I've been posting pictures of my fortress, Murdercrow, on Reddit but I figured I might as well keep them all in one thread here.
Murdercrow is the only dwarven outpost in a region where all dwarven civilizations have fallen. There may be other mountainhomes on other parts of the continent but we have no means of contacting them. Murdercrow will never get any migrants or dwarven caravans. Each starting dwarf is scholar specilising in a branch of dwarven theoretical knowledge: Astronomy, Mathematics, Fluid Engineering, etc. Everyone also knows how to read and write. Unfortunately they've all been too busy studying and forgot to pick up any practical skills like masonry or blacksmithing.
The goal is to survive and build the most awesome library/research centre the world has ever seen. And then maybe engineer a rocketship to get to dwarves on the other side of the planet.
I've been slowly playing and drawing (mostly drawing) the fortress over the past couple of months.
Eci the Brilliant Coast, a forgotten beast who turned up in my cavern during the first summer. He was a friendly lizard and didn't bother anyone so we didn't bother him.
I also had two treehugger thieves skulking around in the first summer, Lafo the pikeman and Stasost the swordsman. Lafo managed to get away, Stasost got her brains bashed out with a bronze crossbow.
We've built a temporary underground library/museum and we are getting a steady supply of scholar visitors. Maybe one of the petitioned citizens will adopt this cat one day.
At the start of year 2 Mason/Stonecrafter declared himself king and was promptly issued a suit of steel armour, short sword, and a crown. By the way that's a necromancer tower in the distance and the rampant griffin on the cuirass is the civ symbol.
In the same year king Ezum married the militia commander. So now I have a warrior queen. Left to right: Carpenter/Astronomer, Queen/Swordsman, Armoursmith/Mathematician.
Bronze colossus vs. porcupine man from Legends mode
Cacame Awemedinade the Immortal Onslaught
Bim Silversnarl and Mudung's Monster
Tholtig Cryptbrain the Waning DiamondsAmbiguity and Might, or Gica SeasonpantherMountain titan Ozosm, based on a Reddit post by /u/mislavcro123
Piware, a very pretty towering quadruped composed of snow. It has large mandibles and it undulates rhythmically. Based on a Reddit post by /u/WPLibrar2
Snodub Sposnusmunstu, a great quadruped composed of water. It has wings and it undulates rhythmically. Beware its deadly spittle!
Morul Cattenmat, the Most Interesting Dwarf in the World. You can get the full rez image and see the drawing process on my