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Author Topic: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12  (Read 67615 times)


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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #315 on: August 21, 2018, 10:51:30 pm »

Debating if I should sign up for a turn, but Breadbowl never recovered from the dragon powered incineration I brought on it.
Well the good news is, "smoking crater of unmitigated death and despair" is where Breakfastpit started. I'm pretty sure even you can't make things much worse.

Prove me wrong.

... well, when you put it like that, I'm bound to fail now, and in thus failing, turning Breakfastpit into a thriving utopia where happiness reigns, elves are burned, and dwarfs have all their desires fulfilled.
Quote from: TheFlame52
Fucking hell man, you aren't just getting the short end of the stick, you're being beaten with it.
Quote from: NRDL
Is your plan really to flush water into hell, and have the CARP marines fight them without threat of flame or disease?  If so, you are awesome, and one of the greatest DF military visionaries I've seen yet ( not that I've seen that many, or any, for that matter )

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #316 on: August 22, 2018, 09:04:51 am »

Debating if I should sign up for a turn, but Breadbowl never recovered from the dragon powered incineration I brought on it.
Well the good news is, "smoking crater of unmitigated death and despair" is where Breakfastpit started. I'm pretty sure even you can't make things much worse.

Prove me wrong.
Ah, but Breadbowl's crater got tantrumers in 42.06(!). Doing it now would probably drive everyone insane at great speed.


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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #317 on: August 22, 2018, 10:22:30 am »

Insanity is cured by opposing to life.

Dozebm Lolumzals

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #318 on: August 28, 2018, 02:24:38 pm »

28th Granite, 256

The new library is finding some use. We have a few books - a 36-page codex containing an essay about a goblin apprentice, entitled The Goblin For Students (shouldn't that be The Goblin As A Student?) and a 33-page codex containing an essay about the author writing about their tower entitled The Scroll Uncovered. That sounds... delightful. Well, perhaps some sages and scholars will show up and write something more useful. And Steedat seems a bit more focused after getting a chance to read.

The Exiled Ones returned. Hydrangea had apparently become depressed during her travels. You know what? I'm just going to send them out. They can leave forever. I'll have them conquer some human town and stay there.

2nd Slate, 256

They have succeeded, with zero casualties! We now control Tiledpeak. The local government is now the Early Rim, with Zan the Sworder as administrator.

3rd Slate, 256

Esthan Kolutal, a dead planter, returned from the dead to throw a tantrum. We already have too many tantruming live dwarves. I told the crafters to engrave a slab and throw it in the catacombs, since I have absolutely no clue where Kolutal's body is.

Kolutal toppled a farmer's workshop. This is getting annoying.

We got a book on proof by contradiction, and the young poet Amost Duraldumat seems to greatly enjoy it. She's also reading Records of the Tower. I know she said she finds the pursuit of knowledge to be a waste of effort, but she certainly seems interested in the knowledge held in our new library. And it's all thanks to the raids of the Exiled Ones.

...maybe I shouldn't have made them permanently settle in that hamlet, but what other option did I have? They would have gone insane at some point, and then they wouldn't be any use. And with those weapons of theirs... no, it's best that they stay away. We can always use our other squads for book retrieval if we need to.

Kosoth Mengbengeng the planter beat up Lor Kodorzas, another planter. She's very injured. Her guts and lungs may be nonfunctional, and both her hands are broken. Kosoth will probably go to jail for a long time.

4th Slate, 256

Nomal reorganized the military. Now there are three squads: the West Picks, who are the guards and the justice squad; the Distractions of Lancing, who are the main military; and the Takers of Trading, who are the recruits and novices.

5th Slate, 256

Onul Alilkeskal, a macedwarf, brought a thick book with her to training. Nomal questioned its presence, at which point Onul explained that the book was rather useless (being a detailed description of a small hamlet a day away), very thick, and also coated with stone. She then stored it in her clothes and announced that she would be wearing it there until she received armor.

((OOC: Yes, that's a reference.))

Justin walked into the small, loamy office. It hadn't been used in a while, and moss covered the floor beneath the single piece of furniture, an old wooden chair. There was a pile of equipment on the chair, including some imported iron chain leggings, two cheaply-made iron gauntlets, an imported woolen robe, and - there it was. An imported bismuth bronze sword. Justin picked up the gold-colored weapon and walked out of the room. He needed a weapon, after all. He had been told that wrestling wouldn't be enough in the military, and he had some experience with fencing from before Breakfastpit. He didn't know where the sword had come from, but it was decent enough. He was glad his nephew (Risen Astilon the hammerdwarf) had found the room while searching for equipment and told him.

((Justin didn't know, but the bismuth bronze short sword was brought to Breakfastpit with the goblin Iregaved during the 252 goblin attack. Iregaved used it to kill Tekkud Spearlashed, a horse, a turkey, and a donkey. He dropped it when he died, and then Solon Tiristzim used it. It then passed to Zan the Sworder. Between Solon and Zan, it was used to slay Meng Ageletters and Udib Glovedfloors (both in 255), as well as a giant slug, two blind cave ogres, and a zombie dwarf. Somehow it ended up in a secluded office. I suspect that the bookkeeper was part of the military at some point, and indeed she is a dabbling shield user, armor user, fighter, etc.))

Thinking about Risen reminded him of his other hammerdwarf relative, Bomrek Dallithoddom, his niece. She'd been sent off frequently for the last year or two, to get her and the other stressed military members away where their tantrums wouldn't cause as much harm. Justin wasn't taking life in Breakfastpit as poorly as the Exiled Ones - he had good self-control and could handle stress well - but he could understand why they'd gone half-mad. Life was tough and there were corpses everywhere. He hadn't had a chance to work on a craft or be creative since he'd arrived. The overseer had taken one look at his novice farming skills and sent him to the military. Without a weapon (metal supplies were almost dry), all he could do was wrestle. Yet somehow he hadn't been hurt yet. He couldn't say the same for half the dwarves in this fortress. Severe injuries happened every week, and half of them were caused by the dwarves themselves. Just yesterday, he'd heard, a planter went berserk and tore into the planter next to him. She'd been in the hospital since, and the rumor was that she'd be lucky to live, let alone work again. With the guilty dwarf in jail, that was two fewer planters available to work. And without enough planters, Breakfastpit wouldn't ever meet the food and drink quota. That wouldn't be so bad - nobody ever died of eating plump helmets - but the queen surely wouldn't be happy. He remembered that the queen had been a farmer, once. Maybe she'd understand the difficulties of farming?

Anyway, the difficulties of Breakfastpit. Not only were there too many corpses around, some of them were even blamed for crimes. The justice squad was a joke. Perhaps it would be better now, but the old squad's treatment of justice was an insult to the entire fortress. And not only did he not have enough time to work a craft, he couldn't even find time to pray to Stistras more than once a year. People barely had enough rags to wear, let alone decent items to satisfy a dwarf's wants. Ironically, the meals were poor as well. There was no fun. All brawls either ended in death or were shut down immediately by the justice squad, so a wise dwarf ate alone. There was no art. He barely saw his family, and there was no time for making friends. It was enough that he didn't even enjoy getting drunk anymore. It just gave him a respite from the bleakness of life in Breakfastpit.

But that didn't matter. Nothing would ever improve without sane, disciplined dwarves. Giving up wouldn't fix anything. He would do his job and guard the fortress, and he trusted that the rest of the fortress would do their jobs as well.

