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Author Topic: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard  (Read 6661 times)

escaped lurker

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[SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« on: October 26, 2017, 05:36:10 pm »

The Sell-Swords Hoard
Title your ass! Territory your ass! The bastards just weren't able or willing to pay up, is all there is to it!


As you have often done in recent weeks, you do once more; Looking over the official document, held in a most cursive orcish script, and certified by the Patriarch of the Den'gal Union himself – damn goblin bastard.

Besides your I) Name and II) Gender, the parchment also sees it fit to inform, that you are, indeed, a blight elf. Facts, that find you adequately surprised – you'd not have known otherwise, surely. It then goes on to declare you a lesser noble of the union, an Independent Chieftain, which also makes your newly gained lands an autonomous chiefdom. It goes without saying, that the land remains as a protectorate under the influence of the union. Still, it is said chiefdom, which is the target of your current ire.


You and your compatriots, are currently camped out on one of the local hills, huddled around campfires among the ruins of a previous settlement. According to hearsay that you gathered while travelling here, the settlement was abandoned during the previous war, and subsequently razed by the local wildlife. Who knew calling back all the soldiers stationed there, and then drafting half of the war-ready menfolk, could have such consequences? You, actually. And everybody else with half a brain. There was after all a reason, as to why those soldiers were stationed here in the first place. The same reason, actually, why the place was razed in such a short time, too.
Putting it politely, the surroundings are a tad hostile.

III) If someone were to ask you though, you'd give it to them straight;

A - This place is a blasted Swamp!
A black morass, filled with mosquitoes, poisonous creatures and reptiles of all sorts and sizes – the later of which, seems to go for all of the local wildlife. Truth be told, the leather of the beasts, might even fetch a nice price, but still.

B - This place is a damned Desert!
A dry patch of badlands, inhabited by inferior, barely sentient beast-races - and the vicious prey they stalk. Or are stalked by - it goes both ways for them, hereabouts. Truth be told, there are rare plants scattered about, and the hunting is also good, but still.

C - This place is properly Cursed!
A bleak, accursed plain, the former proving grounds of multiple great battles in a war dating back a few centuries – though it seems most of the old warriors, still roam about. Truth be told, the unique environment has given rise to some rare products, but still.


In simple terms, you have been duped. Neither the peerage, nor the land that comes with it, is worth the ten-thousand gold of bonus, that was initially promised to you.
You knew as much from the get-go, but didn't expect it to be as bad as it turned out to be. Even then, settling down in the union with proper rights, is a few smidgens better than banditry. Or so you thought.

IV) At the very least, there also is a silver lining in this mess;

A - Trade-Route:
Unmaintained because of the war, it could easily open up with a bit of military action from your troops.
Judging by how well-worn the road is, you expect the toll you can impose as the local lord to bring in a small / good / substantial amount of coins.

B - Mineral Wealth:
The swamp is littered with bog iron, and trees for coal aren't that hard to come by either.
While dry for most of the year, the rivers here are known to hold a worthwhile amount of gold.
The war was partly started because of the local gem mines – which remain unexploited till today.

C - Lands Bounty:
A sizeable stretch of farm-land, claimed from the bog by the previous inhabitants, is now yours.
A fertile oasis, a patch of green land in the otherwise barren landscape, promises self-sufficiency.
A stretch of forest, has held out against the undead corruption surrounding it. You wonder how...

D - Well Rested:
Screw your title, screw this stretch of land, and screw the patriarch, too!
Your troops are rested, and from tomorrow on, you will take the gold that is owed to you – by force.

Nothing much to say. I hope the "multiple choices" of IV) don't bring any confusion - but I found it almost impossible to find any boons that can fit in the three different "starting biomes".
Initially I also planned on giving a choice for multiple races, but after writing the first one - the blight elves - I found them charming enough to simply go ahead with them.

escaped lurker

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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2017, 05:36:40 pm »

Lore Tidbits
  • Blight Elves
    An elven line which infused itself with demon blood, they have retained the magic aptitude and dark practices of their ancestors. Most of their numbers are "blessed" with the odd demonic feature, and even the worst among them can muster a few spells in their arsenal. Known to practice daemonology and other dark crafts, they are strongly disdained by most of their cousins, a stance the less scrupulous humanoid races and individuals tend to share.

