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Author Topic: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread  (Read 72145 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #45 on: April 21, 2018, 12:29:26 pm »

If you are trying to alter minimum volcanoes/rivers etc then you probably need to enable the terrain weighed ranges. You want to be careful tweaking these as a small change can make a bit difference to worldgen. If you change volcanism for instance so that you have a much higher weight to the 80-100% range then you will be able to set number of volcanoes to a much higher value without worrying about rejects. Rivers can be a bit trickier because it is a combination of rain/drainage and I think elevation too. The max rivers is 600 though and I usually can get this pretty easily.

Map size is also a limiting factor for minimums too as there are only so many tiles on a map for rivers/volcanoes to be able to generate in. Hope this is some help. I assume you have had a look at the advanced worldgen guide on the wiki? If not here it is:

I also use perfect world sometimes for more specific control over a few of these options, but that will often prohibit you from using a lot of the advanced worldgen setting in the game.

A good way to test worldgen would be to copy some of the settings from this and previous threads that are doing the sort of thing you want and tweaking them some more yourself.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #46 on: April 21, 2018, 04:47:45 pm »

Anyone have a set of minimum values that's tolerant but still sanity-tests a bit?

You can check my last post with world params for a decent set of Medium Region params. 

The #'s really depend on how large of a world you are generating, medium is 129x129.  Its also the smallest I was able to fit 200 volcanoes into without rejects.    I tried small region but I had trouble getting enough mountains and regions to feel satisfied with the world look, and I could only do about 120 volcanoes without rejects.  All the minimum parameters you just lower until they stop giving rejects, make a copy of the world type you want, start with the default advanced params and work your way down as you tweak things enable the logging of map rejects in INIT, it tells you exactly how many you failed by, you can tweak based on that.  I had to lower almost all the minimum number rejection parameters in my medium world because I turned the variance up so high that I had much fewere "large regions of desert/forest/swamp etc" And have my variance as high as i can get it without more than 5000 distinct biome rejections.
I also had pretty high draingage limiting certain other biomes because with the params I chose I"m able to get at least 2-3x more glacier per world gen than the default params were making.  I've always got nice large swaths of evil glacier. 
  Another thing about volcanos, you don't need that much high volacanism, if you look my weighted range is like from lowest 4x 4x 0x 0x 1x (only 1x being 80-100 volc)and so thats 8x more low volcanism than high volcanism, but i did that cause i turned variance to max and i wanted flux next to volcano.  I was still getting enough 100's with only 1 per 9 squares on medium region to get the maximum 200 volcs and no  rejects.  And I tend to have flux on close to 50% of those volcanos(in a 3x3 embark). 


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #47 on: April 23, 2018, 01:22:20 pm »

Sorry to intrude, but could someone please help me with genning a world? I've generated a few dozen worlds so far with various parameters, but just can't seem to get the perfect embark I want. I am looking for a site with:

-Plenty of ore, including shallow iron
-Savage Reanimating Evil Biome (not freezing)
-Near all civs (including necromancer)

In a world with:
-A breeding pair of dragons
-A breeding pair of rocs
-Mostly Goblins
-At least ~100 years of world history

I'm trying to go for a high resource, high danger embark with a sort of 'all the good races are dying out so let's try sending a military squad to a dangerous location that can serve as a foothold and supply resources' kind of feel.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #48 on: April 23, 2018, 03:03:32 pm »

Getting lots of megabeasts without killing off most civs is tricky to balance.
Lots of ore is easy, just set the mineral scarcity to a very low value.
The volcano one is tricky, as it's hard to get a lot of them so you get sites to chose from. Also, I think high volcanism is at a bit of odds with most iron ores.

For finding a site, you ought to try the embark-assistant DFHack plugin It should be able to locate sites with iron, flux, volcano, savage reanimating. The tool doesn't distinguish between shallow and deep ores, and I haven't found out how to determine whether a world tile will freeze.

It's possible to manipulate the geo biome of the embark to give you iron ore at a desired depth using e.g. the Biome Manipulator

It's probably possible to DFHack a volcano onto a world tile, but there's currently no tool for that as far as I know.