6th Slate, 256

Ablel Mosusnazom finished the slab dedicated to Esthan. It reads: "In memory of Eshtan Kolutal / Born 186 / Struck down by the dwarf 'SQman' Holystandards with a steel spear in the year 254 / Devoted mother and wife / Lover of shields".

I wonder why she was killed by SQman. Did she go berserk and have to be killed? I don't think I'll as SQman - she seems very stressed. I'm sure she wouldn't like to be reminded of the event. I'm just glad the ghost never went near her.

Oh. It did. That can't be good.

7th Slate, 256

Kogan Erithked is standing next to a fallen rhinoceros and shooting bolts at point-blank range into its legs. I told him to stop and sent out the military to kill it.

8th Slate, 256

Another ghost. This time it's the ghost of Ingiz Melbilkalan, who I think was a visiting performer. I thank whoever decided to make two dozen unengraved slabs.

The military made its way outside and hacked the rhinoceros to death. Kogan immediately claimed the kill as his and dragged it to a butcher's shop.

9th Slate, 256

Nomal decided that killing the rest of the rhinoceroses would provide useful meat and serve as good practice. I will admit, it was somewhat amusing to watch a rhinoceros barrel terrified across the plains while a dozen dwarves ran behind it trying to stab it. I do not think that Ral Tumamurdim, the ranger who was trying to bring a bin inside, found it nearly as amusing, though. He had to jump out of the way.

11th Slate, 256

Someone finally placed the slab, and Eshtan has finally been put to rest. Just one more, and we won't have ghosts stressing our population. Only corpses. Dead is better than undead, right?

12th Slate, 256

Dobar Mebzuthablel was going to process plants, but instead he broke down in horror reliving the death of Doren Goldenlabors. The population will still be haunted in their minds if I eliminate the external hauntings. This is bad.

13th Slate, 256

Sodel Kastarral, a planter, picked a fight with Bembul Astfarash the speardwarf (Killermartian's son). Surprisingly, Bembul didn't fight back, only deftly dodging until Sodel gave up. Well, the young man has always been slow to anger after seeing Zefon Crazedtrumpets's dead body three years ago. Perhaps some people benefit from trauma, instead of going insane. Maybe this will get better over time, as the unstable dwarves get filtered out.

I hope.

I think I'll recommend that Bembul be transferred to the fortress guard. He's just the dwarf we need in the guard. Expert at defending himself at others, but he won't get too angry in the process, so he won't do any more harm than needed.

18th Slate, 256

The construction of the jail is impeded by giant monarch butterflies. Also, Urist Domasushrir the ghostly recruit has risen and is haunting the fortress. Isn't that the one killed by Cerol's corpse?

We should probably bury both of them.

25th Slate, 256

Everybody refuses to enter the corpse room to retrieve the dead zombies. Fine. We'll slab them.

Also, Thikut Romekavuz threw a tantrum and destroyed the library. This is why we can't have nice things.

3rd Felsite, 256

Dishmab Ronstizmosus, a dead fisherdwarf, is now haunting us. Someone found a mangled old hand and claimed it belonged to her, so we're sticking that in a coffin.

9th Felsite, 256

Children are playing in the corpse stockpiles. I am torn between horror and happiness. If they can see death as normal, maybe they'll do a better job of running this fortress than we are right now.

Or everybody will die, but that might still be preferable.

13th Felsite, 256

Ushrir Akrelkogan, Hydrangea's son, threw a tantrum and destroyed some farm plots. He's effectively an orphan now - his father is dead and his mother is exiled.

Ingiz was put to rest via slab.

16th Felsite, 256

Eral Ekasterith has died of dehydration. I thought she died in the goblin siege? Strange. Anyway, someone hauled her corpse in and threw it on top of a glass furnace. I can't even understand why anyone would do that. What purpose does it serve? What point is it trying to make?

19th Felsite, 256

SQman got attached to her exceptional steel spear. (That's the one she used to kill Eshtan, by the way, in addition to Alath Nightearths and Deler Mischiefabbey.)

28th Felsite, 256

Endok Inalzuntir the clerk and speardwarf was possessed, and Melbil Oddomlesast, Urist Domasushrir, and Dishmab Ronstizmosus were put to rest soon after.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 05:38:03 pm by Dozebm Lolumzals »
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvan Descocrates
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Dozebm Lolumzals

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #319 on: August 28, 2018, 06:59:20 pm »

1st Hematite, 256

Just as summer arrived, so did the humans. They want revenge for our raids on their hamlets, and our conquering Tiledpeak. They are now besieging us. Many dwarves were outside the gates, but they all rushed in. However, nobody was willing to pull the lever, and so they entered the fortress.

2nd Hematite, 256

Thankfully, they came in as a trickle. Also, they were really shitty fighters, pardon my elvish. Justin was the first to arrive at the longhouse, and he says most of them didn't have any weapons. They weren't wrestlers, either - he's a wrestler and he knows what wrestling looks like. They just ineffectively tried to punch. One of them had a crossbow, and that was the only exception.

So Justin rushed out at the intruder, and the intruder rushed back. Not at Justin - away from him. Justin caught up and started biting him, of all things, before stabbing him in the arm. The recruit then exclaimed "Those injuries... Begone fear!" and swung at Justin. Justin counterattacked with a stab to the liver as SQman arrived and... stabbed the invader squarely and firmly in the heart. She is terrifying. As the invader bled out, Justin decided to go for overkill and tore at his lungs with his sword. Then, and I am not kidding you, SQman bit the invader's teeth and tore them out while stabbing him in the hip, disabling his legs. At this point, the invader passed out from the pain, and Justin took advantage of his enemy's stillness to slash him very hard in the head. And then his head exploded.

I can barely believe the reports the soldiers gave, but I've seen them sparring. They looked terrifying then, and they were holding back. But I've never seen them bite people to death. And to hear them describe it after the fact... it was all I could do not to laugh or run screaming.

Justin then pulled his sword from the gore, wiped it off on the bonesand, and remarked on how he had improved his swordfighting techniques.

At that point, Nomal decided not to lock down the fortress. Instead, she told the West Picks to defend the west tavern bridge and the Takers of Trading to remain at the longhouse, so that nobody could sneak in and attack. She would lead the Distractions of Lancing forward to drive back the humans.

And then the goblins ran by, because they had been freed when somebody locked down the trade depot. Fortunately, they didn't want to fight, and just escaped eastward.

(Meanwhile, a carpenter punched Diggy and bruised his spleen.)

The crossbowman was at the front of the attacking squad, because he was an idiot and didn't understand how ranged weapons worked. He only shot one bolt before the Distractions of Lancing got into melee range, and the bolt missed Auze. Auze then hacked his legs and body into gore before punching him in the kidney and slapping his axe against his teeth. Was he enjoying] himself? He then finished off the crossbowman with a strong hack to the upper body, causing the human to fall apart. Auze then said something about how he wasn't uneasy about death, which I am prone to believe.

At that point, the siege's conclusion was fairly obvious.

And then the goblin siege arrived.

3rd Hematite, 256

The goblins killed the humans. Apparently they don't like them either. The humans, meanwhile, complained about how annoying this was. I am not even kidding you. That is what the soldiers reported. The human recruit said, and I quote, "I've been wounded. That's very annoying," while he was being killed by a goblin crossbowman and a troll.

When the humans were dead, the dwarves and goblins finally noticed each other and started to fight. The dwarves were outnumbered four-to-one, and the goblins had weapons and knew how to use them (unlike the humans). It was looking bad for the dwarves. And at this point, Nomal entered a martial trance.