  • The Den'gal Union
    Originally a congregation of orcoid races, those still account for about a third of the populace, and most of the political power. Over the course of the last two centuries, various expansions, mostly fuelled by conquest, or the threat of it, gave rise to that change.
    Nowadays beastkin represent about half of the population – but as they are splintered into their specific tribes, alliances and interests, they can not be counted as a single entity. In third place in terms of power and population, are various human communities, some of which have fully integrated. Most of them though, especially those in the more recently acquired regions, still dreamt of independence. A dream that was recently shattered in a civil war of three years, in which you participated in during the later two.
    On another note, the union is also home to several elven minorities, most notably a vassal nation of savage wood-elves. You guess your own kind, might now also be counted as one of these minorities.

  • Demonic Boons
    As one of the leading authorities on demons in the central continent – or at least, among those races that venture on the surface of it – the blight elves have access to many benefits that come with the territory.

    By which means the blight elves have stumbled upon the methods for their exceedingly favourable demon-contracts, might be a secret lost to time. The strength that comes with their beloved possession-contracts though, is not.
    While gifting their pacted demons with a soul speeds up their acclimatization and inert affinity with it, there is an upper limit to this, and thus such methods are normally considered a waste. If souls are currently superfluous though, they may be sacrificed to speed that process along, especially in case of promising individuals.

    Tearing a rift into the fabric of reality, and pulling a demon through it for a temporary amount of time, is a standard technique, as far as warlocks go. To call forth a greater demon, is something the blight elves make seem far easier, than it is for most others.

    Greater Translocations:
    While the price to activate one of their famed portals is enough to beggar smaller kingdoms, blight elves are among the few races that are - in theory - capable of instant transportation over greater distances. Despite their ludicrous price, and to the relief of many outsiders that know about this, these portals don't hold out for long. One rather commonly known use of their portals, is to evacuate at least parts of their clans from a doomed siege at their doorstep.

    Blight elves are infamous for sacrificing slaves, captures and prisoners of war to demons, especially as a bargaining chip to call forth greater demons for the purpose of war. In especially dire circumstances, they might even sacrifice their own to do so.
    They also are adept at handling souls themselves, using their inherent energy to create various enchantments, which tend to be a bit stronger than those commonly available. Not, that they have a monopoly, or better enchantments than races more focused on them, but as they are not shy about their methods, they simply tend to employ more of them than is overall regarded as “common”.

    Special Resources:
    It is not unusual for blight elves to call forth demons, which in exchange gift them with resources of their own make. Disregarding more common resources produced this way, below are those worth of mention.

    Fire: Hellfire. Blinding, liquid flames, that may cinder even rock. Ethereal, short-lived, and highly destructible.
    Earth: Demons of earth, are quite adept at calling forth the same. It is not unusual for permanent blight-elf settlements, to have fortifications made by them, especially if the surrounding environment lacks more durable types of stone.
    Venom: While hallowed bound with a venomous demon, are often capable of calling forth rather nasty concoctions, their skill pales in comparison to what a summoned demon may create. Such high-class poisons, are generally referred to as “Demon Bile”, tend to be highly magical, and quite devastating.
    Metal: While extremely costly, powerful demons may create metals normally not native to this plane, some of which are blessed with attributes that defy, bend or distort the rules inherent to it. Working such metals, tends to be even more dangerous than the weapons crafted from them – but ever so often, it proves itself a worthwhile gamble.
    Emotional: BoUnDlEsS iNsAnItY, iN vArYiNg FlAvOuRs.  Granted, some nobles try their luck with demons of lust at times. They don't tend to last long. Other emotions, tend to be even more disrupting, with most warlocks mostly staying clear of such demons, more than justified.
    Death: Secrets. Many Secrets. Untold amounts of Secrets. Staggering stores of Secrets. The whole Secret? Prepare thousands upon thousands of sacrifices.
    Information:While unfathomably vast to mortal minds, the outer planes in which demons reside, tend to be connected. Transmitting information through them, is unreliable, costs souls, and is thus used rather sparingly, reserved only for important information.
« Last Edit: November 04, 2017, 04:52:16 pm by escaped lurker »

Maximum Spin

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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2017, 05:57:02 pm »

1) Cedarcoil; 2) Male; 3)B; 4)C.


