses a random bystander. It then flies back into your hand. Holy crap.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #114 on: October 21, 2018, 03:43:12 pm »

(I am going to bump this, although I am sick and have to catch up on some classwork that I couldn't do yet, so I can't guarantee an update right away. Might as well give an opportunity for the last two.)
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #115 on: October 22, 2018, 08:50:47 am »

Right, did you read the OC? Guess I'll, try to work with it, I guess..

Take the stone, and attach it to the crystal, turn it{the stone} into a wavegear.

WG Program-
[Spirit Within Self used]
[Guidance of Sagitta-Type Magic]
[Propagation of Energy via Spirit-Transference]
[Binding Spell to Matrix]

Tempestry- Ribbon of Wind{Sagitta ae Capturae}
Spoiler: Spell Description (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #116 on: October 23, 2018, 04:58:36 pm »

(Was sick for a while. Feeling well enough to write for the time being)

"We need masonry tools, a bunch of wire (two colors) and a Engram crystal. I need that doll, he'll be my beast of burden."

Myrtrice will craft an eye to place in the doll, this way she can remote control it with a wire if needed. Her primary strategy however will be to program the crystal and place it in the doll to follow a wire course she'll lay from the start to the end. Before that though, she'll have the group help her cut away the rock around the crystal objective. Starting with the largest safe slices possible and then finely chipping away at the rock around the crystal.

The girl makes a bit of a pout. Yet, without your help she'd be kicking the doll around with her feet. She had an underwhelming amount of neuro-circuits in the rest of her body, so it seems she would hardly be able to use magic, too. Some people use their hands predominantly, others use their feet, their eyes, even their torso. But for the most part the fingers are the easiest part of the body to control. Using magic with nothing but your mind is more difficult than it sounds. To most people, it's rather like playing a three-dimensional instrument, taking a great deal of fine motor coordination and synchrony between the brain and its parts.

Eyes are difficult to craft. You saw the students carrying a bucket of eyes, in fact. They did mention a tree. Though you're not sure you'd like to put up with whatever spirit cursed them.
You have a couple of eyes to copy, so you go ahead and craft a handful. [12 -- No masterwork. Eyes are hard!] Some are small, some are oversized, but you have a couple that are just small enough to fit inside the doll's head, while being large enough to function like an eye. The wire is fine enough to trail after the doll.

Programming the crystal, now, will be more difficult. It's nothing like sculpting a body. When a crystal is triggered, either by a brief pulse from the mind, or by electrical stimulation, it gives off a signal omnidirectionally, the same signal it was programmed with. You know this much. You will have to find a mathematical way to make different body parts react to different parts of the signal.

Octavia decides to implement the other parts of her plan now, then finish the auxiliary wavegear after that. She didn't want to spend too much time on her plan B before plan A was ready.

(Using the values from pg. 2 for TBH's box on wheels)

[d12: 8][d12: 1!] You spend some time creating circular holes in the chassis for bushings to pass though. You realize, however, that your skills aren't quite up to the task of building precision bushing out of stone alone. Fortunately you have some scrap metal to use as axles, but this bites into your time.
It seems a lot of the students (NPCs, mostly) are finalizing their designs.

Next you raise up the box you must stand in, painted on the ground, and place it inside the vehicle. [d12: 5] Very... carefully. It doesn't fit perfectly, but you can't physically leave the box except by falling out, so that's good.

You have a vehicle with wheels with the starting point inside, and the marble block with the crystal inside is fashioned into the form of a vehicle.

The thing somebody ran into. the field emitter on the ceiling?  On the sides of the finish line?

Anyway, time for a parts run.  Let's get some metal, some filters, something to broadcast with...

As for running things through other things...can not the rock and metal be shaped?  And metals cast into or wound through the stone...or wound around the crystal, once it is extricated.

Test one: is the field keyed to the marble?  Bring a chunk of somebody's cast-off to the field at the finish line and see if it does anything.