And she went fucking insane. She was in the middle of all the goblins at once. Most of her squadmates were half a minute away, since that's where most of the humans had been. But if she ran, she'd have been killed by the crossbowgoblins. So she attacked. Onul Alilkeskal and the scholar Auze Erushakrith fought alongside her, and fought well. But they fought on the outskirts, whereas Nomal was surrounded. And Nomal fought seven times as well as either of them. She was a blur of dodges, parries, jumps, and blocks. When her shield broke against the attacks, she smashed it against a goblin and dropped it. Even with her shield broken, she was never hit by a single goblin or troll. She didn't just survive being surrounded on all sides by ten goblins and trolls. She did all that while constantly attacking. She responded to almost each attack with a counterattack, and her attacks never missed. Even through armor, they were only rarely deflected. When her spear was in the right position, she stabbed through armor and bone. When it was elsewhere, perhaps parrying a troll, she might punch a goblin instead, or scratch it, or bash it with the shaft of her spear, or bite it and shake it around, or hit it with her shield. (That last one probably contributed to her shield breaking, but I won't tell her how to fight. She obviously doesn't need advice.)

Soon, the goblins were breaking. Some were running away, horrified. The rest were decreased in number, and many were injured. The dwarves had taken some casualties as well, though. Not all were as incredibly skilled as Nomal. Onul had been hit in the spine by an iron arrow early in the battle, which decreased her fighting ability. She fought well, but soon a goblin maceman bashed her in the head. She fought on with these injuries, though.

Auze was doing much better. While he wasn't a spinning speardwarf of focused death, he too hadn't been hit once. He was still only making about half as many hits as Nomal. This was mostly due to not being completely surrounded by goblins, and so not being able to hit someone just by moving his weapon around, but his axe was also deflected more often by armor.

Also, during the whole battle, Auze and Nomal were making remarks like "Death is all around us. I'm not uneasy."

While they were fighting, Auze entered a martial trance as well. Then Geshud, Astesh, and SQman showed up and fought, with Geshud entering a martial trance. A few more goblins died, someone got injured, and then the rest of the squad showed up except for one who was sleeping and one who had a strange mood.

Noloc showed up too, since she was a legendary hammerdwarf and didn't want to miss out on the fun. She started out by punching someone's ear, then bashing someone's weapon away, then saying this: "Our time in the Absolute World is so brief... This does not scare me."

Auze died, however. As soon as he left the trance, he was stabbed in the foot and passed out from exhaustion.

Nomal died as well. She was gored in the arm by a troll and dropped her spear, then ganged up on and bashed to death.

Ezum is dead. Onul too. SQman. They tried to retreat but they died. But the dead dwarves had killed dozens of goblins. Perhaps enough for their comrades to survive.

Noloc entered a martial trance and killed many goblins along alongside Solon, Astesh, Bembul, and Risen. Zutthan ran up and helped kill the last few.

And the siege was broken.

5th Hematite:

So that's it. The few survivors recounted the entire battle to me. I think it might have helped them process it. They're all very grim, but they smiled a bit when they talked about the badass antics of their dead friends. I just hope they stay sane.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 07:11:52 pm by Dozebm Lolumzals »
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...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvan Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #320 on: August 28, 2018, 08:10:30 pm »


So, did the humans try to take it back? It was closer than your settlement after all.

However, I recall Breakfastpit was to trade goods with every caravan, per queen's mandate, as dwarven caravan can't hold all the required food (and elven caravan lacks wagon).

If humans only siege now, well - that's permanent, irreversible obstacle into Breakfastpit's mission.


"Our people are suffering ptsd and driven psychotically insane. How annoying."

That - very much - parallels the human complaining about being killed by goblins.

Also, sending people into corpse stockpile? Surprising.


That's quite illustrious bismuth bronze sword.

Perhaps some dwarves should be sparring with wooden shields only to get them named (and thus indestructible). Once one shield is named, store it and pick up next one.


This state of affairs might merit enough anger for queen to declare "pack up and go elsewhere, if the undead don't let you work".

Yet, theoretically, the undead shouldn't be able to even scratch the bricks on dwarven masonry.

However, when loss of two planters is more important than some recruits, it seems as if there's less planters than military.


I've read reports of those such as them going insane upon becoming adults. Probably should prevent all dwarves from seeing corpse stockpile.

Though I think the one on top of glass furnace might have been caused by hauling it partway, then being interrupted by ptsd.


Nice retelling. I once contemplated other races in fort population. However, trances and strange mooods are just massive advantages, even if dwarves may still tire.

It's a shame about the casualities, but none of the people who died were filling the mandates, so it's right according to dwarven justice.

There probably should be some time taken now to transform the embark site so that this charging and surrounding business doesn't happen again.


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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #321 on: August 28, 2018, 08:46:26 pm »

Awesome update! Am I still among the living?

Dozebm Lolumzals

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #322 on: August 28, 2018, 08:58:03 pm »


So, did the humans try to take it back? It was closer than your settlement after all.
No. I have heard that Toady disabled insurrections, though. Would that affect this?

However, I recall Breakfastpit was to trade goods with every caravan, per queen's mandate, as dwarven caravan can't hold all the required food (and elven caravan lacks wagon).

If humans only siege now, well - that's permanent, irreversible obstacle into Breakfastpit's mission.

I'm pretty sure I checked to make sure we were already at war with the humans before raiding them. Wars do happen, you know. It might not have been my fault. But I know that I raided the uninhabited hamlets first, and those didn't show a Peace/War line. It's possible that the humans considered that to be hostility even though I technically didn't attack the towns that they actively inhabited. That would be either a bug or emergent accuracy (if the Soviets invaded a rundown, uninhabited Alaskan town, we'd probably start readying the nuclear missiles).


"Our people are suffering ptsd and driven psychotically insane. How annoying."

That - very much - parallels the human complaining about being killed by goblins.
Well, yes, but the insanity is a long, slow, possibly-avoidable death, whereas being surrounded by goblins and bleeding out of five new orifices is an immanent and unavoidable death. You should be as calm and objective as possible in the first case, especially since the problem is being angry and subjective. It's different to note your irritation with goblin spears.

Also, sending people into corpse stockpile? Surprising.
Nobody actually went in, so it's irrelevant. And I only would have let one person haul the corpse anyway. Maybe it's a death sentence, but the engravers weren't working (why did somebody designate the mines to be smoothed??) and the ghosts were a large problem for morale.


That's quite illustrious bismuth bronze sword.
There are many other such weapons - it's inevitable, given the early lack of metals and the many fights. This is the iron spear used to fight the zombie that survived the werebeast attack. It was later used to attack another werebeast, and then the zombie of that werebeast, and the zombie of the corpse of the victim of the werebeast. And so on. You either rack up a long kill list or get added to another kill list.

Perhaps some dwarves should be sparring with wooden shields only to get them named (and thus indestructible). Once one shield is named, store it and pick up next one.
Exploity and, given our iron reserves, probably unnecessary. I like it! But we only have about one squad of military left, so I'm not sure I can do that on my turn.


This state of affairs might merit enough anger for queen to declare "pack up and go elsewhere, if the undead don't let you work".

Yet, theoretically, the undead shouldn't be able to even scratch the bricks on dwarven masonry.

However, when loss of two planters is more important than some recruits, it seems as if there's less planters than military.
There are fewer planters than military dwarves. But the rest of the fortress is busy being insane or making glass doors or conducting meetings or raising their morale by reading in the library or standing in an empty tavern for the entire year. I could have moved the military dwarves to planting, but as you can see, they needed all the training they could get.