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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #3 on: October 26, 2017, 06:15:38 pm »

Scarroc, Male
C - Cursed!
C - Lands Bounty
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2017, 07:20:34 pm »

1) Cedarcoil; 2) Male; 3)B; 4)C.

Egyptians we will be.



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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #5 on: October 26, 2017, 07:31:16 pm »

Elderic charcoalpint, Male
C - Cursed!
C - Lands Bounty
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #6 on: October 26, 2017, 08:36:39 pm »

Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.

escaped lurker

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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2017, 06:40:53 pm »

Turn II

While stewing yourself over the topic of your inadequate holdings, your musings are abruptly interrupted. The one to do so, is Ashting, a loud holler of “Co~il!” making its way to your tent.
You might have told your cousin hundreds of times, to always call you captain in public - but by now, have all but given up on the endeavour. As soon as a situation turns risky or sour, your cousin tends to forego decorum, and with it your title.
It even works out somehow, as “Coil” still means it isn't that bad yet, just unfortunate. Once she simply calls you “Bro” though, it would immediately alarm and rise the whole camp. A rare occurrence, luckily.

“Coil! Trouble.”, your vice-captain, slightly out of breath, claims upon entering the tent. You don't say, Ash. Half the camp, already knows as much by now. A rise of your eyebrows, unlocks the rest of her message.
“Seems the local fauna has noticed us. Also seems like they want to pay us a visit.”
“Scouts, or”, “Scouts.”, you are interrupted. Which is well.
You only arrived here this evening, and the wards of alarm that have been set up, are unsatisfactory for a permanent camp. If the scouts noticed them, you will have enough time to make yourself presentable.

Deigning her answer with only a nod, you proceed to change out of your nightly silks, and into your daytime wear. Or rather, your combat equipment. Leaving your tent inadequately equipped, would not only embarrass you, but also serve to un-nerve your soldiers without cause. Neither is there any cause to mind your vice-captain – you have grown up together with the girl, only five years your junior, and have seen plenty of each other.
Though for the record, let it be said – your families are way too close already. No healthy child would come of your union, nor have you ever seen her that way. Well, after adolescence, that is.

You equip your gear, which, aside of denoting your position of Captain, also specifies I)Your Abilities;

I-I) Hallow
Most senior or talented blight elves of martial professions, enter a pact of possession.
Their ability to use the inherent ability of their contracted demons, and the demonic possession itself, is a great boon during combat.

1) Vanguard:
Possessed Warrior. You favour a secure approach, clad in heavy armour. Choose 3 fitting proficiencies, and a demonic aptitude. (Specific Weaponry, Shield and Cavalry Training, are examples)

2) Reaver:
Possessed Warrior. You favour an agile approach, combining sorcery and dual-wielding. An elven blade-dancer, of sorts. Choose a demonic aptitude.

Possessed Warrior. You favour the bow, and spells to enhance the same. Not an uncommon specification, as far as elves go. Choose a demonic aptitude, and a minor melee proficiency.


I-II) Warlock
The bread and butter of blight elves, any of their casters are commonly referred to as warlocks from those unaware of their finer distinctions.
While their focused conjurers enter a pact of possession, their kabalists deal in pacts of servitude.

1) Conjurer:
Possessed Mage. You have sought out a demon, supportive to your inborn aptitude. Spells of that element, receive a substantial increase in raw power. Choose a demonic aptitude.