It's also possible to hack the biome of the embark into having dragons and rocs as regular wild creatures that can move onto the map as regular groups (and there'd be no warnings, so high danger indeed).

Getting all that stuff at the same time as you're in range of all races (without them being functionally dead) is tricky.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #49 on: April 23, 2018, 08:13:56 pm »

Sorry to intrude, but could someone please help me with genning a world? I've generated a few dozen worlds so far with various parameters, but just can't seem to get the perfect embark I want. I am looking for a site with:

I'm trying to go for a high resource, high danger embark with a sort of 'all the good races are dying out so let's try sending a military squad to a dangerous location that can serve as a foothold and supply resources' kind of feel.

I don't know how big of a region you are genning, My medium region was created for nearly the same purpose , the one about my frozen waterfall embark on page 2 of this thread.     You could bump the savagery up a bit mine is 2x more savage than calm, I already have boosted megas / caves / titans (more than typical medium region)  Its got boosted evil areas, but not so much that the whole world is bordering on collapse, you could perhaps double the #'s for evil small medium and large regions.  Then good civs might be on the decline by year 150ish  And you should have half a dozen or more necro towers.   Its already maximizing volcanos + flux + many biomes (increases chance of having everything you want ore wise).  You could also change the temperature ranges in mine back to normal 25-75 instead of 15-60 and level out the drainage setting so its not 2x more high drainage than normal or whatever it is.  Since you don't want glaciers.   Although most of my map as-is is not frozen, and goes to warm in the south pole, no scorching with the current settings.

Gen the world till you find the spot you want with like 30 years history.  Then change the creature / history seeds and you'll get new placements of civilizations / histories and gen it for 150+ yrs you'll have lots of necro towers.  And maybe the civs you want around the location unless it's really isolated.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #50 on: May 28, 2018, 03:12:08 pm »

Sorry to necro the thread, but I'm trying to do a thing, and I need a temperate/warm forest (as in, one that counts under the creature tag ANY_FOREST) with at least one other non large body of water biome in the embark area (more is better)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #51 on: May 28, 2018, 04:46:35 pm »

Sorry to necro the thread, but I'm trying to do a thing, and I need a temperate/warm forest (as in, one that counts under the creature tag ANY_FOREST) with at least one other non large body of water biome in the embark area (more is better)
No need to apologize. These threads are intended to be used until replaced (and I expect the next thread to start with Myth&Magic in a couple of years).

There are a few ways to achieve that.
- Create a PSV world that has one (or more) location of the desired type. This can be done using the vanilla world painter, a text editor, or DFHack tools (such as e.g. Tweakmap
- Create a "normal" world and search for a suitable site (which doesn't sound too hard, give that the specification doesn't seem too demanding). The search can be performed manually or using the embark-assistant plugin included in DFHack (
- Modify a "normal" world with the DFHack script Biome Manipulator ( You may want to use that tool to "adjust" your the biome(s) at the embark to contain the creature(s)/plant(s) you have in mind before embarking even if you get your embark location using other means. Otherwise you can adjust the biomes to match what you wanted using that script.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #52 on: May 28, 2018, 05:47:56 pm »

I know those parameters SHOULDN'T be demanding, but I have terrible luck with worldgen, which hopefully those should allow me to bypass for the most part (seriously, why are ALL of the forests genning as cold/hot.... grumble grumble)

Jazz Cat

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #53 on: May 28, 2018, 11:00:45 pm »

You can try adjusting the min/max temperature if you're having trouble getting temperate biomes.
Give your dwarves a pet
My holiday mod (only offensive to elves)
The check-laundry script

Just give the Crossbow weapon the [AMMO:CROSSBOW] tag in the raws. You can make a crossbow that shoots crossbows.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2018, 03:54:36 am »

Also note that different rules apply to worlds with poles and those without. If you don't have poles anything with a temperature >= 85 becomes tropical, while those below become temperate (down to 5, if I remember correctly)).

In worlds with poles the climate is mainly based on latitude. Cold will still force cold biomes, but temperature does not ordinarily influence the biome (there are special cases). Tropical latitudes get tropical biomes while the rest gets temperate ones, although there's a middle ground zone where various parameters influence the biome in large worlds (129 and 257 in the latitude dimension).