I've read reports of those such as them going insane upon becoming adults. Probably should prevent all dwarves from seeing corpse stockpile.
I tried, but there are so many corpse stockpiles. I think I'll just lock them all and manually designate corpses to be dumped into the werebeast cage room.

Though I think the one on top of glass furnace might have been caused by hauling it partway, then being interrupted by ptsd.
That's what I thought too, but it still didn't make much sense in-universe. Also, my dwarf doesn't have PTSD.


Nice retelling. I once contemplated other races in fort population. However, trances and strange mooods are just massive advantages, even if dwarves may still tire.
Yes. I strongly suspect that the trances are the only reason this fortress survived. During the trances, the surrounded soldiers were untouchable, but they died almost as soon as they left them.

It's a shame about the casualities, but none of the people who died were filling the mandates, so it's right according to dwarven justice.
Nonsense! The military is a highly honorable field of work, and anyone like Nomal is clearly direly needed in a fortress like this. It is injustice that the best and bravest people die the soonest.

There probably should be some time taken now to transform the embark site so that this charging and surrounding business doesn't happen again.
The embark site has already been transformed for this - it's called the Breakfast Pit. If I had done this properly and shut the bridges as soon as I could, then used the water to knock the recruits into the caverns, this would never have happened. If I wanted to fight melee, I could have shut the Breakfast Pit and opened the trade airlock, allowing the dwarves to fight in a controlled setting. But I didn't want to trap dwarves in the entrance chamber like last time, so I didn't close the bridges when the dwarves were fighting in the entrance, and then they followed the trail of humans all the way out to the edge even though I told them to station back in the longhouse. In-universe, I suspect that the human recruits were a trap set by the goblins, or at least taken advantage of by the goblins.

Awesome update! Am I still among the living?
Thanks! You are indeed still alive. In fact, you're one of the sanest survivors, as you mostly made friends within your recruit squad, not the elite squad. The recruits are alive and safe, having only had to fight off a single goblin maceman from the last siege who decided to escape through our fortress. (They didn't kill him, but they didn't get hurt either. He just went a different way.) I'm thinking of making you the new commander, since Noloc was my first choice but he will be with the fortress guard. (The guard should be strongest, in my opinion, if we're going to be turtling. The most important thing is to guard the longhouse while the bridges close. Also, hammers are appropriate and necessary for the justice squad.) You're probably the best and most interesting of the recruits, and you're not going to go insane soon from losing your comrades to the goblins.
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...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvan Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.

Dozebm Lolumzals

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #323 on: August 28, 2018, 08:59:23 pm »

The game isn't saving. When I tried to save, it just stopped responding. I'll let it sit for a while, but if it stops working, it's fine - I have a save from the beginning of summer. It does mean that the Battle of the Three Armies never happened, which is very sad, but it also means that we didn't lose most of our skilled military dwarves, which is very good.

We're still at war with the humans and the goblins, so I think they'll show up again the second time around. But I don't plan on doing the same thing this time. I'll keep the writeup for the sake of Awesomeness, and I'll find some way to work it in (as a dream?), but I'm going to actually use our defenses instead of letting everyone rush out and die. Airlocks that only allow a limited number of enemies in, pits with water traps... we may not have to lose a single dwarf.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 09:01:40 pm by Dozebm Lolumzals »
Quote from: King James Programming
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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #324 on: August 29, 2018, 04:03:21 am »

Hm. I have no idea if lack of insurrections would have an effect, actually.

Hm, simplest - not necessarily accurate - way to check would be to see if humans were at war at the start of year (and if so, since when have they been at war).

It does sound like there's plain just too many dead. You're right about the need for military, even if they're secondary to the fort's goal.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't dwarves eat at the bottom of breakfast pit? Knocking to-be-corpses there might be "out of the frying pan and into the fire".

Though, do invaders have ogres? If they don't, bridges are available.

PS: As for saving, are you in main menu? Quicksave doesn't start saving until you exit submenus into it.

Dozebm Lolumzals

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #325 on: August 29, 2018, 10:47:15 am »

Saves: midspring, beginning of summer.

1st Hematite, 256

"I must pray to Stistras Pregnantglossed. It's worrisome."

Spoiler: Justin Dshmabakmesh (click to show/hide)

Justin put the finishing touches on the bone crown. He had fished last week, and one of the bones he took out of the fish had looked the perfect shape for a crown. So this week he had decided to practice bone carving. He'd never carved bone before, but it had been similar enough to wood carving. The crown wasn't quite fit for a noble, but he thought it looked rather finely made for a first try.

Putting down the crown, Justin - actually, he thought, I might as well wear it. Putting on the crown, Justin left his workspace and went to the dining hall. There were a few dwarves there. Two were singing a song about the fortune of champions, one was finishing his squash roast, and Onul was drinking finger millet beer by the door. She looked at Justin as he walked up. "You finished that crown, then? How'd it turn out?"

"Quite well, I think," responded Justin.

"You want to take it off and show me? Yes, that's finely made. The angles are all even, the notches around the edges are a nice touch... well done. You're keeping it?"

"Yes. At least I'll try - I'll give it up if the mayor insists, but it's not worth that much, and he's allowed several other dwarves to acquire jewelry. They didn't even make it themselves, so I should have a stronger case."

"Will you be staying? There's cranberry wine in the corner. That's your favorite, right?" asked Onul.

"I can stay for a time, but I want to make it to the temples before night. It's been too long since I prayed to Stistras."

"You worship Stistras? Adil, my daughter by marriage, does too. She's quite devout - worships five gods at once."

"Hm. I think I prefer worshipping one or two gods. It means you can focus more strongly on it, and you don't have to choose between neglecting your prayers or your work."

"Oh, I wasn't saying Adil was doing it better than you," apologized Onul.

"Yes, I forgot, I'll try to avoid arguments when I'm talking with you," said Justin. He was more comfortable with discord and disagreement than she was, though they both agreed that peace was preferable to outright conflict.

He got a trifle pewter goblet from the zinc chest by the barrels and filled it with cranberry wine. Sitting back at the table with the older dwarf, he started describing his fascination with art and how it connected to his worship of Stistras. He also worshipped Ok, but Ok was essentially the general god of dwarves - metals, fire, mountains, and so on. That was good, but it didn't offer the kind of deep focus on a single, detailed subject that Stistras came with.

Onul agreed somewhat, as she worshipped only Onul Omeravuz, the god of jewels. She wasn't as religious as Justin was, though. She also could appreciate Justin's description of art. Like most dwarves, she respected and valued artwork, although most didn't focus on it as much as Justin did. But focus itself was good as well, she said.

Eventually, the two dwarves finished their conversation and their alcohol, and parted ways. Onul went to the living quarters, saying that she was going to meet up with her husband and son, while Justin walked to the temple hub, then entered the door with an image of a painting on it. It was empty apart from a few chairs to the side. He sat down in one, closed his eyes, and started praying.


A fortress, seen from above. On the right, the wooden walls topped by windmills and surrounded by farm plots. A courtyard walled off with stone behind the fortress, and a multi-level longhouse at the front. The bridges are lowered, and dwarves can be seen inside, drinking and working. Soldiers are walking out from the entrance hall. To the left, a bone-white sandy beach before a splashing ocean. In the near front, human soldiers approach, led by a captain with a crossbow. The soldiers are recruits, lacking weapons and confidence.

Justin stared at the painting and thought briefly about looking around himself. He didn't want to - the painting was masterfully done, with incredible detail. It almost looked like a bird's eye view of a fortress at war, except that it was not quite realistic - there were liberties taken, abstract lines forming the oceans, fluttering brush strokes making the windmills seem to move...

