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Author Topic: Cyberdwarf: Concession and Cancellation in a Far-Future Fortress  (Read 14771 times)


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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #75 on: October 20, 2017, 03:50:45 pm »

Cazin slowly draws in his legs and assumes a fetal position. He then just waits.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #76 on: October 20, 2017, 03:52:01 pm »

Try to Survive for a bit longer.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #77 on: October 21, 2017, 08:26:22 am »

"Oh no! She's too fast for me! She keeps dodging away! I hope she doesn't dodge sixteen urists to the left, I'd be truly defeated if that happened!"
Slash at her with the fire axe, intentionally missing so she dodges back up into a nearby glowing pit.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #78 on: October 21, 2017, 06:15:10 pm »

Cazin slowly draws in his legs and assumes a fetal position. He then just waits.

[The Beat of Cannon Fire: 6]

The room begins to rock within the next minute, the tenement seemingly among the first targets of the artillery barrage - you dimly sense walls crack in the distance, the building softly leaning as increasingly large parts of it cease to be there. The room leans as well, the third dining chair falling over.

You look again at the wall, and notice that there's a crack on it right where the figure had indicated. You ponder this fact as you roll slightly away to not be right under the crack as it continues to spread to encompass the room. You hear the demons awakening outside, the beat of several hundred pairs of wings as they sally outward from the ruptured building, the cussing of the throne-dwarf as structural integrity parameters for the building begin to come up less than promising.

Shortly afterward the floor begins to collapse, the room having fallen to a full 45 degree angle - the power goes out for a second and you see the dwarf begin to spasm for a second or two as he slams another button, a nuclear cell humming to life somewhere in the guts of the room as the lights come on again. There is a moment where the room rumbles, followed by silence.

Then the entire room falls like a single capsule, untethered from the structure of the building as you feel weightless - there is a partly digitized 'shiiii-' from your affixed friend as you drop a few more stories than you recall this building being tall, crashing into what must assuredly be a crater.

[The Great Crash: 5]

You're obviously unhurt, having taken care to assume the fetal position beforehand so that you can protect your actual vitals with your miner-grade skull, and despite having no real range of movement in that chair the sessile dwarf looks to have been merely yanked slightly out of his position, which he takes a moment to carefully plug himself back into with what little remains of his limbs.

The explosions continue, but more distant. The sensors have gone completely dark. Nevertheless you seem to have weathered a salvo of police artillery, not something most fortified apartments with crazy dwarves in them can claim!

Try to Survive for a bit longer.

You use the commotion to dive out of immediate range, disappearing into one of the many completely unused trashcans of the Back Alley Outside Space, letting the lid slip mostly over your head as you peek out and watch the waitress duel that creepy demon who was following you and, strangely enough, emerging momentarily victorious as the demon-dwarf is kicked in the face, beaten over the head and dropped into the pit - there is a terrible sound like screams, laughter and most of all promises of a soon return. Oh dear. She seems to have gotten intrigued.

[Totally Defensible: 4]

The demons look spooked at this sudden defeat of what you're fairly sure now was some kind of greater fiend - they watch the waitress as she stands on her roller skates, trying to pass this triumph off like it weren't no thing. A few look suddenly terribly apprehensive about the approaching rain of sanctified high explosives. Several look hungry enough to try and go for the waitress anyway.

In any case, nobody is looking at you right now. If ever there was a time to slip away, this'd be the one. Before Nuxkagoslust comes back.

"Oh no! She's too fast for me! She keeps dodging away! I hope she doesn't dodge sixteen urists to the left, I'd be truly defeated if that happened!"
Slash at her with the fire axe, intentionally missing so she dodges back up into a nearby glowing pit.

As you bring your axe into the fray, the demoness is driven back ever so slightly by your increased reach, looking for openings in your swing as the two of you maneuver, you on roller skates as you break out all you've learned from decades of roller derby experience, the demoness merely on her feet as she makes do with being tenuously bound by the laws of physics.

[She's A Maniac: 5 vs. 4]

She tries to circle, but you cut her off, pushing her back onward and onward, warding her through the Back Alley as her many grins spread wider and wider - she believes she is exhausting you, that you're going to slip up sooner or later. She's right, of course, but you make sure that you slip up on your own terms. Those terms naturally involve a glowing pit - you swing and overextend, and you sense the slightest hesitation before she dives for the opening, reaching out both of her clawed hands, only to find no purchase as you shift into shadow form and momentarily discorporate to appear right behind her - you hoped that she'd tumble into the pit on her own, which sadly she does not.