Test two: As per one, but with a crystal.

Test three: I believe I've told you I want to build a hole in the field at the end many, many times now and it has never actually been processed.

Test four: Jam the field!  Try generating some destructive interference patterns so it stops.  Or if I've found the emitters, block them off.

...inspect the apparent violation of physics, if not waved off, for insight.

To ice lady:
"You are not planning to test?  The field creates, effectively a zone of almost no energy...or at least it does not replenish.  It may impact the ability of your creation to reach the finish.
Additionally, there is a field at the end that no-one here seems to have yet pierced, though I think that one is on to something."

Elena gestures to the person at the end of the track with the antimagic mandala.

It would be hard to tell if the field emitter is on the ceiling, not without flying up there and checking. But your tempestry...
The skills you've learned in your pursuit of artifice include using magic to carve stone, to slice, to melt metals, and to shape them in various ways while molten.

Test one/two: Someone else's marble also encounters resistance. Your crystal, however, does not. So it is technically possible for you to win without circumventing the forcefield.

Test three: ((I recall you asking twice to punch holes in the track, and twice your character has excavated the track. My apologies if I missed it, it's been some time))
The field at the end seems to be emitted from the finish line itself, so to punch a hole in the field you will have to punch a hole in the finish line.

A fiendish trick they have here.

Test four: Fortunately you have a solution in mind! All matter obeys the laws of physics, hence this forcefield cannot possibly be an exotic state of matter, it must be made up of mist just like every other ethereal magical structure like mandalas and such. If the signal which creates the forcefield is cut off, the forcefield ought to fall apart.
A noise generator should do the trick.


You head over to the main campus and encounter the shops at the ground level where traffic from the Flowering Hall meets (a description). You grab some RF equipment, filters, wires, tools, and so on, and even a cute battery-powered soldering iron, likely intended for children who can't use magic yet.
The shocking thing is that you didn't have to pay for any of this. They sort of gave it to you for free.


After you get back and pick up conversation again with the ice lady (is that the correct order?):
"My companion stores energy of her own. She is no fickle spirit. How else could I walk when the storms of magic drain away all power in the air?"

Another student chimes in, a student with a metal flower sticking out of her back. She holds her crystal in her arms, like a cat, and it seems to have gained four stubby metal legs made out of an unknown silvery substance.
"I would say constructing society based on such an unstable energy source is questionable in itself," eliciting a shrug of the shoulders from the ice witch herself.

Marble isn't exactly a good material for cannon construction, but it should be able to hold for one or two shots. I could use the quartz to reinforce the barrel, that should help a bit.

The crystal does need some protection though. Perhaps a sabot? I could use quartz and vines to shield the crystal during flight.Maybe I should make a full-on shell for the crystal, add quartz shell with a pointed front and vine cushioning.

Reinforce the barrel with quartz to increase it's resilience. Create a quartz shell with vine filling to cushion the crystal during launch.

[d12: 1!] You hackney something together but as it turns out, building a cannon out of easily-shatterable parts is only compounded by the introduction of additional brittle substances such as quartz. Your sabot comes out perfectly and fits into the barrel just as you intended. However as you load it for the first time you hear the sad, awful sound of cracks forming.
You fish out the crystal using your staff in order to inspect the damage. And there it is: a small crack growing larger and larger the more you handle it.

Darn. It may be a good idea to procure scrap metal instead. Another student seems to have done so already, as you can tell by the metal axles she found for her wheeled device. That won't be an issue.
The real question: What kind of spell are you planning on using to propel the crystal out of the cannon? You might head back for a wavegear, but what sort of spell will you program the wavegear with? An explosion spell would be fantastic, if you could find one somewhere, being used, so that you could copy it.

Right, did you read the OC? Guess I'll, try to work with it, I guess..

Take the stone, and attach it to the crystal, turn it{the stone} into a wavegear.