...they were moving. It was subtle but obvious when you stared at it - the paint was somehow shifting to form a living picture. This surprised Justin enough for him to consider looking around.

Nothingness. Or not quite nothingness - the blankness of an empty canvas. Justin wasn't so standing on the canvas so much as simply not falling, like a sketch where the person was drawn before the room around them. He quickly looked at his hands, and the brown skin and detailed creases reassured him that he was not a sketch. Although, the thought occurred to him, he could still be moving paint. His skin didn't smudge when he rubbed it, though, so he dropped the thought as unimportant and moved on.

But what could he move on to? The painting was marvelously done, but it wasn't changing over time, just constantly giving the effect of being in motion. There was nothing around him, nowhere he could go -

[Greeting] He didn't hear the voice so much as feel it, the same way he felt the beauty in art and the presence of Stistras when he prayed to him -

That would explain it. The masterful, possibly magical art. The sketchbook background. This was the work of Stistras.

And that led to something else. The gods never directly interacted with mundane beings - the most they did was speak to dwarves in their dreams. That meant that this was a dream, and - the rest came rushing in. His last day had been only a dream. With the objectivity that the realization gave him, he did see some irregularities in the experience that could have indicated its illusory nature. The fortress he remembered wasn't real. He lived in - Breakfastpit, yes. The fortress founded on the bone sands to grow food for the dwarven world. The fortress which quickly became a pit of death and despair. The fortress that was barely holding on. He briefly faltered, but quickly took hold of himself. It was useless to dwell on the self-indulgent dream, he told himself. Deny your impulses and you can truly master yourself, and it is through self-mastery that you can achieve peace. As enjoyable as the peaceful dream fortress had been, it was more important to work hard at improving Breakfastpit. Only then could there be true peace.

As Justin regained his morale, he realized that the painting in front of him had changed. It now depicted a squadron of metal-geared dwarves tearing through a dozen human peasants within a forest. He recalled the voice that he'd heard, and belatedly responded to it. "Hello. Is this Stistras Meririgest?" It felt ridiculous to say that, but he'd never been skilled at formal speech, and what else was he to say?

[Prophesying] [destruction], Justin felt, [art-dream] of [possible death]. The painting's perspective moved backward and up, showing a goblin army behind the humans. "I don't quite understand those words," said Justin. "I see that something bad is being shown with the pictures, and I assume that your words are referring to the goblin attack, but what am I supposed to do about this? What can I do to prevent this? And why are you sending this message, and why to me?" He thought maybe he shouldn't talk this much, but he was surprised

The voice/feeling paused, then sent another message. [Death] [counter/oppose/eliminate]s [art]. "Yes, I get the thematic opposition, you're speaking a language I know. But why in this particular case? You don't usually warn dwarves of approaching danger. Most gods don't."

A long period of indecision followed, and then the god spoke to him.

You are correct that this is highly unusual. I am normally unable to see into the future - I am not a god of time. However, this place and time are strongly bound to art in a way I do not fully understand. This explains both why I want to preserve Breakfastpit and how I am able to.

As for the method of communication, the gods do not keep away from mundane affairs solely because we are aloof and think ourselves above you (although that is part of the reason). We are very different from dwarves, not just in powers but in our minds. It takes extreme effort to communicate straightforwardly, and so most gods prefer to communicate when dwarves are asleep or meditating. This makes their minds more open to stranger experiences, which helps them cope with and understand their contact with an alien mind. Even with this, I usually only communicate through art and emotion, this being my primary focus as a god.

To explain this better, I have used different forms of art. Composition is also an art. Art consists of a message, and art requires someone to read it. And art is always made with an awareness of who will see it. With this knowledge, I have shifted the conversation so that all can understand it. It is not without its oddness - in particular, the conversation seems to be directed outward. What I mean by that is that it seems to not truly be coming from me, nor toward you. Perhaps that is the true nature of art - perhaps it transcends message and intent, beyond even the gods. Perhaps all life is art. But that is irrelevant, now - I have not joined minds to simply discuss art. I come with a dire warning.

I sense four themes in the near future: besiegement, revenge; attack, recklessness; concealment, deception; death, tragedy. The fortress must not be fooled by the deception. You must tell the commander and mayor to seal the fortress. After that, I do not know. Use your ingenuity and find a way to break the siege without opening the fortress.

"Thank you for this warning... ...can you help us more in the future?"

No. This not a rebuking, but an explanation. You understand that life requires work and conflict. Art is similar. The events to come are tragic, but tragedy is also art. By acting, I have probably reduced the quality of art to come. This is against my nature, and I cannot do this often. You do not like obligations, correct? Know this: even gods are bound.


"Nomal! You've got to close down the fortress! Stistras told me in a dream!" Justin shouted as he ran up to her.

Nomal stopped sparring and looked at Justin. "Really? What did Stistras say would happen if we didn't?"

"He couldn't see clearly, but the painting showed a trap of sorts. We'd be lured out by weak human fighters, and then while we were vulnerable, an army of goblins would attack."

"I'm doubtful about the dream - that doesn't happen very often, and it could have just been a dream - but the trap sounds realistic. I'll close down the fortress if anyone attacks, no matter how weak they seem," said Nomal.

Good enough, thought Justin.

Later that day:

The squad of recruits passed a hill, and there it was - Breakfastpit. The site of the dread and powerful dwarves who invaded their hamlets. They were terrified, but they had no other option. They charged forth, and...

And the last dwarf walked inside, and before the humans could reach the fortress, its bridges all closed. One of them closed with an unusual crunching sound, and a goblin ran screaming away from it.

With nothing else to do, the humans wandered around the fortress. Eventually, one of them thought to climb a tree. From that vantage point, he could see some dwarves working in a stone courtyard. He climbed from tree to tree, and eventually dropped down into the courtyard. The dwarves saw him and scattered as he charged toward the nearest one, an old dwarf with a long beard.

Killermartian, the captain of the guard, pulled his masterwork steel battle axe from his back. He didn't have a clue how to use it, but the human didn't even have a weapon. This shouldn't be too hard, right?

2nd Hematite, 256

The humans all ran away after they heard the screams of their friend being killed slowly and inexpertly. Killermartian rubbed the bruise on his arm and went back to gathering plants.

3rd Hematite, 256

Forty-five goblins arrived from the north.

"Huh," said Nomal. "You were right. Thanks for the warning, Justin and Stistras."

Because the fortress was locked down, they couldn't get in. Instead they killed a rattlesnake and walked along the beach.

...they killed a rattlesnake on the beach. Oh, yes, somebody else gets to deal with a constantly-reanimating foe.

Never mind, they killed it by crushing it. We should probably train more hammerdwarves.

The goblins then divided into four groups and tried a pincer move on the fortress. Since it was entirely locked down, this was not very effective.

10th Hematite, 256

Nomal decided to use the Breakfast Pit, and it worked splendidly. Four trolls walked on the ledge, a large pile of water rushed at them, and three trolls collided with the floor far below. One fell into the cavern lake and survived, but it's trapped there now. Perhaps it'll join its wild brethren. Perhaps it'll be eaten by the huge bloated crocodile with knobby antennae and lidless eyes that glow scarlet.
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvan Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.

Dozebm Lolumzals

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #326 on: August 29, 2018, 11:50:32 am »

Hm, simplest - not necessarily accurate - way to check would be to see if humans were at war at the start of year (and if so, since when have they been at war).
I checked legends, and the Realm of Candies (the human civilization) have been waging war on the Basic Gates (the dwarven civilization) since 252. The war is named the Dangerous Conflict. It was significantly caused by a dispute over the display of war and hunting trophies.