2) Kabbalist:
Pact Mage. You are privy to the finer details of summoning, which also translates into lesser abilities of translocation on the worldly plane. Choose which two demons you have bound - a Common, and a Lesser one.

3) Enchanter:
Utility Mage. While not in the spotlight of combat, enchanters are the back-bone of blight-elf society. Besides strengthening their warriors with enchanted gear, they are also particuary skilled in a variety of spells, wards among them.


III) Possession Pacts
After their adolescence, most blight-elf professions are heavily encouraged to enter a pact of possession with a demon. One, of course, which compliments their inborn aptitudes.
Being linked to such a demon, does not only allow one to call it forth in co-possession in battle, but also serves for a vast increase in strength. The bond with the demon, also increases the aptitude towards the creatures element - a slowly rising, but permanent boon. Those with a high enough aptitude, may even gain access to the demons inherent abilities for themselves.

A contract on such favourable terms, is difficult to get for most of those dabbling in daemonology. Even blight elves, experts on this topic, have to pay some form of tribute.
The most common forms of payment are 1) Mana, 2) Bloodshed, 3) Souls, or 4) Periods of demonic possession for earthly delights.

IV) Demonic Aptitudes
There are untold plethoras of demons, though most of them can be attributed to an element. The most common ones, are listed bellow.
(While demons of emotion also do exist, they are among the most difficult to control - enough so that even blight elves tend to avoid them on principle.)

A) Fire: A straight-up, destructive choice, fire is easily the most devastating element of all.
B) Darkness: Another favourite, with many subtle debilitating effects, but constricted offensive use.
C) Wind: A favourite of bow-users for obvious reasons, the invisible spells of mages, are not less lethal.
D) Earth: More of a defensive element, it is not difficult to use it offensively against non-agile opponents.
E) Ice: Crystallized water, is a fine offensive choice – and cold, a debilitating affliction against most.
F) Water: A versatile element, which tends to find itself in more of a supporting role, than an offensive one.
G)Venom: A tad misleading, demons of this element also grant control over illness and similar afflictions.
H) Lightning: A rare aptitude to have, spells of this element are feared by all those who bear metal.
I) Metal: The most difficult element to summon outright. Manipulating existing material, is enough to prove exceptionally lethal.
J) Death: One of the very few taboos among blight elves, it is widely known that a good deal of “successful” (read, “devastating”) necromancers, hailed from their lines.

Having donned your equipment, an amorous whistle sounds throughout your tent.
“Shut up, Ash. Explain on the way.”
If she ever will grow above such humour, is a mystery even to you.

Whew. All these choices. I know I should have made it less confusing (Enchanters get no demon nor attribute, Kabalists get no possession but two demon choices), but I got carried away. Te-he. ;3
I even had to cut this update in two. Which I noticed, after writing the later part. >>
In the good news, the third turn is more or less complete already~. Might even do two updates tomorrow. (No promises on that, though.)
Edit: Cleared up for clarity, and some mistakes. Edit2: Ammended speech-formating.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 03:07:47 pm by escaped lurker »


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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2017, 07:16:32 pm »

I-II) Warlock
1) Conjurer
2) Bloodshed
I) Metal
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.

Maximum Spin

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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2017, 09:53:43 pm »

I-II, Warlock, 2, Kabbalist. Common Ice, lesser Lightning. No wonder you hate being in the desert so much! It doesn't suit your powers at all.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2017, 03:08:23 pm by Maximum Spin »


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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2017, 10:08:26 pm »

I-I Hallow
3 Ranger
4 Earthly delights
A Fire

Egyptian Ho, let us become a pharaoh
Battleships Hurl insults from behind thick walls, Destroyers beat up small children, Carriers stay back in the kitchen, and Cruisers are a bunch of tryhards who pretend to be loners.