As she begins to turn around to face you, you're already swinging the axe - her hands reach up and catch it right before it would make contact with her had, her body not so much turning as reshaping itself to look your way with a playful sort of snarl as she opens her mouth to-

Suddenly the alleyway shakes, and you hear the telltale sounds of a good carpet bombing starting maybe a block away. You do not look away from the fight - the demoness, momentarily complacent, does. So you do the sensible thing and kick her in the face something fierce, seize the axe from her hands and bean her over the head (you do use the sharp end, but it doesn't seem to help matters) with it nicely, and finally sweep her feet out from under her and let her drop into the pit, which she does with what sounds like shrieking laughter.

The demons observing watch in shock and horror, and also mild curiosity at the approaching sound of heavy artillery about to rain down on the block.

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #79 on: October 21, 2017, 06:18:06 pm »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #80 on: October 21, 2017, 08:21:54 pm »

Cazin looks for some debris (shouldn't be hard to find) and hides under it.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #81 on: October 22, 2017, 02:49:05 pm »

Sorry for my absence.

Cast Protection From Holy Weapons (a very useful spell for an undead creature to have) on myself (and on Enir and the weird dwarf-guy, if they want to receive the spell as well).

Then make a wall of spooky ghost-flames that can't actually harm anything (but are supernaturally scary) across the entrance to the alleyway.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #82 on: October 22, 2017, 10:28:06 pm »

"Hwaaaaaak... Ptoooo!"  spits into glowing pit
Dig in my six inch heels and brace for impact.
Also, graciously accept the spell from Jal.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #83 on: October 23, 2017, 05:37:07 am »


[Urist Come Home: 3+1]

You've had just about enough of this, you say to yourself as suddenly you find yourself harmlessly and darkly aflame, pausing in your escape attempt to stop, drop and roll before realizing that it doesn't seem to be burning you, only some other kind of damned soul. Filing this issue away at a lower priority for later, you dive for the nearest gutter - home isn't very close from here at all, but you've got much better chances underground than you do in the middle of all this shit.

With a Herculean effort you rip the grate out of the gutter and slide in, greased by fear and desperation as you slide down the tiny shaft and into the cramped sewer, made just large enough to inconvenience a sewage worker in their daily grind. This proves to be a pretty good decision on your part, as no sooner have you done this than you hear the deafening roar of an alleyway exploding up above you, artillery reducing it to dust within seconds.

[Footsteps In The Dark: 1]

As you wedge yourself into the service passage, you hear a sound from the direction you're fairly sure home was in - it sounds like whispers, the beating of soft and membranous wings, and of course the unquenchable spite and bloodlust of many millennia. Seems like someone else had the same idea as you!

Cazin looks for some debris (shouldn't be hard to find) and hides under it.

[Gimme Shelter: 6+1]

You cast a critical eye around the tilted room as the dwarf on the throne continues to cuss and fidget with his setup. There's a lot of debris, sure enough, but very little of it seems like it'd protect you as opposed to just crush you under it when the next artillery salvo comes in. Fine line to walk with debris, you recall from your mining days. Not nearly as good as-

-hang on, you wonder as you look at the throne, noticing a sparking component slightly poking out. Is that... you walk closer up, unnoticed by your host, and put your hands solidly on it. Looking up, you see he's still busy with his interface, and proceed to yank it out of its slot. Your friend immediately turns around - hey, that's his-

There's a pause as he looks at the module in your hands, and you simultaneously push some very particular buttons. A gauss turret levels with your head and fires off a salvo. The rounds fly through the air and stop about five feet from you as a resonant hum kicks up from the module in your hands, then fall to the ground.

Holding the spy-grade advanced vehicle shield module in your hands, you start grinning. This thing won't last a long time, maybe ten minutes, but it will protect you from anything short of a tactical nuke during that time period.

The other dwarf starts fidgeting rapidly with his controls in response, and you feel the room start to hum under your feet as generators kick into high gear.

Sorry for my absence.

Cast Protection From Holy Weapons (a very useful spell for an undead creature to have) on myself (and on Enir and the weird dwarf-guy, if they want to receive the spell as well).

Then make a wall of spooky ghost-flames that can't actually harm anything (but are supernaturally scary) across the entrance to the alleyway.

[Save Me, Dark Powers: 1+1]

You summon the powers of darkness itself to fortify your essence and fill you with resolve in the face of sanctified arms, and from your arms spring black flames that travel all around your body until you seem to be entirely on shadowy fire, smoke billowing from you in the shape of scenes of wild depravity beyond the wildest imaginings of mortal minds - it jumps to Enir first, then to the fleeing miner as he topples out of his trash can and begins to beat a hasty retreat, silhouetting all three of you in the alleyway even among the myriad disturbing shapes of demonkind swarming all around you and rendering you completely immune to any kind of religious iconography.