In fact, Killermartian lived in Dawndiamond in 252, and survived the first battle of the Dangerous Conflict. He faced off against dozens of humans and survived, killing 24 of them. Dawndiamond was a significant battleground in this war.

Then I FOUGHT BACK, sending Zan the Sworder to lead the Exiled Ones in an assault (called the Sieges of Roasting) against the Cinnamon Group at Fencedwhispered. Zan was confronted by Usu Boltjudged, the lord of the Cinnamon Group, and Usu died along with the other nineteen humans. Then I sent them to attack the Councils of Slop at Mineblossoms, and with Zan's cunning plan, the entire hamlet died in the Crazy Assault (a fitting name). It was only 11 people, but still. That's pretty good. Leba Earthglazes, the poet-lord of the Councils of Slop dueled Lorbam Dunebust the Sorcerous Festival of Fangs and died. Lershi Hairboarded later took back the empty city. She's only 23, and she had her first baby when she was 15. (Seriously? Toady thinks that sewage would be going too far, but there's literal child marriage in the game? She married at thirteen. That's realistic, I know, but isn't that far worse than sewage?)

Then I sent Zan and his exiled crew to attack the Band of Barbarians in Tiledpeak, in the Ignited Assaults. Zan outmatched Ber Coloredchamber, the sole Barbarian in the Band, with a cunning plan. Ber dueled Kadol Frostroads the Shameful Basin of Boots and was struck down. Now the Exiled Ones live in Tiledpeak.

In revenge, the Realm of Candies sent 10 humans led by Lesno Oakmesh to attack Breakfastpit, in the Incinerated Attack. Nobody actually died on either side. I'm surprised - there was blood, and the Martian survived without injury. Perhaps the Martian left when his foe was incapacitated, and the human later ran away?

(By the way, the Siege of Lightning is the name for the siege where the goblins got trapped in a bridge. It was the beginning of the Conflict of Conflagration between the Dungeon of Jails and the Basic Gates. The siege technically just ended when I released them from the bridge. Most of them somehow died when the bridge came up. Only one ran away. Now the Fell Assault is happening, led by Mikstal Channelcharcoal. Also, the causes of the conflict are debated by scholars and very little is truly known.)

It does sound like there's plain just too many dead. You're right about the need for military, even if they're secondary to the fort's goal.
Yes, dead dwarves farm no crops.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't dwarves eat at the bottom of breakfast pit? Knocking to-be-corpses there might be "out of the frying pan and into the fire".
Somebody might have planned that, but no. That would be crazy. The bottom of the Breakfast Pit is a semi-constructed platform with holes for water (and trolls!) to drop through. If you ate there, you would probably either be killed by a falling troll or washed into the cavern by the water and then killed by a knobbly crocodile with glowing scarlet eyes.

Though, do invaders have ogres? If they don't, bridges are available.
Do you mean trolls? What's this about bridges? Can bridges not smash trolls? I know that trolls can't smash bridges. (DF rock-paper-scissors: bridge smashes troll, troll gores dwarf, dwarf deconstructs bridge.)

PS: As for saving, are you in main menu? Quicksave doesn't start saving until you exit submenus into it.
I went to the main menu and pressed "Save". Then it crashed. When I reopened it, it was at the beginning of summer again.
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvan Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.

Dozebm Lolumzals

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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #327 on: August 29, 2018, 12:53:29 pm »

10th Hematite, 256

I know what we need - more coins. Coins are very useful. You can melt them down for metal, throw them at people to teach them how to dodge...

Outside, the goblin crossbowmen and bowmen are killing a giant monarch butterfly. Wasting their ammunition - good.

11th Hematite, 256

While guarding the exit of the Breakfastpit in case any goblins or trolls get past the water while it's reloading, Solon Tiristzim grows attached to a masterwork steel short sword. That sword was forged by VoiceBook Isoncog, and has been used by Justin and Zan the Sworder over the years to kill six zombies and one rhinoceros.

15th Hematite, 256

Nomal ordered a squad to be formed out of every dwarf who can handle a crossbow. They're stationed behind the fortifications to shoot at anyone who tries to traverse the Breakfast Pit. (Did I ever mention that Nomal worships Nomal? Not herself, hehehe, just a god by the same name. Interesting.)

Also, the giant monarch butterfly was not killed by smashing. It was brought down with arrows in the wings and then stabbed to death. Now an giant monarch butterfly zombie is fighting the goblins, who have wandered away from the Breakfast Pit tunnels and back to the beach. I hope zombies can't fly.

Limul is sitting in the tavern and reminiscing about her short time as the chief medical dwarf last autumn. There's only one other person in there, the visiting human swordsman. Now she's reciting the Tulip and Directions, which is a poem intended to complain about anything and everything, past, present, and future.

Well, hopefully she'll feel better after spending time drinking and socializing in the tavern. Did you know that she changed her mind about sacrifice because of a bad smell? After retching on a miasma last year, she says she understands how valuable sacrifice is. Strange.

...wait. The human swordsman? Aren't we at war with the humans?

Hematite 16th, 256

The human swordswoman says she's come to ask questions and relax. Her name is Ketas Gujegobu, and she's seeking information about the location of the Slippery Pillar. She's been wandering the wilds for thirteen years, and she's been visiting settlements for five. The Slippery Pillar, she told me, is a legendary periclase ring, encircled with bands of skunk bone and adorned with an image of mountains in coyote bone. It was crafted by Deler Cloisterkisses in Fortuneclasps in 160, and offered to Onul Silvercontained, the baroness of Ropethrower, who lived in Scrapework. It was lost in Scrapework in 220 when Onul died of old age, and found there a decade later by Mebzuth Inkyscaled. Mebzuth offered it to Meng Matchedchanneled, who lived in Roughscorches. Roughscorches was looted by goblins in 231, and the human Nako Skinseduced stole the ring after killing Meng. Nako kept the ring, and three years later, she began wandering in the Swamps of Affection. She was killed there, two years later by the giant alligator Spysilence. Two years after that, in 238, the human wanderer Oku Maroonboat found her corpse and recovered the ring. Oku visited many settlements, and was in Snuggleswelters when the Savage Doom attacked in the midspring of 252. He was struck down by Lin Spattermasters the Released Hills, and it is there that the artifact became lost to known history.

17th Hematite, 256

I have been re-elected as mayor. Good. Also, Justin has grown attached to his storied bismuth bronze short sword.

The goblins, for some inexplicable reason, are trying to get into the fortress through the flooded memorial, not by simply jumping down into the pit, but by climbing into the flood pipe and drowning. One has already died, and the rest are struggling to escape.

Limul is telling Ketas about when Noloc stopped being the militia commander last year.

19th Hematite, 256

The drowned goblin is now trying to kill the other trapped goblins. This is pretty funny.

Somebody punched its head into explosive oblivion, but not before the zombie attacked a pikegoblin. His head and neck are torn open, he has bruises over his arms and legs, and his right cheek is cut open. And on top of that, he's drowning.

27th Hematite, 256

We figured out that Endok wanted green glass, so Mistem made some for him. He grabbed it, along with some wool and cotton cloth, and added it to his workspace, where there were already many stones and gems: bituminous coal, magnetite, lignite, and rough peridots. He pushed a pile of crafts (two mudstone scepters and one mudstone figurine of Baroness Mistem raising a pick) to the side and began his work. Good, the speardwarf won't go insane from lack of green glass.