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #55 on: July 14, 2018, 03:26:13 am »

I'm looking for an embark (3x3 to 4x4, inclusive) with:

- a volcano (flat or not)
- a source of water
- a large amount of candy
- savage evil biome with reanimation, hopefully bordering Joyous Wilds
- lots of beasts
- necro tower, if possible
- sand (for glass), if possible

I'm quite new, so please tell me if this list is either incredibly hard to satisfy or even downright self-contradictory. I tried using PerfectWorldDF after installing it in a VM, but couldn't even manage to get a "volcano-infested" world, let alone something with all this.

My goal is to build an obsidian/glass fortress with a volcano at the base and kill a lot of monsters, or, more likely, have my fortress die in the attempt. :)

Some amount of steel precursors (i.e. iron ore, flux, and some coal) would also be good to have, or iron at the very least (masterwork iron is good enough for me): just enough to tide me over until I hit the candy veins.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2018, 03:28:16 am by hypertelor »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #56 on: July 14, 2018, 05:05:37 am »

The list is possible to satisfy, but it's not easy.
- Volcano: Should be possible to DFHack one in, but there's no tool for it.
- The only visible water source is a brook/river, although most terrain have pools that may or may not dry up. The Region Manipulator script allows you to edit/add "rivers", although the DF logic isn't exactly intuitive for making bends in the river.
- Large amount of candy: A properly aligned 4*4 embark will give you exactly 4 spires, but there's no direct tool to search for the size of the spires. They can be DFHacked to reach the first cavern (which should satisfy the huge amount desire).
- The Biome Manipulator script allows you to "adjust" biomes, as well as to select among the evil weather effects DF has generated for the world.
- The Biome Manipulator allows you to add critters to biomes. Savage biomes allow for two critter groups on the map at the same time rather than the normal one, so that should take care of much of it.
- Getting necro towers to show up next to volcanos is tricky. It seems to be possible to move necro towers with DFHackery, but I don't think there's any published tool for it.
- Sand: Ensuring there's at least one tile of desert on the embark ought to satisfy that requirement, as all deserts seem to have sand.
- Steel: Low mineral scarcity allows for a good chance for the presence of various minerals. However, iron apparently is mostly present in sedimentary rock, which collides with the igneous one associated with volcanoes. Different biomes typically have different geo biomes as well, though. The Biome Manipulator also allows you to hack geo biomes.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #57 on: July 14, 2018, 05:38:59 am »

How does one DFHack in candy or volcanoes? (and is doing so known to be "safe", in the sense of not causing sudden crashes?)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #58 on: July 14, 2018, 06:50:14 am »

I've made a Candy Corrector script ( for working around a bug causing candy spires that reach the 3:rd cavern in a world that has fewer than 3 cavern layers to disappear, and it works as far as I've seen. As part of that investigation I also extended spires to the 1:st cavern and embarked to see that it worked. However, some care has to be taken when hacking spires, as the structures are only loaded in the current context, leading DF to crash if you try to change things out of context (so, crashing while hacking if not careful, but not later). I've never hacked volcanoes, but they seem to work essentially the same as spires. I've hacked in rivers (which access the same data structure), but never tried to add spires or volcanoes, and adding extra spires may or may not cause trouble in DF, as the number is fixed, currently.
"There's no tool for it" in the previous post basically means that it should be possible to do provided you know enough to do it, but it's not easy enough that you can describe it in a few easy steps (I know roughly what would need to be done, but would need to investigate to find the details).


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: DF v0.44.02+ Worldgen Cookbook Thread
« Reply #59 on: July 14, 2018, 02:30:57 pm »

Okay, that sounds like a deeper dive into Lua scripting than I feel ready for (and asking someone to do that kind of !SCIENCE! for a one-off request like this doesn't feel quite right), so I'd like to request something hopefully much less difficult: a 3x3-4x4 embark with a volcano near the centre of the embark with at some of it Sinister/Haunted/Terrifying, a river, iron, and flux if possible.

Also, can't things like beast/titan counts be manipulated through simple advanced worldgen options, instead of Biome Manipulator techniques?
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