I declare that everyone in Japan needs to kill Holy Kujo, or else I will have all of their first born children killed.
+ 1 = 2 -
People refuse to kill one singular person, thinking your child thing was a bluff. Holly isn't killed and you sharply decreased Japan's population.
Get my shit together and boom headshot zizzo
- Marginal Success
You attempted to get your shit together and attack ziizo from the rooftops, but you had to take a shit before you got it together. When returning, you have almost missed ziizo entirely, so you rushed to attack him with your rifle.
ziizo must Roll to Dodge. - 1 =
- Hit
You shot ziizo in the arm before the crowd around him panics and he escapes among the crowd.
Disguise as Holly's son and try to kill her. If 0rca is with us, don't let him know.
- Success
You disguise as OceanSoul and walk into the house in order to assassinate Holly. You bring out a knife and force Holly to
Roll to Dodge.
- Miss
Holly rolls out of the way while giving out a high pitch screech. Two Speedwagon Foundation Employees walk out and escort you out of the building.
>hunt down ziizo after i use a medkit on myself to heal me
>also grab some armor
+ 1 =
- Marginal Success
You are unable to grab some armor or a health pack, but you manage to hunt down
the Freeman ziizo and attack him,
forcing him to Roll to Dodge. - Counter
ziizo knocks you down using The Sun's ability to fire a beam of light. ziizo then fires another laser in order to attack you...
- Miss
You avoid his counter attack and run off in order to protect yourself.
After a day of Lovefool's reign of terror, members of the United States Army evacuate the citizens of Japan, which infuriates Lovefool. He demands to know what's going on, in which the army responds that they are declaring war on Japan unless Lovefool steps down his leadership.
If he does not after 3 days (rounds), they will force him to. And by force, they mean they will kill him.