28th Hematite, 256

More goblins are stuck in the ocean pipe. Two more have drowned, and one is likely to drown soon.

Zon the bookkeeper is in a constant state of internal rage after seeing a zombie. I do not quite understand how this could happen, but I'm glad I don't need to talk to her much.

1st Malachite, 256

Lord Brassroast cried and yelled at me about how awful life was in Breakfastpit. I hope I helped him feel better.

Why is Stodir Kirmomuz, the son of the Exiled Kadol, playing in my office? His father's dead? I fear that I have created many orphans by exiling the ones.

Also, Ezum Nokimgerig says that she has changed after experiencing major trauma in 254. She strives for power over others, but also finds helping others emotionally rewarding. Interesting. I will continue to investigate how experiences change people. Perhaps this could even be a science of its own.

2nd Malachite, 256

THAT WAS A BAD IDEA. Noloc punched Thikut Romekavuz to death for vandalism and disorderly conduct. No more strong people in the fortress guard.

3rd Malachite, 256

Mistem banned exporting picks. I wasn't planning on doing that anyway.

4th Malachite, 256

Endok Inalzuntir, speardwarf and clerk, has created Shukarestil, a bituminous coal ring. He claims it as an heirloom in the name of the family ancestor Obok Blushrings.

The artifact is named Tallwhirl. It is decorated with sheep wool, adorned with hanging rings of peridot and green glass, and menaces with spikes of magnetite and cotton. On the item is an image of a durian tree in bituminous coal, and an image of a square cut gem in lignite.

He says that he was possessed, and so learned nothing from making the artifact, but I know that he likes bituminous coal, so I am somewhat suspicious. Also, maybe we could try burning it. Either it disintegrates, in which case we have learned how to destroy artifacts, or it doesn't, in which case we have an eternal fire. And it can probably even be put out with water! I will discuss this with Kogan. Perhaps she knows some relevant science.

I found her in the deep dining hall, discussing ancient lore of the dwarven kings. She seemed busy, so I'll ask her later. "Kivish Arrowcage, in the thirtieth year since recorded history began, became king of the Basic Gates during a time of strife. He ascended to the throne after the forgotten beast Bax Mirrordive the Hollow Thief destroyed the mountainhome of Cobaltmark and killed the previous king. He personally fought with vile horrors, goblins, and voracious cave crawlers, and for this reason he was crippled for most of his reign. He still won every foot race he entered, and took pride in this ability..."

5th Malachite, 256

Five drowned goblins.

6th Malachite, 256

A squad of goblins is in the trade depot entrance. They seem to have learned, however, as none of them are in the bridge pit.

7th Malachite, 256

The aforementioned squad of goblins is now going to the Breakfast Pit. Nomal ordered the Distractions of Lancing to guard the exit and the Pools of Trade to stand guard behind the fortifications again.

8th Malachite, 256

There are now seven corpses in the ocean pipe, and miasma is somehow coming up through the water. The goblins are not very happy.

11th Malachite, 256

The largest remaining group of goblins and trolls, 18 strong, is storming the Breakfast Pit corridor. Let them come. We are ready.

Where are the others? Five ranged goblins are standing outside the stone corridor and firing inside, so we've pulled all the herbalists in. Three are still in the ocean pipe, with ten corpses below them. There's still five or so unaccounted for.

My clothing system works! I have noticed that many dwarves are naked or partially naked. When I asked them why, they said that the fortress had no spare clothes. I ordered that clothes be made, but they were quickly snapped up and there were still naked dwarves. So I ordered that clothes be made until ten of each kind were sitting unused in a stockpile, and the clothiers complained that they didn't have enough cloth for that. The weavers said that not only had they not been told to weave cloth whenever there was enough thread, there wasn't enough thread. So I ordered the farmers to process plants, the weavers to weave thread into cloth, and the clothiers to sew clothes until there were no naked dwarves and ten spare sets of clothing. It took a while, but it's finally working. No more naked dwarves. This should improve morale.

Malachite 14th, 256

The last goblins have finally made their way into the Breakfast Pit. It seems they find it difficult to navigate through the narrow corridors intersecting with mined-out veins.

I ordered the entrance bridge to be closed behind them. They will regret attacking us for the short time they have before their collision with the ground.

Malachite 15th, 256

The goblins and trolls make their way around the pit, edging along the damp, muddy stone ledge. Still I wait to pull the lever. They must all die.

Malachite 16th, 256

Two bowgoblins and a crossbowgoblin climbed out of the Breakfast Pit and attacked some troglodytes. They're now very injured, but they might still win. Regardless, in the end, I win.

Malachite 17th, 256

Libash Emethbesmar the marksdwarf shot at a goblin. It blocked his first shot with its shield, then instinctively dodged the next. It probably regretted dodging during its fall. I will count that as Libash's kill, even if Nomal says it's technically the floor's kill.

Dumed Mengritas and Ospram Asriipan are also shooting, although none of them have hit. Oh, and did I mention where I was? I'm behind the fortifications too! I'm a bit rusty, but I'm still an adequate marksdwarf from when I was a ranger back in the 190s.

I just made a goblin jump! He dodged forward and not into the pit, though.

And this time he blocked it with his shield. I have improved my crossbow skills, though. That was satisfying. I would describe myself as a competent marksdwarf.

18th Malachite, 256

Ospram got the first actual hit in with his iron bolt. It hit an axegoblin in the leg, and I think it penetrated through its metal leggings.

Another goblin jumped.

19th Malachite, 256

The goblins are starting to retreat. I think they see what a bad position they are in now. They will not get to rectify their mistake.

Pull all the flood levers.

(Except for the lower eastern one, since they haven't reached it yet.)

20th Malachite, 256

The flow is not particularly impressive when three floods happen at once. Close the top two, I guess.

21st Malachite, 256

Argh! Why won't the Breakfast Pit Flooding Mechanisms work properly! It's only washed off a few goblins, and many still remain.

It doesn't matter. They're trapped.

Some migrants arrived, despite the danger. We opened the gates - not just to let them in, but also because the siege is broken.

23rd Hematite, 256

The forgotten beast Ditari Epipeereni Enira Oci has come! A towering quadruped composed of grime and filth. It has wings and it squirms and fidgets. Beware its deadly spittle!

It showed up in the second cavern. Yes, that's the one that the Breakfast Pit opens onto. I'm concerned, but the military is already deployed by the Breakfast Pit, so I think we might be okay.

24th Malachite, 256

The first thing it did was attack and kill the bloated crocodile. Gozru Kungakon, we will miss you, because you were safely secured in the second cavern and would kill anything that survived the Breakfast Pit. (I think he actually did kill a troll once.)

Ditari is significantly injured. Its head and lower body look broken and smashed. Perhaps this will be easy.

28th Malachite, 256

That was easy. It flew up the shaft and somebody shot at its wing. The wing broke and the beast fell to its death.

1st Galena, 256

A well-timed lever pull, and the last goblin fell to its death. Now there is just one troll. It walked through the stone-fall traps and is bleeding to death.

Now it is gone, and the siege is truly broken, without a single casualty on our side. Bravo, marksdwarves! Bravo, engineers! And thanks as well to the guards who provided a last line of defense if the marksdwarves and engineers failed.

2nd Galena, 256

The forgotten beast Aril Nenpe Tacnu has come! An enormous blob composed of grime and filth. It has a broad shell and it has a gaunt appearance. Beware its webs!

