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| Yo. |
| The Rundverstand The Rundverstand is a species with some telepathic tendencies. They share a weak form of a hive mind and seem to be empathic towards other living beings. They believe in a deity that's said to be able to create things out of nothing and even control living beings directly. They can connect to trees telepathically and influence them.
Puppies Puppies were created by the deity. They are cute and cuddly and obviously not dangerous to the Rundverstand. They can change their color. They don't seem to like books falling from the sky. Black puppies seem to be more protective. White puppies seem more curious.
Trees Trees are tall but some are short. Some have green heads, some don't. They don't move. Puppies seem to have no problems with them. Trees seem to become more lively when Rundverstands connect telepathically to them. They carry big, yellow fruits.
Winged Monkeys They have wings. They seem to like to climb around in trees. They seem to be peaceful.
Mouth holes They look like mouths. They open and close during the day. Most of them contain unknown amounts of water. The water is drinkable. They are connected to the giant fork. Some of them grow eye stalks which seem to generate creation power.
Big hole The hole is deep. The hole is dark. Warm air is coming from the hole. Flutter hands came from the hole.
Bushes They seem to grow anywhere. They carry medium-sized, pink fruits.
Darkfruit They grow on bushes. They seem to change color when dropped from the bushes after a while.
Dark grass It seems to grow anywhere.
Giant fork It vibrates constantly, making living beings around it feel good and more healthy. It sticks out of a large bee hive. It shines in a green aura. It is relaxing to look at. It seems to store the power of creation. It seems to generate power of creation using the eye stalks. Once your power is depleted, the stored power seems to get transferred to you all at once.
Large bee hive It grows around the foot of the giant fork. The bees are humming around busily. Sometimes they seem to sporadically come together. Their combined humming feels either right or wrong, like they answer a question with yes or no. The bees feed honey directly into the mouths of nearby living beings, but only if they did good. The bees radiate a sense of safety. They seem protective of Rundverstands and the giant fork.
Cave The cave is quite dark. Red eyes live in the cave.
Whisperers They live in the darkness. They whisper mostly nonsense. Sometimes they seem to whisper useful things. They are not dangerous.
Eye stalks They grow out of mouth holes. They are shining in a green light. They look around randomly, never blinking. They seem to be passive and not reacting to anything specific.
Turtles They have a green pattern on their backs. They are super cute. Puppies like them. They bring joy to Rundverstands hearts.
Note worms Note worms appear after no noticeable pattern. They produce clear tones and together create songs of happiness and joy.
Flutter hands They came out of the big hole. They seem to like to sit in trees.
Clouds They are blue and purple colored. They bring rain.
Mud bricks Made by mixing dirt with water, putting it into a form and letting it dry. Can be used to build structures.
Pickaxe Has something to do with conductive ore.
Cup It fell from the sky. It is blue. It can hold liquids and other things.
Ley lines Green, glowing lines between the eye stalks and the hive. They seem to transport power generated by the eye stalks.
Mud It is brown and muddy. It can be used to make mud bricks using a form.
Brick form Made of wood. Used to make mud bricks by letting mud dry in it.
Shingle form Made of wood. Used to make mud shingles by covering parts of it in mud and letting it dry.
Mud shingles Made by mixing dirt with water, covering parts of a shingle form with it and letting it dry. Can be used to build roofs.
You try to stop the rain. To slow it down. To change it. It doesn't work.
While you brought the clouds into existence, the rain comes from a power above you.
Compared to beings like the Rundverstands, you seem to be omnipotent, and yet you are still one amongst many, some of which much more powerful than you will ever be.
Whoever brought the rain, it is not in your power to influence it. All you can do is help the Rundverstand to prepare.
That's why you decide to help them a bit with the house. You create a few bricks on your own and they eagerly add them to the house until the walls are done.
Then you give them a shingle and a form to help make new ones.
While your umbrella will keep most of the house from getting wet, it will not be there forever.
The Rundverstand catching the whisperer decides that it is not dangerous and lets it back into the cave.
On its way back down it whispers "Purple rain - purple raaaaain..." "I'm not a bat. Why do I look like one?" "Don't be afraid!" "Change can be good"