WG Program-
[Spirit Within Self used]
[Guidance of Sagitta-Type Magic]
[Propagation of Energy via Spirit-Transference]
[Binding Spell to Matrix]

Tempestry- Ribbon of Wind{Sagitta ae Capturae}
Spoiler: Spell Description (click to show/hide)

Turning mundane stone into a wavegear is normally a difficult task, but this marble is especially sensitive to magic. Perhaps it wasn't formed naturally, but rather crafted for a purpose, a purpose such as statues that walk and move about as humans do.
[d10: 8] You infiltrate the stone with small channels the same width as the signals you are passing through. It won't be a perfect waveguide, but it will at least make the stone a bit more sensitive. It is now a Lv5 Granite Matrix (5/5).

[d12: 8] Hence, when you conjure a spell to make a cage of wind, small currents gushing around the marble enclosure, the stone itself retains the spell, and even weakly echoes the spell without input. You will set it going soon enough.
The wind acts as both cushion, forming pressure against the floor and also creating some noise of its own. This actually makes the crystal pretty difficult to handle. But you can store it in a bowl for the time being.

You can make a second identical engram for the disk sitting at the end of the track as well, to keep it safe from interference if you so desire. The primitive filters you engraved into the mandala should keep Ribbon from interfering with Sagitta, at least not in a way you won't be able to tune out before setting things in motion.

Is there an easily available moldable rubber or rubber-like material in this setting? Something to make a contruct bounce on the ground without using magic?

You head to the city's fountain, where organic material wells out of a pipe at the center. The black tar still sparkles with blue purifying flames, fragments in the ignitions used in the pipes to kill off any and all spirits entering the fountain from the tar sea.
The side-effect is that the magical energy in the tar takes a little while to replenish. This makes it difficult to do immediate, intensive crafting with it, and vulcanizing it into rubber is one of those things. However you may be able to 'power it up' so to speak by feeding it energy in the way things naturally absorb magical energy: via high-intensity radio waves.

Either way you are done at the fountain after taking a bit of tar with you, converting the outer layer into a skin to keep it from bubbling out.
Next to the fountain you observe a pair of women lifting a body-shaped mass of tar out of the fountain. they begin wrapping it in bandages and ropes.
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #117 on: October 23, 2018, 05:28:00 pm »

No, I want to see if the field will go through a solid, hollow object pushed into it.

"Mine uses solar power, mostly.  Hydro-pumped batteries, lots of failsafes, battery slots in extremis.  A lot of old-fashioned things, really, that nonetheless work.  And rather more reliably than a human practitioner."

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #118 on: October 23, 2018, 06:08:36 pm »

No, I want to see if the field will go through a solid, hollow object pushed into it.

"Mine uses solar power, mostly.  Hydro-pumped batteries, lots of failsafes, battery slots in extremis.  A lot of old-fashioned things, really, that nonetheless work.  And rather more reliably than a human practitioner."

Never passing up an opportunity to put some else's idea to good use, you figure that a wider tube should work just as well as the smaller tube. Well.

[d12: 5] You try it drawing more and more vines into a woven tube just barely large enough to crawl through. It will take a while to build up a lot of these, but you won't need too many if you simply want to bypass the curves in the track.
You feel a hand on your shoulder from above. It's frigid, to the point where it actually hurts.

(The field will not go through a pipe.)
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth? (Gal 4:16)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Antinomy of the Five Spectra (IC) -- The Academy Exam
« Reply #119 on: October 23, 2018, 06:16:05 pm »

Okay, then I want to stick one through the finish line.

Where, relative to the course, are the boxes we're supposed to be standing in for the actual test?

Can I get some red paint from somewhere and make my own?
« Last Edit: October 23, 2018, 06:18:04 pm by TheBiggerFish »

It has been determined that Trump is an average unladen swallow travelling northbound at his maximum sustainable speed of -3 Obama-cubits per second in the middle of a class 3 hurricane.
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