...yeah, I'm just going to leave that there in the first cavern and hope it doesn't enter through the Breakfast Pit.

Limul just punched Thikut Rulmeng very hard in the head. Lokum Tunmorul the woodcrafter and swordsdwarf brought her to the hospital, where Noloc diagnosed her as "wait, never mind, she's dead." Killermartian sentenced Limul to a beating and 26 days in prison (isn't that rather short for killing someone?). Her neck is torn open and she's bruised in a dozen places. She tried to start another fist-fight.

3rd Galena, 256

Killermartian, instead of hauling her directly to jail, brought her to the hospital first. She has been evaluated by Noloc, who says that in addition to an existing infection in her right wrist, her neck needs cleaning, and her neck and knees all need sutures and dressing.

4th Galena, 256

We are running so low on doctors that I decided to let Akko out. Surprisingly, she didn't kill us all. Instead, she put on some clothes, got a drink, then got to work suturing and dressing wounds alongside Tekkud Nishothsin the surgeon.

I will, of course, lock her back in before the full moon comes. But I've been thinking. Why don't we do this all the time? She's a dwarf just like any other, except that she goes homicidally insane once a month and gets incredibly freakish strength... what I mean is that she doesn't deserve to be locked in a hospital room for the rest of time. As long as we're careful, she can spend maybe the first half of every moon-month outside her cell.

((Note: if you're doing this, KNOW THE TRANSFORMATION DATES.))

8th Galena, 256

Now that Limul has been treated, Killermartian is bringing her to jail. Coincidentally, she was actually lying right next to the corpse of the dwarf she murdered, and they were both brought out of the hospital at the same time. Maybe that'll make Limul feel remorse?

10th Galena, 256

Limul asked to meet with me. She said she felt unbearably guilty, and she cried.

11th Galena, 256

Nil Lolokduthal. I thank you for being willing to haul a corpse to its coffin. But did you have to slowly drag it past the entire fortress? Couldn't you have taken a side route?

14th Galena, 256

Kosoth the planter keeps starting fistfights and injuring people. Hopefully Killermartian will deal with this.

Killermartian punched him in the right hand, the left leg, bit him in the right foot, punched him in the right arm while still biting his foot. He then beat him up, tearing his elbow at one point, and finished by kicking him in the foot so hard that it broke bones and twisted the ankle.

At that point, Kosoth fell over and lost consciousness.

I... I guess that works?

Killermartian then brought Kosoth to the hospital. I can't tell if he's going too far or using an appropriate level of force.

15th Galena, 256

Noloc diagnosed and cleaned Kosoth, and then Auze did surgery on his foot. I didn't know Auze could do surgery.

I later asked Auze where he learned how to be a surgeon. He shrugged and said, "right there, I guess." That was his first time ever doing surgery?! I know he's confident, but I've seen him engraving. He doesn't pay any attention to what he's doing. I'm surprised Kosoth got to keep the foot!

17 Galena, 256

Akko knocked on the wall today. That wouldn't be so surprising, since today was the full moon, but the wall of which I speak is the wall blocking off the first cavern. She says she killed the forgotten beast.

When I asked why she was in the caverns during the full moon, she explained that she had forgotten the full moon until the evening. She was too far from the hospital to get there and wall herself in, so she found the nearest constructed wall, which was the cavern wall. She went through and built it after her, and spent the rest of the evening looking for plump helmets to eat. When the full moon came, she says, she must have ran around looking for prey. What she found was the shelled filth-blob. When she came to, her mouth was on the crushed shell of the very dead blob. She was uninjured, which was very surprising, given how much of her blood there was around her, but she realized that werebeasts healed all injuries when they transformed.

Well. Akko is a talented fighter and competent wrestler. She might do quite well as a werebeast combatant. Perhaps we'll throw her at all the weak forgotten beasts.

19th Galena, 256

Yarf finally made those coins I asked for. Here's last year's coins:

"This is a stack of 500 Ensebinod 255 gold coins. This is the gold currency of Ensebinod from the year 255. On the front of the coin is a superiorly designed image of four-pointed stars. On the coin's back is a masterfully designed image of Iton Orbtramples the dwarf and dwarves. Iton Orbtramples is surrounded by the dwarves. The artwork relates to the ascension of the dwarf Iton Orbtramples to the position of baron of the Basic Gates in 8."

And here's this year's coins:

"This is a stack of 500 Ensebinod 256 copper coins. This is the copper currency of Ensebinod from the year 256. On the front of the coin is an exceptionally designed image of Ingiz Cloisterbristled the goblin and dwarves. Ingiz Cloisterbristled is surrounded by the dwarves. The artwork relates to the appointment of the goblin Ingiz Cloisterbristled to the position of general of the Basic Gates in 55. On the coin's back is a rendition of the Oily Bastion, a well-designed image of a dwarf. The image is the symbol of the Basic Gates, a dwarven civilization."

The first batch of coins was made out of copper, but the next thousand will be made out of billon. We have a lot of billon. I do not know why.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2018, 04:59:17 pm by Dozebm Lolumzals »
Quote from: King James Programming
...Simplification leaves us with the black extra-cosmic gulfs it throws open before our frenzied eyes...
Quote from: Salvan Descocrates
The only difference between me and a fool is that I know that I know only that I think, therefore I am.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #328 on: September 06, 2018, 02:50:10 pm »

I think I smelted billion from just tetrahydrite back on my turn. since I had enough iron I didn't really need copper nor attempted to make bronze. so I figured I could make billion, and making it out of tetrahydrite makes for quite an increase in value. I think? been quite a while.
Carch likes steel, tin, pewter, sharks for their sharp teeth, dragons for their possessive nature and magma smelters for their warm glow.

Fleeting Frames

  • Bay Watcher
  • Spooky cart at distance
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Re: Breakfastpit - A Succession Farm - 44.12
« Reply #329 on: September 06, 2018, 04:25:15 pm »

Huh, I guess I was interrupted and never replied.

I appreciate you respecting dwarves' personalities, though it takes much time.

It is ...very DF that even if you close the gates, there's still a hole into the insides of pit. Perhaps fortunate, even.

And haha on "they killed a rattlesnake on the beach".

13 isn't a child here; 13 is old enough to be legendary axedwarf in military with their own mood's artifact axe, and also as big in body size as somebody ten times older. (Toady could have made bodies stop growing at 25 instead and even grow smaller with age (see most livestock being adult at 1 but full-grown in 2-3), but he didn't.)


Nomal has ....interesting role model choice.

Zombies believe they can fly. They're correct, of course, because undead beaches are why we can have nice things.

You're not at war with humans, you're at war with 1 example of a PLAINS civilization. Easy mistake :P

That's a lot of effort for a ring.

The goblins...Hm, I think that's a type of visitor behaviour. Could make a trap that relies on it.

It'd be nice if the speardwarf had a flux stone instead of lignite or coal; then you'd have artifact of steel making.

Ezum Nokimgerig has interesting to imagine personality changes. Sure, could just imagine Dumbledore, but there are more...fascinating...choices (such as Dumbledore is a S).

You could perhaps transport an eternally burning ring with retracting bridges on floor. 1 bridge flings it to the path of goblins, other one flings it back.

...Wasn't being naked one of the worse moodlets? Good job on that.

A werebeast doctor?

That's...macabrely amusing. They're already in the hospital if they need to be locked in!

Coffin hauling...Could use sphere of coffins surrounding the forts with high-priority tunnels so that anything to be placed in a coffin uses side tunnel and goes away from the fort.

Now a werebead anti-FB unit, that's better.

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