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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #11 on: October 28, 2017, 01:27:07 am »

Hopefully I got this right or at least close. :P

Quote from: Turn II Choices
I-I) Hallow: 1) Vanguard | Proficiencies: Spear, Shield, Unarmed Combat | Elemental Aptitude: D) Earth

III) Possession Pacts: 1) Mana

IV) Demonic Aptitudes: G)Venom
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escaped lurker

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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #12 on: October 28, 2017, 02:11:42 am »

Hopefully I got this right or at least close. :P
Close, it is. Elemental Aptitude / Demonic Aptitude, is the same choice. Seems I forgot to match the specific words used. My bad, the text has been ammended.
Having said that, you only get one elemental choice.

On a similiar matter, I'll take it that Maximum Spin's character is a Kabbalist, due to the two demons - and not an enchanter which sneaked itself in somehow.

With four different characters, and no votes on them yet, I guess this might still take a while to resolve. In the meantime, here's a lore tidbit, for those interested.


The Den'gal Union
Originally a congregation of orcoid races, those still account for about a third of the populace, and most of the political power. Over the course of the last two centuries, various expansions, mostly fuelled by conquest, or the threat of it, gave rise to that change.
Nowadays beastkin represent about half of the population – but as they are splintered into their specific tribes, alliances and interests, they can not be counted as a single entity. In third place in terms of power and population, are various human communities, some of which have fully integrated. Most of them though, especially those in the more recently acquired regions, still dreamt of independence. A dream that was recently shattered in a civil war of three years, in which you participated in during the later two.
On another note, the union also is home to several elven minorities, most notably a vassal nation of savage wood-elves. You guess your own kind, might now also be counted as one of these minorities.


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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #13 on: October 28, 2017, 10:21:18 am »

I-II) Warlock
1) Conjurer
2) Bloodshed
I) Metal
Max avatar size is 80x80

escaped lurker

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Re: [SG] The Sell-Swords Hoard
« Reply #14 on: October 28, 2017, 03:06:54 pm »

Turn IIV

The two of you make a hasty pace towards the command tent, a short walk away from your tent, and currently under the supervision of your vice-captain. Or so it would be, weren't she currently walking besides you, giving her report of the situation.

While she talks, you do a quick check of your equipment – you did the same half a candle before your unsuccessful attempt at sleep, but making sure has grown into a habit.
Most important and valuable part of your war-gear, is your spell-silver staff, a great focus for any mage, but doubly so for you. Melding it into other forms, is far easier to do than with other metals, and serves you well in melee combat. Not that you experience it much outside of training, but it does happens at times.
The only metal you can control easier than your staff, is your own - the pact with your demon (it would stir at the mere thought of its name, of which you will abstain for now ), has long since gifted you with nails and teeth of silver. Normal silver, but yours. You much prefer to use the staff though, instead of ripping out your nails or teeth. Very, very much so, in fact. Giving yourself a different set of teeth, though, was a guilty past-time of yours at the start. After the second time you almost bit of your tongue, you stopped doing that. Which was two decades ago, mind you.

On the belt which holds your enchanted robe in its place, are several satchels filled with more mundane metals, mostly marble-sized steel balls, but also all kinds of oxidised metals. Your robe itself has also several special pockets, filled with much of the same. The reason for carrying steel, is that melding existing material, allows you to cast far more spells. Even temporary metal takes a lot out of the caster, while conjuring it true is almost a fools errand.

The spells you commonly use the steel with, are the aptly named “Bolt Salvo” and “Harpoon Shot”, but such names are more for the benefit of ones comrades, than an actual necessity of casting. For example you often cast a “Mace Shot” on heavily armoured enemies.The important bit, is to not inconvenience anyone from your own side with your spells, especially during battle.

The different kinds of rust, are used in one of your most effective long-range spells - “Rust Cloud” turns the targeted kind of metal, and alloys based on it, into brittle scrap, and with that their wearers into easy kills.
Even deadlier, but also far more taxing, is your “Cold Smelt”, which you can only cast on closer targets. The effect, is as simple as it is deadly, with metals turning into an oozing liquid, not fit for attacking nor protection.

Finding everything in order, and your mana reserves acceptable, you conclude your check as successfully completed.


