I'm not sure about the exact logic for incursions, but I believe the edge information about where the division of the edges into sections result in four points in the tile acting as starting points for the divisions, and random generation then generates boundaries from those points out to the edges. If the incursion goes into the neighboring tile instead, the point doesn't have any effect for that incursion on the current tile, but instead affects the neighboring tile (where the division point in the other dimension doesn't have to have the same value).
* 10 40 *
11 13
38 41
* 12 36 *
would result in the points (10, 11), (40, 13), (12, 38), and (36, 41). The divisions along the edges are shared with the neighboring tile on the other side, so the top eastern corner of the tile to the west of the one above would be (x, 11), where x is given by the value on its norther border.
It should be noted that it's how I think it works, but I haven't confirmed it. I've confirmed that the coordinates along the borders do not match where the borders are divided themselves (i.e. in the above example, the division between the NW incursion and the N one [or the native one, if the N incursion goes outwards] doesn't appear at X = 10, but typically further away).
I'm not sure the confused rambling above makes sense, though...