Sadly this does not at all apply to the napalm, high explosives and burning plasma also included in the munitions likely coming your way, but you figure the thought counts as the salvos draw closer and you aim your palms at the entrance of the alleyway.

[Wall of Fire: 2+1]

The fire jumps off your body and straight forward, spilling into a semicircle along the entrance to the alleyway before proceeding to rise in dark flames in its own right, filling the air with horrendous screams and snippets of the furthest reaches of experience, alien torments unknowable by earthbound intellects!

Needless to say, the demons love it, a bright spot in their day immediately interrupted by the artillery barrage to come.

[Brace For Impact: 3]

The building to your right is there one moment and gone the next as it is consumed in a sudden rising explosion of triple-threat artillery that forces you back to the other side of the alleyway, rolling along the ground as you come to a rest at the very trash can the escaping dwarf attempted to hide inside of, a timely counterexplosion of necromantic energy seemingly the only thing that stood between you and vaporization, or at least burns that'd take at least months to heal.

Peering over the ruins, you see the batteries the police have set up in the distance over five blocks of corpse-strewn rubble, the sudden demon infestation apparently having been taken as a priceless opportunity for urban redevelopment by the Houses of Commerce. You see a few demons taking flight in the distance and getting shot down by gauss snipers, magnetically propelled explosive smart rounds turning their skulls into red-green mist and sending them plummeting back down.

The wall you're resting up against has also seen better days - specifically it has seen them ten seconds ago, when it wasn't about to collapse on top of you any minute now.

"Hwaaaaaak... Ptoooo!"  spits into glowing pit
Dig in my six inch heels and brace for impact.
Also, graciously accept the spell from Jal.

You dig in your heels as dark flames start rising from your back and the demons begin to party around an unholy fire barrier, gauging the direction the sounds are coming from - uh-huh, seems about right, so you need to face this way, strike a cool pose, look like this, and...

[Die of Fate: 4]

The salvo hits, and you are spontaneously vaporized - fortunately, you had the good judgment to also be vaporized the previous second, having taken the shape of a gentle darkly flaming mist as the shockwave briefly scatters you across the winds, and you momentarily resemble a plume of smoke before coming together all at once at the top of the cavern about a hundred feet up. You get a wicked rush of energy as your molecules rejoin and your body eases instinctively into a 5:1 glide, blazing a black trail in the air as you look down on the destruction below.

You enjoy the moment, mildly cognizant that you'll likely draw sniper fire from the security teams in maybe ten seconds at the latest.

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« Last Edit: October 23, 2017, 05:41:51 am by Harry Baldman »


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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #84 on: October 23, 2017, 05:49:38 am »

Oh. Okay.

Run. Run home. Just don't stop running.
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #85 on: October 23, 2017, 04:47:10 pm »

Cast Fortify Undead on Enir so that she won't be insta-gibbed by sniper fire that hits her (just maybe horribly wounded or something).

Then head towards the police encampment (preferably with Enir, if possible) while looking as innocent as possible (which probably means dismissing my Protection from Holy Weapons spell.
Seriously, ATHATH, we need to have an intervention about your death mug problem.
*slow clap* Well ATHATH congratulations. You managed to give the MC a mental breakdown before we even finished the first arc.
I didn't even read it first, I just saw it was ATHATH and noped it. Now that I read it x3 to noping


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #86 on: October 23, 2017, 05:15:54 pm »

Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #87 on: October 23, 2017, 05:59:01 pm »

ripping rings off a corpse's fingers, glances at Jal who may or may not be giving her a dirty look"Hey, if I died, this is what'd I want."
As me and Jal walk to the police, pilfer jewellery from dead dwarves. Chop their fingers and ears off if needed.
Put on the rings and bracelets and necklaces and underside piercings like I wear this much bling on a regular basis.

Harry Baldman

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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #88 on: October 23, 2017, 06:01:11 pm »

ripping rings off a corpse's fingers, glances at Jal who may or may not be giving her a dirty look"Hey, if I died, this is what'd I want."
As me and Jal walk to the police, pilfer jewellery from dead dwarves. Chop their fingers and ears off if needed.
Put on the rings and bracelets and necklaces and underside piercings like I wear this much bling on a regular basis.

You're actually 120 feet up in the air right now, gliding like a beastly night creature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Cyberdwarf: Abuse and Abasement in a Far-Future Fortress
« Reply #89 on: October 23, 2017, 06:06:29 pm »

That's a much more interesting position.
Glide on the wind, seeking to land beyond the police barricades (but close to them) and near a marketplace where I could find a construction crew and a good fence.
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