There aren't many details of your assumed enemies yet, so while on the way, you quickly become privy to the following details.
Your nightly visitors, are a presumed raiding party of badger-beasts, over a hundred strong, and moving towards your position.
It will take them at the very least a full candle to do so, even if they were to change into a quick march.
The scouts sent a message upon first notice, and should have more details by now. Which they do.

Arriving at the tent, you quickly take a seat at the table, and activate one of the more expensive artefacts that is in possession of your band -  a lesser message stone. The three fistfuls of crystal, can only reach around five leagues of distance at most, instead of connecting different countries, but that much is already plenty for your needs.

You are greeted by the one holding on to its sibling, a wood-elven and gnoll halfblood, the head scout of the band and only mutt-blood in your employ, that you would brand as invaluable. Kirmik is a revolting sort of mixture, even going by low half-elven standards, but he is more than worthy of his position. His elven heritage has gifted him with common intelligence, while his lesser heritage has strengthened his instincts to a staggering degree. It isn't uncommon for him to find enemies, long before any of the wards do, often even while they are far out of sight, even against the wind. Best part of all, is that he has become hooked since being gifted a pact with a lesser demon. Your promises of further power are more than enough to keep him loyal and where you want him - which incidentially is here, as your head scout.

His follow-up report, is far more detailed.
The raiding party hasn't changed course, and is about a measly 150 strong – at which you can only snort. The beasts are as dumb as they are unprepared, as you have close to double that number in heads alone. That is not taking into account that the beasts have armed themselves with simple bone and copper weaponry, shoddy short-bows, and their elite warriors may even sport a scale-armour made from the local beasts, instead of simple leathers.

“Two companies, should do plenty.”, is your assessment after hearing the report.
This, gives the tent a short pause. Sending a third less than the enemies numbers, should prove an easy battle by your estimates, though Ashting voices another option.
“Going by their equipment, couldn't one company of cavalry do?”
"They seem pretty brawny. If they would resist instead of fleeing, they might manage to take down a few horses with them."
You find that would be far too heavy a price to pay, and the other two agree. The half-gnoll offers up that having even numbers, would give an even more dominating victory.
He has a good point, but doing so would screw up the night rotation more than needed – you'd really like to give the soldiers their deserved rest.

After some back and forth, your decision is the following;

II) Pick two to three companies for the task at hand.
I) For that, pick the Troop Composition of your mercenary band bellow, and appoint your vice-captain to one of them.


In line with the low fertility of your race, you lead only three companies of your people. Most of those men and women, hail from your own clan, though there have been some sign-ups since you succeeded the position short of a decade ago. That being said, you also command two companies of "mutt-bloods", filled with people that need to fulfil but one requirement – to have at least a quarter of elven blood. Most of your cousin races, wouldn't think to recognize, much less enlist and work with half-breeds. For mercenary work, the lot serves just fine though. At the very least, their competence still stands above most races, as diluted their blood might be.
That among them there is a number of full-blooded outcasts and former slaves from other elven tribes, and plenty of blight-elf bastards as well, might also have something to do with that stance. For the later, you blame those males among your kind, which have bound a demon via carnal tribute. Not that it matters. Much.

I) Troop Composition
You have 3 “Points” to spend on the selection of your troops.
The several wagon-loads of riches and plunder that you currently carry with you from the war, might be traded and worked into another 1 of those. Choose accordingly.

Mutt-Blood Units
Pick two at your discretion.
Spoiler: Have your pick (click to show/hide)

Blight Elf Units
Pick three at your discretion. Decide which of them is led by your vice-captain.
Spoiler: Have your pick (click to show/hide)

End of the rail-road. The choices will be far more free-form from now on.
I'm a bit hung up about my text formating though - it seems.. drab, for a lack of better words. Any thoughts on how to better that / what you might find wrong with it, would be appreciated.
(I mean, giving their speech another font, helped loads. But the rest of the text, still seems lacking to me.)
In other news, the background of this work, is growing. By which I mean that I have fun writing "around" it. Map is also a WIP. Don't expect it next turn.
Right, right. Before I forget; Can you see the hidden messages? ;3
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