Although you specified your questions, I'm gonna rant a little.
Be mindful of the fact that certain enemies will be able to strike more often than you do. It's just how it is. For combat tips, this is usually what I go with
- Change your dodging preferences to stand ground and dodge manually when convenient (unless you're facing a big boi, then parry/dodge, don't stand ground)
- In the limb menu, there will be small cyan-ish exclamation marks to the right of the list (or likewise coloured arrows marking the fact that such an exclamation mark is somewhere lower on the list), these are opportunous strikes that you can make and are usually very easy and will surely connect. Be mindful of these, sometimes you can go for very vital parts and afford to throw a heavy strike here and there.
- I wouldn't wrestle anything other than human/dwarf/elf though, it's always very risky and rarely yields any potential payoff. The attacks just aren't very damaging and most beasts are stronger than you anyways
- Wounds heal on fast travel and sleep. Some of them never heal, nerve damage especially (unless that was changed in the newest build)
- Go for the feet and the hands.
- You can use your hands to catch incoming attacks through wrestling menu if you're skilled enough.
- As a Legendary Wrestler, go on a blinding rampage and pinch eyes of everyone in the hamlet/town. It's fun.
Generally speaking, always keep tabs on the size of your opponent, more often than not tissues scale with it, yesterday I fought a giantess whose skin was so thick it was mostly impenetrable, the only reason I won against her is I cleaved her so many times with my axe she fell and gave in to pain. Weird stuff.